T46.14 JOURNAL OF THE APRIL 28 2. Mike Synar 22. Tom DeLay Mr. ROSE: Committee of Conference. Con- 3. Bill K. Brewster 23. Henry Bonilla ference report on H.R. 2. A bill to establish 4. Dave McCurdy 24. Martin Frost national voter registration procedures for 5. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. 25. Michael A. Andrews Federal elections, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 103±66). Ordered to be printed. 6. Glenn English 26. Richard K. Armey OREGON 27. Solomon P. Ortiz T46.15 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 28. Frank Tejeda 1. Elizabeth Furse Under clause 5 of rule X and clause 4 29. Gene Green 2. Robert F. (Bob) Smith of rule XXII, public bills and resolu- 30. E.B. Johnson 3. Ron Wyden tions were introduced and severally re- 4. Peter A. DeFazio UTAH ferred as follows: 5. Michael J. Kopetski 1. James V. Hansen 2. Karen Shepherd By Mr. GIBBONS: PENNSYLVANIA H.R. 1874. A bill to amend the Employee 3. Bill Orton 1. Thomas M. Foglietta Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and 2. Lucien E. Blackwell VERMONTÐAT LARGE the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 in order to 3. Robert A. Borski Bernard Sanders increase the adequacy and efficiency of the private pension system (consisting of em- 4. Ron Klink VIRGINIA 1. Herbert H. Bateman ployer and individual retirement plans) by 5. William F. Clinger, Jr. reducing pension vesting requirements, im- 6. Tim Holden 2. Owen B. Pickett proving the portability of earned pension 7. Curt Weldon 3. Robert C. Scott benefits, and encouraging the preservation of 8. James C. Greenwood 4. Norman Sisisky pension asset accumulations for use in re- 9. Bud Shuster 5. L.F. Payne tirement and for other purposes; jointly, to 10. Joseph M. McDade 6. Bob Goodlatte the Committees on Education and Labor and 11. Paul E. Kanjorski 7. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. Ways and Means. 8. James P. Moran By Mrs. MINK: 12. John P. Murtha H.R. 1875. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- 13. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky 9. Rick Boucher 10. Frank R. Wolf enue Code of 1986 with respect to the treat- 14. William J. Coyne ment of certain domestic services under the 15. Paul McHale 11. Leslie L. Byrne unemployment tax; to the Committee on 16. Robert S. Walker WASHINGTON Ways and Means. 17. George W. Gekas 1. Maria Cantwell By Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI (for himself 18. Rick Santorum 2. Al Swift and Mr. GIBBONS): 3. Jolene Unsoeld H.R. 1876. A bill to provide authority for 19. William F. Goodling the President to enter into trade agreements 20. Austin J. Murphy 4. Jay Inslee 5. Thomas S. Foley to conclude the Uruguay Round of multilat- 21. Thomas J. Ridge eral trade negotiations under the auspices of 6. Norman D. Dicks RHODE ISLAND the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 7. Jim McDermott 1. Ronald K. Machtley to extend tariff proclamation authority to 8. Jennifer Dunn 2. Jack Reed carry out such agreements, and to apply con- 9. Mike Kreidler gressional ``fast track'' procedures to a bill SOUTH CAROLINA WEST VIRGINIA implementing such agreements; jointly, to 1. Arthur Ravenel, Jr. 1. Alan B. Mollohan the Committees on Ways and Means and 2. Floyd Spence 2. Robert E. Wise, Jr. Rules. By Mr. ACKERMAN (for himself, Mr. 3. Butler Derrick 3. Nick Joe Rahall II 4. Bob Inglis HYDE, Mrs. SCHROEDER, and Mr. WISCONSIN 5. John M. Spratt, Jr. SMITH of New Jersey): 1. Les Aspin H.R. 1877. A bill to amend title I of the Em- 6. James E. Clyburn 2. Scott L. Klug ployee Retirement Income Security Act of SOUTH DAKOTAÐAT LARGE 3. Steve Gunderson 1974 to prohibit group health plans which Tim Johnson 4. Gerald D. Kleczka provide coverage of dependent children of participants from excluding from coverage TENNESSEE 5. Thomas M. Barrett dependent children placed with participants 1. James H. (Jimmy) Quillen 6. Thomas E. Petri for adoption, irrespective of whether the 2. John J. Duncan, Jr. 7. David R. Obey adoption has taken effect, and to prohibit re- 3. Marilyn Lloyd 8. Toby Roth strictions on coverage under such plans of 4. Jim Cooper 9. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. such children solely on the basis of preexist- 5. Bob Clement WYOMINGÐAT LARGE ing conditions at the time such children 6. Bart Gordon Craig Thomas would otherwise become eligible for cov- erage; to the Committee on Education and 7. Don Sundquist PUERTO RICOÐRESIDENT COMMISSIONER 8. John S. Tanner Labor. Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo By Mr. ANDREWS of New Jersey: 9. Harold E. Ford AMERICAN SAMOAÐDELEGATE H.R. 1878. A bill to amend the Occupational TEXAS Eni F.H. Faleomavaega Safety and Health Act of 1970 to provide for uniform warnings on personal protective 1. Jim Chapman DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAÐDELEGATE equipment for occupational use, and for 2. Charles Wilson Eleanor Holmes Norton 3. Sam Johnson other purposes; to the Committee on Edu- GUAMÐDELEGATE cation and Labor. 4. Ralph M. Hall Robert A. Underwood By Mr. ANDREWS of Texas: 5. John Bryant H.R. 1879. A bill to modify the boundaries VIRGIN ISLANDSÐDELEGATE 6. Joe Barton of Carlsbad Caverns National Park, and for 7. Bill Archer Ron de Lugo other purposes; to the Committee on Natural 8. Jack Fields Resources. T46.14 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON By Mr. BACCHUS of Florida: 9. Jack Brooks PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10. J.J. Pickle H.R. 1880. A bill to mitigate the adverse ef- fects on defense contractors and defense 11. Chet Edwards Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of committees were delivered to the Clerk workers of reductions in defense spending; 12. Pete Geren jointly, to the Committees on Armed Serv- 13. Bill Sarpalius for printing and reference to the proper ices; Small Business; Education and Labor; 14. Greg Laughlin calendar, as follows: Energy and Commerce; Science, Space, and 15. E de la Garza Mr. MONTGOMERY: Committee on Veter- Technology; and Banking, Finance and 16. Ronald D. Coleman ans' Affairs. H.R. 995. A bill to amend title Urban Affairs. 17. Charles W. Stenholm 38, United States Code, to improve reemploy- By Mr. BERMAN (for himself, Mr. ment rights and benefits of veterans and 18. Craig A. Washington FORD of Michigan, Mr.. WILLIAMS, other benefits of employment of certain and Mr. STARK): 19. Larry Combest members of the uniformed services, and for H.R. 1881. A bill to amend title I of the Em- 20. Henry B. Gonzalez other purposes; with an amendment (Rept. ployee Retirement Income Security Act of 21. Lamar S. Smith No. 103±65, Pt. 1). Ordered to be printed. 1974 to promote fairness in administration of 354 1993 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T46.15 health insurance and other claims under em- H.R. 1887. A bill to amend the Food Stamp sions of duty on iohexol, iopamidol, and ployee welfare benefit plans and to improve Act of 1977 to identify and curtail fraud in ioxaglic acid; to the Committee on Ways and enforcement under such title with respect to the food stamp program, and for other pur- Means. such plans; to the Committee on Education poses; to the Committee on Agriculture. H.R. 1896. A bill to suspend until January and Labor. By Mr. GALLO: 1, 1998, the duty on certain composite diag- By Mr. BORSKI: H.R. 1888. A bill to amend title II of the So- nostic or laboratory reagents; to the Com- H.R. 1882. A bill to provide a 4 percent pay cial Security Act to exclude from coverage mittee on Ways and Means. increase for Federal employees within the any service performed by election officials or By Mr. JEFFERSON (for himself, Mr. Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton, PA±NJ± election workers only on election days; to TRAFICANT, Mr. HOBSON, Mr. CRAMER, DE±MD Consolidated Metropolitan Statis- the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. tical Area; to the Committee on Post Office By Mr. GEKAS (for himself and Mr. HEFLEY, Mr. WILSON, Mr. BONIOR, Mr. and Civil Service. KANJORSKI): RAHALL, Mr. SCHIFF, Mrs. UNSOELD By Mr. DEFAZIO (for himself, Mr. H.R. 1889. A bill to provide that certain Mrs. SCHROEDER, Ms. FURSE, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. hearings functions of the Merit Systems Pro- COLEMAN, Mr. PETERSON of Min- MACHTLEY, Mr. SAXTON, Mr. ENGEL, tection Board be performed only by adminis- nesota, Mr. MATSUI, Mrs. JOHNSON of Mr. MINETA, Mr. SMITH of New Jer- trative law judges, and for other purposes; to Connecticut, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. SISISKY, sey, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. BOUCHER, Mr. the Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv- Mr. BLACKWELL, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. HEFNER, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. RAHALL, ice. PELOSI, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. EMERSON, Mr. SUNDQUIST, Ms. DANNER, Mr. By Ms. PELOSI (for herself, Mr. GEP- Mr. MYERS of Indiana, and Mr. POSHARD, Mr. FRANKS of Connecticut, HARDT, Mr. BONIOR, Mr. ROSE, Mr. SPENCE): Mr. SARPALIUS, Mr. TAYLOR of North MOAKLEY, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. LEWIS of H.R. 1897. A bill to amend title II of the So- Carolina, Mr. PARKER, Mr. STEARNS, Georgia, Mr. RICHARDSON, Mr. STARK, cial Security Act to eliminate the reductions Ms. NORTON, Mr. ZIMMER, Mr. WALSH, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. SOLOMON, in Social Security benefits which are pres- Mr. GEJDENSON, Mr. WELDON, Mr. Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. BACCHUS of ently required in the case of spouses and sur- SPENCE, Mr. EVANS, Mr. NEAL of Florida, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. BILBRAY, viving spouses who are also receiving certain North Carolina, Mr. TAUZIN, Mr. GIL- Mrs. CLAYTON, Mr. COOPER, Mr. Government pensions; to the Committee on MAN, Mr. CLYBURN, Mr. COLEMAN, CUNNINGHAM, Mr. DELLUMS, Mr. DUR- Ways and Means.
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