
• Hodges Hits 4 Homers ! Weather 011 BoQH, 8roekbll fI... t ~an, tied Genera lIy fair today and I ..lor leape fee ...' ~y' DI&'M by ~mewbat warmer. To­ ~ foar bome J'1lJl& ~ ' paee &he Dod&,­ day' hi&'b. 80; low, 55. en to a II-S Wia over Bo8~D . Uodces Thursd.ay' hJch, 18; low, ,..ped. his' homer. off 0' four clJIfereDt at rua'n s, . ...."" .UeJlen. Eat 1868 - AP Lecued Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. 10"0, Friday. s.ptember 1. 1950 - Vol. 84, No. 280 Conares~ionai -hllJftup Agrees On Truman's ontrol Powers 50~OOO Reds Open Pusan Drive . WASHING"I;9N (AP) - A compromise bill givhg Pre ident Trufllan war-style powers to speed' production and curb inflation was approved finally Thursday night by a hou e- enate confer- ICros5 Naktong at Five P,oints ence committee. ' Prompt acceptance by both ohambers is xpected. The "na­ tional defense production act of 1950" maybe on President Tru­ man's desk wheu he delivers Austin Admits Yanks Send his "firesid~ chat" tonight at 8 SI'X New P.!.I:- pm. (Iowa time). • UHU ·Plane Strafed Fresh Troops , The President's hlllf-hour mell~ t" Ad "ff d lace to tbe people to be broadcast ~ases ml e ; .00 tt1tvised, mu give the pub- .. S Chinese Land To Halt Push Uc lts first knowledlle of what lotal et at 43 From n.e WIre Servies TOKYO (FRIDAY) (11') -More domestic sacrifices are to be Im~ LAKE SUCCESS M - Ambas­ than 30,000 tank-led North Ko­ postd under the broad mobil1~ Six polio stricken patients were sador Warren Austin, chief u.s. reans, with 20,000 more In re­ .serve, unleashed an all - out drlvo Zlltlon bill. admitted to Univel'8lty hospitals delegate to the United NltiOns, told the security council Thurs­ todllY along a 47-mile tront for AIIl'eement had' been delayed Thursday bringing the total num­ ber of active cases In the hospi­ day night that one American F-51 the United Nations lifeline port fOr hours wl)tl4 the conferees fighter plane "may have" strafed of Pu an. be.rd admil1istrlltion leaders ap­ tal to 43, which is a new high tor this yea r. a Chine f Communist airstrip In A t heavy cost in men and ar­ pe~ fQr a two-year law expiring Manchuria. mor they (1) punched out gains June 30, 1952, 1o.t'lld of the ten­ "Four-year-old Rosemary Cahill, up to five mile, (2) threw a mOllth bill previoulsly agreed on. daughter of Wilma Cahill of Iowa AUstin's announcement came CIS a surprl . He said the United pincers around one town and (3) ~ upshot was tills schedule Of City, was one ot the six. She was States had several timet warned crossed the Naktong at five termination datet: reported to be In "fair" condi­ points. They drove against two tion. alrtorces In Korea to exert every Wage - priCe and rationing con­ care to avoid cl'OSJing the borderR outnumbered American division •. troia, .restralntt Qn credit, and The other five admitted: Sonya The c ntral lind southern walls Allen, 3, Postville, daughter ot of China. He added that 81 lOOn machinery t6 settle labor dis­ as the first complaint wal re­ ot the fron~ exploded Into tonk, putel would e~plre next June 10. Leslie Allen; Sarah Duff, 6, Gil­ artUlcry and ground battles. bertsville, daughter of George ceiv d from Chou En.Lai, Chi­ Other powers would run Until The Americans rushed up fresh Duff; Josette Lawrence, 8 months, nese CommunIst foreIgn mInister, June 30, 1952, l!)eluding alloca~ the government ordered an in­ troops to reinforce the hard press­ Marengo, daughter of Charles d 25th division In the south. The Uqns, priorities, and defense pro­ Lawrence. quiry. duction loans. U.S. Eiahth army called the Red Leslie Abodeely, 2, Cedar Ra­ Austin asked that the Item be oItenslve "s general attack." The bill provides: placed on the councll's calendar pids, lion of Eli Abodeely, and Wil~ A quick look down the battle Wa,e and pric~ control pow­ lIam Henss, 50, ot Crawfordsville. lAP " ' h .. b.tol under the tltI "complaint of bomblnll ot Chinese territory by lfn at the coordinated attack: ersl on a s~ndby ~sts, rationing AU were reported in "fall''' con­ Korean Five O'Clock Shadow United Nations aircraft:· He 1. Two Rcd battalions crossed authority, allocation and priority dition by hospital o!tlclals. the Naklong lit Tuksong, 12 miles stressed the words United Nations. pow~rs, authority to restrict cI­ In addition to the s,ix new cases, KEEPING THAT WELL-GROOMED look durh" a war II ~u,h a southwest ot the key American villan output at cars, television hospital otticlals reported 37 oth­ 8ft. Forreet Buh.ore, TulSa, Okll. found out In the Malian lector AUltin spoke as RUSlia's Jakob advanced supply b of Taegu. A. Malik ended his presidency of e teta and other ~etnl-uslng civil­ er active cases. 10 were listed as of the Korean' {lIhUn ... He .hned Without bentflt 0' hot water and 2. Near Pugong, five mlles we.t Ian goods. "serious," 25 as "fair," and 2 hid 110 after lolton ~ trealJen uP. His 25th clJvislon buddies In the th council In the midst of an­ other bitter procedural wran,le of Chan,nyong, two reinforced Controls . ove!' InstaLlment cre­ as "good." baellcround ~rlormed other housekeeplllr chore outlilde theIr .tap Red baUallons made three cross­ dit and ' real es ..te credit and tepu. like those that have paralyzed th., Among those Usted as in "fair" council lor 31 days. ings and advanced nearly a mne 14ans to indUstry tor the construc­ NORTH KOIlEAN FORCE (1) Thursda.y launched a major at.­ to po Itlons where they dug In. condition was Edward Lonsdale, The U.S. dele,ate proposed that '-aclt on the lOuLhern front apln t the .. 25th and econd infan­ tion am\ expansion. 01 needed de­ 3, son ot Edward M. Lonsdale, a. Just south ot this orca, 3,000 the UN set up a commission to try dlvulon . MeanWhile Allied fOrce talled Red drlv~ In the Po­ fe'll8e ·plants. 226 McLean street. Reds cros ed the Naktong and " , investliate at once the reported hanr Irea. (Z) A U. '. aUack north ot Wael'un (3) wa blunted pushed !Ive miles eastward, driv­ Five patients were listed as 'Again Ransack attack and to a sess damages. He Ind forc were reported mavin&, near han&, (4) In the non­ Yo~ ' ti1s at. ing toward YOQgsan. "serious" inactive cases. None said the United States would be paq brldrehud area. ot the five was trom Iowa City. wllling to pay whatever damages 4. Two Red divisions struck hard the commission decided were fair. near the confluence of the Nam ATO Fraternity House and Noktong rivers, sent a large New Attempt Three Iowa City teen-age boys, who vandalized the Alpha assault force south toward Haman '0 * * * Plan Drafting Married Men and curved a pinchcl'S around that free Rutledge Tau. Omega .fratemity house just a month ago, were apprehended formosa Fleet ••• town. and jailed 'fbur day after again Tan aeking th Same hous . 'WASHINGTON (JP) - Chalrman th President Truman could or­ Afhe battalions, possibly 1,- CQrl Vinson (D~Ga) of the house DES MOINES !II'I - A team of The youtks, on probation ufter causitlg an stimnted $2,000 WASHINGTON [III - Pr tidellt der the drafting ot married men 600 men, which crossed the Nak~ FOTty-one JOt\:nSOlI county men defense attorneys headed by a Truman said Thursday the U.S. armed .,ervlccs committee said under the pre ent law, by amend­ tong a,alnst the U.S. Second In­ ftre sent to Des ' Moines 'rhursday former Iowa supreme cburt jus- damage to the hQUSC about Aug. 1, were surpri~ed by Detective Seventh fleeL can be withdrawn Thursday the draft will be ex­ In g the regulations. It would not fantry division, dug In after mov­ for physical examlnatJons for the tJce !lIed a 389-page brief with Harland Sprin~le at about 1 p. ro. Thursday at tit hOll e. H Cap­ from Formosa waters when tM tended to dralt~alle marrl d men r qulr legiSlation. Ing a mile beyond Pugong. al"llled setvlees. the state supreme court ThUrs- tured the group after n mile­ Korean war Is ended. with dependents soon. This MrouP made a total of day asking that the second degree He also told a press conference de~:r~~d~en, under 26, a)'c now * * * about 80 Johnsop county men murder conviction against Dr. Ro- long chase. he hopes there Is no great danger ISUI Students Win War at a Glance sent tQ take ¢1y.lcalsin August. bert C. Rutledge Jr., 30, St. Louis, Police Thursday Identified tile Plan Reorganization of Communist China becoming In­ Asked what he meant by "soon," be set aside. youths as Georie Lehman, 16, Volved in the Korean fighting. ten of the 31 Johnson county Vinson told newsmen: lCorean tront - North Korean men who pa.. ~ phYsicals in the Rutledge, who served part of a 701 N. GlJbert street; Jerry A.r- Mr. Truman said he ordered the Engineering Prize 70 year sentence In Fort Madison nold, 15, 304 Ronalds street, and Of City Police Shifts Seventh fleet Into Formosan wa­ "Rlgh_'W1I'v'" Communists lash out jn 6fmerlll two. c:ther AUJU~t CII,US, have been Two sut engineering students offensIve alon; 47 - mUe tront ordered' to repcli-t for induction at penito/ltiary but later was treed Aaron Lee Howell, 15, IZ2 Evans The Iowa City pOllce depart~ ters last June for the protectiop At selective service headquar­ terS, officials said theY could not today Jointly received $500 second reachln, from distant approaches Des .Moines Sept,.
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