Vol XI No. 8 Pages 86 Rupees 50 cargotalk.in A DDP Publication JULY 2011 | ANNUAL ISSUE SOUTH ASIA’S LEADING CARGO MONTHLY CargotalkNo.1 in Circulation & Readership On the growth trail Industry expects huge demand from domestic and international markets contents July 2011 DEPARTMENTS Publisher: SanJeet Editor: Rupali Narasimhan Sr. Assistant Editor: Ratan Kumar Paul National News Assistant Editor: Ipshita Sengupta Nag Schenker India organises 8 General Manager: Gunjan Sabikhi customer meet 2011 Sr. Manager Advertising: Harshal Ashar Sr. Manager Marketing: Rajiv Sharma at Coimbatore Asst. Manager Marketing: Roland Dias Marketing Co-ordinator: Gaganpreet Kaur JBS Academy holds 8 Designer: Parinita Gambhir “Certificate Distribution” Advertisement Designer: Vikas Mandotia Production Manager: Anil Kharbanda Image Logistics to 10 Circulation Manager: Ashok Rana open office in Singapore Durga Das Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: 72 Todarmal Road, New Delhi – 110001, India. Three Aces Global Logistics 10 Tel.: +91 11 23731971, 23710793, 23716318, Fax: +91 11 23351503, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.cargotalk.in represents Conqueror Branch Offices Mumbai: 504, Marine Chambers, New Marine Lines, TNT Express starts 12 Opp SNDT College, Mumbai – 400020, India freighter service between Tel.: +91 22 22070129, 22070130 Fax: +91 11 22070131, E-mail: [email protected] India and Europe Middle East: P.O. Box 9348, Saif Zone, Sharjah, UAE Shreeji to continue bonded 14 Tel.: +971 6 5573508 Fax: +971 6 5573509 trucking from IGIA to customs Email: [email protected] notified areas in India CARGOTALK is a publication of Durga Das Publica- tions Private Limited. All information in CARGOTALK is derived from sources, which we consider reliable and International News a sincere effort is made to report accurate information. It is passed on to our readers without any responsibility Emirates starts direct 17 on our part. The publisher regrets that he cannot accept liability for errors and omissions contained in this publica- Dubai Geneva services tion, however caused. Similarly, opinions/views expressed by third parties in abstract and/or in interviews are not necessarily shared by CARGOTALK. However, we wish International Airport to advice our readers that one or more recognized au- thorities may hold different views than those reported. Abu Dhabi International 20 Material used in this publication is intended for information purpose only. Readers are advised to seek specific advice Airport: Positioning itself before acting on information contained in this publication as strategic hub in ME, which is provided for general use and may not be appro- priate for the readers’ particular circumstances. Contents Indian carriers to come of this publication are copyright. No part of CARGOTALK or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of the International Airlines publication in writing. The same rule applies when there is a copyright or the article is taken from another publication. Etihad Crystal Cargo grows 24 An exemption is hereby granted for the extracts used for by 61% in 2010, India the purpose of fair review, provided two copies of the same publication are sent to us for our records. Publica- remains among top three tions reproducing material either in part or in whole, with- markets in the world out permission could face legal action. The publisher assumes no responsibility for returning any material solicited or unsolicited nor is he responsible for material lost or damaged. Family Album This publication is not meant to be an endorsement of any specific product or services offered. The publisher re- Martinair Cargo starts 26 serves the right to refuse, withdraw, amend or otherwise deal with all advertisements without explanation. operations from Delhi All advertisements must comply with the Indian and Inter- national Advertisements Code. The publisher will not be liable for any damage or loss caused by delayed publica- Calcutta Air Cargo Club 28 tion, error or failure of an advertisement to appear. celebrates Poila Baishakh CARGOTALK is printed & published by SanJeet on behalf of Durga Das Publications Private Limited. and is printed at Cirrus Graphics Pvt. Ltd., B-62/14, Phase-2, Naraina Indus- A year of revival: 30 trial Area, New Delhi – 110028 and is published from 72 Glimpses of year 2010-11 Todarmal Road, New Delhi – 110001. 4 cargotalk JUly 2011 www.cargotalk.in contents July 2011 Opinion UTi Walkathon for relief in 32 Japan and New Zealand New look to logistics Shipping & Ports Albeit cargo and logistics industry in India is in the nascent Mangalore Port registers 64 stage, there is tremendous possibility of positioning itself handling of more than as a mature and strong sector. The presumption is not 10,000 TEUs prompted by the robust Indian economy and increasing trade volumes, both in domestic and international fronts, Traffic handled at major ports 64 but by the emergence of enlightened human resources during April-March 2011 for this sunrise sector. Of course, there is a huge gap Mundra Port completes 65 between demand and supply of skilled manpower acquisition of Coal for the logistics industry at present. Nevertheless, Terminal at Australia the industry is now able to woo young and dynamic entrepreneurs and professionals, who are capable of Express Cargo giving a new shape to this largely unorganised sector. Blue Dart expands 78 Interestingly, majority of those entrepreneurs and ONE RETAIL footprints professionals are coming from different backgrounds and are entering into this segment with a new outlook. Simultaneously the second or third generations who are CoLUMNS holding their family business are constantly exploring new possibilities to transform the traditional business young and Emerging into globally competitive business houses. Profiles of young entrepreneurs 44 and professionals The moot question, however, remains unresolved. Will the generation next receive the required support from the Infrastructure Update present and forthcoming policy makers and executors? Cargo activities at AAI airports: 56 The government has been harping on modernisation Impetus on non-metro airports of the infrastructure and streamlining the processes for for seamless growth quite some time. Unfortunately, nothing has changed so far to do away with the age-old bottlenecks. It Study and Survey would be a great tragedy if the prospective young logistics professionals are dissuaded by the apathy Six key principles for 68 of the authorities concerned. It is crucial to have a logistics service providers to grow fast collaborative approach and progressive mindset from the government, regulating bodies, custodians and other industry stakeholders. There should be some Guest Column mechanisms in place so thtat young voice can be heard Logistics Industry in India: 80 for the greater interest of the industry and the country. The sunrise sector requires skilled manpower Rupali Narasimhan Editor CovER SToRy 24 on the growth trail: Industry expects 15-20 per cent increase in 2011-12 In a bid to delve into the current market trends and projection about the financial year 2011-12, Cargo Talk has spoken to the leading freight forwarding and logistics companies in India. Significantly, it is revealed that the industry is all set to increase their volume of business by 15-20 per cent armed with new services as well as new sectors. 6 cargotalk JUly 2011 www.cargotalk.in National News New Launch JBS Academy holds “Certificate Distribution” the intricacies of what they execute in their day to day working. At the end of the programmes, a written exam was conducted to assess the competence level of the participants. The Certificates to 39 SCheNkeR INDIA oRgANISeS CuS- participants were distributed by ToMeR MeeT 2011 AT CoIMBAToRe the chief commissioner of Customs Lipika Majumdar Roy Choudhury (third from Gujarat Zone, Lipika Majumdar Roy left) at the JBS Academy Schenker India recently organ- “In this region, we have in- Choudhury at the JBS Academy, ised Customer Meet 2011 in vested in facilities like IT, in- Recently JBS Academy organised Ahmedabad. Coimbatore. The event was frastructure and importantly three Certificate programmes: attended by representatives in human resource, in the last Certificate Course in Freight JBS Academy has already from trade, airlines, shipping few years and will continue to Forwarding, Certificate Course announced a follow up programme lines and partners of the com- do so in the future,” he said. in Custom Clearance Skill sets for all the existing courses. pany. Present on the occasion, for a Better you! In the last 8 months, JBS Academy Christian Nebel, managing di- According to Nebel, with the conducted over 28 programmes rector, Schenker India, spoke enhanced capacity in air and The course was conducted by to train more than 650 participants. about the journey of the com- ocean freight and improved ser- various faculties, each being a It also included training for pany from 9 offices to 32 of- vice level in contract logistics, working professional with more than port personnel, custodians, fices, 150 employees to 1200 DB Schenker Logistics is all set 7/8 years working experience.A exporters, importers, CHAs , + employees and the turnover to serve its customers even more series of tutorials were also held, steamer agents, freight forwarders, of over Rs 10 billion in 2011. efficiently in the region. enabling participants to understand IATA agents etc. 8 cargotalk JUly 2011 www.cargotalk.in National News New Launch ThREE ACES GLobAL LoGISTICS REPRESENTS CoNqUERoR Three Aces Global Logistics, has been selected as the exclusive representative, for Conqueror Freight Network, in New Delhi. Three Aces Global Logistics offers comprehensive international logistics services, including CHA, outbound and inbound air freight, outbound and inbound sea freight, door to door shipments and MTO services. Conqueror, which began accepting applications last September and launched operations in January, is choosing one strong forwarder to act as a “virtual branch” in each of the 564 cities in 127 countries.
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