USENIX Association Proceedings of the 14th Systems Administration Conference (LISA 2000) New Orleans, Louisiana, USA December 3– 8, 2000 THE ADVANCED COMPUTING SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION © 2000 by The USENIX Association All Rights Reserved For more information about the USENIX Association: Phone: 1 510 528 8649 FAX: 1 510 548 5738 Email: [email protected] WWW: http://www.usenix.org Rights to individual papers remain with the author or the author's employer. Permission is granted for noncommercial reproduction of the work for educational or research purposes. This copyright notice must be included in the reproduced paper. USENIX acknowledges all trademarks herein. Automating Request-based Software Distribution Chris Hemmerich – Indiana University ABSTRACT Request-based distribution of software applications over a network is a difficult problem that many organizations face. While several programs address this issue, many lack features required for more sophisticated exports, and more complex solutions usually have a very limited scope. Managing these exports by hand is usually a time consuming and error-prone task. We were in such a situation when we developed the Automated Netdist program a year ago. Automated Netdist provides an automated mechanism for system administrators to request and receive software exports with an immediate turnaround. The system provides a simple user interface, secure authentication, and both user and machine based authentication. Each of these is configurable on a package-by-package basis for flexibility. Netdist is a modular service. The user interface, authentication and authorization are independent of the export protocol. We are currently distributing via NFS, but adding an additional protocol is as simple as writing a script to perform the export and plugging it into Netdist. Introduction • Open NFS exports At Indiana University, we have a large, extended, • Request based NFS exports and heterogeneous Unix workstation presence admin- • Media Checkout istered by many different departments and organiza- • Vendor Specific Distribution Tools tions. The Unix Workstation Support Group (UWSG) Anonymous FTP is charged with supporting and advising the adminis- The majority of the software we distribute is via trators of these machines. This includes offering a anonymous FTP. We maintain a large (150GB+) site at variety of systems administration classes, negotiating ftp.uwsg.iu.edu. This FTP site is our preferred method and maintaining site licenses with various vendors, of distributing files. This archive is available to the distributing a large variety of unix software, and main- world and contains mirrors of most of the large Linux taining a Unix Users Group. We also provide tradi- distributions, a CPAN mirror, a mirror of the Linux tional phone, e-mail, face-to-face, and extended con- kernel archives, various freeware programs and utili- tact support services. ties, and system patches. The benefits of this system At the time Netdist was developed the UWSG are many: consisted of six members, five full-time and one part- • It supports many concurrent users, and is lim- time, distributed across two campuses. This is a lot of ited only by our current hardware and the uni- ground for such a small group to cover, and we are versity’s bandwidth. always looking for ways to increase the efficiency of • It is available to anyone in the world with FTP our services without sacrificing quality or our cus- access. tomers’ satisfaction. In early 1999, I was given the • It is easy to use, and the ratio of support inci- task of re-working one of our least efficient and least dents to usage is orders of magnitude smaller reliable services, the request-triggered distribution of than any other service we maintain. software via NFS. • It is efficient to administer, requiring little Software Distribution maintenance. • It is a very well known system, and administra- The UWSG distributes a large and varied collec- tion can be shared or passed on easily. tion of Unix software, to a widely varied audience. Software export laws, license agreements, pre-existing Unfortunately, anonymous FTP is not a viable vendor-supplied distribution systems, varying security tool for all of our distribution needs. Following are requirements, and machines with slow or non-existent several of it’s limitations that have forced us to dis- network connection all work together to fragment our tribute packages using alternate methods. software distribution into the following components. • Access control is very limited. We maintain a These components are the environment out of which distinction between Indiana University (IU) Netdist grew, and their attributes greatly influenced clients and non-IU clients. Anything beyond the development on Netdist. this becomes much more difficult to administer • Anonymous FTP as the target audience shrinks and the complex- • Secure HTTP Access ity of administration increases. 2000 LISA XIV – December 3-8, 2000 – New Orleans, LA 197 Automating Request-based Software Distribution Hemmerich • Security is poor. FTP has a long history of This has been a very labor intensive service for us, as security deficiencies, vulnerabilities, and we must manage the physical storage of these CDs, exploits. We don’t make any sensitive data make copies of popular requests, keep track of who available via FTP, allow authenticated logins, has checked out what, and gently remind admins when or allow write access. they’ve kept a CD too long. A separate project to • We provide operating system media for system resolve the inefficiencies in this process is currently installations, and most operating systems aren’t wrapping up, with wonderful results. able to be installed over an FTP connection. This process is secure, and convenient for Several Linux distributions support this, but we administrators to install from. It also provides those must also provide Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, and with only a modem or no network connection a means other Unix flavors that do not. of acquiring software. It is, however, horribly ineffi- • FTP sites cannot be mounted as local file sys- cient, generally requiring 15-30 minutes of work per tems. We offer several large software packages, request. We must respond to the request, obtain the and users might not have the free space to physical media, schedule a pickup time, meet the cus- download a large software package, uncom- tomer, check their identification, register the checkout press it, and then install it. into our tracking system, and then collect the software. Secure HTTP Access Vendor Specific Distribution Tools For software that needs to be firmly restricted to We use vendor-specific software distribution IU affiliates we use an Apache web server running tools from both HP and SGI. Both of these tools use SSL and an in-house mod_perl module that allows us remote procedure calls for transferring software to securely authenticate users against the University patches, updates, and new packages. These tools are wide kerberos database. This system is useful for dis- convenient for administrators on campus to use, and tributing smaller packages and we use it to distribute required little administration. Both of these tools are export-restricted security software, as well as IU-spe- proprietary software, and limited in the software they cific license codes for several software packages that can serve and the clients that can access them. we have licensed. We use the IRIX Network Distribution server to This service addresses the security failings of distribute OS and Software updates as well as new anonymous FTP, but doesn’t address the concerns of packages. In order for a machine to be able to access installing operating systems or dealing with large soft- the server, it must be listed in the servers .rhost file. ware packages. In addition, the server installation and This file tends to get rather large and outdated as time configuration is much more complex than anonymous progresses, and must be pruned periodically. FTP, and the overhead on the server is greater. The HP Software Agent Suite allows us to make Open NFS Exports HP depot files available over the network to HP We maintain open NFS exports of several Linux machines on campus. Depots are automatically avail- distributions for network installs and updates. This is a able to the whole campus, but implementing more convenient way for administrators to set up new granular permissions is a non-trivial task. The system machines over the campus network. As open NFS uses a graphical interface to make patching and install exports lack any real security, we do not export any software painless. other software this way. Indiana University does Request Based NFS exports: The problem block incoming NFS requests from outside the school network, so the exposure is relatively small. Under the old system, an administrator that Request Based NFS Exports wanted StarOffice or Sun WorkShop would send an e- mail message to our group account containing the At the time I began this project, we were export- software requested and the target machine’s hostname. ing Star Office (before it was purchased by Sun) and Upon receiving the message, we would verify that all Sun’s Workshop Compiler Suite through NFS on a of the relevant information was included, and if neces- per-request basis. This allowed us to control who had sary request any information that has been left out. access to the packages, while giving our customers the Then we would edit the NFS exports file by hand to convenience of installing these packages as if they include the client machine and a comment listing were mounted locally as a CD image. Our customers when the export expired. We then re-initialized the were happy with this service, but we were managing it exports and notified the user that the export would be by hand which was inefficient and error-prone. I was valid for three days. Once the export had expired, we assigned the task of replacing this service, when we removed the client hostname manually and then re-ini- learned that several new software packages would be tialized the exports to force the expiration.
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