CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERlES4 BIHAR PAPER 1 OF 1985 HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY RELIGION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD (Upto C. D. Block and Town level) B. B. LAL OF THB INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Director of Census Operations, Bilrar ERRATA ___~___.__, ___________.____,.-.....,_"a~___._...--'_..__.,j- _____.~__,___.--'__,. _________, __ ---.l__,_ Page Particulars Column For Read No. no. -------~-----,___._..-____,~-~~___.-__.-__, 2 3 4 5 -----__..___.--__,---_...__,-__,-__...__,----I~___.__,--__.__,__,__,___.__,_....-- ---'---.1..-.11 5 Orissa 17 41,263 241,263 7 India 25 2,303,01 2,303,016 38 Gaya Town C.D. Block, Total 6 '160,11 160,118 Ditto Rural 6 45,28 45,286 Ditto Urbln 6 114,83 114,832 Shergnati, Total 6 56,53 56,535 42 Atri, Rural 6 67,S2 67,525 Jeltanabad, Total 6 Illegible 61,159 Ditto, Rural 6 40,272 40,277 Ditto, Urban 6 Blank 20.882 46 Rafiganj, Rural 6 66,455 66,435 50 Koath (N) 18 4,58 4,588 Bikramganj, Total 18 52,52 52,525 Ditto, Rural 18 45,70 45,705 68 Siwan(M) 26 ,958 8,958 94 Muzaffarpur west Subdivision, Rural 17 469.902 469,602 122 Chhatapur, Rural 16 112,928 112,921 u4 Katihar subdivision, Urban 16 17.739 107,739 142 Jamui subdivision, Total 16 159,814 759,814 1$6 Banka (M) 26 TIlegiblc 1,503 U8 Jamtara subdivision, Total 3 71,680 76,680 ,(60 (a) Deoghar (M) 27 Blank 3 16~ Sundar Pahari, Rural 25 744 794 166 Hiranpur, Total 6 23. 23,035 Ditto, Urban 6 ,035 4.12 Jarapokh:u' Town 25 nJegible 8,350 190 Palamu district, Total 6 TIlegible 937,573 '92 Kodarma, Rural 24 10,617 10,716 202 Burmu, Rural 6 Illegible 37,559 ~IO Lohardaga, Urban 16 15,009 15,090 233 Santal, Munger 7 IlIegib!e 15 U8 Bhumij, Bihar, Urban 4 1 246 (m) Pathardih Town 16 20,21G 20.236 __ __. _________,,--I---...I ________, _______ ~ _____________ ~ _ _...a __________. _____I _ ___.---- CONI'BNTS Preface Introductory Note.. • Note to Table HH-1S 21 Table HH-15-Household Population by rolision of Hea.d of Household Note on Appendices and Annexure to Table HH-15 227 Appendices- A-Details of Religions shown under 'Other Religions and Persuasions' having a strength of 100 and above e aell = at State level. B-Details of Religions shown under other religions and persuasions baving a strength of less than 100 at the State level. 23' C-Details of figures of those Urban Agglomerations which lie within two or more C. D. Blocks 246 Annexure- Details of Sects/beliefs/religions clubbed with another religion • :114 PREFACE c, This. plp~r con.talU'j, the religion data on the basis ofinformatiou on religion of the head of household collected during the 1981 Census through Part I of the Household Schedule. However, in case of institutional households the religion data have been compiled from question 8 ofIndividual Slip because information on religion for institutional households has not been recorded in Part I of Household Schedule. Information on six major religious communities, viz., BUddhist, Christi~ r~s, Hindus, Jains, Muslims and Sikhs and 'Other religions and persuasions' and Religion :r:0t ftated, for the State, districts, C.D. blocks, cities and towns has been shown in Table HH 15. While Appen­ d ices A and B of this table give details of the religions shown under 'Other religions and persuasions' having a strength of 100 and above and less than 100 at the State level respectively, Appendix C gives the figures of religions relating to urban agglomerations which lie within two or more C.D. Blocks. The religion data of these urban agglomerations which lie in one C.D. Block have been shown in table HH 15. The Annexure to this table gives the details of sects, beliefs and relig;ons included in each of the major religions. Shri B.B. Lal, the Director of Census Operations, under whose able guidance the entire opera­ tions were carried out deserves all credits for the success of the operations and that he had to leave the organisation for taking up other important assign..ment in the State Government before the paper in question could be finalised. Therefore, on his behalf we take this opportunity in acknowledging the able and sincere service& rendered by Shri P. N. Sinha, Asstt. Director who hln11ed the job w~th single minded devotion and guided the staff under his charge efficiently. Sh.fi Sukhdeo Pd, Investigator ably assisted Shri Sinha alongwith other members of the staffin giving final shape to this paper. He also deserves. my thanks. We are also thankful to the officers of Printing Cell, Sarvashree S. C. Saxena, Dy. Director and A.L. Das, Asstt. Director for seeing thepap~r through Sarvashree Sheo Pd., Sr. Te:;hnical A')stt. and B. K. Shr-ivastava, Printing I!J.')p~:;tor spJ.Ied no plins in bringing out this paper in its present frame. We owe a debt of gratitude to Shri P. Padmanabha, the former.Registrar General, India,· Shri V. S. Verma, the present Registrar General, India, Shri V.P. Pandey, Joint Registrar General cnd Shri N. Rama Rao, Asstt._Registrar General but for whose guidance this paper would not have been a possibility. lowe my thanks to the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Faridabad who have undertaken tl.e works of this volume and accomplished the same with promptness. PATNA ~ D.N. MAHESH 5th June, 1986 Deputy Director of Census Operations, Bihar. INTRODUCTORY NOTE Religion is an important and perhaps the basic available. In respect of the inmates of the institu­ cultural characteristic of the population. In a tional households, however, the data have been secular state like India several religions have abstracted from the relevant Individ'ual Slips as thrived and every decennial census provides an the Household Schedule does not provide data interesting picture of the religious persuasions of on religion in respect of the institutional house­ the people. The data on religion yielded by the holds. In the present paper the data on religion census are of great interest to the public as are presented for S.tate/di~trict/C.D. Block/U. A./ well as to the scholars. At the Census enu­ city/town. meration a variety of answers might have been Thus the data presented in this paper are based provided to the questions on religion, some spur­ on (1) information on the religion of the h-ead of the ious and some merely sects to a major religion. A household in respect of" normal households and census enumerator had instructions to record the the households of houseless population, i. e., all religion as actually returned by a respondent. households barring institutional households and (2) In the 1981 Census, question on religion was information on the religion of each individual re- included in the Individual Slip filled in for every - turned for Question 8 of the Individual Slip in res­ person and the Household Schedule filled in for pect of individuals in the institutional households. a household. In Question no. 8 of the _Indivi­ The instructions to . enumerators for filling up dual Slip, the religion of the person enumerated Question 2 on religion of the head of the household was recorded, as returned. In Question no. 2 of in the Household Schedule are given below: Part I of the Household Schedule, the teligion of the head of the household, as returned, was "You have to record the religion of the head filled in. of the household as given by him against this ques­ A household is defined, for the purpose of tion. While writing'the religion, you have to write census, as a group of persons who commonly live the abbreviations as follows on the line against this together and would take their meals from a common question and not in any dotted boxes provided at kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevented the end of the dotted line against this question : any of them from doing so. There could be a For Buddhists -Write B household of persons related by blood or a house­ For ChristianS-Write hold of unrelated persons, or a mix of both. -c Examples of unrelated households are boarding For Hindu~ _;:_Write H houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue For Jains -Write J homes, jails, ashrams, etc. These are called insti­ For Muslirp.s -Write M tutional households. In the case of institutio­ For Sik~s. -;:-Write S nal households the information on religion of the head of the household was not collected in For 'Others' record actual religion as returned the Household Schedule. However, the in­ fully. If a person' says that he has no ,religion, formation on religion of each inmate of the institu­ it may be recordeq accordingly. If a person re­ tional household was, collected in the Individual fuses to state his religion you may write 'religion Slip filled in by the enumerator for every person not stated.' You should not enter into any in the institutional household. argument with the household for filling up this The head of the household for census purposes question. You are bound to record faithfully is the person on whom the chief responsibility whatever religion is returned by the head of the household. For institutional households, put 'X' for the maintenance of the household falls. against this question". In the present paper the data on main religious communities as returned in Question 2 of the House­ The following summary of figures of religion hold Schedule of the 1981 Census are being made data in the form of statements are given below ~ 1 2 STATEMENT 1 Household Population in States/U.
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