fa : "N -- T U E SD A Y , OCTOBER 9,1945 Average Daily Circulation Tbs Weather TWELV* Manchester Evening Herald 1 ad D. a. W eather ] For the Moatk ot September, 1845 street, $ former employee of the with low tomperatorea la latoriart The SoropUmfat Oub wiU have Sunday school teachers of Con­ garage. 8,988 cordia Lutheran church will hold Pilot of the Skyways Thursday tair with little change Ita flrat dinner-meeting ot the Local Aviator Spent Don Vvas pleased to meet his old Member ot the Audit In tempera tuf a. About Town seaaon Friday evening, October their monthly meeting this even­ employee and In talking to him WANTED ing at eight o'clock. Bureau of Circulatlona 13, at 6:30 at the home o f Mra. learned that In the Intervening FIRST CLASS PA PE R Ch'arlea F, Sumner of Bolton. One years George had gotten himself Manche$ter~—A CUy o f Vittago Charm ; CtAm o f Byron road w m HANGER AND PAINTER ohalrman of tha newly of the groups of the Bolton Con­ M ra Francis Dancosse, Sr., of 1,600 Hours in Air a commission in the A. A. F „ first fer Congregational church will 152 Center street was admitted at as engineer officer and later aa a (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS , Social Action committee of CALL MR. MacNEIL , (ClaaaUled Advertlaing aa Page 14) M ANCHESTER, CO N N „ W E D N E S D A Y , OCTOBER 10,1945 church at>a monthly meet- cater. The guest speaker will be the Hartford hoapltal yesterday B-26 combat pilot and had racked VOL. LXV- NO. 9 _ the church committee Sun- Lieut. Muriel Palmer of the Army for an operation. up a Tecord of 47 combat miaalons At f aw n ln f. Inrtn* Spencer, chair- Nurse Corps, who la home on Remarkable Record o f Local Aviator Travelled over Germany and way stations. et the nomlnatlnr committee leave after serving In the Euro­ Technical Sergeant William Don Willis in Both Over Half Million Miles That’s the way it stands today, in addition to Mr. pean area for more than fifteen Demko, Sheridan apartments. with flyers, ground forces men Allen Realty tSnowstorm’ for Admiral Nimitz the following wlU aerve aa montha Main street, Manchester, has been Atlantic and Pacific In his three years of service and othera from the far-reaching PH ONE 5105 combat forces of the coimtry com­ Smith Backs Lone Japs Free P olitick :a o f the committee: Mra. released for discharge from the in the Arm y A ir Transport Between 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. Croaa, BHmer Weden, Mra. Tech. Sergt. Ralph Salvatore Headquarters Company of General Theaters of Operations Corps. Lieut. Don W illis flew ing quietly home to take up where Nettleton and Mra. Max has received an honorable dis­ Courtney H. Hodges’ First Army 1,600 hours for a total o f more they left off a few years back. Don admits that the garage will auaer. charge after serving three and a after 56 montha of service at Fort It’s a long hike by air from a than 500,000 miles In the North be his main Interest for the future half years In the Army. He la the Bragg. N. C. He will be discharg­ Atlantic, South Pacific and the Head for Planned one-lunger OX-5 with which he but after all that kind of flying ■on born October 5 at the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sal­ ed under the Arm y’s point system, United Statea—coast to coMt. Captives; Reds Hit barnatormed about the country In he will use his spare time as flight licheater Memorial Hoapltal to vatore of 90 Walnut street. having 79 polnU. He has been with Non-stop flights to' Britain Instructor— "just to keep my hand .. and M ra Frank Symonda of First Arm y for the past three 1931 to chief pilot of a modern from Newfoundland and frohi in the game,’’ he stated. ■ JAMES A. [ Hartford road, haa been named The Membership supper of the months. P flor to entering service Army Air Transport C-54 (Doug­ San Francisco to Hawaii were Science Program Frank. Manchester Branch, Hartford he was employed by the Hamilton las Skymaster) but Don WllHa weekly occurrences. County y.W ;C A., will be held to­ Standard Propeller Company, East made It. Actually, there w m noth­ Among the types o f planes WOODS morrow evening at the home of Hartford. Conn., and plans to re­ Don has winged over land and At Emperor’s Rule Mrs. J. L. Handley, 240 Henry ing that would have kept him from PENDER AND turn to that concern. He Is the son It except a serious accident and oceans were B-24’a, B-’JS's, Budget Director in Dis­ street. The gueat speaker will be of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Demko. 43 B-26’8, B-17’8, Q-47’b, C-54’s, Range and Fuel Oil Tigers Lead Mrs. Michael Corovlllea of the that was what the town's best BODYWORK agreement ^ith Scien­ r a n g e OIL Locust street, Manchester. His known, and longest active, air C-87’b and all types of Arm y New Britain Y.W.CA. \ Local Moving and Newly-Forined National wife, . the former Louise A. pilot never hatl. aircraft from one t<> four en­ SOLIMENE & FLAGG tists on Control o f O'Leary, and two daughters reside gines Don W iUia 6zl in Last Truman Notes. Find Racket Members of the Britlsh-Ameri- H « began his first' air jaunts INC. Trucking Federation of Toilenil Delivery at the Sheridan apartments ad back In 1931 In a crate that today X National Foundation”; can Club and the British W ar Vet­ 884 Center St. ' TeL 5101 dress. might b«! termed obsolete, yet . Rises to Defend Impe*] erans will meet at the Britlsh-Am- supplies to Atsugl, troops, ammu­ 29 Pearl Street In Reselling Don, In one of hla weaker moments Sees Unwarranted Sus­ Series Game Pioneer Spirit C A LL 3996 erlcan Club, 75 Maple street, to­ coursea,'Don was detailed to the nition and tractors o f all kinds rial House and Assail! morrow evening at 7:30; From Mr. and Mrs. HHwood G. Walker took oft from Hartford and land­ When the work waa done , the Tel. 6566 picion Over Budget of Middle Turnpike East have re­ ed safe and sound In Nova Scotia South Pacific M first pilot of a there they will proceed to the Hol- C-54 DouglM SkymMter, evacu­ C-54’s headed back to the States Junk Tires Communists; Navy’ sl , Cook’s Service Station turned after a visit with relatives after crossing plenty of open W's- Borowy and DerriDger StOl Fostered loran Funeral home In tribute to ating wounded from the South Pa­ on Sept. 15 and on the 18th Don Thomas A. Mut^ock Washington, Oct. 10.— (tP) Albert V. Llndaay who died yester­ In Egremont and Alford, Masa ter en route. landed at Hamilton Field and Impounded Fortune! His flnit night over water might cific island bMes to Hawaii Drivien to Showers iti and Garage day, a loyal member o f both orga­ within a few hours was relieved Contractor and Builder -r-Harold D. Smith, director have been an Indication o f what Don piloted the big ships over Acquired from Nations! nizations. from active duty and assigned to o f the Budget bureau, came Voices Assurance Nation i\ecapp^ and Marketed Temple Chapter, Order of the waa to follow In his Arm y services thousands o f miles of trackleM Jobbing: Given Prompt Hospital First 2 loniDgs; Van' Manchester Green, Conn. Eastern Star will meet tomorrow ocean bringing wounded and car­ the Sepafatlon Center, Fort Dev- out flatly today for putting Soon W ill ‘Press f ’or* Conquered and Japs] for In the three years of Impor ens for discharge. ^Attention denberg Halts Rally In Boston and Chelsea evening in the Masonic-Temple. A tant service for the Army he flew rying supplies to and from the In­ Don’s release from the service Expense Plan final authority over a pro­ patriotic service will take place af­ about a half-million miles, all over vasion spots, Guadalcanal, Tara­ Telephone 5722 ward’ in Developing * Without Regard for will be effective on Oct. 17 when For Men, Women and posed national science foun­ Bulletin! Mrs. Delia Sullivan ter which a social time will be en­ water in some of the most danger­ wa, Kwajelein, ChriatroM and W rigley Field. Chicago, Oct. 10 joyed, with refreshments by Mrs Canton islands, being stops en his terminal leave w lir have been Children — Ages 1 to 80 dation in the hands of a sin­ All Great River Valleys Safety f OP A Reports Tokyo, Oct. 10.— (/T’)—Jap-1 SPENCER CORSETIER ous territory In the world. He has —(yP)—Hank Borowy, the Chicago Rosalie Norris and her committee. 1,600 flying hours to his credit, route. Not a wing tip was scratch­ entirely consumed. PA YS l-'OR; gle administrator. He thus anese, parading with red ban­ Before leaving Oakland, Cal., Cub. right-hander pitching in his 1,300 of them In the South Pacific. ed In all those flights though heavy SldmeaB or aectdent axpenses disagreed with views of sci- • Gffbertsvllle, Ky., Oct. 10— Boston, Oct. 10—<iF>—A "vicious ners and -Korean independ­ 5 Broad ' Don secured his license as^CAA In­ third straight game, was clubbed Teachers of the Second Congre­ weather was experienced In seV' when eonflned In any hnairttal entistfl who have preceded him as President Truman voiced assur­ Street South Pacific Island structor, qualified to instruct in to the showers in exactly nine racket” in the resale of junk tires, ence flags jammed traffic ini gational church school will have The principal thing In flying, eral Instances.
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