By Donna Walker eagle corning down to attack Its and enJoys It because It's "crea to dISCUSSplans for theIr Ice that are used In U.S. competi- Staff Wnler prey, with its wings up, legs ex- tIve and challengmg " sculpture on the flight to Mos- tiOns are usually molded in The Grosse Pomte Yacht Club tended and talons open. The first tIme he entered an cow, but Green couldn't get hIS freezers, weIgh about 440 pounds IS famous for its water activities, He and two other Americans, ice carving competItIOn wa" m passport m time and had to fly and are 10 mches thIck. Green but MIChael R Green recently Peter Slaven and Kevin Roscoe, February, at the Plymouth Com- out a day later than Roscoe and saId. made It InternatIOnally known also won first place 10 the three- mumty Ice Sculpture Spectacu. Slaven The blocks of ice they worked fOl Its Ice man team event. They had to lar. "So we really didn't discuss with in Moscow were taken from Green, executIve chef at the sculpt 20 blocks of ICeover a Green's sculpture, whIch fea. what we were gOing to do until a local rIver "and had things The yacht club, won two first place three-day perIod. tured four ducks landing on the mornmg the competitIOn like seaweed and dead fish in awards for Ice sculpture at the I TheIr wmnmg entry, titled lough water, placed In the top started," Green SaId them," Green said. Each block I l • Flrs~ InternatIOnal Moscow Win- "Keeper of the Crystal," fea- three 10 the "People's ChOIce" They talked about It for half weIghed about 600 pounds and ter Snow and Ice FestIval, whIch tured a 26-foot crystal city In the category an hour, and decIded to work was 20 to 25 mches thIck. Iceman was held Feb. 49 m Moscow's clouds, a caged dragon, a wIzard, The top three artIsts m that from a drawing that Slaven had "That worked to our benefit, Gorky Park a Hobbit sentry. and a 20-foot event - Green, and New York- done on the way to RUSSIa. because WIth the extra thick- RepresentatIves from 13 coun- unsupported bridge that held a ers Roscoe and Slaven - won The weather was very cold - ness, we could get more of a tnes competed in the show. crystal ball The entire structure the tnp to RUSSiato compete In 5 to 30 degrees below zero - and three.dlmensional effect," Green winneth Green placed first In the md1V1d- was connected WIth spirahng the Moscow festIval the workmg condItIOns were dIf- saId ual competItIOn, In whIch he had steps Green said he bnefly met Ros ferent from Ice competitIons m to carve a block of Ice In three Green, 32, saId he has been coe and Slaven at the Plymouth the Dmted States, Green said. hours HIS wmmng entry was an carving Ice for the past 10 years, competItIOn They were supposed For example, the blocks of Ice See ICEMAN. page 21A A Community Newspaper Grosse News Vol. 52, No. 14 48 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ April 4, 1991 After the roar March certainly went out like a llon, with major thunder- storms and windstorms sweeping through Southeastem Michi- gan on Wednesday, March 27, The National Weather Service reported wind gusts of up to 53 miles per hour at Detroit City Airport that night. Evidence of the storm's ferocity is shown here. It knocked an elm tree onto Gerald and Donna Bell's house on Yorkshire in Grosse Pointe Park and strewed branches all over their yard. Clearing the mess are Dan Milleville, fore- ground. and Casey Bednarchik of Milleville Tree Service. Photos by Donna Walker .... Fire destroys sports building at Country Club of Detroit By John Minnis Jor damage to the nearby paddle were without power followmg Grosse Pomte City and Woods He saId one of the firefighters' bUIlt In 1923 after the old club- Assistant Editor tenms courts. the storm. personnel assisting the Farms mam concerns was dousing house was destroyed by fire just The sports building at the Theodore H. Mecke Jr, presI- In the Grosse Po1Otes, some firefighters bUl-mng debns that could have two years after It had been built. Country Club of DetrOIt bmned dent of the prIvate club, saId the downed WIres and trees were re- The two-story sPOlts bUlldmg, been carried In the Wind and Ig- to the ground March 28 dur10g damage is in excess of $300,000. ported, but the damage was not whIch was bUIlt some 10 to 12 mted other fires. high winds. The fire alarm came in at 3:34 nearly as severe as that reported years ago, was on the old polo Mecke saId the country club "The 70 mph winds were like a.m, following a major storm in other communities grounds, about one qualter mIle will rehabIlitate the paddle ten- a blowtorch," said Grosse Po1Ote that moved through southeast. When firefighters arrived at flOm the main clubhouse Can. ms courts and put up a tempo- Inside Farms fire chIef Sam Candela ern Michigan Funnel clouds the country club, the fire had. al. dela said It was fortunate the rary sports bUlldmg. The old Woods yard waste Lightning IS beheved to have were reported and the high ready been gomg for nearly an sports bUlldmg was a good dIS- bUlldmg was used for recrea- in the clear 3A caused the fire, which destroyed wmds knocked down trees and hour and the wooden structure tance from the clubhouse be- tIOnal actIVItIes, observmg the the sports bUlld10g and dId ma- power lines Thousands of homes was completely ablaze, Candela cause the strong Winds could paddle tenms cowts and for a Spring Break said. He qUIckly upgraded the have can'led the fil e to nearby summer day camp for children. warrants support ..... 6A response to a two-alarm, WIth structw'es The current clubhouse was News, ad deadlines 7A Pointer of Interest International day 75-year-old Park resident dies at Defer 8A Lucy Smith Student Spotlight llA in minor house fire on Easter Buying old cars By Donna Walker "I was really concerned about risky, fun 12A Staff Wnter the Issue of drugs, tobacco and A 75-year-old Grosse Pomte Firefighters had gotten one Bon Secours HospItal More letters 13A When Lucy SmIth's oldest son, alcohol, and I was really naIve," Park man dIed of smoke mhala- rema1010g chIld safely out of the Matthew, entered seventh grade SmIth said "I dIdn't know what tlOn durmg a minor fire at his house when a famIly member Pohce suspect an electncal Seniors 16A she became warned. to say to my chIld, because I home in the 900 block of Pem- notIced that the grandfather who heater m the grandfather's bed- Events 17A Would hIe; peers tempt hIm to wasn't fanuhar WIth those prob hved With them was stIll 10 the room Ignited nearby clothing berton Easter Sunday. Woods officials dr10k or take drugs. and how lems." The fire was reported at about house FIrefighters found the Deputy DIrector WIlliam Furtaw could she protect hIm? So she started I eadmg up on 5'45 a m Respond1Og officprs older man 10 hIS bedroom He saId the fire wasn't senous and get raises 18A the subjects. and asked fellow found a bedroom above the ga showed no Vital SIgnS and cardl was qUIckly put out The smoke Business: The parents and school counselors fOl' rage filled WIth smoke, and the opulmonary lesuscltatlOn was was the major problem, he saId butler did it... 22A adVIce residents attempting to evacuate stalted "When my son entered hIgh the hou'3e He was pronounced dead at - John Mmms Obituaries 23A school," Smith Said, "I remember Grosse Pointe: It's askmg some questIOns of some Saturday night! ....... IB people, and they saId, well, are vou aware that we ve formed Fontebonne thIS new group .. fashion show 3B The group was the Substance Overtures Abuse Commumty CouncIl at DSO 5B (SAC!) team at Glosse Pointe South HIgh School, and SmIth, a 'The Long I eSldent of Grosse Pomte Park, Walk Home' 7B was elected chaIrwoman of the Sports: Spring team 10 1984 has sprung 8B Founded III 1982 by a group of cltl7ens concel ned about alcohol Before bu~lding, and other drug ploblems III consult city lC Grosse POlOte and Harper Choose homeowner's Woods. SAC!'s goal ISto JOcrease insurance carefully ..3C For adults, page 14A Classi{red ads 4C ..-.... __ .....-.a. .- ..._ -....£. , "" . ---_._- ~-~ April 4, 1991 2A News Grosse Pointe News Park police Support group continues seek forfeiture As part of Its continued Per- group feels they aJ e no longer of drug funds SIan Gulf support efforts, the needed War Memorial hegan a support Although the war IS over, Grosse Pointe Park pollce are group m January led by two many m the SUppolt group feel seeking the forfeiture of $1,280 therapists tramed m crisis and the need to contmue meeting m suspected drug money reo grief counsehng. Meetmgs are held every covered durmg a traffic mCldent At the last meeting, the group Wednesday from 7'30 to 9 pm March 25 celebrated the end of the war and are open to children, fami. At 4:06 p.m, Park pohce With champagne However, both lIes, fl'lends - and anyone who stopped a motonst for speedmg Lynne DeGrande, A C.B W., and would lIke to share their concern on Mack near Balfour The ClaIre Allen, M A., L.L P, the about the cnsis.
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