T H E I N S T I T U T E of A RELIGIOUS ~~ FORMATION AT CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL UNION, CHICAGO A N INVITATION T 0 The Formation Program for a Global Church Designed for those who prepare religious women and men for life and mission in the Global Church, the Institute challenges participants to a 5pirituality consonant with the needs ofth e complex global village we inhabit. FEATURES CONTACT: • Academic excellence of CTU faculty and other national experts Sr. Barbara Doherty, SP , Director • Theological reflection and collaborative learning Email:[email protected] • Global perspective and language respectful of diversity Ph : 773.256.4256 or 773. 256.4257 or 51 • Choice of issues related to formation in the 21 century 1.800.265.4560 Fax: 773.324.3414 • Weekly scripture and spirituality courses Web site: www.ctu .edu • Month-long directed retreat • September- May schedule CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL UNION I H awkstone Hall, England H ow would you like to sp end sorne Art Monthly sabbatical time in a beautiful G eorgian AUSTRALIA n1ansio n house set in peaceful E nglish countryside? IN THE "..JPRIL ISSUE A ll.. edemptoriq ho use, th e mixc· d con1111unity of priests, sistns and la y people here offer you :1 • Humphrey !\lcQ_ueen and Tim !\lorrell 3-m o mh course to study sc ripture .tnd personal at the :\.dclaide festiYal develo pme nt. A popular extra of each course is a pilgrimage to the H o ly Land. Our lecture • Helen !\laxwell checks out the graduate programm e explo res J es us and the Gospels, T he P.tr.J bl es, Paul and his Communities, Spirituality in shows around :\.ustralia the :21 '' celltury and much . nH1 c h m ore. Yo u may • Christopher Heathcote and the join o ur semin.1rs on such topics as Celti c Spirituality, Fa c ing Stress or Parish Ministry Today; Exile of imagination Aromatherapy, Art, R dkxology and Shi atsu JIT also offered. Whilst at 1--IJ wkstonc, you ca n take up new • Joanna :\lendelssohn on cows ho bbi es and re lax in lovely, tranqu il surroundings. and outside art For more details o n o ur Course dates , co ntcm and costs for 2000, comact Jul ia at H awkstone H all , • Jon Conomos on art & film M archamlcy, Shrewsbury, SY -t- SLG , England. Fc1x: +-+-+ 1630 6H5565 o r e- mail S.'i ..'i() .fi'om all good hoohhops and newsagents. H awk l-lall @ ao l.co1n or phone 02 62-/1.) 31.)86 fiu· your ml,scrlptlon W eb-Site: www. hawkstonc-hall .cont Volume 10 Number 3 April2000 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology 'We must create a strong civil society to prevent the government forgetting universal values and the CoNTENTS sacrifice everyone has made for this 4 change. COMMENT But Ea st Timor will With Michael McKernan and 30 not value material Bruce Duncan. WHERE DO WE GO NOW WITH THE REPUBLIC DEBATE? development as 7 Frank Brennan looks at the options. much as its moral CAPITAL LETTER 32 and cultural 8 BUSH LAWYER identity. ' LETTERS -Xanana Gusmao, 34 interviewed by 10 BOOKS Jon Greenaway, page 26 THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC Brett Evans reviews Andrew Scott's With Morag Fraser, Grahan1 Apthorpe Running on Empty: 'Modernizing' the and Liz Curran. British and Australian Labour Parties; Andrew Hamilton enjoys Graeme Garrett's 13 God Matters: Conversations in Theology SUMMA THEOLOGIAE (p35); Rita Erlich reviews Inga Clendinnen's Tiger's Eye: A Memoir (p36); 15 Peter Craven looks at Gerard Windsor's ARCHIMEDES I Asl<ed Cathleen to Dance (p3 7); This project has been assisted Michael McKernan reviews two records, by the Comm onwealth Govern ­ m ent through the Australia 16 one old and one new, of World War I (p38); Council, its arts funding and ON THE EDGE OF THE DESERT and Hugh Dillon recommends Colm advisory body. Anthony Ham reports from Niger. T6ibin's The Blacl<water Lightship (p40). 19 46 COGITO THEATRE Geoffrey Milne on the Nugent Report and 20 Australian touring theatre. MY FATHER'S LANDSCAPE Raimond Gaita revisits the landscape 44 of his m emoir, Romulus, My Father. FLASH IN THE PAN Cover design by Siobhan Jackson. Reviews of the films La Pille sur le Pont; Cover photograph by Bill Thomas. Graphics ppl 7, 3 1,33-34, 25 All About My Mother; Boys Don't Cry; 40 by Siobhan Jackson. POETRY Magnolia; The End of th e Affair and Cartoons ppl2, 14 by Peter Fraser. 'Possum' by Peter Steele. Wogboy. Photograph p26 by Jon Greenaway. Emel<a treet magazine 26 46 Jesuit Publications BEING XANANA GUSMAO WATCHING BRIEF PO Box 553 Jon Greenaway reports on the current Richmond VIC 3 12 1 Tel l03) 9427 73 11 relations between East Timor and 47 Fax 103) 9428 4450 Indonesia. SPECIFIC LEVITY Vo LuME 10 N uMBER 3 • EUREKA STREET 3 EUAJ:-KA srm:-er COMMENT: 1 MICHAEL M c K ERNAN A magazin e of public affairs, the arts and theology General manager Joseph Hoo Editor Morag Fraser After Assistant editor Kate Manton Graphic designer Siobhan Jackson Anzac Publisher Michael McGirr SJ Production manager: Sylvana Scannapiego M ," "'T"<'TO GAw,ou w" in 1990. Clifton Pugh Administration manager: Mark Dowell and I had gone ahead of the veterans who were still catching Editorial and production assistants their breath in Istanbul; he to sketch and I to roam the Juliette Hughes, Paul Fyfe SJ, battlefi elds. The captain of HMAS Sydney, our host, had given Geraldine Battersby, Ben Hider us two young sailors to help Clifton with his gear. We had Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg O'Kelly SJ, Perth: Dean Moore Sydney: Edmund Campion, Gerard Windsor Queensland: Peter Pierce United Kingdom correspondent Denis Minns OP Sou th East Asia correspondent Jon Greenaway Jesuit Editorial Board Peter L'Estrange SJ, Andrew Bullen SJ, Andrew Hamilton SJ Peter Steele SJ, Bill Uren SJ Marketing manager: Rosa nne Turner Advertising representative: Ken Head walked Anzac Cove and, leaving Clifton behind, had climbed Subscription manager: Wendy Marlowe up to Lone Pine. N ow we were having lunch on the edge of the Beach Cemetery n ot far from Simpson's grave. Adrninistration and distribution One of the sailors, in particular, w a in aw e of the place Lisa Crow, Mrs Irene Hunter, Kristen Harrison and its people. H e was of the same age as the Anzacs who Patrons stormed ashore here; much older than the midsh ipmen who Eureka Street gratefully acknowledges the had guided the diggers to the wrong place. But to him these support of C. and A. Carter; the m en were ancients, almost mythical creatures, not the blokes trustees of the estate of Miss M. Condon; h e knocked around with in Sydney and beyond. 'But you're W.P. & M.W. Gurry in the D efence Force,' I needled, 'you might be called on to Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036-1758, do these things too.' The thought was foreign; these were Australia Post Print Post approved pp349181/00314, h eroes, he insisted. Six m onths later he and Sydney were is published ten times a year steaming to the Gulf War. by Eureka Street Magazine Pty Ltd, 300 Victoria Street, Richmond, Victoria 3 121 They must drum it into them , surely, in the Defence Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 Force, that all this training has a point and you might need email: eureka@ jespub.jesui t.org.au to put it into action. Peace-keeping sounds innocu ous http:/ fwww .openplanet.com .au/eureka/ enough; better, by far, than war. But a journalist with the Responsibility for editorial content is accepted by Australian s in Rwand a told m e of a team of youn g Michael McGirr S), 300 Victoria Street, Richmond. Printed by Doran Printing, Australian m en and women detailed to clean out and clear 46 Industrial D rive, Braeside VlC 3 195. up a morgu e that had been without electricity for some © Jesuit Publications 2000 weeks. The decomposing bodies were disgusting, the sights Unsoli cited manuscripts, including poetry and and smells unimaginable. The journalist lasted a matter fiction, will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Requests for of seconds only, as did m an y of the soldiers at first. The permission to reprint material from the magazine difference was that the soldiers would seek fresh air to vomit should be addressed in w riting to: and to vomit again and then, because it was their duty, they The editor, Eurel<a Street magazine, would go back inside and get on with the job. For as long as PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3 121 they could stand it. But again and again they would return 4 EUREKA STREET • A PRI L 2000 until the morgue was back in working order. Then it nothing now can lessen. It rises as it will always rise, was on to the next job. above the mists of ages, a monument to great-hearted I travelled far with these young Australians men; and, for their nation, a possession forever.' abroad on various veterans' pilgrimages and they were It's a pity that those who shaped the Australian always interesting to observe. Intensely curious about monument at Hamel, inaugurated in 1998, did not the places they were visiting and more strongly stick with Bean. The monument can strike the visitor interested in the story we had come to commemorate as boastful, verging on the notion that but for the than I could ever have anticipated, they enjoyed a good Australians the war might have dragged on and on.
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