drtnify tTrijiofi I.XII \o. TRi.vrrv COI.LKCI-:. IIAI:TR)III> CONN. TIKSDAV, NOVKMI'.KIi 1. 1UH3 >« Released hi Georgia; Senate Disagreement Arises :' /« Unconstitutional AMF.RICUS, Ga,, Nov. 1--Ralph stay in Hartford today and to- Allen, Donald Harris, and .John morrow to thank him for his ef- Over Oilicer Modiiications Perdew to<lay were freed of forts and to enlist his aid. Allen charges tliat they attempted to will return to Americus, by by BRUCE FRIER incite insurrection, a charge pun- Thursday night in time for a mass NILES PROPOSED that the class was more than just a verbal change. ishable by death. meeting. Constitutional amendments re- presidents be made members of the He asserted "an office should not The release came as the result While in Hartford, said Allen, vising the organization and Senate and placed on a special be created around a title," but that of a Federal Court decision that he will also outline plans for a elections of class officers were Social Committee which would class "social chairman" was far the 1871 statute was unconstitu- fund-raising drive to begin in sev- discussed last night at the Senate manage the three class dances. more descriptive of the actual tional. The three plus Thomas eral weeks. meeting. Under his amendment the office duties of the office. McDanlel, Sallle Mae Durham, and The changes were designed to of class secretary-treasurer Zev Aelony were freed on bonds bring the class dances more would be eliminated. The precise IN REPLY NILES denied able totaling $11.150. Poli-Sci Plans closely under Senate supervision details of the class dance would be men could be found to run the Later this month, the Grand Jury and to make the classes fiscally voted on during a general class dance if the title "class president" will try them on charges of re- responsible. meeting and be submitted for ap- were not kept. He implied his sisting arrest, assault with intent Campus Debate Forty-five minutes of intensive proval to the Senate Finance Com- amendment would give the class to murder, and rioting. The second debate on the proposed amend- mittee. president responsibilities com- charge carries a maximum sen- mends preceded the tabling of all Davison's change, on the other mensurate with his position. NOV. 4--Tlie "eampus-wide" discussion until next week. hand, makes the class "social Also to be discussed next week tence of ten years. debate on Public Accommodations, Two basic amendments were of- Also pending are charges the chairmen," as he would call them, is a motion allowing the admin- will be conducted December 3, Pol- fered, one by Senator William Niles independent of the Senate and or- istration to collect seven dollars city has lodged. itical Science Club President Vin- '64, representing the majority of Thomas McDanlel and Sallie Mae ganizes them as members of a per year from each student. Citing cent Osowecki announced today. the Senate sub-committee, and permanent social committee. He the average $640 dollar loss on Durham, both local citizens, were The debate to be sponsored by another by Senator Robert Davison (ailed on August 9, with .bonds also preserves the class meeting dances in recent years, Davison the Political Science Club will be '65, representing the minority. in Niles' amendment and the elim- stressed that on the future of this originally totaling $20,000 each conducted in the new Math-Physics (Amendments are listed on page after Negroes demonstrated ination of the secretary-treasurer. motion depend all future big dances Lecture Hall according to sim- six.) Davison stressed his amendment to be held at Trinity. "peacefully" before an Americus plified parliamentary procedure police station to protest reported so that members of the audience THE NEW SYSTEM would police brutality and intimidation may participate. during arrests the day before. Defense Dilemma Terrifies require a seven dollar payment Arguing in favor of a strengthened once a year for each class member. The three SNCC (Student Non- public accommodations bill which This payment would entitle him to violent Co-ordinating Committee) would bar discrimination in free attendance at his class's Workers received eight peace private establishments will be Israeli Minister Yaakov dance. All members of different bonds totaling $120,000. The new Keith Watson '64, Richard Schiro by TIM BROSNAHAN four main factors leading to the classes would be charged four ruling, however, voided this a- '64, Robert Stuart '64, and Robert and KEVIN SWEENEY develofiment of Israel. dollars to attend, a reduction from mount, Schwartz '64, President of the YAAKOV DISCUSSED the "rather Allen explained, after the de- Young Democrats and Majority NOV.4--Yosef Yaakov declared terrifying dimension of defense (Continued on Page 6) cision, that he has no Immediate Leader for the debate. tonight ttiat defense of the geo- and security that, confronts us" plans to return to Trinity. Scott Gregory 'G4, Bruce Friar graphically vulnerable region for- in Israel. He emphasized that this He hopes to see Governor Demp- '64, Ken Fish '64, and George med into the nation of Israel by country of 8,000 square miles Library Study sey sometime during his brief Wendell '65, President of the Young the United Nations in 1948, is is surrounded by 1.5 million square Republicans and Minority Leader one of the principle problems fac- miles of hostile territory, making Ready For Use Grant Initiates of the debate will present the ing the Jewish state today. Israel, no bigger than New Jersey, arguments against the measure. Yaakov, Vice Consul of the Is- geographically vulnerable. NOV. 4—Librarian Donald B. Both parties to the debate wish raeli Foreign Ministry in New Despite the United Nations settle- Engley announced today that the Club Formation to make it clear that their stands York, stated in a political Sci- ment, accepted by the majority of Library has set aside a study in the debate in no way influence ence Club Lecture that the basic the delegates, the Arabs refused area for the exclusive use of the NOV. 5--A gift of $4,000 lias their personal beliefs. cause of dispute in the Middle to accept the formation of the seniors. made possible the formation of Mike Anderson, President of the East was the Arab failure to acc- nation, "the first and only nation Engley explained that this pro- an investment club at the Col- Senate, will chair the debate to ept the United Nations' settle- set up expressly by the United gram of Senior Study was being lege, according to chairman of the be held in the Math-Physics Lec- ment establishing Israel, Nations," asserted the vice con- started on a "frankly experi- economics department Dr. Law-ture HalL He called defense, immigration, sul. mental" basis this year. rence Towle. development of the country, and In 194j}, the Arabs attempted, (Continued on Page 2) The area devoted to the program, The club, to be known as the relations with other countries the according' to Yaakov, to prevent explained Engley, is separate from Herman Crown Investment Club the nation's formation by mili- but contiguous with the library in memory of the late Herman tary action, but they failed. AGAIN proper and is for the use of Crown, is under the advisership Series to Question Tax IN 1956, he continued, during the seniors enrolled for thesis and/or of Dr. Ward Curran. Suez Crisis, the Israelis were honors work under the new cur- The Arie and Ida Crown Mem- forced to take a "military pre- riculum. Approximately 50 sen- orial Fund, which lias provided ventive action" against renewed iors are granted privileges here, the $4,000, has served to establish Exemptions of Churches Arab raids across the border which said Engley. similar clubs at the Massachu- NOV. 4--Are organized reli- he received his M.A. degree, He had caused great losses. Again was ordained in 1954. The Senior Study area can be setts Institute of Technology, St. gious groups taking advantage of the Arabs were defeated and "the used by assigned seniors as long Lawrence College, the University their tax-exempt status to go into On Tuesday, November 26, Dr. borders have been quiet since into the night as they wish to of Connecticut, and other schools,. business and compete unfairly with Theodore Powell, author of the 1956 ...That is one lesson they remain, according to the Li- Peter Schaefer, president of the private businesses burdened with present school bus law prohibiting have learned," Yaakov added. brarian. Economics Club, stated that the heavy taxes? the use of public facilities for The speaker described immigra- transporting private and parochial "The Senior Study is adminis- Investment Club will be under the The Rev. Nicholas J. Cesaro, tion, the second factor, as the tered on an honor basis," added auspices of the Economics Club. concerned with Church-State re- school students without charge, "ingathering o f the exiles," "It will deliver the second of the Engley. "Assigned seniors are re- He has called an organizational lations, will attempt to answer this is not a well known fact that quested to police this area them- meeting for Thursday, at 7:30 and other questions in the first two-part series on "Church-State Israel has absorbed 1,300,000 re- Relation." selves," he said. P.m., in the Wean Lounge. of a two-part series sponsored fugees" and has remained one of Privileges are granted for the Noting that undergraduates will in Alumni Lounge this Thursday Dr. Powell, public information few nations in the world with full entire senior year, he noted, how- have "complete control of es- at 8:00 p.m., by the Political consultant and department editor employment while developing the ever, the return of locker keys tablishing and maintaining the Science Club and the Newman A- of the Connecticut State Depart- most highly industrialized econ- will be accepted earlier If a sen~ $4,000 portfolio, Schaefer added, postolate.
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