~ , I' ,.. , . ., ' I ' ..... /' .' . , ' .'. '. , . ...J5c ..PE'R'"~OPV.' . '.' " 1b.. -e". .' VOLUME NO. 761NOUR32NP YE;AR,' ':RUII)OSOt:~tNCQLNCOUNTY, NEWMEXIC088345 'MONOAY, FEBRUARY 6,1978 . , ..... i' . ."':,''1' ELEcr'oN• '.'MAY.E". • UN,QUIINSJATI'SANNAls.' '. •. 'It.. • c • • .' ,. t·~,· ," , ~ '._- . ,e". 1, .. ~ '. ' ,. ... 11 :1111- . The"R'uldOSO Downs': municipal ~Ie~tlonMarch'7 m~Y'be, were Ge'Qrqe Hancock and Nell Smith. accordinq to Jocal poUtlcal observers, unique in New Mex·lco - In the March 2; 1976, election, with DiPaolo·and as'the first election to name,a 'Playor and four trustees after Q Richardson as hotdovers, Norman Wheeler was elected to a vlllaQehas been incorporated for many years. , four year term' as tru'stees with two year term~ to Don Clark Candidates this year, fisted In order of appearance on the and 'Boots: Nelson. This was the election in which Clark,and . ballot, include: LaVerne Cole each polled 54 votes, with Clark tJe'lng ,named .~ MAYOR, FOUR YEARS - Harrold Mansell, Jake Harris the winner on a registration technicality. _s_ and Norman Wheeler, In'cumbent. O' - DI Paolo., charqing .. "preiudice" on the part of the ~' TR USTE E,' FOU R YEARS ..- Emilia Maes, Lois Beavers,' trustees serving with him, resigned as mayor June 25, 1,976. Ray Reed and Ray Parn.ell. - Norman Wheeler, by a' two to one vote of the trustees, TRUSTE E, TWO YEARS - Juanita Burke, Vada was named mayor June 28, 1976. LeiQhton, 'Dee' Dennis, Sandra Currens and 'Don Clark. After DiPaolo.'s resignation, 'Pappy' Johnson was ap~ MUNICI PAL JUDGE ...... Ray Walker and Briscoe West. pointed as a trustee to bring the board to full strength. Only one trustee, Albert Richardson, is presently serving Subsequently, Johnson, Clark and Nelson resigned, leading du"e to belnq elected. He Is not a candidate for reelection. to naminq Harrold Mansell and Rose Bernard as trustees to Backqround developments leading to the present situation serve with trustee Richardson and OJayor Wheeler. The include: ' fourth position on the board was not filled. ' - J. J. DiPaolo was elected mayor and Albert Richardson. Candidates, with the exception. of Maes and Leighton for and Noel Mullins as trustees March 5, 1974. DIPaolo defeated whom. photoqraphs were not available,' are shown on this Norman Wheeler by a nine vc;>te margin. H91dover t~ustees paqe. ALTRUSA CLUB'S family of the year committee held an Ruidoso orqanlzational meeting Friday. aommittee members, left to riqht, seated, Sallie Buckley and June Rawley, and standing, Vera Quinn and Beth Daugherty, discuss criteria. skiers to • Altrusa Club to name Pro Cup Six Ruidoso skiers will travel to the ' Black Velvet-Red River Pro Cup to be held Family ofthe Year Tuesday and Wednesday at Red River Ski Area in northern New Mexico. ' The Family of the Year committee COl" Members of the committee are Sallie Altrusa Club met Friday to start planning Buckley. June Rawley. Vera Quinn and Participants from Ruidoso In the second for the award which will be presented In Beth DauRherty. race of the Southwest Pro SkI Tour are the spring to a Ruidoso family on the basis Gary Vo~el. Ray Held, Schar Ward. Steve of exemplary faith. service and patriotism Honored last year by Altrusa was the Wimberly. Chris Collier and Joe Bob demonstrated in the community. .Reverend Ken Cole family. McGuire. , . NORMAN WHEELER JAKE HARRIS HA.RROLD MANSELL ~Jl.~~o~o_.d~l~ga~i()npursues area • road plans at Santa Fe meeting ,. The Ruidoso delegation to the secood "Both Conway and Representative John Hobbs said, "There Is perhaps nQ other annual BusIness Leaders Legislative BI~bee are anxious to return to Ruidoso state in the Union where municipalities Clinic held last week in Santa Fe returned and hold a session slmUar to the town hall are as beholdln~ to the legislature or as ,with u a feeling of accomplfshrnent," John meeting to give a legislative wrap-up to dependent on state ~ovemement as they Hobbs. a spokesman for the group, said summarizethe outcome or the session.tf are in New Mexico. Thursday. UTry to Ima~ine what Los Angeles' . He said the date and time of the session, mayor Tom Bradley would say if you f . "Monday afternoon, Alden Deyo, Lloyd which will be sponsored by the Chamber, sugnested that he should send hIs city'JI .; t" .',. Davis and I each hadan opportunity to talk wUI be announced ata laterdate. budget to Sacramento for review, e<m­ ",:;.:::,.4 ••• 'it•..,f.rr.:• • ,,••••., ..••• ,.-= " . specifics with members of the State High­ While at the clinic, the Ruidoso ment and approval. Or think what the late , , .,- .. -,.., .........................·~,·t. way Commission." hesaid. dele~atlon of Deyo, Davis, Hobbs, Jim Mayor Daley's response would have been ;flII".,"".:".'••••• ............... .tFrom commissioner Jim Chaney and French, Jim Hine, Ab Gunter and Mar­ if the nUnols leKlslature had tried to im­ , .., . •..........,\··'1'...., . f :.,.!••••• ••t· •••••, ••••t,•••.. chairman Jim Dennison, we a ten.. chand also attended several pose oversiRht authority the , ,.. ,'" got MacDougal, over Chltago I·~',..· u,.. ....,...".··~.$: <\!'•• 4' til'-,.It•••' h ...,•• it,1 "1"., -. ..,' tative commitment that the Highway lectures and panel discussions including budRet." ·,·~·~!H l ••, .0 L-.._ . i .................. •• Commission will hold their regular one by Senators I.M. HIke ' SmaUey and Several speakers had uasserted that October meetinJ't,(n Ruidoso." Aubrey L. DWUl and Representatives Tom there is a need to delegate more authority SANDRA CURRENS JUANITA BURKE. LOIS BEAVERS Hobbs. who Is executive director of the Brown and Hoyt Pattison on taxation for .and provide more autonomy to the state's . --~ ~ ;t Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce, municipal and county funding, moderated local units of government," Hobbs said, "q said. "The Ruidoso delegation also by Hobbs. addinJ( that he felt lithe tbne bas come I to ~ disc~edplans to pavethe Nogal cutoffon AlthouRh the subject was mtmicipal and quit treatinJ't the symptoms and start • Hil!hway :rJ• county funding from taxation, Hobbs treatingthe disease." uIn this re~ard. Senator John Conway uchalleDl~ed the audience, as business uThe ball is clearly in the legislature's talked with chief highway engineer James leaders in the state, and the legislative court and it must either relinquish some Bird and was told that plans were for that leaders on the prommto be~in to address authority and control over those units of part of Hi~hway 37 to ego to contract in the lar~er and more complex. issue of J!ovemment closest to the people oritmust early 1979.' home rule and local autonomy for the bear the responsibility of perpetuating an "Conway expressed his disappointment state's villages. towns. cities and coun­ archaic -BiJ! Brother' system destined to and dissatisfaction with that projected ties." failure.tf date." Hobbs said. "As a result of this in.. formation. the Chamber, the village and our representatives in the legislature will Regio~al continue to work with commissioners airport Chaney and Dennison and chief engineer Bird." While in Santa Fe for the clinic, the deleJ(ation IIdeferred discussion of some issues because of the continuing dispute • • b~tween the House and senate in the connnISSlon··lIlet legislature and because 1978'$ session is a shortone." Hobbs said. The Sierra Blanca Regional Airport Toney Anaya, the commission was unable I Hobbs (elt the recent Chamber activity (SBRA) commission met here Thursday totake official actlon on business matters. ,"! '.. .~.~ in the .area of governmental affairs bad and. due to not .receiving.the approved SBRA cbainnan·Col. Richard Hallt Uestablished an excellent raport between Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) from the Ruidoso. said that the JPA had been ap­ DQN:CLARK, RAY R.EED RAY PARNE,LL .... ". ~ '"I .....~.~ ,,'.~_ the legistatorsand the,village. office of New Mexico Attorney General proved by the state Department of ~,: Finance and Administration and for.. warded to the attorney general for tmal . ' .. ..; '} approval. ..(' ",'.L .. ~ IIWe expect to ret!eive the JPA shOrtly,'" Hall said, Hat whIch time a special OraliaBrittonpI". the will be called. , meeting ()f col1l.iniSSion The first order of' business will be preparation of a letter Of application for conveyance of title" regardinglandfor tile sentence·. d·.. In airportsite. White awaiting the JPA, the conunisslon Will: ..... Obtai'n· resolutio~ from the governing bodieS comprising the JPA,; Ruidoso, Ruidoso DOwns. Capitan, Lincotn County -death ofchild and the Mescalero Apache Tribe, ac- / . cepUnglbe J·PA. , Oralia Britton, Ruidoso. was sentenced daughteroforalia Brittonwas pronounced ....... Proceed with the drafting of letters to Friday to to to 50 years in the StatePrisort dead atRuidoso HOndo Valley HoSpital. the New Mexico congresslonaldelegatlotl, .bv JUd"e Thomas Sa·n.denaw' In. , nesUllet of a ·poly.graph .testgiv~11 .in adviSing~ them of tbestabis of SBRA and Alafi'1ogord(j. ~eUcleared ROO Britton of complicity requesting support of. the ,proJect, to be , Britton was· conVietedOf ~hild' abuse III •bb dauRhtetts death and charges nuiiledlJpon receipt of the·approved JPA te8uUint! ill deatb January to byah otero aitatl1lt bhtfwere dropped·f froln-the attorneygeneral.. CountyOiBtrlcl'court Jury.· .. '" . ..... Attending .Thutsdayfs meeting were The conviction stems from tbeAugtJst.. tJ'gdet the tenns of ~ridaY'9semencet: .Hall, WYQdh~m Ri1nhlfig*llt~r•.. Vice .' 12. 1977. incident·in which Raquel. '18 Britton wUlbe· eligible for parole .1040 chairmah,
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