Alchemist Imagine 85% 2-13 Alien Argus Press NR 15-124 Alien 8 Ultimate 95% 15-16 CRASH was a monthly UK publication dedicated Alien Evolution Gremlin Graphics 75% 42-35 to the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Published by Alien Highway Vortex 88% 29-23 Newsfield, it ran from May 1983 until April 1992, Alien Storm Go!/Capcom 89% 93-56 during which time it reviewed thousands of Alien Swarm/Arena K-Tel 57% 3-108 games and utilities. This software index, made Alien Syndrome Ace / RAD 90% 57-84 84% 69-49 in association with CRASH: The Online Edition, Aliens Electric Dreams 84% 37-18 lists the overall scores CRASH awarded in those Aliens (US version) Electric Dreams 45% 47-14 reviews. All Or Nothing Abbex 72% 11-56 The Software Index Alphabeth A'n'F Software NR 16-104 Altered Beast Activision / The Hit Squad 67% 71-63 69% Titles beginning with numbers are listed at the start of the directory, and titles beginning with 'The' are listed under 95-61 their second word (e.g. “Great Escape, The”). Alternative World Games Gremlin Graphics 85% 55-80 Amaurote Mad 92% 40-117 The entry for each piece of software gives its name, producer and Overall CRASH percentage, and the issue and AMC Dinamic 82% 77-44 page of CRASH in which it is reviewed, as follows: American Football Argus Press 71% 13-125 American Turbo King Mastertronic 61% 76-46 title producer Overall% issue-page Anamagon's Temple Mediandroid 39% 57-44 Review scores for issues 1–59 have been taken from the lists printed in CRASH issues 48 and 61. Scores for issues Anarchy Rack-It 77% 48-165 60 to 98 have been taken directly from the appropriate issues. Scores scanned from the lists have not been checked Ancient Battles Cases Computer Simulations 93% 62-72 against the published reviews. Android 2 Vortex 90% 2-13 Andy Capp Mirrorsoft 73% 49-23 Early adventures ratings were out of ten rather than 100, while initially strategy games were not given marks, and Anfractuos Players 46% 39-116 educational software was never given percentages. Reviews where no numerical rating was given are marked as NR Angleball Mad 51% 46-28 (not rated). Animated Strip Poker Knightsoft 66% 15-118 Annals Of Rome PSS 85% 38-77 CRASH Smashes were usually (but not always) awarded to games rated 90% or above, starting from issue 4. Antagonists The Addison Wesley 6/10 19-94 For a comprehensive set of transcribed CRASH reviews, see The ZX Spectrum Reviews Database. Antics Bug-Byte 90% 6-9 APB Domark / The Hit Squad 93% 68-40 84% 90-44 All artwork is used with the kind permission of Art of Oliver Frey. Apocalypse Infogrames NR 43-51 Apollo 11 Darkstar 70% 5-83 2507 games listed; 2703 reviews; Updated: 23rd July 2018 Apple Jam Dk'tronics 47% 2-71 April 7th Zenobi Software 49% 95-43 Arc of Yesod Thor 89% 26-129 0 - 9 A Arcade Flight Simulator Code Masters 64% 66-43 Arcade Fruit Machine Zeppelin Games 59% 75-47 10 Computer Hits Volume 5 Beau Jolly NR 60-93 A Day In The Life Micromega 59% 15-46 Arcade Trivia Quiz Zeppelin Games 80% 75-46 10 Great Games 3 Gremlin Graphics NR 60-92 Aaargh! Melbourne House 29% 68-44 Archers The Mosaic 90% 37-53 10 Mega Games Gremlin Graphics NR 60-92 ABC Artic NR 2-98 Archon Ariolasoft 83% 18-21 180 Mastertronic 72% 35-36 Academy CRL 92% 36-178 Archon Collection The Electronic Arts 72% 62-70 19 Part One – Boot Camp Cascade 91% 56-14 Accelerator Century City 66% 13-23 Arctic Fox Electronic Arts 41% 55-20 1942 Elite 63% 33-24 Ace Cascade 81% 32-13 Arcturus Visions 57% 3-39 1943 GO! 46% 57-87 Ace 2 Cascade Games 62% 48-14 Arena Bug Byte 67% 46-67 1984 Incentive 76% 2-104 Ace 2088 Cascade Games 56% 64-18 Arendarvon Castle Addison Wesley 7.5/10 18-102 1985 Mastertronic 21% 25-20 Ace Of Aces US Gold 62% 38-102 55% 58-111 Arkanoid Imagine 59% 39-22 1994 Vision 75% 3-52 Acheton Topologika 87% 53-47 Arkanoid 2 – Revenge Of Doh Imagine 80% 51-106 82% 2-D Game Maker CRL 49% 59-14 Acrojet US Gold 83% 37-36 89-47 2-Player Soccer Squad Cult The (D&H Games) 17% Action Biker Mastertronic 52% 19-17 Armageddon Silversoft 68% 1-79 92-65 Action Fighter Firebird 82% 71-58 Armageddon Man The Martech 65% 44-50 2003 A Space Oddity Dk'tronics 49% 3-123 Action Force Virgin Games 35% 46-28 Army Moves Ocean 54% 41-16 2088 Zeppelin 40% 58-23 Action Force II Virgin Games 90% 52-12 Arnhem CCS NR 17-122 2112 Design Design 83% 26-40 Action Reflex Mirrorsoft 88% 31-28 76% 56-88 Artist II The Softek International NR 36-133 NR 63-60 3 Deep Space Postern 44% 1-97 Ad Astra Gargoyle 80% 4-14 Artist The SofTechnics NR 17-122 3D Ant Attack Soft Solid 85% 1-16 Addams Family The Ocean 91% 98-14 Artura Gremlin Graphics 38% 59-14 3D Bat Attack Cheetah Soft 51% 6-109 Adder Attack Mogul 64% 4-85 Ashes Pulsonic 49% 5-101 3D Construction Kit Incentive Software NR 88-39 Adidas Championship Football Ocean Software 83% Ashkeron Mirrorsoft 8/10 18-104 3D Deathchase Micromega 92% 1-8 79-43 Asterix And The Magic Cauldron Melbourne House 61% 3D Lunattack Hewson Consultants 90% 4-16 Adidas Championship Tie Break Ocean Software 73% 34-141 3D Pinball Mastertronic Plus 42% 76-47 40% 85-55 83-54 Astroclone Hewson Consultants 88% 22-146 3D Pool Firebird / Kixx 70% 65-16 75% 98-81 Admiral Graf Spee Temptation 54% 1-103 Astronomer CP Software NR 9-92 3D Seiddab Attack Hewson Consultants 79% 3-114 Advanced Soccer Simulator Mastertronic 82% 64-28 Astronut Software Projects 81% 12-36 3D Space Wars Hewson 68% 1-75 Adventure Adventure Software 84% 36-151 Astrotutor Astrocalc NR 38-48 3D Tank Duel Realtime 83% 7-88 Adventure Games Pack Psychedelic Hedgehog Software ATF Digital Integration 89% 50-17 3D The Best Of Vortex Vortex NR 42-15 15% 96-31 Athena Ocean 75% 45-21 4 Game Pack No 1 Atlantis 70% 97-64 Adventure Playground Storm Software 80% 85-30 Athlete Buffer Micro 51% 8-100 4 Soccer Simulators Code Masters 75% 60-26 Adventureland Adventure International 7/10 14-104 Atic Atac Ultimate NR 1-28 92% 2-37 4-Most Action Alternative Software 65% 89-31 Adventures Of St Bernard Carnell Software 58% 4-86 Atlantic Challenger Virgin 48% 32-21 4-Most Sports Alternative Software 52% 89-31 Affaire Vera Cruz Infogrames 85% 34-96 Atlantis M&J Software 6/10 8-73 4Star J K Greye 25% 4-116 Afghan Attack Southern Software 6/10 15-96 Atlas Assignment Virgin Games 6/10 6-76 4th Dimension Hewson Consultants 50% 75-42 Africa Gardens Gilsoft 84% 4-51 Atom Ant Hi-Tec Software 78% 82-45 4x4 Off-Road Racing Epyx / Kixx 42% 62-18 Afterburner Activision / The Hit Squad 86% 59-9 85% ATRAM Websters NR 12-160 720º US Gold 81% 47-26 87-50 Attack Of Killer Tomatoes Global 89% 28-23 750cc Grand Prix Code Masters 72% 86-45 Aftershock Interceptor 89% 34-95 ATV Simulator Code Masters 66% 46-130 911TS Elite 58% 17-119 Agent Orange A'n'F 59% 38-23 Auf Wiedersehen Monty Gremlin 85% 40-34 Agent X Mastertronic 85% 37-117 Auf Wiedersehen Pet Tynesoft 54% 7-40 Agent X II Mastertronic 56% 48-170 Austerlitz Lothlorien 93% 24-80 Ahhh!!! CRL 61% 9-109 Austerlitz 1805 Cases Computer Simulations 76% 67-40 Air Defence CCS NR 16-141 Auto Chef Cases Computer Simulations NR 44-95 Airbase Invader CP Software 68% 6-52 Automania Mikrogen 88% 7-7 Airborne Ranger Microprose / Kixx 82% 60-22 Avenger Gremlin Graphics 85% 36-173 Airline Cases Computer Simulations NR 40-104 Axe of Kolt The FSF Adventures 93% 84-39 Airwolf Elite 90% 13-28 47% 56-87 Alcatraz Harry Mastertronic 43% 9-123 !1 of !12 Black Lamp Firebird 57% 51-11 Bull Tables Lotus-Soft NR 2-99 B Black Tiger Go!/Capcom 78% 74-40 Bullseye Macsen 45% 33-116 B.C. Bill Imagine 73% 9-12 Black Tower Dollar Soft 3/10 9-68 Bump Set Spike Mastertronic 38% 34-132 Baba Liba Silversoft 48% 19-16 Blackbeard Kixx 81% 61-67 Buriabeast Kerian UK 54% 7-37 Back To Skool Microsphere 93% 23-10 Blade Alley PSS 85% 5-33 Butch Hard Guy Advance 65% 38-15 Back To The Future Electric Dreams 42% 28-31 Blade The Warrior Cable Software 7/10 9-70 Butcher Hill Gremlin Graphics 50% 64-80 Back To The Future 2 Image Works 57% 81-39 Bladerunner CRL 58% 27-128 Butterfly Pulsonic 17% 5-84 Back To The Future 3 Image Works 93% 86-54 Blasteroids Image Works 73% 63-17 By Fair Means or Foul Superior Software 34% 60-34 Backpackers Guide To The Universe (Part 1) Fantasy Blazing Thunder Hi-Tec Software 63% 82-52 Byte CCS 57.5% 1-75 83% 12-34 Blinky's Scary School Zeppelin Games 90% 79-48 Blitzkrieg CCS 90% 49-51 Badlands Domark / The Hit Squad 68% 83-67 Ball Crazy Mad 73% 42-34 Block-Buster Compusound 76% 8-14 C Ballblazer Activision 71% 28-18 Blockade Runner Thorn EMI 62.5% 1-31 C5 Clive Scorpio 65% 17-119 Ballbreaker CRL 64% 46-30 Blockbusters Macsen Software 82% 13-52 Cabal Ocean Software / The Hit Squad 91% 71-66 90% Ballbreaker II CRL 56% 52-16 Blockbusters TV Games 46% 49-98 93-60 Ballooning Heinemann 76% 5-64 Blood Brothers Gremlin Graphics 85% 54-78 Caesar The Cat Mirrorsoft 71% 5-62 Balls, Boots and Brains Incentive 38% 98-72 Blood Valley Gremlin Graphics 41% 51-18 Caesar's Travels Mirrorsoft NR 21-92 Barbarian Psygnosis 85% 41-114 81% 56-96 Bloodwych Image Works 75% 77-48 Cagara Players 39% 31-23 Barbarian 2: The Dungeon of Drax Palace Software / Kixx Blue Max US Gold 78% 14-22 Cage Match Entertainment USA 15% 52-83 81% 60-19 71% 83-53 Blue Riband CCS NR 12-159 California Games Epyx / Kixx 36% 49-27 69% 83-61 Barchou Central Solutions 29% 31-110 Blue Thunder Richard Wilcox 90% 3-8 Call Me Psycho Pirate 47% 46-125 Bard's Tale The Electronic Arts 86% 55-55 BMX Freestyle Code Masters 76% 62-69 Calling The Visual Dimensions 68% 56-58 Barreldrop Games Machine 65% 1-15 BMX Kidz Firebird 69% 50-100 Camelot Warriors Ariolasoft 82% 35-38 Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing Activision BMX Simulator
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