NPS Form 10-900 0MB No. 10244018 (Rev. 8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations of eligibility for individual properties or districts. See instructions in Guidelines for Completing National Register Forms (National Register Bulletin 16). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate box or by entering the requested information. If an item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." For functions, styles, materials, and areas of significance, enter only the categories and subcategories listed in the instructions. For additional space use continuation sheets (Form 10-900a). Type all entries. 1 . Name of Property historic name Portland New Chinatown/Japantown Historic District other names/site number Chinatown National Register Historic District 2. Location street & number Multiple Properties N ?A not f°r publication city, town Portland N ^A, vicinity state Oregon code OR county Multnomah code 051 zip code Q790Q 3. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property l~x] private I I building(s) Contributing Noncontributing [~xl public-local pxl district 29 16 buildings r~l public-State I [site sites r~| public-Federal d structure structures d object 2 objects 29 18 Total Name of related multiple property listing: Number of contributing resources previously N/A_______________ listed in the National Register __S______ 4. State/Federal Agency Certification -f- As the designated authority under the National Hi es ervation of 1966, as amended, I hereby certify that this |X~1 nomination I I request for determination of el. ee ts the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets r al and p sionah-equirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property CEDmeets didoes National ister criteria. LJ See continuation sheet. —" """"" "•" September 1. 1989 Signature of certifying official Date Oregon State Historic Preservation Offibe State or Federal agency and bureau In my opinion, the property d meets EH does not meet ttjje National Register criteria. dsee continuation sheet. Signature of commenting or other official Date State or Federal agency and bureau 5. National Park Service Certification I, hereby, certify that this property is: [oentered in the National Register. [ | See continuation sheet. I I determined eligible for the National Register. I 1 See continuation sheet. I I determined not eligible for the National Register. I I removed from the National Register. I I other, (explain:) ___________ Signature of the Keeper Date of Action 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (enter categories from instructions) Domestic___________________ Domestic___________________________ Commerce/Trade____________________ Commerce/Trade_______________________________ Social_____________________ Social__________________________ Industry___________________ Industry_________________________ Religion_____________________________ Religion_______________________ 7. Description Architectural Classification Materials (enter categories from instructions) (enter categories from instructions) foundation concrete_____________________ Late Victorian wails ____wood/ stucco/ stone/ brick American Movements concrete and tile roof _ asphalt shingles/ rolled roofing other iron porch railings/ sheet metal canopies cast iron_________ Describe present and historic physical appearance. See Continuation Sheet 3ee continuation sheet 8. Statement of Significance Certifying official has considered the significance of this property in relation to other properties: I I nationally I I statewide PT| locally Applicable National Register Criteria [xlA I IB I 1C I ID Criteria Considerations (Exceptions) i |A I IB I 1C I ID I IE I IF I |G Areas of Significance (enter categories from instructions) Period of Significance Significant Dates Asian Ethnic Heritage___________ 1880-1909__________ 1909 Industry_____________________ 1910-1943__________ 1943 Commerce Architecture Cultural Affiliation Chinese Japanese Significant Person Architect/Builder __ See listing in Physical Description #7. State significance of property, and justify criteria, criteria considerations, and areas and periods of significance noted above. See Continuation Sheet. continuation sheet 9. Major Bibliographical References See Continuation Sheet. I I See continuation sheet Previous documentation on file (NPS): I I preliminary determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67) Primary location of additional data: has been requested fxl State historic preservation office fxl previously listed in the National Register * I I Other State agency I previously determined eligible by the National Register I I Federal agency ID designated a National Historic Landmark I Local government Portland Development I recorded by Historic American Buildings University Conmission, 1120 SW 5th Ave. Survey # _____________________________ ier Portland OR 97204 [~~1 recorded by Historic American Engineering Specify repository: Record #________________________ Oregon Historical Society/ 1230 S.W. Park No.10,Pallay Building (1985); Skidmore Old Town Historic District (1975), Avenue/ Portland, 0^7204 ' 10. Geographical Data Nos. 12. 13. 14. 19. 22. 23. and 24. No. 25 is non-contributing. Acreage of property 17.4 acres Portland. Oregon-Washington 1:24000 UTM References A 11,01 15 g ,5 16,0,01 15,0141.113,1,0 B 11,01 1512,516,0,01 1510141019,2,01 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing C 11.01 1512,514,4,01 15,014,019,2,0 DlliOi 1512,514.4,01 I 5, 01 4. II 3,1, Ql |~1 See continuation sheet Verbal Boundary Description See Continuation Sheet See continuation sheet Boundary Justification The criteria for the decisions on boundaries within the Chinatown Historic District were based on historical/ visual and physical factors. (See Physical Description #7 for additional information on specific boundary decisions.) I I See continuation sheet 11. Form Prepared By_________________________________________________ name/title Northwest Heritage Property Associates for the Portland Development organization Judith Rees/ Project Coordinator________date April, 19RQ______ street & number 1120 SW Fifth Avenue/ Suite 1100______ telephone city or town Portland________________________________ state OR zip code 97204 NPS Form 1MO(H 0MB) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet 7 2 Section number ____ Page ____ The City experienced a period of dramatic growth after the 1905 Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition. Land values within Portland increased, commercial buildings became larger, and were constructed of glazed brick, cast stone, and terra cotta. With growing dependency on automobiles in the 1930's and 1940's, changes within the district occurred. Parking lots began to replace buildings and streets were widened. The end of the historic period within the district coincides with the change in federal law, which allowed Chinese to become United States citizens and own property. As a result, Chinatown's residents and businesses dispersed throughout the Portland metropolitan area. TOPOGRAPHY AND BOUNDARIES The major spine of the Chinatown Historic District is along NW Fourth Avenue. The boundaries are regular, encompassing a ten block area between W Burnside and NW Glisan Streets, and NW Third and NW Fifth Avenues. The boundary is based on historical, visual and physical factors. The historical factors include the settlement pattern of the Chinese in "New Chinatown" and changes in building use. The visual factors include changes in building styles, scale, materials, massing and setback; the number, location and type of public improvements; and design features specifically related to the development of Chinatown. The physical factors include major streets and plat lines. The north side of the district is defined by the mid line of NW Glisan Street, between NW Fifth Avenue and NW Third Avenue. At NW Third Avenue the boundary turns south, and continues along the east side of NW Third to the midline of W Burnside Street. The boundary follows the middle of W Burnside Street until it intersects NW Fifth Avenue. The boundary then turns north, continuing up the west side of NW Fifth Avenue until it intersects the midline of NW Glisan Street. -The north side of the district is defined by a major arterial, NW Glisan, and a change in building height and style. The eastern edge of the district is defined by a lack of association with the Chinese community, and a number of vacant parcels north of NW Davis Street. The southern boundary is defined by a major arterial, W Burnside Street, and to its south, vacant parcels and a change in building type. The western boundary is defined by a lack of association with the Chinese community, and a change in building type and style. ARCHITECTURE There are many architectural building styles represented within the district which are typical of the 19th and 20th century. Styles for contributing buildings include the Italianate,19th and 20th Century Commercial, Moderne, Half Modern, Mediterranean and Industrial. Brick and stucco are primarily used as the building materials. Some building cornices, pediments, friezes, and door and window surrounds are embellished with cast iron, terra cotta, cast stone, and
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