For official use onl} HARYANA GOVERNMENT DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1995-96 VOLUME—1 (Memorandum alongwith Statements) NIEPA DC 8537 PLANNING d e p a r t m e n t g o v e r n m e n t o f HARYANA JANUARY, 1995 r* L 2 - t' i library & CaCUMEKUliUli Oi i Nati'v I i«:itu-e oi K(^uc&tioQ4 Plannmg ;tn<J Admiuii.tretion. 17-B, in Aurobindo Marg, New Dtihi-nooi6 D °t e ’ CONTENTS Chapter Contents Page Number I Introduction i-iii II Sectoral Programmes iv-xxii HI Statistical Statements Statement I—Major-Head wise Outlay and Expenditure 1-8 Statement II— Minor Headwise/Schemewise Outlay and Expenditure 9-90 Statement III—Physical Targets and Achievements 91-103 Statement IV & V—Minimum Needs Programme—Financial & Physical 105-111 Target s/Achie vements Statement VI~ Centrally Sponsored Schemes on Sharing basis 113-121 (Central Share) Statement VII—Centrally Sponsored Schemes on 100% basis 121-128 Statement VIII—Externally Aided Projects 129-131 Statement IX—Rural Component 133-135 Statement X—District Plan Component 137-145 Statement XI—^Annual Plan 1994-95—Approved/Revised Outlay/ 147-152 Revised Earmarked/MNP Outlay DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1995-96 Introduction The Planning Commission, Govt, of India, have laid down follov^ing objectives/ priority areas to be pursued during the Eighth Plan :— (i) Employment Generation; (ii) Containment of population growth; (iii) Universalisation of elementary education, complete eradication of illiteracy among people in the age group of 15 to 35 years; (iv) Eradication of scavenging and provision of safe drinking water, healthcare and immunisation to all villages; (v) Growth and diversification of agriculture to achieve self sufficiency in food and generation of surplus for export; (vi) Strengthening of infrastructual facilities i.e. energy, transport, communi­ cation and irrigation in order to support the process of growth in a sustainable manner; and (vii) Effective decentralisation, encouragement of local initiatives, voluntary efforts, etc. Keeping in view the objectives enunciated in the Eighth Five Year Plan (1992-97j and the requirements for maintaining and accelerating the tempo of economic develop­ ment and to provide additional and better social and community services to the people an outlay of Rs. 1250.00 croreshas beenproposed for the Annual Plan, 1995-96 against Rs. 1027.59 crores for the Annual Plan 1994-95. The sectoral distribution of Eighth Plan 1992-97 outlay, actual expenditure for 1992-93 and 1993-94, approved outlay/anticipated expenditure for 1994-95 and proposed outlay for 1995-96 is set out in the table below : — (Rs. in lakhs) Sr. Sector Eighth Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan N o . 1992-97 1992-93 1993^94 1994-^95 1995-96 Approved Actual Exp. Actual Exp. App- Anti- Proposed Outlay roved cipated outlay outlay Exp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Agriculture^ 40549.00 7043.87 7468.67 7514.00 7787.35 8992.88 Allied Activities (7 .19) 2 . Rural Develop- 12653 .00 1663 .62 1898 57 2955 00 3185 24 3549 40 ment (2 84) (ii) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3. Special Area 2000.00 287.00 425.57 674.00 725.70 761.40 Programme (0.61) 4. Irrigation & 67889.00 12679.08 14298.54 18636.00 18090.00 24836,00 Flood Control (19.87) 5. Energy 170384.00 18503.83 22197.36 23728.00 28767.00 26170.00' (20.94) 6. Industries and 22052.00 2441.87 2273.18 3094.00 3095.00 5629.00 M inerals (4.51) 7. Transport 39138.00 5320.16 5624.43 6013.00 5718.00 6693.70 (5.35) 8. Science & Tech­ 1262.00 95.51 125.77 203.00 163.00 225.90 nology and (0.18) Environment 9. Economic 1101.00 164.92 246.52 335.00 253.00 368.45 Services (0.30) 10. Decentralised 12415.00 950.00 750.00 1438.50 730.50 1580.26. Planning (1.26) 11. Social Services 197257.00 25085.27 24715.27 37538 50 38915.70 45500.01 (36.40> 12. General 3300.00 576.08 665.38 630.00 610.00 693.00 Services (0.55) Total 570000.00 74811.21 80689.26 102759.00 108040.49 125000.00 (100. 00) The State Government continues to accord high priority to social and community services 36 .40% of the outaly has been allocated to this sector followed by Power 20.94%, Irrigation and Flood Control’ 19.87%, Agriculture 7.20%, Transport and other sectors 15.59% It is estimated that 69% of the total outlay will be spent for the economic upliftment of rural areas under all sectors. In the field of productivity and social and community services sector the major targets are as follow:- Sr. Item U nit Eighth 1992-93 Annual Plan Annual Plan Annual Pla No. Plan 1993-94 1994-95 1995^96 1992-97 ----------------------- -------------------------------------- Target Actieve- Achieve­ Target Antici­ Target ments ments pated Achieve­ ments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Foodgrains OOO’Tonnes 11000 10281 10283 10700 10930 10940 2. Oilseeds OOO’Tonnes 815 561 850 885 885 900 3. Sugarcane (Gur)OOO’Tonnes 1000 672 642 900 900 900 4. Cotton OOO’Bales 1500 1411 1124 1500 1400 1500 5. Milk Production OOO’Tonnes 4093 3715 3850 3785 3950 4100 6. Fish Production000 Tonnes 38.00 20.15 22.58 24.00 24.00 28 00 (iii) 4 8 7. Beneficiaries Nos. 100000 23349 34026 14715 20000 20000 assisted under IRD P S. Irrigation potential 000’ Hect. 143.70 12.00 14 00 8.00 8.00 10.00 9. Small Scale Industries Nos. 32500 6740 6500 6500 6500 6500 10 Enrolment I---V 000’s 23i82 2197 2261 2356 2356 2392 Classes 11 . Enrolment in OOO’s 11(03 781 807 935 867 927 VI—VIII Classes 12 . Community Nos. 98 59 59 61 61 65 Health'Centres SECTORAL PROGRAMMES Crop Husbandry An outlay of Rs. 1509.65 lakhs, has been provided in the Annual Plan 1995-96 for the crop husbandry and allied pnogrammes. The corresponding outlay in the 1994-95 plan was Rs. 1356.00 lakhs. The programme-wise break up is asunder (Rs. injakhs) Sr. Programme Eighth Annual Annual Annual Annual Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan N o • (1992-97) 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 Approved Actual Actual Approved Proposed Outlay Expen­ Expendi- Outlay Outlay diture ture 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 K Multiplication & Distribution 1730.00 162.63 171.01 150.60 224.85 of seeds 2. Commercial Crops 721.00 84.72 85.66 127.25 129.80 3. Extension & Farmers Training 3000.00 864.21 847.78 1023.00 1095.00 4. Agricultural Engineering 11(65.00 38.68 54.82 45.00 50.00 5. Agricultural Economics & 90.00 7.47 9.30 10.15 10.00 Statistics Total 6706.00 1157.71 1168.57 1356.00 1509.65: The targets and achievements (Production) of important crops are as under : Physical Tagets/Achievements (Production) Sr. Crop U nit Eighth Annual Annual Annual Annual No. Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan 1992-97 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 Target Achieve­ Achieve­ Target Antici- Target ments ments pited Achieve­ ments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Total 000 Tonnes 11000 10281 10283 10700 10930 10940 Food Grains 2. Wheat 000 Tonnes 7050' 7108 7231 7200 7300 7300 3. Rice 000 Tonnes 2100 1880 2057 2060 2200 2150 4. Pulses 000 Tonnes 790 326 498 490 490 590 5. Sugarcane 000 Tonnes 1000 672 642 900 900 900 (Gur) 6 . Oil Seeds 000 Tonnes 815 561 850 885 885 900 7. Cotton 000 Bales 1500* 1411 1124 1500 1400 15001 (iv) (V) Under seed distribution program-n5s it is proposed to achieve the following targets during 1995-96, ^ S r. Crop Distribution of Percentage of replacement No. Certified seeds 1 1. Paddy 18000 9.47 8000 2. Bajra 33.33 3. Cotton 20500 23.77 4. Kharif Pulses 2650 25.23 5. W heat 220000 9.26 6. Rabi Oil Seeds 6400 24.61 There is very limited scope for bringing additional area under cultivation in the State Therefore, the increased targets of production will be achieved mainly through the increase in the yield of different crops. Accordingly, the basic strategy for achieving higher production would continue to be that of strengthening the oroerammes for the supply of inputs like improved and high yielding variety seeds, ftrtilizers, pesticides and other development and extension programmes. At present almost the entire wheat area, 85% cfPaddyand65% Bajra area isalready under high yielding varieties. The targets of area under H.Y. Vs for 1995-96 are given as under : (Area ‘030’ Hectares) Sr. Crop Eighth 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 No. Plan 1992-97 Achieve­ Achieve­ Target Antici­ Target ments ments pated Target Achieve ments I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 . Rice 385 495 414 500 490 540 2 . Bajra 360 510 297 490 390 460 3. Maize 15 17 14 14 14 14 4. Wheat 1913 1835 1958 1870 1870 1970 (vii) The target for the use of chemical fertUizers has been fixed at 7.73 lakh tonnes during 1995-96. The Agricultural Extension Programmes has been designed to provide a linkage between Research and Extension to commuaicate the latest tech­ nology to the farmers. The problems of far.n^rs ar^ speedily passed on to the Research Scientists through the extension agency- The programme will continue during 1995-96. A sum of Rs, 1090 00 lakhs has been provided under this programme.
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