AGENDA ITEM: PLANNING COMMITTEE: 8th SEPTEMBER 2005 Report of: Executive Manager (Planning & Development Services) Contact for further information: Mr J R Harrison (ext. 5132) SUBJECT: PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT ITEMS Background Papers In accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 the background papers used in the compilation of reports relating to planning applications and other reports are listed within the text of each report and are available for inspection in the Planning Division, except for such documents as contain exempt or confidential information defined in Schedule 12A of the Act. WARD SHEET WRIGHTINGTON 1, 3 UP HOLLAND -- TARLETON -- TANHOUSE -- SKELMERSDALE SOUTH 4, 5 SKELMERSDALE NORTH -- SCOTT 6 SCARISBRICK 7 RUFFORD 8 PARBOLD -- NORTH MEOLS -- NEWBURGH 9, 10, 11 MOORSIDE -- KNOWSLEY 12 HESKETH with BECCONSALL -- HALSALL 13 DIGMOOR -- DERBY 14, 15, 16 BURSCOUGH WEST 17 BURSCOUGH EAST -- BIRCH GREEN -- BICKERSTAFFE 18 AUGHTON PARK -- AUGHTON and DOWNHOLLAND 2 ASHURST 19 AGENDA ITEM: PLANNING COMMITTEE: 8th SEPTEMBER 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Report of : Executive Manager Planning and Development Services Contact for further information : J.R. Harrison (Extn. 5132) SUBJECT : PLANNING APPLICATIONS No. 1 APPLICATION No. 8/04/1664 LOCATION FORMER BROOKLANDS NURSING HOME, 77 DINGLE ROAD, UP HOLLAND PROPOSAL CONVERSION AND THREE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION TO PROVIDE 8 NO. 2 BED AND 4 NO. 1 BED “AFFORDABLE” FLATS AND PROVISION OF WIDENED VEHICULAR ACCESS, ASSOCIATED PARKING AND LANDSCAPING APPLICANT CATCHDALE LTD WARD WRIGHTINGTON PARISH UP HOLLAND 8 WEEKS EXPIRE 17.2.05 1. DEFERRAL 1.1 This application was initially deferred for a site visit at the Committee on 23rd June to enable Members to assess the impact of the proposed access on existing trees and highway safety. As a result of the site visit, the application was again deferred at the last Committee on 28th July in order for a revised access arrangement to be negotiated based around utilising the existing access. 2. PREVIOUS RELEVANT DECISIONS 2.1 8/82/0959 APPROVED. 7.1.83. Conversion of dwelling into residential home for the elderly. 8/04/0212 REFUSED. 20.5.04. Outline – demolition of existing building and erection of 9 no. retirement apartments. 3. OBSERVATIONS OF CONSULTEES 3.1 UNITED UTILITIES (14.1.05) – no objection subject to various measures relating to drainage and water supply. 3.2 PRIVATE SECTOR HOUSING MANAGER (14.1.05) – no observations to make. 3.3 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (19.1.05) – no objections. 3.4 EXECUTIVE MANAGER COMMUNITY SERVICES (26.1.05) – suggests noise survey to assess impact on the development of noise from the surrounding area and measures be imposed during construction phase to control dust and noise. 3.5 EXECUTIVE MANAGER HOUSING SERVICES (2.2.05) – confirms there is a requirement for additional affordable housing in Up Holland, which is supported by the Council’s Housing Needs Survey Update and the Housing Market Assessment. The proposed scheme has been developed as part of a pilot private finance Affordable Housing Programme with Cosmopolitan Housing Association. The Housing Services Division supports the development of the scheme for a mix of affordable rent, intermediate rent, shared ownership or reduced market housing for sale. Properties developed will be allocated in accordance with the Council’s current Housing Allocation Scheme, which would give priority to people with a local connection to Up Holland. Additionally, the conversion of the property will assist in meeting Council targets of reducing number of empty homes in the District. 3.6 LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (HIGHWAYS) (4.3.05, 5.4.05 and 29.4.05) – concerns raised regarding original proposed access that it was too close to junction with A577/College Road. Satisfied with revised access arrangements but recommend conditions regarding gateposts, access surfacing and gradient of access. 4. VIEWS OF PARISH COUNCIL 4.1 UP HOLLAND PARISH COUNCIL – objects to the original scheme on the grounds that the proposed entrance is close to the junction of Dingle Road and College Road and increased traffic from this shared entrance is considered a traffic hazard. It is also considered that the original scheme would lead to an overdevelopment of the site and the extension would be overbearing for neighbouring properties. No comments have been received on the revised proposed. 5. OTHER REPRESENTATIONS 5.1 Six letters of objection have been received from neighbouring residents, business and “Up Holland Environmental and Building Control Group” raising the following concerns:- - too may residential units - increase in traffic and on street parking - loss of trees - loss of light and privacy - out of character with area - extension too large - contrary to SPG on new residential development - infrastructure in area already at full capacity. 5.2 One letter of support has been received which notes that the building will not fall into dereliction. 6. SUPPORTING INFORMATION 6.1 The applicant has offered supporting information in respect of the proposed development. A design statement outlines the concept of the proposal and following discussions with Cosmopolitan Housing Association, the scheme put forward would be developed with them to provide 100% affordable units on the site. 6.2 The existing property is of striking design and previous extensions have been poorly matched. One incongruous element is the steel frame, timber clad fire escape to the northeast elevation which is to be removed. The proposed extension will acknowledge, but be subordinate to the main house. 6.3 The present scheme offers a solution to regenerate “Brooklands” and provide much needed affordable accommodation. At present, the vacant property has no alternative means of regeneration and would remain unattended for some time, with the site gradually deteriorating. 7. EXECUTIVE MANAGER PLANNING/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 7.1 The application site comprises an elegant two-storey Victorian building with rooms contained in the roof space and various single storey and one two- storey extensions and outriggers which represent later additions directly connected with the last use of the building as a nursing home. It is currently vacant and has been for the last 18 months and though set back from the road with extensive frontage landscaping, it remains an imposing building in a prominent location close to the Y junction of Dingle Road, College Road and Grove Road. 7.2 The proposal was originally to convert the building, remove some of the previous extensions and erect a new three storey extension on the north side of the building to provide 14 no. affordable residential units. It was also originally proposed to utilise the existing access close to the junction with Dingle road/College Road. This is a shared access with the residential property 75a Dingle Road. 7.3 Following extensive negotiations with the applicant, the proposal was amended to include conversion and extension to form 12 no. affordable units and a new access to serve these units further northwards along College Road than the existing access, which was to be retained as the sole access to 75a Dingle Road. As a result of further negotiations, the proposal has been further amended to utilise but widen the existing access. 7.4 The revised scheme includes the demolition of an existing two storey timber clad extension and a conservatory on the north elevation and replacement with a three storey block, attached to the original building by a part single and part two storey flat roof link block. The link building is 6m high with a parapet wall and has a width of 5.5m. It is set back 1m from the main front wall of the original building. The three-storey block measures 10.7m in width by 9m in depth and is 8m to the eaves and 11.5m to the ridge. The roof design mimics that of the original building and includes raised gable ends. Similarities with the existing design of the original building are also picked up in the stringcourses and soldier courses, the gutter line and plinth detail. However, the Victorian style window details have not been replicated and are more modern in both scale and design. 7.5 The access will be retained and widened at the southern-most end of the site. This is a shared access with 75a Dingle Road. This access was considered unsuitable by County Highway Engineers due to its close proximity to the bend and junction of Dingle Road and Grove Road. Within the site, car parking for 8 vehicles can be achieved at the rear of the site adjacent to the Rectory. Parking is also provided for 4 vehicles at the south of the site and 2 vehicles adjacent 75a Dingle Road on the area of the previous drive and hardsurfaced frontage. The existing vehicular access at the junction of Dingle Road/Grove Road will be retained to serve the private residence of 75a Dingle Road and the proposed units. Ramped pedestrian access would also be provided at this point into the site. 7.6 The applicants have clearly stated their intention to develop 100% affordable units and have commitment from Cosmopolitan Housing Association to develop the site for low-cost shared ownership flats in accordance with a S106 Agreement to be agreed with the Council. In this respect, the proposal satisfies the criteria set out in Policy DE.1 of the Re-Deposit Draft West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan and is acceptable in principle. 7.7 Utilising the existing access does mean that none of the TPO trees at the north end of the site would require removal, although one large tree is in need of replacement due to its poor condition. The loss of the conifers along the boundary with the access drive to the Rectory is considered acceptable, particularly as a screen of trees remains along the driveway to the Rectory.
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