PP3739/12/2002 ISSN 0127 - 5127 / RM3.00 / 2002:Vol.22No.8 SoundSound andand FuryFury SignifyingSignifying NothingNothing NewNew Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(8) Page 1 COVER STORY Puteri UMNO: Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing New by Maznah Mohamad ews of tiffs and acrimoni- NN ous contests within NNN Puteri Umno in the run- up to its first election in November makes for salacious reading. But this belies a sad com- mentary. A commentary on how women are not immune to dirty politicking. Worst, once mired into it they do not get out of it. One slan- der begets another. One sensational exposure leads to even more. While one might think of the fight for the top post with contenders, Mastina Abdul Hamid, Raihan Sulaiman and possibly others, against the incumbent Azalina Said Othman as a ‘healthy’ dem- onstration of democracy, there is always something more to this than meets the eye. There are several questions that deserve asking. Is Puteri Umno merely nursing its teething prob- lems or already weathering a po- litical tornado that can potentially damage it even before it can barely begin to attain legitimate status? Is Puteri UMNO the antidote to UMNO’s ailment? Is Puteri UMNO the answer to women’s plight? Dilemma What is reflected in Puteri UMNO’s impending election is not just a contest, but a question- Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(8) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE By launching Puteri UMNO two years ago, UMNO succeeded in attracting young Malay women to the CONTENTS party again. Some of these women were quite out- spoken and impressive and re-ignited public inter- COVER STORY est in UMNO. Alas, it appears that Puteri’s honey- ••• Puteri UMNO 222 moon period is over. For the old despicable UMNO- style politics has crept into the Wing too. Maznah FEATURES Mohamad reflects on Puteri UMNO and the brew- ••• Federal Court Ruling Defies Logic 777 ing internal conflict in our lead story. ••• All-Out War 888 ••• So, Why Are We Still Waiting? 999 K Ong investigates the recent constituency delimi- ••• You Are Expected To Deliver 111111 tation exercise in the back cover story. His analysis •• We Will Be Vigilant 1313 reveals that mal-apportionment of seats among the ••• We Will Be Vigilant 131313 states, and gerrymandering or redrawing of the ••• Fundamentalism 161616 boundaries in favour of the ruling coalition, per- ••• Murderous Anniversary 252525 sists. ••• Mahathir's Meddling 262626 ••• Penang Does Not Need PORR 363636 Another feature this month is the plight of the ISA ••• Artful Dodging 383838 detainees. P Ramakrishnan questions the decision ••• The 2002 Delimitation Exercise 404040 of the Federal Court which ruled the ISA arrests ille- gal but did not order that the detainees be released. REGULARS Read also the “declaration of war” by the Families ••• Thinking Allowed 191919 of the Detainees who have vowed to fight on till ••• Current Concerns 292929 justice is done. ••• LettersLettersLetters 313131 Other stories in this AM are: a report on a forum on OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS PORR held in the Aliran office; short articles on ••• Aliran In Dire Straits 232323 Burma including a criticism of Dr Mahathir’s “in- ••• Subscription Form 242424 terference into Burma’s internal affairs”; and on ••• Book Review 272727 Afghanistan, one year after. Published by Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Penang, Malaysia. Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the Tel : (04) 658 5251 Fax : (04) 658 5197 roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : http://www.malaysia.net/aliran all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Angkatan Edaran Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. Lot 6, Jalan Tukang 16/4, Seksyen 16, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(8) Page 3 ing of the unsolved legitimacy reform. One badly needed area of recruitment of young women to of Puteri UMNO. It is really a improvement was for the party to fuel a flagging party is compara- contest to decide what identity re-build or expand its corps of ble to an older phenomenon of the Puteri UMNO should wear The vote-solicitors. The target was to massive deployment of women perennial dilemma of the Malay- win new voters and win-back the into the industrial workforce dur- Muslim woman, having to youths previously attracted to ing the 1970s. choose between the symbolisms reformasi. of tradition or modernity seems The stigma of “Minah Karan”, the to be at play. Perhaps UMNO also knew that label given to young Malay from the 1999 election women women who were recruited in On the one hand there is the could be more trusted to be loyal droves and with sudden speed feisty Azalina, unconventional voters to one party than do men. into the electronics industries of by most Malay political and cul- But why Puteri UMNO? the early 1970s had long gone. tural standards. On the other Then, women were preferred over hand, there are her two rivals Wanita UMNO was probably no men in the electronics industry. who outwardly exhibit every bit longer capable of attracting youth- The famous reasons being that the norm of Malay-Muslim ful women voters, being saddled they were nimble-fingered, obedi- womanhood. with its ‘motherly, old-fashioned’ ent, disciplined and easily con- image for as long as it has existed. trolled. While Azalina does not wear the UMNO Youth on the other hand tudung, her two rivals do. While is etched with a “thuggish” im- Male youths were not trusted with Mastina is unmarried she is so- age having been prominent only the job of factory workers as the cially acceptable because of her at demonstrating stridency when skills required were more cultural educational qualification of an the issues demanded of them. (passivity, tolerance for long sed- MBA, and has professed that she entary and repetitive tasks) rather will be injecting more Islam into Given all of these, the prime min- than technical. But women’s sud- the movement. Raihan on the ister’s attention naturally turned den appearance as the new labour other hand is by far the epitome of to an untapped political force, force was greeted with disdain by the ‘traditionalist’. Not only is she namely young women. And why a strongly male-biased society. of UMNO stock, being the daugh- not? Women were accused of becom- ter of an UMNO veteran, but she ing “loose” once they embraced is married with four children. Young women have either been the urban lifestyle. neglected as a political entity or Among the three, the scale seems when they are publicly acknowl- All these are in many ways not to be sliding in the degree of how edged it had always been for the too different from the Puteri far one nears or veers from the wrong reasons. Young women UMNO experience. While the symbols of traditionalism. It’s a were either considered uncontrol- progressives cheer on the bright- question as to who best shall pro- lable (the ‘bohsia’ phenomenon) eyed women, the conservative el- vide the best role model for the or in need of excessive protection ements ridicule them. movement. from sexual predators. Several decades ago, it was the Saviour Of UMNO UMNO’s new-found positive at- lagging economy which needed a tention towards women as politi- boost in the form of export-orien- When Puteri Umno was first cal agents were greeted with tation and the setting-up of off- formed, hopeful initiators of this much approval by those who con- shore multinational electronic idea thought of it as a gain for sider themselves progressive. companies. Women, the so-called women. UMNO apologists within ‘reserve army’ of labour were en- the media saw it as a saviour for Women trusted to do the job. UMNO. Challenged by the winds In The Machine of reformasi UMNO was cornered Now, UMNO, having grown into into seeking its own formula for This phenomenon of the sudden a sluggish dinosaur badly needs Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(8) Page 4 an ‘army’ too. It needed a force UMNO would not only be given “bukan lindungan” (not over- that can jump-start it towards a equal status as the other wings in shadowed by) is self-evident. Not sense of purpose and bring in the party, it would even be centre- much is known of this writer or new, dynamic recruits to sustain staged as evidence of UMNO’s that in fact it may be just a nom de its legitimacy. success at embracing reforms. plume, but a check at the book- store in Putra World Trade Cen- What does all of this tell us about Perhaps this is where the Puteri tre, where the UMNO headquar- women? That women, in both UMNO phenomenon departs ters is based shows that there are cases were really needed as cogs from the “Minah Karan” pre- already a string of novels written in the bigger wheel of change. In dicament of before. Save for the by this author. the first case it was an industrial initial flurry of unwanted atten- machine. In the second case it is tion given to them, women fac- Each novel has a young Malay the political machine. tory workers eventually faded woman as its protagonist. The into the scene as the silent back- cover of each book has an appeal- And qualities of women needed bone of the economy. But Puteri ing art work. Each has an illus- for both instances? Not much dif- UMNO is meant to stand out tration of the heroine, inevitably ference —— discipline, obedience more forcefully.
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