1 tf ri ; 1 Hi ?J n :a U VS 3 1 si tfM ; .VOL. XXX., NO. 51U1 HONOLULU, 13 AWA I IAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, i EC EMBER, J, ld. IXlKbN PAGKH. TRICK FIVE CENTHL C ST R O F ESS I ( ) N A L ( I A R I S. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. vance. So, it is said, possibly instead engaging a greatly superior fonr at of rushing directly Kimberley rozorrupeo, . sptsmp mrmio for the northoant of D.tKupan. Irnairi nu British will advance across the fron- These troops have fought three ATTORNEYS. MUSIC. LUnrLlLllnU 11CYYO tier in the direction of Bloemfonteln, and are now holding thrlr a may enn-ntn- . ATKINSON & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkin-o- COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Bldg., which thus be threatened: This, position, waiting for reinfort It and Albert F Judd, Jr.) Office Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture, Sing- it is claimed, would draw off General is believed at headquarter. that tliln o?er Ulshop Jz Co.'s bank, cor. Mer- ing and Harmony, especial attention Cronje's forces and enable the railroad force is covering the retreat of tho in- chant and Kaahumanu Sts. paid to touch, musrular control and to be restored. surgent leaders to tho Binguet Moun- musical analysis. From the presence of General Buller tains: that '.he iiisurgeiiis planned to near General Methuen Orange re:reat northeast, along IiyiiR (W. C. and at river the ACHI & JOHNSON Acni it is anticipated that the main ad- mad, which is Ntockcd with store- Enoch Johnson). OSice No. 10 West MISS JENNIE ELSNER. Piano, CG0 vances will be made on the west side, houses, three of which the Americans SS4. Hugh A. King St.; Tel. King St.; Kelso's celebrated but it is added unless General Gatacre have had in draw upon vn lout'e, and Method of Modern Pianism repre- simultaneously :hat only the insurgent advance force sented; most approved Story of a Battle at Lady is able to advance and M. imOOKS. Room 9. the latest and push back the Boers who are occupy- had passed 1iyug Ircfore the Ameri- I'RANCIS i Agtil-naldo- synthetic work used for beginners; can occupation, tho main body of 's Spreckela building. Fort St. any ing so many points south of the Orange pupils received at time. communica- army being within our llnw. smith in Doubt. river, the British lines of The majority of those Insurgents may L.YXJi: DICKEY. King and Hethel tion will be seriously threatened. o.sorganizo A. to officers and poso as nmlgiM when Sta.; Tel. &0C; l O. box 7SG. General Buller's orders his the Americans ovcrtako them. ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER Vocal on the subject of their equipment are .iinong the scraps of news obtalnablo Studio, "Mignon,-- ' 720 Beretania St. taken to mean that the officers are to are stories of the hardships the Ameri- A. Cm A LB RA IT 1 1. A t to USUAL GRIST FROM THE SWAMPS JLINTON carry rifles, like the troops. can army U meeting re- office iioor Coney with. It U iirst ported, Iiaw-to- n Hawaii. BOER PRISONERS DISCOURAGED. for Instance, that General block. Ililo OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS narrowly escaped 1 Downing whilo LONDON, Nov. 21. The following fording -- i swift river, whn Lieutenant FREDERICK W. JOC Suite .315, Mar- CONTRACTORS. dispatch from its special correspondent Luna, and two privates were lost. Cap- 111.; is published by the Daily Telegraph: A. quette Dldg., Chicago, Hawaiian J. A. BUTTERFIELD. Contractor and tain Henry Leonhausor, with a bat- Consul General for States or Illinois, Builder. Store and office fittings, Dagupan Captured But Aguinaldo Yet Evades CAPE TOWN, Nov. 14. A batch of talion of the Twenty-fift- h Infantry, In Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wiscon- shop repair Tower on his way from Bam ban to O'Dcmnrll and work; Bell eighty-seve- n were sin. Bldg., Union St.; Tel. 702. -- Army Navy Boer prisoners who to take the inmrgent cartridge filling His Pursuers and Are captured at Elands Laagte arrived to- works there. Co-operati- ng. day by the steamer Many of A Filipino captain, who surrendered 15 Not Putlala. CHAS. F. PETERSON. Kaahuma- H. K. MEEMANO & CO. Contractors the men were wounded. The most se- with four iron 1o Colonel Andrew S. nu SU and Builders, Painters, Paperhangers rious cases, numbering a dozen, were Burt of the Twenty-fift- h Infantry, de- and Decorators; all work neatly landed and dispatched to the camp scribed the factory and volunteered to of High To- guide the expedition. PHYSICIANS. done; office Fort St., back ESTCOURT, Monday, Nov. 20. the Boers on the Orange border suff- hospital at Wynberg. The others were School, Honolulu. day fresh news is again at hand from iciently occupied to preserve General taken to Simons Town to join their The Governor of Neuva Vlsiya 8ra DR. GEO. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic Methuen from undue molestation, es on uecermlnod, lilce many other FiHplmw Special Ladysmith in shape of a long offi- comrades, who are detained board Practitioner and Surgeon. the pecially if rumors from various sources the Penelope. I conversed with some in these daytf. that the administration given to chronic diseases; WM. T. PATY Contractor and Build- cial message from General White and of his province cannot chango loo attention . that describe the Free State burghers of the wounded, including Command- jflcfl residence, Beretania St., er. Store and office fitting; brick, quickly, and is coming 1o Manila to and wood or stone building; shop Palace also come private dispatches. It ap- as in no wise enthusiastic for fighting ant Pretorius, who wad shot through nearly opp. Iethodist church; office are well founded. legs, tell Major General Otis of his loyalty 3 4 p. m.; 7 Walk; residence Wilder Ave., near pears that on Wednesday and Thurs- both and three members of tho and incidentally to request ho W. hours 10 to 12 a. m.; to It has been reported that General Johannesburg detective force, who that to S p. m.; Sundays, 9:G0 to 10:30 a. Kewalo. day of last week a big fight took place, (regained in office under the tiour Buller will take up his quarters at De were enrolled in his commando. With regime. 23.; Tel. 733. the Boers attacking the town in force. Aar, but this seems doubtful. De Aar, trifling exceptions the Boers had no ENGINEERS. All the English intantry was engaged. where a vast amount of stores have conception of the business they under- GENERAL WHEELER'S VIEWS. The Boers were repulsed and a portion 21-Gc- neral C. L. GARVIN, M.D. Office 537 King JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. been collected, is the base for General took. In their own words, "We ex- MANILA. Nov. Wheeler St., near Punchbowl; hours 0 to 12 of their trenches were carried. Their Methuen's advance, and General Bul- pected to meet boys we were van- has decided not to return for congrenH. - Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; but 4 IS. loss was great in killed and wounded writing Mc-Klnl- ey, a. m.. 7 to 8 p. in.- Tel. 30G Judd Blk, Honolulu. ler may have been there for a day or quished by men." He is a letter to President and prisoners, but the British casual- so. It is believed, however, that he The majority of the Free State Boers with a request Hhat It bo for- ties amounted to only about one-tent- h warded Ho tho House of Koprofccntn-tive- s. A. GORDON HODGINS. Office still has his headquarters at Cape indeed, looked upon the affair as a ;3R. CHAS. V. E. DOVE, C.E. Surveyor of theirs. Town. pleasant picnic through Natal, with In tho course of an Interview &cd residence, Hedge Cottage, corner and Civil Engineer; office Campbell Ladysmith is full of wounded and with a correspondent of the Associated Hotel Sts.; office hours Although Kimberley is supposed to peace terms to be dictated by General Richards and block, upstairs (next to Bishop & Co captured Boers. It is reported that in be objective Press he Raid: 9 to 11. 2 to 4, 7 to S; Tel. 953. the point of General Meth Joubert from Pietermaritzburg, with bank) P. O. box 421; orders taken the fighting on November 9 the enemy uen, many military are ."Congress, if it occupies the first day critics of the British- withdrawal and an immense of session In passing a for typewriting. lost 300 killed and 500 captured. opinion that his advance will be not strengthening of the Dutch republican the resolution .DR. WALTER HOFFMAN. Beretania Major General Methuen's patrols declaring in unmistakable tennt that toward Kimberley, but across the Or position in the country. All prisoners the sovereignty of the United States St., opposite Hawaiian Hotel; office have located the enemy on the north- ange Free State, in order to secure to whom I spoke extolled tho bravery 10 m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to STENOGRAPHERS. ten off. to bo maintained In tho Philippines, hours 8 to a. east about miles The Boers complete command of the Orange river of the British forces at Elands Laagte dlapellMng Aguinaldo' S p. C2.; Sundays S to 10 a. m.; Tel. would not be drawn out. Fighting, is thus dohiHlon MISS A. A. ALLEN Office, 400 Fort The debarkation of troops at Cape antl-imperlall- nnalKt 51U; O. box 501. Mooi that the can P. St.; Tel. 14G. reported at the river. Town is proceeding in the most satis NIGHT ATTACK FAILED. him. will be performing a sacred dnty. declare General Jou-be- rt Runners that factory manner.
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