I M l / N t t n , iM i 1 3 ,7 0 5 lEumtttg ▼ 0 L . U [ , N 0 . 1 S f J(gixnnf FAGB8) MANCHB8TBR, CONN The Political Scene Events Johnson Starts Phone Campaign, In State NEW HYDE PARK, N. Y. (AP) — When Pret­ ael, a year-old terrier, ran away from home 11 days Foreign Policy Barry’s Target Body Found ago the Vincent Qonaales family placed a newspaper In Hartford, advertisement offering a the^sald it would be his last respite reward of MOO they had in ^least half his time during the< the bank and the family Johtuon campaign season In the White before the Nov, S election. Clues Scarce JOHNSON CaTY, T « . (AP) Houae. Any president likes the The Arisona senator had one station wagon. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gonsales and — PrealdMit Johnaon, avMi Image of a chief executive hard business session. Ha talked strat­ while relaxing at Ma LSJ egy Sunday with campaign di­ their three children 'g o t at work on the nation’s major HARTFORD (AP)—Po­ Pretsel beick and it didn’t Ranch, ambarfca today — hy tel­ proMama. rector Denison Kitchel. ' ephone — on hU campaign for a PoUUcally, Qoldwater has lice had an autopsy report cost them a cent. David At the same time, he also Messbauer, a gas station full four yeara in the White wants to get out among the peo­ been silent most of the time, oft­ and little else to work with Houae. en unavMlable even to his staff. »day as they pressed their attendant who had found ple several days a week. the dog at a bus stop, Johnaon agreed to addreaa the In accomplishing this, J(dm- Twice, however, he has fired investigation into the sav­ 100th anniveraary convenUon ol ship-to-shore salvoes at Presi­ read the ad and return^ son will be likely to combine age slaying of a young man. the dog. All he wanted, he the International Plaatarera and speaking appearances before dent Johnson’s foreign policy. Maaons Union at PhUadelj^ia On Saturday he accused John­ ’The unidentified victim, in explained, was one of Pret- special interest groups with his late teens or early twen­ ael’s puppies if she ever by long (Uatance. public motorcades td and from son of trying to “to avoid all Once that Waa aocompUahed. questions regarding foreign pol­ ties, was found in the P a r k has any. He, too, has three neighboring airports. River near the state armory children. Johnaon aet thi# aa the day to icy.” aign a bill extending the food Qoldwater demanded that the yesterday afternoon. atamp plan dealgned to bring Goldwater President tell the nation “ just His nude body had at least nourlahment to needy famlUea. NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. how deeply we have been in­ 22 stab wounds, police said. This waa one of hla "muat" btlla (AP) — RepubUcan presidential volved in the runaway rioting An autopsy last night show­ Nasser Gives In Congreae and waa paaaed Juat nominee Barry Qoldwater winds and governmental musical ed that death resulted from a before the Democratic Nattonai up a week-long floating vacation chairs going on in South Viet series of stab wounds in the I Convention which nominated today after staking out foreign Nam.” chest, heart and lungs, police Pledge of Aid him by acclamation aa the par­ policy as a key target in his said. ’There was also some in­ ty atandard bearer. campaign against President VeepM dication of strangling. The Preaident hopea to ad- Johnson. ’The body had been in the T o Makarios draea quite a mnnber of conven- Qoldwater and his wife were WASHINQTON (AP) — Geor­ river from two to four days, tlona, meetings uid convoca- due to cruise back to Newport gia’s Gov. CArl Sanders says the police said, and initial attempts NICOSIA. Cyprus (AP) - Democrats’ selection of Sen. tiona o f union, farmer and buai- Beach aboard their borrowed to identify the victim through President Makarios won a neas groupa between now and motor yacht, the Sundance. Hubert H. Humphrey as their fingerprints were unsuccessful. pledge of support today from ‘MHSHieSiMraMw^stsiiiMi^ the Nov, S election.- > They have been cruising South­ vice-presidential nominee “will So was a search of the river ern CaMfomia’s coastal waters the United Arab Republic in his In private converaation, John­ (See Page Eleven) bank and bottom for clothing or son often streseea such engage­ since last Tuesday. Qoldwater other tangible clues. The hunt dispute with ’Turkish CJyprlots ments before mentioning his resumed today. on troubled Cyprus as anti- American demonstrations con­ planned appearances before lar­ Police were hoping missing Negro women in the riot-torn area of north Philadelphia set up a table and ger, but more composite, maaa- person fUes might shed some tinued in ’Turkey. aa of the voting public. light on the victim’s identity. President Gamal Abdel Nas­ serve coffee to weary policemen who have been on duty since the outbreak od This doubtleaa reflects the Senate to Resume Files were studied in Hartfoi^ ser also warned against outside violence in the area Friday night. (AP Photofax.)__________ Prealdeat’s ardent wish to woo and surrounding oommunitles. Interference in the island’s af­ aU w>ecial Interest groups and, Police described the victim as fairs, said a joint communique Issued in Alexandria at the con­ hopefully, to a m ern aa a pollti- Battles on Issues white, S-11, 160 lbs, with medi­ aal Bgnra who wul bo able to clusion of talks between Nasser um build and Ught brown hair. elalm support from all and Makarios. BMnta of the voting public. WASHINGTON (AP) — C on-f This could cause lengthy de­ Nasser did not specifically Uneasy Calm Returns It la known that Jtrfuumi gress went back to work today, bate and ever If favored by a Deli^ Water Probe pledge military support, howev­ Senate majority later concur­ hopes he will be able to spend at trying again to settle differ­ HARI^IPORD (AP) — The er. rence by the House would be re­ Nasser’s pledge to Makarios ences that prevented adjourn­ quired. ’The plan is opposed J S State Water Hesouroes Oom- »i(—Um will not immediately re- came on the heels of renewed ment before the Democratic Rep. WUbur D. Mills, D -A «?r demonstrations in Turkey’s key Keating Given National Convention. chairman of the House Rteys queat a fbderal investigation at ttan propoaed dlaobarge of heat­ cities. To Riot Torn City Little business was planned and Means Committee wnich 'The United Arab Republic United Backing by House leaders as repreaentar handles Social Security legisla­ ed water into the (Jonneetiout River from the Nueleer plant thus followed the lead of Greece tives returned from the conven­ tion. and the Soviet Union in promis­ at Haddam Neok. By Republicans tion week recess. This controveray is tempo­ ing help if Cyprue were Invaded PHILADELPHIA (A P )— A tense, Bneasy iniist ,)*»• ’The U.Si. U^Murtment of But the Senate faced a re­ rarily replacing another floor by ’Turkey. turned to the riot-ravaged Negro section of North P h | k newed fig^t over health care for battle which & d tied up the Health, Bkhioatian and Welfare Negroes Join By ROBERT T. CHRAY the elderly under the Social Se­ study had been propoaed by ‘ "The U.A.R. ia prepared to adelphia today, after a weekend of violence, looting, and Senate for 10 days prior to the provide Cyprus with every pos­ NEW YORK (AP) ^ New curity program. convention recei Sen. Rtbiinff after controveray pillaging. Sporadic vandalism, window smashing and York State Republicans joined Backing of the health care developed over the plana of the sible support lor the sake of White School That is the effort of Sen. Ev etrengthenlng the efforts of the throwing of rocks at police continued into the eiuf^, 1b a massive demonstration of program by President Johnson erett M. Diikaen, R-Bl., the ml Connecticut Yankee A tom ic unity today for both Sen. Ken­ could make it one several Power Cfoo^wny. C ^ riot people in their struggle morning hours, but city and police officials aaid ^ e sii* al nority leader, to delay the court to asdeguard the unity of Uielr neth B. Keating and the party’s stumbling blocks in the path of ordered resq^rtlonment of ’’A t tfale point, the OonMnkv- In Resort City nation remained under control and the four-squara^ island,” the communique said. national tioket of Sen. Barry an eariy adjournment. state legislatures. idon certstlnJy baa no intwition miles trouble >one waa returning to relatively norxilil Qoldwater and Rep. William E. Another Is an attempt by ‘ "Ths two sidse agreed that Dlrksen, with the aid of ManS' o f aeklng the D«|Mirtment of foreign military haaea are a BILOXI, MUs (AP) — Sixteen operations. Miller. some members of Congress to Negro boys end girls quietly field, ottered this as a rider toJ Health, Education and WeUare threat to tatarnational peace,” Some 1,500 poMcs satumtoA Rep. Paul A. Fine of the halt or at least delay the r«M»-|the M-AMBlrai fraelgn aM an-. tool< seats beside white first tos area, wMch remained under Bronx, who had pledged to op- it added. pornonmmt of state IVIUJCUm thoriiation bill in an attampt to* Director Nasser is known to be opposed graders in this resort City to­ a 24-hour curfew. Italy Taking poae Keating’s renomination be- ordered by the Supreme 0>urt avoid a presidential veto liam Wine in a letter dated Aug. day, the first public school In­ Mayor James H.
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