HN.THRCiTiiCi A NEWS BULLETIN published quarterly by the NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY (INC) The Mikhail Somov, flagship of the Soviet Antarctic fleet was trapped in the ice off Marie Byrd Land for 133 days from March to July 1985. Vol. 10, No's 9 & 10 March/June 1985 • . SOUTH SANDWICH li S01TTH GEORGIA / SOUTH ORKNEY is ' > Saj^ SANoyolMarevikaya u s s R 6Signy I uk „ //o Orcadas arg.-' SOUTH AMERICA J S y o w" a Molodertinayaj a p a k \ 6 eVx* r t , A - S O U T H o a /weddell \ SHETLAND « JV, / H a lHaneymyJ l e y B a y ORONN.NG MAUD LAND WKRBY ^°"> \ //SEA S E A uuk. k J C O A T S I d / L A N O T > ^ \ > Drwhnaya^neral Belirano^c / \^l Mawson \ ANTARCTIC \\ !> - TV,.^ X MAC ROBERTSON LAND\ \ aust \ /PENINSULA'^ (see map below) Sobral arg Davis aust LSiple — USA , Amundsen-Scon / QUEEN MARY LAND 4MimV ELLSWORTH ^ X U S A / / * * U S S R ') LANO °Vostok ussr f R o , s \ \ MARIE BYRD /ce Shelf V* . LAND \ W I L K E S L A N O r*anda n; / ' VICTORIA , T E R R E / } 7 - LAND V/ A O E l l U y / i w GEORGE V UJ ... .-Oumom (flirville iranu LeningradsJtaya -Y USSR,-'' \ --''BALLENYIj ANTARCTIC PENINSULA 1 Teniente Matienzo arg 2 Esperanza arg 3 Almirante Brown arg 4 Petrel arg 5 Decepcion arg 6 Vicecomodoro Marambio arg ' ANTARCTICA 7 Arturo Prat chile 8 Bernardo O'Higgms chile 9 Presidents Frei chile -> UO WOO Kilometre 10 Stonington I. uk 13 11 Adelaide I u* v lABBRfVlATONSJ 1 2 A r g e n t i n e I s u k , ARC ARGfWIiSA 13 Palmer us a AUST AUSTRALIA 14 Bellingshausen ussn ■ S A SOOTH AFRICA UK UHHID KINGDOM ianen USA UNITED STATES C* AMERICA ussr union or sovin socialist Ice Shelf repubocs flNjTflRCiTiICi (successor to 'Antarctic News Bulletin) Vol. 10, No's 9 & 10 March/June 1985 117th & 118th Issues Editor. P.O. Box 2110, Wellington Address all contributions, inquiries to the Editor CONTENTS WHALING COMMISSION 319 MINERALS' NEGOTIATIONS 321 POLAR ACTIVITIES NEW ZEALAND 324 AUSTRALIA 333 CHINA 339 INDIA 341 NORWAY 343 UNITED KINGDOM 346 URUGUAY 356 MIKHAILSOMOV 357 PROJECT BLIZZARD 360 FOOTSTEPS OF SCOTT 365 VINSON MASSIF 372 WHALE SURVEY 373 over ''cj New Zealand Antarctic Society (Inc) 1978. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior permission of the publishers •^otpjEiuv,, jo gnssi jgquigidgg gqi ui 9iuiuEJ§0Jd 98/S86I 'paounouuB Xpusoaj '9141 jo sSbjsaoo gqi qiiM uigqi gpnpui 01 pgppgp U99q SBq 11 qoiBgsgi puBTEgz a\9^t jgqio gqi jo guios puB 9scg iioos jo SuipTjnqgj gqi sb qons siogfoid 01 ugAiS gq iou pjnoo goiisnf gjgqAA •gnssi srqi ui pgjgAoo uggq gABq 4.siugAg„ jo uoipajQS b pusq oi guioo mou 9ABq qojBgsgj jgqio gqi jo guios jo sipisgj asnBoag "anssi igquigogrj gqi ui pgiEoddB gUIUIBjSoiJ qOJB9S9y OIIOJBIUV pUBTE9Z A\9fsl 8*8 UJ0Ji S9TJ0JS lUEOIJIuSlS 'UOSB9S 9pqM b igAoo A"gqi "TBnsn ubiji jgSuoT giB syodgj giEuy pus SV9 "lUBiJodun si AjBniiqo cspjeqory[ wt>piQ„ 'Aiuoijd guios U9AiS uggq ospj gABq uosBgs spqi gnuiiuoo tjia\ qoupw ctpjBZzqg iogfojj„ puB cciloos jo sdgisioo j„ se qons siugA^ •suoiiBiioSgu gqi jo suoipsJip 9^1 01 ugAiS uggq sBq Xiyjoud giuos 'Smpugd Suiiggui tsjEjguiui ixgu gqi qiiAA "lEugiBui jo uoipgps gqi jgAo suigjqojd guios uggq gABq gjgqi 'ggjqi jo pEgisui 'sqiuoui xrs pgjgAoo SBq gnssi siqi gsnBogg •guip uo gnssi jgquigogrj gqi puB jgqopo ui Apsg 'gnssi jgquigidgg e logdxg mou ueo sjgpBgj iBqi si ipnsgj gqx '-ioiipg Suiiob gqi puB Aigpos oilojBiuv puBpgz A\gjsi gqi jo lPuno3 9lll ^Q sprcui sbm sgnssi oa\i gqi guiquioo 01 uoispgp gqx "uoiSuqpAA 01 ip-mqoisuqo uiojj pgugjsuBJi sba\ uiignrig gqi puB pgjiigj JOiipg gqi ugifM puiqgq jpj ipu{M uoipnpojd puiiou guiuinsgj ui pgougpgdxg sgiipnoyjip jo gsnsogq pnsn ueiji jgSjEi si ^oiiojeiuv,, jo gnssi spqx sjapTjaj oj ASojodv "V t78£ AHdOHl NOIlVAdaSNOO A13IOOS OIIOUVINV SM3IA3U >IOOa 8Z.e saavHom >ioia Advruiao VIOH03E) H1I10S aNvnsi aav3H A3AHnS~llO onoyviNv-ans 986 L '8unr/qoJB|/\| OIIOUVINV March/June, 1985 ANTARCTIC IWC Soviet Antarctic whaling to cease The Soviet Union plans a temporary halt to their commercial whaling in Antarctic waters from the 1987/88 season according to a declara tion made on behalf of the Soviet delegation at the plenary session of the thirty-seventh annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission held in the English town of Bournemouth from July 15 to 20. The announcement came five stocks and for undisclosed technical months before a five year ban on reasons, commercial whaling comes into effect | I from the 1985/86 Antarctic pelagic The 37thThe annual 37th annual meeting meeting of ofthe the IWC IWC whaling season and from the 1986 waswas attended attended by by delegates delegates from from 3838 coastal seasons elsewhere. The ban of the of40 the member 40 member governments; governments; Senegal Senegal , i .« 0 , ,, and Mauritiusand Mauritiusdid not did send not send representa- representa was proposed by the Seychelles at tives.tives. The The Solomons Solomons attended attended for for the the 1982 IWC meeting and supported first firsttime. time. Three Three delegations delegations came came fromfrom by 25 votes to 7 with five absten- tne non-memberthe non-member governments governments of of Canada, Canada, tions. The Soviet Union, Japan, p°r«ugalPortugal and Sriand LankaSri Lanka and and six six inter-inter ».„„„„ , n i.j j L* S governmentalgovernmental or Internationa or international organisa- organisa Norway and Peru lodged objections fionstions sent sent observers.observers. TheseThese were within the 90 days prescribed by CCAMLA,CCAMLA, EEC, EEC, IUCN,IUCN, thethe InferInter- tile IWC rules and were therefore AmericanAmerican Tropical Tropical Tuna Tuna Commission,Commission, not bound by the decision which ?e Internationalthe International Council Council for for exploita-exploita _.jj„j c ,i ... c tionof the sea tionand of thethe sea andUNEP/Convention the UNEP/Convention provided for the setting of zero on migratoryon migratory species. species. Fifty Fifty six six non-non catch limits for commercial whaling governmentgovernment international international organisations organisations as from 1985/86. Peru subsequently ^soalso sent sent observers. observers. These These included withdrew its objection but the Soviet, Frie"dsFriends °i of*« theEarth Earth and and Greenpeace. Greenpeace. V, . ,J T . .. ' New ZealandNew was Zealand represented was represented at at Norwegian and Japanese intentions the themeeting meeting by bythe the Whaling Whaling Commis-Commis remained undeclared. sioner Mr I.L.G.sioner MrStewart I.L.G. Stewart of Wellingtonof Wellington Until the Soviet cessation comes wn0 waswho wasvice-chairman vice-chairman of ofthe the technical technical into force their whaling will be con- ^om"»tteecommittee and and subsequently subsequently elected , , . , °... ,. , chairman otchairman the commission; of the commission; by by MrMr ducted in accordance with the latest JuHanJulian Ladbrook Ladbrook of ofNew New Zealand Zealand HouseHouse scientific committee recommendations. LondonLondon who who attended attended the the technical technical and These prescribed a catch of 4,224 plenaryplenary sessions sessions and and by by MrMr Martin minke whales in the Southern hemi- £? Cawthorn,^•h°rn' ?cea!log?pJ,iCu Oceanographic In?tUH'e-Institute, o~u„-„ ;„ ino/i a „+ i- •* c t WellingtonWellington who whoattended attended the the scientific scientific sphere in 1984 and set limits for each committeecommittee meetings. meetings. of the five component areas. In Mr StewartMr Stewart became became a Newa New Zealand Zealand stating their intention the Soviet representativerepresentative on the on theWhaling Whaling Commis- Commis Union has expressed agreement with sion insion 1979 in 1979 and and has has been been vice-chairman vice-chairman .i „ „ .. ,. c .. of the technicalof the committee technical committee since since 1982. 1982. the conservation motives of the ban He willHe bewill chairmanbe chairman of ofthe the Commission Commission and are ceasing whaling in order to for forthree three years, years. allow for the recovery of protected ANTARCTIC March/June, 1985 Most of the minke whales in the southern hemisphere are caught by Japanese and Soviet factory expedi tions operating in the Antarctic. The Japanese announced that they will continue catching sperm whales in the North Pacific until 1987/88 but it is widely assumed that they will cease whaling for minkes in the southern regions. Small quantities of minke whales are caught in the North Atlantic North Pacific and off the coasts of Norway, Iceland and Greenland. The Southern hemisphere stocks were not reclassified at the recent meeting but those of the North Atlantic were. This followed recommendations of the scientific and technical committees Mr I.L.G. Stewart, newly appointed chair to the plenary session which voted man of IWC. 25:1 with 10 abstentions in favour reporting to the scientific committee. of reclassification. Problems have appeared with the numbers and types of whales requested particularly by Iceland and KEY ISSUES South Korea. Towards the close of the meeting the plenary session took The key issues confronting the note of the concerns expressed that IWC, which began as usual with a scientific whaling could take on meeting of the scientific committee commercial aspects and set up a study followed by the technical committee group to report to the next IWC and plenary sessions, included con meeting with recommendations as tinued commercial whaling by Norway, to the appropriate criteria. the criteria for scientific whaling and Similarly, given the desire ex the problems associated with the pressed by some countries to have setting of quotas for aboriginal/ their coastal whaling regarded as subsistence whaling. aboriginal/subsistence whaling it was Norwegian activity, is centred decided in the next twelve months around the North Atlantic Minke to define more closely what is meant whale which has now been re by aboriginal subsistence whaling.
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