At least eight reported killed volcano is still spewing ash VANCOUVER, Walk. (AP) - four parsons were mlssinf on the sides of Bab Christiansen of the US Geological The ash aad hot gases spewed from the Abrasive volcanic ask drifted over three the mountain - including crusty, M-year- Survey said a shock wave from the erup- state* today and a mile-wide wall of volcano in a towering plume nearly nine old resort operator Barry Truman, who tion devastated a miles-wide swath for 15 mites high, with westerly winds spreading steaming rand ooaed down the side of bad long refused to leave-and about 2,000 miles on the mountain's north side. He Masai Bl Hates* after a volcanic eruption it across Washington and Idaho sad Into people* said not a tree stump was left. Montana. that USed at toast eight people awl re- The'victims apparantly were caught In Spirit Lake, a popular recreation area duced the pristine snow-covered peak to an the flooding or by the heated mudslides at the base of the volcano's north side, At Miseoula. Mont., about 800 miles i flat-top. that flowed off the mountain, authorities "doesn't exist," Rater said. It was ob- downwind from Mount St. Helens, falling "It looks like the aftermath of aa i There were no reports of lava. literated by the flows of debris and hot ash reduced visibility to slmost sero and : siplesioii," said Dwight E. Raber, mud flowing down the mountain's sides. the State Highway Patrol said by that by a pilot for Columbia Helicopters Inc. of By nightfall Sunday, after s full day of nightfall aU roads west and south of Mis- Aurora, Ore "I think the whole north face Eytwitnet* account, page 2 eruption, the mountain's peak, standing soula were closed There was s half-inch of of the mountain has blown out" 0,877 feet high, was reduced to only 1,100 ssh on the ground at Mlasoula. The ash - which prompted health A helicopter crew sew two of the bodies feet, said U.S. Geological Survey spokes- Schools were closed in seven Montana warnings - fell half an inch deep on the trapped in a car about 15 miles from the man Worner Gerhard. The crater spitting communities including Helena, Miasoula ground as far as 100 miles away. volcano, said* Air Force Reserve Capt. ash and hot esses at the sky was half a and Butt* snd the Montana Standard, The mudflow - the consistency of wet Robert J Wead. mile across. Butte's daily newspaper, canceled home cement, moving at 90 mph - pushed "These people were fried with toe Forest fires, started by lightning from delivery this morning to sllow carriers to nobdwaters before It, swept op cars and beat," Wead said. "Trees and all the the ash cloud above the peak, burned stay home. bouses aad snapped concrete-and-iteel vegetation were laid out flat - singed, thousands of acres. Fire officials said con- "It's Just like midnight," Sgt. Larry bridges like toothpicks. burned, steaming, staling - a terrible ditions were too dangerous for fire- Gamache of the Yaklraa County Sheriff's Besides the dfM people killed, at least looking thing." fighters. lee Killer veleaae, page I Mount St. Helens erupts with a roar The Daily Register >1 on mouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL 102 NO. 274 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, MAY 19,1980 20 CENTS 14 killed, 200 hurt as riots rock Miami MIAMI (AP) - Snipers roamed, fires burned The rioting began less than three hours after sarily. Thieves were reported plundering stores in and looters went unchallenged In Miami early an all-white jury returned its verdict in Tampa in riot-torn areas without interference, but two po- today, but the deadly tide of violence receded the fatal beating of Arthur McDuffie, the insur- licemen were shot and wounded while investigat- after two nights of rioting over the acquittal of ance executive. Nine people died the first night, ing looting in the Liberty City section in four white ex-policemen in the fatal beating of a including three whites who were dragged from northwest Miami. black insurance man. their cars and beaten to death, police said. Dade County Sheriff Bobby Jones ordered a At least 14 people - eight blacks and sis The arson and looting continued in many parts dusk-to-dawn curfew yesterday in three sections whites — were killed, and 200 more were injured, of Miami patrolled by rifle-toting National 12 critically, in the often grisly violence that Guardsmen, city police and Florida Highway began Saturday evening, police said. More than Related ttory, photoi, page 2 Patrol troopers. 300 arrests were made. Harms said the curfew seemed to be reducing "Personal violence is down. The looting snd physical violence, "but the fires have Increased fires are up," Miami Police Chief Kenneth Harms of Miami the second night despite a curfew, and considerably as have the property crimes. said late last night. Police spokesman Angelo pleas from prominent black and white leaders. "We're not able to respond to some fires. Bitsis said later, however, "It could start up One of the four Sunday-night fatalities occurred They (firefighters) have had to withdraw because again. We'll see what happens." when a policeman shot a black man trying to run of sniper fire and other acts of violence directed All schools were closed today, bus service the officer down with a car, authorities said. to them," he said, adding that police escorts were canceled and workers advised not to report to Several of the weekend killings were grisly. riding with some fire equipment. Ambulances their jobs unless it was mandatory One body had an ear and tongue cut off. One also were delayed on emergency calls because of Gov. Bob Graham begged residents to stay in victim was burned beyond recognition. A motorist the violence. their homes during the night. There was a report deliberately ran over a dead man three times. Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre called prominent that officials warned Incoming air travelers not to Firefighters said snipers kept them from ext- blacks to the troubled city to help restore calm. go into the center city. inguishing several dozen blazes, which sent col- They included former UN. Ambassador Andrew Four policemen were shot, none seriously. One umns of smoke above the city skyline. Young, the Rev. Jesse Jackson of "Operation A CITY IN FLAME! — Smoke from a burning building billows skyward as Miami lieutenant suffered a fatal heart attack while Police were told late last night not to pursue PUSH" hi Chicago, Urban League Executive Dl- firemen battle a f Irt caused by rioters yesterday. Additional photos, page 2. patrolling the streets. looters alone and not to risk their lives unneces- SeeM killed, page t Iran mulls hostage freedom plan Keyport By TW Associated Press the 53 seized in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran on The sources said the plan was worked out with A plan to free the U.S. hostages in three stages Nov. 4 would be let go when the United States Iranian Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh dur- is reported being readied for submission to Iran's opens talks with Iran on the 18 billion in Iranian ing his recent trips to France, Switzerland, Italy marks . new Parliament on June t, seven months and a assets President Carter froze. The last 10, sus- and the Persian Gulf. day after the Americans were seised. pected by their captors of being spies, would be There was no immediate reaction from U.S. or Meanwhile, America's European allies voted freed when Iran and the United States sign a Iranian officials. 150th limited sanctions against Iran, reducing their peace and neutrality treaty. Meanwhile, America's European allies de- trade only S percent. The sources said the plan was worked out by cided at a meeting in Naples, Italy, to limit trade KEYPORT - Some 75 The hostage freedom plan was reported yes- Archbishop Hilarion Capudji, the Eastern rite sanctions against Iran effective Thursday to busi- history-minded area resi- terday by the French news agency, Agence Roman Catholic who was chosen by Iran to ness deals signed after the hostages were seized. dents gathered at the France Presse, which quoted sources in Paris as transfer the remains of the eight U.S. servicemen Food and medicine were exempted. Steamboat Dock Museum saying this would be the procedure: killed in the attempted rescue of the hostages, "We could not care less," said Ghotbzadeh. yesterday afternoon to Hie three senior diplomats held at the Iranian French lawyer Christian Bourguet and Argentine "These will have no short-term or long-term share the borough's birth-, Foreign Ministry would be freed first. Forty of businessman Hector VUlalon. effects on us." day cake and celebrate Keyport's 150th an- niversary. There wasn't an empty Egyptian urges respect chair at the museum, which overlooks the bay nest to the site of the borough's former steam- for Palestinian rights boat landing. One of the highlights of By MARIE COCCO East, an Egyptian govern- counselor at the Egyptian the celebration was the MARLBORO - The "le- ment representative told a Mission to the United Na- reading of a poem called gitimate rights" of Palesti- gathering of American Jews tions, skirted any discussion "Keyport, Ten Years nians must be "taken seri- here last night. of the specifics of the Palesti- Hence," written in 1912 by ously" by Israel In order to ' But the official, Ab- nian issue. And leaden of the Mary Walling, then a FOR KEYPORT'S BIRTHDAY — Celebrating the achieve peace in the Middle dulaleem El-Abyad, a Marlboro Jewish Center and young woman residing in 150th anniversary of the founding of Kevport are, Congregation Ohev Shalom, the borough with her hus- from left, Thomas D.
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