The EmEsworth Remsidents’ Assosciation Community Newspaper In this issue January 2015 The Wild Ponies Young Chef of Hazle’s celebrates play in Emsworth the Year 50 years Page 7 Page 11 Page 27 Christmas wrapped up in Emsworth Emsworth lit up when the Christmas lights were switched on and Father Christmas arrived on his sleigh at the end of November. Always quite a thrill. The fun started in St. Peters Square with community carol singing and music led by Canon Simon Sayers. It featured the Emsworth Concert Band as well with pupils from the village’s primary schools taking part. Emsworth’s youngest school age resident, Esme Howard, switched on the Christmas lights with a little help John Tweddell from the Mayor of Havant. John Tweddell Father Christmas moved on to his spe- cial Grotto with some Emsworth town Elves on hand to help. Local children New specially designed took it in turn to meet Santa and enjoyed getting their special Christmas present and a big ho, ho, ho from him too. A doctor’s surgery for hospital brightly lit seasonal Festive Market was held alongside the grotto, with hot food Left: Elves at the Co-op spreading Christmas and mulled wine to enjoy. Sausages, cheer; above: Santa arrives; below: school site in Emsworth announced some tasty pork pies, lamb burgers, piz- chilrdren sing their hearts out Four of the five members of the surgery on the hospital site which it za and even ice cream were all on the Emsworth Surgery Group met with Dr owns. The Emsworth doctors’ practice menu. The hot chestnut seller and the so many hand-made and home-made arts Chinwala of the Emsworth surgery dur- will then be able to rent a new build- adorable donkeys by the manger gave and crafts and some unusual fresh veg- ing November. This independent group ing that will properly meet their own the market a very traditional feel. etables to choose from. Locally grown is solely concerned with the aim to build requirements and those of their patients Most shops around Emsworth, from produce from around Emsworth was a new doctors’ surgery in Emsworth and and staff. The adjoining garden owned North Street right down to the Quay in abundance and with some gorgeous represents several Emsworth interests: by the Friends will remain as accessible stayed open. The Emsworth Fire Brigade cakes and hot freshly ground coffee to the ERA, the Patients Participation and not be affected. welcomed children to the station so they enjoy, it was a real treat. Group, the Friends of Emsworth A Project Manager has been appoint- could climb onto the fire engine – what A special Christmas Market held just Community Health, a ward councillor ed who has the job of investigating the better way to start the Christmas period? before the big day, wrapped up the run and Emsworth Forum. The purpose of design and build specification in consul- So many of Emsworth’s shops en- - up to Christmas nicely. The Salvation the meeting was to learn the current tation with Dr Chinwala and the many tered into the spirit of things with their Army brass Band played in North Street position of the practice in its negotia- other parties having an interest in the own delightful displays. Year on year, and a special ‘Santa Trail’ was thorough- tions with the various NHS departments development. The doctors have engaged they never fail to capture the feeling of ly enjoyed by all. Last minute shopping involved with the provision of a new their own Project Manager to assist Christmas past and present. was a pleasure. surgery in Emsworth. with their interests in the new building Visitors and residents were able to St Peters Square came to life again in Perhaps for the first time since the specification. take advantage of free parking in early early January when residents were invit- closure of patient beds in Emsworth With numerous factors yet to be fi- December and many took the opportu- ed to recycle their Christmas Trees free hospital in 2005, there is now definite nalised, a firm time scale for start, yet nity to catch up with some Christmas of charge, with an invitation to make a news of positive movement toward this alone completion, cannot be given, but shopping, enjoy some local eateries and small donation to the Wheelyboat Trust. long awaited and essential development Emsworth doctors are hopeful that they, to simply enjoy seeing the Christmas (Thanks go to Brightside Nursery for of the hospital site. their patients and staff will all enjoy the lights spectacle across the whole town. that and thanks to the EBA for planning NHS Property Services Ltd. intends benefits of the new surgery by the end of Emsworth’s fabulous local produce so many top events for Christmas time). to provide a new specially designed 2016. Peter Tier market took centre stage in mid-Decem- It was another Happy Christmas in ber. It was a real delight, especially with Emsworth. Lesley DiFonzo Page 2 The Ems - Newspaper of the Emsworth Residents Association January 2015 Chairman’s Letter A warm welcome and a Happy New The Ems by welcoming contributions Year to you all. from different groups and societies in The past six months have been both Emsworth. Please do contact Lesley challenging and exciting as we contin- if you wish to submit an article, letter ue the rejuvenation of our community or short story. You can send emails to: newspaper. We’ll be bringing new areas [email protected] or call of interest to The Ems and hope to in- 01243 430462. crease the subjects and local themes it My sincere thanks go to Richard embraces. All without detracting from Jannaway who worked so hard in diffi- the long held independent voice we have cult circumstances to put the last issue The Ems cherished for so many years. of The Ems together and saved the day The Ems is wholly owned and pub- ems.adverts@emsworthresidents. We are lucky here in Emsworth to have for the ERA and The Ems. We are all lished by the Emsworth Residents’ co.uk or please call: Phoebe Atkinson many talented, professional people who immensely grateful to him and wish him work tirelessly and unpaid for different and Frances luck in their future ventures. Association. Invoice queries should be directed to associations, societies and groups to en- Our day to day monitoring of planning [email protected] or Address: sure Emsworth remains an interesting, matters has kept us busy this year and telephone our treasurer John Robinson. Emsworth Residents’ Association, vibrant and safe place to live and work we submitted many representations to Emsworth Community Association Distribution in. the Borough Council and other bodies in Building, North Street, Emsworth, The Ems is distributed free to all house- I am delighted that Lesley DiFonzo has 2014 (See Charles Ashe’s report). I have Hampshire, PO10 7DD holds in Emsworth and Hermitage by agreed to accept the roll of Managing already reported our success in reaching To phone the ERA or The Ems please members of the ERA. If you are an Editor of The Ems in 2015. She has agreement at a public examination con- refer to the ERA committee list Emsworth resident and you do not re- already provided a lot of help in pro- ducted by a government inspector into Copyright ceive your copy within two weeks of the ducing the November/December edition HBC’s Local Allocations Plan. and comes to The Ems with skills from This resulted in restricting the use Copyright of The Ems as a whole next issue publication date as printed a publishing, journalism and marketing of the remainder of the gap between is held by the Emsworth Residents’ above, please email ems.distribution@ background. Emsworth and Havant to community Association (ERA). The Copyright of all emsworthresidents.co.uk or telephone Ali Beckett’s artistic layout shines uses such as recreation or sport. Such named articles and photographs in The our distributors, Janet & Chris Shaw 01243 377459. through and we are lucky that Ali (from a good example of the need to keep up Ems remains with the author/photogra- Emsworth’s Oysters) has agreed to work to date with new planning legislation pher, or with the ERA if no author is The Ems Team with us on the design and lay-out of fu- and use the new systems these changes identified. Unless otherwise indicated, Managing Editor: Lesley DiFonzo ture editions of The Ems. John Tweddell introduced. This all helped to achieve you may quote from, link to or publish (LDMS PR) and Brian Picknett’s photography has an effective outcome rather than merely brief excerpts from any article provided Advertising Manager: Phoebe made such a difference to the look of the shouting from the side-lines. that you acknowledge both The Ems Atkinson (Millpond Cakes) paper and David Harris’ business writ- We are working closely with other and the author as your source. The Business/Reviews Contributor: ing and acumen is paying off. It seems Emsworth groups, county and local republishing of any article or large part David Harris we have a really strong team behind The councils along with the Environment thereof is prohibited without the express Proof Reader: Rhiannon Broadbent Ems to go forward with this year. Agency to find ways to improve flood permission of the copyright holder. (Acorn Creative) We have taken this opportunity to re- defences as well. Editorial Photography: John Treddell and Brian view and update our practices and have I would like to thank Richard Swaine Please send all letters, articles and Picknett recognised the need for an Advertising for arranging a memorial service, a event notices for publication to Lesley Editorial Board: Jo Dyer (Chair), Manager who can liaise with our adver- plaque and rose garden to commemo- tisers, who have all helped us so much rate the Commonwealth War Graves in DiFonzo: editor@emsworthresidents.
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