Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Rochester Tels., 3333-5933 Bell, 2912 Main Electric Lighting Electric, Gas and Combination Fixtures, Art Mosaics. Table Lamps. Lighting Novelties. Welsbach Repairs. Electric Wiring for Light, Heat and Power Transmission. Bell and Telephone Installation and Repairs Prompt and efficient Rochester Public Library Reference Book Not For Circulation ABNER . ^X^Nl J ''ADAM S Uontractor Fine Hardwood Floors Contracts made for hardwood floors of every approved thickness and style, laid and finished complete in old or new houses Western Ne-iv York Agency Wood-Mosaic Flooring Company 29 East Avenue Rochester, N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories 3 9077 05345 8660 Choice f loftier?, "25CUNTONAVE.,N>S 2Decoration£, $alms, FROCH|2EJ^L f c™$ ™* f lotomng plants Home Phone IQ48 Bell Phone 666 Mai. Ereb ©• ©tcfeforb Storage and Manufacturing Co. AWNINGS, SANITARY BED- DING & UPHOLSTERING Furniture & Merchandise Moved Packed & Shipped Celebrated Nantucket The only First-class Storage Hammocks House in the City 359-373 State Street Rochester, N. 2 12-18 Frankfort Street Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories HOME PHONE 2367 BELL MAIN 594-Y Creamy T% /f¥T \f Absolutely and Rich MILK\/l I I Iv. No Sediment KEPT SCRUPULOUSLY CLEAN FROM THE HEALTHY COW TO OUR STER­ ILIZED BOTTLE Hay den Bros. Milk Co. 574 West Avenue ESTABLISHED 1882 HOME PHONE 287 INCORPORATED 1906 BELL PHONE 121 CHASE Cayford C& Sons Livery Co. Coaches, Coupes and all Kinds of Livery 30 and 32 N. Union St. Rochester, N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories % A. M. Berinstein Ladies' Tailor Cloaks and Tailor-Made Garments Home Telephone 2741 IIQ East Avenue Rochester, N. Y. iy^E show a very compre- Mission \\J hensive line of "Craft- Furniture style" Chairs and Rockers at very low prices. We invite your inspection. 31 llEHmSmmnmE. II116-118 5TRTL5V Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Pre-eminence in Women*s Smart Ilrear E DO not make a specialty of ivomen's coats and suits—nor of millinery, but ive do give these lines rather unusual attention. That is the best reason for the pre-eminent position ivhich this store occupies at the present time. Q\The newest things are always here first. The wchoicest values— the best qualities are alivays here. The unusual price features ivhich the action of trade in its devious channel from maker to consumer pro­ duces, are also found in abundance at McCurdy's. And because our friends know that this is so, and can alivays rely upon it being so, ive have been successful in building up the largest garment and millinery business in Rochester. (H, Little things make for large successes. With us the small details haue alivays been of transcending importance. We carry large stocks. We have most excellent__store service. Distribution facilities are perfectly organized. And still ive alivays look after the little things, and see some little way to improve every day. Of course, ive are ambitious. We look forivard hopefully to a bigger and better store—to still larger facilities—to broader and more comprehensive merchandising in future. But it is chiefly for the purpose of serving you better and better as Rochester grows in size and importance McCurdy (§f Norwell Co. Rochester, N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories ROCHESTER AND SUBURBAN TOWNS Containing the Names and Addresses of Prominent Resi­ dents Arranged Alphabetically and by Streets; Summer Residences; also Ladies' Maiden Names, Receiving Days and other Valuable Social Information 1908 Price $4.00 Represented in Rochester, N. Y., by Scrantom, Wetmore & Co. Dau Publishing Company Publishers 54 West 22d Street : New York City Copyright 1908 by Dau Publishlne Company Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories East Side Store West Side Store Greenhouse 320 MAIN STREET, East 38 MAIN STREET, We 249 PARK AVENUE Powers Hole! Bldg. SALTER BROS. jflorisite Floral Designs and Decorations Choice Cut Flowers and Blooming Plants Flower Seeds, Bulbs and Bedding Plants BOTH PHONES PROMPT DELIVERY Ironing by EleSfricity Electric Flat Irons are simple to operate. Durable, Reliable. They satisfy discriminating users. A great convenience for all kinds of pressing at home or when traveling. We have them in several weights and prices. Rochester Railway & Light Co. 34-40 Clinton Avenue, N. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories "» -•, _ . '•=8 The Donoghue Import:rn,g"jGpv ;j CHAS. O. TOOHEY, Manager Urines Sole Agents for luglenook Vineyards, Liquors California Special attention given and Cordials to family trade 7hl-2W Main Street, E. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester s Leading Cloak,, Suit, Costume and Millinery House Smart Apparel for Ladies, Misses and Children 36 & 38 Main Street, East Rochester, N. Y 1-446456 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Your House Cleaned By Compressed Air, Dustless Method Carpets Renovated without removing them from the floor—or we will call for, clean and deliver the same day. The only system that absolutely REMOVES MOTH, DUST and GERMS Thompson-Curtis Compressed Air Cleaning Co. 22 EVERGREEN STREET ROCHESTER, N. Y. Phones, Bell 2534, Home 2613 J. W. KENNEDY F. H. LATIMORE, Manager Qousej)olti Qrt gjooms Consulting CS, Contracting Decorators Wall Papers, Plain and Mural Paint­ ings, Special Furniture, Oriental Rugs and Fabrics 43 EAST AVENUE ROCHESTER, N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Qreface THE fifth issue of the &orije£fter Wittt JBoofe possesses some features which we trust will entitle it to retain the high place in public favor that has been accorded its predecessors. We desire especially to thank our lady patrons for their cordial appreciation of our efforts. Neither time nor money has been spared to make this work as complete and valuable as possible. The difficulty attending the compiling of such a book can be easily appreciated; and we therefore trust that any omissions will be brought to our notice, that they may be corrected in future. We hope to make the ISltlC I^OOfe as nearly perfect as it is possible to make such a volume. We do not claim the IBlue JSook is either a City Directory or absolutely an Elite Directory; neither do we pretend to pass upon the social or financial standing of the parties whose names are contained therein. It is simply a compilation of about two thousand names of the most prominent householders of Rochester and suburbs, published in the most convenient form for reference by our lady patrons. The title, "JSUtlE JBoofe," is given the work because of its blue cover. It does not refer to blue blood, as many people suppose. Webster's definition of Blue Book is as follows: " Blue Book—a book containing a list of fashionable addresses." Please send any information you may have that will aid in keeping the records correct, to Dau Publishing Co., 54 West 22d Street, New York City. ,fH£ PUBLISHERS Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Jfursi importer anb iHanufacturtr of ii^igf) 4Brabe furg 66 East Avenue Home Phone 1967 Rochester, N. Y Mr. ^albfus' School for Boys Rochester, N. Y. A sub-fitting school for a limited number of boys from eleven to seventeen. Courses cover major part of college preparation. For further information address JOSEPH P. KALBFUS 9 Beverly Street Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories CLUB INDEX 7—ROCHESTER ATHLETIC CLUB. President, William B. Lee; First Officers and Board of Trustees: Vice-President, J. Warren Cut­ President, George H. Clune; ler; Second Vice-President, Wil­ Vice-President, Dr. H. S. Durand; liam W. Webb; Honorary Secre­ Secretary, F. S. Macomber; tary, Percy R. McPhail; Treas­ Treasurer, Julius M. Wile. urer, Gilman N. Perkins; House 8—ROCHESTER CLUB. Committee, William S. Morse, President, William Bausch; Vice- Charles W. Gorton, Gilman N. President, George Roth; Secre­ Perkins; Green Committee, tary, J. H. Quinlan; Treasurer, George A. Carnahan, William S. M. H. Van Bergh; House Com­ Morse, Gurney T. Curtis, Norman mittee, W. D. Hayes, Chairman; Van Voorhis, Polo Member, Gur­ 9—ROCHESTEJ. H. QuinlanR DRAMATI. C CLUB. 2—DAUGHTERney T. CurtisS O,F CaptainTHE ; Finance Secretary, E. Vine Stoddard, 68 CommitteeAMERICA, EricksoN REVOLUTIOn PerkinsN, So. Washington St. Joh(Irondequoin P. Bowmant Chapter. ) Regent, Mrs. Wm. E. Hoyt; First 10—ROCHESTER WHIST CLUB. Vice Regent, Mrs. Frank F. Dow; President, C. E. Bostwick; Vice- Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. Henry President, H. W. Woodworth; F. Burton; Recording Secretary, Secretary. F. V. Reynolds; Treas­ Mrs. Morrison IL_McMath; As­ urer, W. W. Hibbard. sistant Recording- Secretary, 11—ROCHESTER YACHT CLUB. Mrs. Robert E. Burleigh; Corres­ 12—WEDNESDAY MORNING CLUB. ponding Secretary, Mrs. Horace Secretary, Miss S. E. Fisher. B. Hooker; Treasurer, Mrs. Ed­ 13—TRAVELERS CLUB. mund J. Burke; Registrar, Mrs. President, Mrs. H. Clay Peeples; Andrew J. Townson; Historian, First Vice-President, Mrs. Arthur Mrs. W. Herbert Wall; Chaplain, E. Sutherland; Second Vice- Mrs. Wm. A. Montgomery. President, Mrs. Milton E. Glbbs; 3—FRENCH ALLIANCE CLUB. Secretary, Miss Clara M. Cope- President, Rev. Adolph Note- land; Treasurer, Mrs. Charles J. baert; Secretary, Miss Adele Lan- Brown. gie. 14_WOMAN'S EDUCATIONAL i—GENESEE GOLF CLUB. AND INDUSTRIAL UNION. President, A. P. Fletcher; Vice- President, Mrs. W. A. Montgom­ President, A. J. Katz; Treasurer, ery; First Vice-President, Mrs. W. H. Ford; Secretary, J. B. Mul- W. C. Gannett; Second Vice- lan. President, Mrs. Max Landsberg; 5—GENESEE VALLEY CLUB. Third Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. President, James G. Cutler; Vice- Eastwood; Treasurer, Mrs. John President, George A. Carnahan; H.
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