
I ' e r o Peace zoonepropoim l — A S2 T ryturkkey, springg vegetabh}les — C '1 C lassified Ifour — E l ^ " I I CIV./W Ws of solveentr - ■ RCoronKlo2cubkin.'upffflhl A|Rpnliance IULirningj)]yo: ■ ■ _ z _ ; >'freojar. oood condition. found atJ plant - $ieS.CAU7ii^736, ■ ■ ■ liafni's W« ■ a'v: ■ . ■ Marketplace> . [ y y v ^ ■ : ^Vnra; CopyiighI \SOS 841J4ih year, No. 95 Twin Falls, Ida!iaho Wednesday.ay. April 5. 1989 . Gharrboiiei:au cotuld stiill avd:»id thee deatlh peiuial1t y ~ Dy The Times-News rnt>other lhat included hearsayy eevidence and Arbaugh wiwould havo survived hadI (Char- get another deatl}ath senlt'nce. wid Lynn "Thai was our big issue,ue, that's tho ane I • and The Associntcd Pro-’ross am(imoiinted to a prohibited victim\ii impact b o n eau n oir rl fired a second volley of shol;lols into Thomas, Idaho soliciDlicilor general.' w as worried about," .Becke.'cker said Tiesday statjtatem enl. h er body “The reason forir riresentencing is hypericch- Becker -■^aid he knew-he woulivould have io reaen- ; BOISE - The Idahoiho Supreme Court has _ _EBut the worst-case scenarioirio from Char- “ll is uncnclear from tho findings whwhether nical." Thomas said:aid. "1 don’t believe there is lence Churboiiuau becausese of0 a recent Idaho J — -ffivt?n-convict€^-murdenderer-Jflrmr-GharlioneQU—Iwn wnTaT^a^didnVem'brgo. --------------------------th»-lrial couourt wouid-havc-impoicd thc-iic-death- any thing-in^e courlourt’s opinion-thut prt-ehicies——SupnrmK^nrrdedsion'chnr rhnnping-hmrjudgcs ■ I 29. a chance to a\TOd, hi?his death sentence. TThe court ignored a Decembenber federal ap- penalty witlithout having concluded thatQt 1Muri- thi same fontence.":e." weigh evidence while sentenctendng. ricTcd uf i.iying m w.\\i ^pUlptltottr-<ket6i6n4veFUiFmng-tHi -a-ftimilflf-<l»aU; -..lyn not- mftrlnllf wnimHpH nntil ththi r ciPf- ■ T.hnmfl.q-).qn’t pgiving vi UD. He snid he’.'^.roii- Fuller had argued severaleral legal points, in- | and then repeatedly sh(shooting his ex-wife. 36- 'penpenalty law in Arizona becauseluse lht» law re- ond volley• oof shots was fired," Justice:e 1Byron sidering appealinging to the U.S. Supreme ckiding lhal OliarbiineauIVad liai ruL'uiVcd InudL'- •"-------1 year-old Marilyn Arb\rbaugh, at her rural mo'moved juries from the penaltyiy pphnse'oTcapi- Johnson wrrt'rote for the m ajority “We^e agree Court th e state highligh court's decision on Char- quale as'sistance from thiilii\iiliiwyers who rcpre- ' Jerome eouniy home\e iin 'iflP-l. w as ordered tal m urder coses. Idaho and ArizonaAri are two that there; iis no evidence in the recordord that' .boneau and Charleirles Fain, who also won a sented him before Fuller. resenlcnced because■ of several errors bj' 5th of four states leaving Bentendsndng solelv to supports the•he trial court's statem ent." new sentencing TueiFuesday. "The conviction wnUld ha\have been reversed , Districl Judt;e Phillipp 13Uecker. judjudges. - “We did1 ,argue those points and wew( feel The court, by vaivarying niiuorilies. rejected had tliey agreed he receivedved ineflectivo ussis- The court majorityty said lhat during the 1The court also said in reachii,ching the death they arc aI \valid busis for resentencing,'-ig," said- C harboneau’s conteintentionson 17 other poims. lance of counsel." Fuller saidsaid. sentencing hearing Bed3ecker improperly admit- perpenally decision the judge seem'cmed to rely, at Greg Fuller,er. Charboneau’s allom ey The dedsion to upholdupb Charboneau’s convic- Charlioneau will probabblably be transferred 1 ted nn unsubstnntiatedled tetter from Arbaugh's lea:least in part, on unsubstantiateialed daims lhal But the sistate is optimistic C harbonealeau will tion pleased Becker.ker.. • See RULING on Page A2 ‘ Spectiter of a]ppeal -M ; ; r ^ l E ::xxon rei2ady stix p s-rover ccaunty— 9 refloati t l _________ _____ By CRAIG LINCOLNN • ■ bud.' saidlid Mar>- A rbaugh, m other of • ------7]iw.'^-,\’eu‘.‘iwriU‘r ---------------- - ... Charlwnpaloan’s victim,—Marilyn Ar* baugh. “Ju‘Jusi any news of him always tuck tannker ■■"JEROME - The spispecter nf Jaim i gives mei; llthe shakes.* , A,«sodaled Press Charboneau's appeal;l hhas been hang- Charbonjoneau was convicted of first- ing over .jeriime CoiCounty for two degree mumurder in th e 1984 shooting ALDEZ, Alaska — Exxon1 cncrews Tuesday fin- years. death off AArbaugh, 36. His case, in- V ?d pumping the remaining cncrude oil oul of the ■ It will still be tlietiRT.. The Idaho prosecuting the original trial tnnkeker Exxon Valdez in preparaturation for rcfioating , en appealing, has cost ihc Supreme Coun on TTui'Stlnyl upheld and, rremoving tbe source of ihele nination's worst-evcr ; Charboneau's convictionionbulsenlhis U least' $150,000. L oil spi^pill, . case.back for.anDlhiOther sentendng 5lh District Judge Phillip . .................- Th('he fugitive capiiiin of llio Exxo;xxon.Va!dci.sent sig-^------ hearing, n mixed bajb . « ^ h ^ M . c o willTonee again hold u'aen- H he wa.s ready to Surrenderider to face criminal ■ — mixrd reactions.- hearing to determine if Char- J ------------------------ ..churgrgesjjljipeiiiting jhe vessel whilewh drunk. “Right now. I got,t tthe shakes so sSsh’ould be pul to deWhTdr'thT” ^ ^ Meileanwhile. Exxon said pladnadng an oil-catching ' ' murder. lM)onim around ihe ship immedmediately after the i;w it w as coming buck," Beck'-' A grourunding could have touched, olT a giant explosion er "So th a l ju s t means I’ll bring f i jases frinii tlie nil. although thalhal was not the rea- arand listen to the sam e old I it took 11 hours to set the first containm ent line, ‘ again." J E l "TlTho worsl thing wo could haveave dono curly on was real confusing,’’ A rbaugh'said. _ _______ * * * try U to boom the vessel. We wouldluld have lost the ves- / ' “Iju.Htcan’;an’t understand the system of]f~ ■“S0l,“',“~said -Exxon-Shipping Co. -Presidont-Frank______ ; lings.” . - ■ - larofloflsi. ‘ ' ' But BeeBecker'wiis'pleased tlie'courtrt'~ V boom wafiii't placwf around,ind the-vessel for-11 ■ upheld Charboneau'sCl li'inl'and eoh-I- I _ • hounjrs because ipw^sn'l availableable in Valdez, Exxon ArbaughAi is worried that tho cials have said. n\icled of killing her daughter r lararossi also said Exxon has chachanged ils policy be- iing a stormy, violent relation- requires crews to be . _ ^ ||||||g p | i.se of the spill and now reqi ship will11 one0 day walk the streets., ’ abnailard ship,-w here drinkingg is prohibited, four ■uldn’t feel sad if he got a fixed ITS before sailing. A uthoritiesties charged the cap- :e,so he_wou!d never.get .out,".... :h said. “1 don’t wanl him'oul • Sec SPILL onI PPi a g e A 2 on ihe streets again, don't feel this would be safe with him .out." II Tie County, meanwhile, will le paying for Charboneau's * wVright's giftsc JAIMI CHARBt re in it until the bitter end," RBONEAU ' 7 ?jorge ' ’ Andriiij, counlyTOlWiiiiir” Faccs another — & * - u ; Tutiny— ■Thai's w hal’s so devastaling." inder-scr The.,e .Associated Pre.s's .VASHINGTON-The Ethicsics ccommittee on T\ies- y interviewed two men involvt■olved in 0 real estate Wornnan saysi 'tuck' ■ • V * ™ » , ... II with House Speaker JimI WiWright amid reports •— •»'' ' • »■ ' th ait t Wright may have acceptedted $100,000 in unre- . .— - porurU)d g ifu from.one of them. smrrredhjsrfifor life_ ' ' ThI’he commiltee planned lo resuresume ils closed-door • The ASfiodnled Pre;Press.......................chosen a.ja qualified, board-artfi^... libej-utions on a long list ofif prpossible rules violu- plaatic andai reconkiuctive ^ur> ' lionsns by Wright today, and ai finfinal outcome of Ihe WASHINGk)NIN ■— One woman geon. I wawas sure eveiytHng would ' - • case40 slill appeared lo be more lhanlha a week away. told B House ptmelnel I\ie3day how a be just fino.^fin - ThI’he Wall Street Journal repo'oported Tuesday that tummy tuck mveleverely damaged "Littlele <did I know.that after the th ei ccummittee is considering wheivliether Wright violal- her hoart and lefteft her scarred for surgery/ I1 would never be the - , ed rulesn by accepting use of■ aa-F l ort Worth condo- life, while anotherhor recounted the same.* mininium , a 1979 Cadillac andJ a salary paid to his rgeiy,,thflt diafig-___ M a ^Brown said that abotit ____ _ . wifefe from Fori Worth develyperpor George Mallick, a_, urcd h er l e g ^ dd ninearly drove her tbree'weeifeeks after her operatiS,'"I' longligtime friend and businessless partner of the lo suiddo- noticedI ^m right leg waa caving TlmtfltmriItmrl phol9/7EnE3A TAMURA Wrig■ighls. ;__________ jQvcfl PalsQ,.jf 0 Santa Ana. jn.&ilca - ' W h a t ' s otut t here?' - - H(House rules prohibit vhe iicceptiince-of-giflsacct of - - Calif., said post-oBt-operative infe^. forachechednip. As soon aa lie uw 'in na Diane were plnyirying on the equip- P”"ire than SICO from "any persorrson ... having a direcl- tions resulting frofrom sloppy work it, he callalmly said, 'I took out. too Samantha Loi/ouise M cM ullen, *1, o f Tw in ;crest in legislation." of a cosmetic Bursurgeon Ecnt hor much fat.'at."' Falla, explon)res the new fire enpinene mcnt recently purchichased with funds .‘nied %-iolaling House rwin Falls Junior Wright-, lias steadfastly denie into heart faUurere ffive times witli- The BurgeonBtii told h er th e condi- monkey barsrs at the Twin Falls Cityity donated by the Twi rule:les. Bui in a new variationII oron the, denial, Mark in'a year. tion ovenTentually would correct it* Park. Samantntha and her eister Shaw-w- C lub. ’But I w ant toD tctell you this,’ she self, butIt insteadi it got worsei she • See W RIGHT oni n IP n R c A 2 aaid.
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