![Arxiv:1702.08417V3 [Hep-Ph] 31 Aug 2017](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Strong couplings and form factors of charmed mesons in holographic QCD Alfonso Ballon-Bayona,∗ Gast~aoKrein,y and Carlisson Millerz Instituto de F´ısica Te´orica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz, 271 - Bloco II, 01140-070 S~aoPaulo, SP, Brazil We extend the two-flavor hard-wall holographic model of Erlich, Katz, Son and Stephanov [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 261602 (2005)] to four flavors to incorporate strange and charm quarks. The model incorporates chiral and flavor symmetry breaking and provides a reasonable description of masses and weak decay constants of a variety of scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axial-vector strange and charmed mesons. In particular, we examine flavor symmetry breaking in the strong couplings of the ρ meson to the charmed D and D∗ mesons. We also compute electromagnetic form factors of the π, ρ, K, K∗, D and D∗ mesons. We compare our results for the D and D∗ mesons with lattice QCD data and other nonperturbative approaches. I. INTRODUCTION are taken from SU(4) flavor and heavy-quark symmetry relations. For instance, SU(4) symmetry relates the cou- There is considerable current theoretical and exper- plings of the ρ to the pseudoscalar mesons π, K and D, imental interest in the study of the interactions of namely gρDD = gKKρ = gρππ=2. If in addition to SU(4) charmed hadrons with light hadrons and atomic nu- flavor symmetry, heavy-quark spin symmetry is invoked, clei [1{3]. There is special interest in the properties one has gρDD = gρD∗D = gρD∗D∗ = gπD∗D to leading or- of D mesons in nuclear matter [4], mainly in connec- der in the charm quark mass [27, 28]. The coupling gρππ is constrained by experimental data; the studies of the tion with D−mesic nuclei [5{8], J=Ψ and ηc binding to nuclei [9{12], and ND molecules [13]. D−mesons are DN interaction in Refs [22{24] utilized such a SU(4) rela- also of interest in the context of the so-called X,Y,Z ex- tion, taking gρππ = 6:0, which is the value used in a large otic hadrons, which have galvanized the field of hadron body of work conducted within the J¨ulich model [29, 30] spectroscopy since the discovery in 2003 of the charmed for light-flavor hadrons. This value of gρππ implies hadron X(3872) by the Belle collaboration [14]. They through SU(4) symmetry gρDD = 3, which is not very are exotic because they do not fit the conventional quark- much different from predictions based on the vector me- model pattern of either quark-antiquark mesons or three- son dominance (VMD) model: gDDρ = 2:52−2:8 [31, 32]. quark baryons. Most of the X,Y,Z hadrons have masses Moreover, to maintain unitarity in calculations of scat- close to open-flavor thresholds and decay into hadrons tering phase shifts and cross sections, lowest-order Born containing charm (or bottom) quarks. Presently there is diagrams need to be iterated with the use of a scatter- no clear theoretical understanding of the new hadrons, ing equation, like the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, and despite of the huge literature that has accumulated over phenomenological form factors are required to control ul- the last decade. In the coming years, existing and forth- traviolet divergences. Form factors involve cutoff param- coming experiments will produce numerous new, and eters that also are subject to flavor dependence. Again, very likely surprising results|Ref. [15] is a very recent due to the lack of experimental information, they are also review on exotic hadrons, with an extensive list of refer- poorly constrained. ences on theory and experiment. The PANDA collabora- tion [16], in particular, at the forthcoming FAIR facility Flavor symmetry is strongly broken at the level of has an extensive program [17, 18] aiming at the inves- the QCD Lagrangian due to the widely different val- tigation of charmed hadrons and their interactions with ues of the quark masses; while in the light quark sec- ordinary matter. tor one has good SU(2) symmetry, mu ' md, thereby e.g. g = g (up to a phase), in the heavy-flavor arXiv:1702.08417v3 [hep-ph] 31 Aug 2017 A major difficulty in the theoretical treatment of in- ρDD !DD medium interactions of charmed hadrons is the lack of ex- sector SU(3) and SU(4) symmetries are badly broken: perimental information on the interactions in free space. mc ms mu. Given the importance of effective For example, almost all knowledge on the DN interaction Lagrangians in the study of a great variety of phenom- comes from calculations based on effective Lagrangians ena involving D−mesons, in the present examine their that are extensions of light-flavor chiral Lagrangians us- properties in a holographic model of QCD. We extend ing SU(4) flavor symmetry [19{25] and heavy quark sym- the holographic QCD model of Refs. [33, 34] to the case metry [6, 26]. The Lagrangians involve coupling con- of Nf = 4 and investigate the implications of the widely different values of the quark masses on the effective three- stants, like gρDD, g!DD, gρD∗D and gρD∗D∗ , whose values meson couplings gρDD and gρD∗D∗ and the electromag- netic form factors of the D and D∗ mesons. The param- eters of the model are the quark masses and condensates ∗ [email protected] as well as the mass gap scale. Using experimental data y [email protected] for a selected set of meson masses to fix the model param- z [email protected] eters, allows us to predict not only the strong couplings 2 and electromagnetic form factors mentioned above but dences. Our results calculations are more in line with 3 also many other observables not studied before with a calculations using the P0 quark-pair creation model in holographic model. the nonrelativistic quark model [42, 43]. The works in Refs. [33, 34] pioneered in the modeling The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sec.II of low energy QCD by incorporating features of dynami- we describe how chiral and flavor symmetry breaking is cal chiral symmetry breaking in holographic QCD. They realized in our model. Then in Sec. III we describe the correctly identify the five dimensional gauge fields dual to five dimensional field equations and the AdS/CFT dic- the left and right currents associated with chiral symme- tionary for the flavor and axial currents. In Sec.IV we try as well as the five dimensional scalar field dual to the describe the formalism of Kaluza-Klein expansions and chiral condensate. The extension proposed in Ref. [35] obtain effective kinetic Lagrangians for the mesons. In incorporated the strange quark and was able to identify Sec.V we use the prescription of our previous studies the appearance of scalar modes associated with flavor in Ref. [38] for the leptonic decay constants and obtain symmetry breaking. In the present work, by extending relations describing flavor symmetry breaking and chiral the model of Refs. [33, 34] to the case Nf = 4, we are able symmetry breaking in terms of scalar and pseudoscalar to investigate the consequences of the dramatically dif- modes respectively. In Sec.VI we obtain effective La- ferent values of the quark masses on the phenomenology grangians describing three-meson interactions with the of charmed mesons. Moreover, by combining the formal- holographic prescription for the strong couplings. Fi- ism of Kaluza-Klein expansions and the AdS/CFT dic- nally, in Sec. VII we fit the model parameters and present tionary, we are able to directly extract the leptonic decay our numerical results for many observables, including the constants of mesons and find an expansion for the flavor strong couplings gρDD and gρD∗D∗ as well as the elec- currents that relate flavor symmetry breaking to the ap- tromagnetic form factors of the D and D∗ mesons. We pearance of scalar modes. That relation bears a strong compare the latter against lattice QCD data obtained in analogy with the generalized PCAC (partially conserved Ref. [44]. Section VIII presents our conclusions. axial current relation) [36, 37] that relates dynamical chi- ral symmetry breaking to the appearance of the pion and its resonances [38]. II. CHIRAL SYMMETRY AND FLAVOR In the model of Refs. [33, 34], dynamical chiral symme- SYMMETRY IN HOLOGRAPHIC QCD try breaking becomes manifest when considering fluctua- tions of the five dimensional gauge fields associated with Chiral symmetry SU(Nf )L × SU(Nf )R for Nf flavors the axial and vectorial sector. While the kinetic terms holds in the massless limit of QCD and is described in of the axial sector acquire a mass, signalizing chiral sym- terms of the left and right currents metry breaking, the vector sector remains massless. In µ,a µ a our framework, it turns out that the vector sector also ac- JL=R =q ¯L=Rγ T qL=R ; (1) quires a mass signalizing the breaking of flavor symmetry. a 2 The Kaluza-Klein decomposition of these fields allows us where T , a = 1;:::Nf − 1 are the generators of the to obtain effective kinetic Lagrangians for the mesons SU(Nf ) group, and qL=R = 1=2 (1 ± γ5)q, with q be- from the five dimensional kinetic terms, with masses and ing the quark Dirac field. The SU(4) generators T a are decay constants obtained in terms of the wave functions normalized by the trace condition Tr(T aT b) = 1=2 δab, a b abc c representing the Kaluza-Klein modes. Moreover, expand- satisfying the Lie algebra T ;T = if T . The gen- ing the five dimensional action to cubic order in the fluc- erators T a are related to the Gell-Mann matrices λa by tuations and performing again a Kaluza-Klein decompo- T a = 1=2 λa.
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