Mailed free to requesting homes in Douglas, Northbridge, Uxbridge, Linwood, Whitinsville and North Uxbridge Vol. VIII, No. 31 Complimentary to homes by request ONLINE: WWW.STONEBRIDGEPRESS.COM Friday, July 20, 2018 Uxbridge owns the 4th BY ERICA CHICK lessly, it just wasn’t happening. Events like this TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT are costly and can be a great financial burden. Over five years ago, the Uxbridge 4th of July Chris Whitten, of Premeer Real Estate, noted, committee was formed in an effort to bring “After two years of fundraising, they turned to a holiday celebration like no other back to Premeer to see if we could team up with them to Uxbridge. The committee consists of Travis bring fireworks back to Uxbridge after a nearly DoRosario, Sean Matthews, and Amie Briggs. dozen year hiatus. In a heartbeat, we said ‘yes’ Despite their greatest efforts and working tire- and got to work with the committee immediate- ly. Our Premeer team (myself, Shelley Ferrage, Molly Mullen and Matt McLaughlin), along with the committee, hit the ground hard for sponsorships to hit our magic number in order to bring the fireworks back to Uxy. After many Meerkat promotional videos and other out-of- the-box marketing ideas, both the Uxbridge 4th of July Committee and Premeer are proud to say that we brought back the boom in 2016! The struggle was just as tough in 2017, but we hit the mark to make them bigger and better. Now in year three of the fireworks, we’ve got them on the field and continue to grow.” And grow it has. Attendance is estimated between 3-3.5k people. There were over 40 spon- Erica Chick photos sors, several vendors, and plenty of bouncy The passenger salutes as the ride begins. houses for the younger crowd to enjoy. This year’s Hollywood Blockbuster theme brought some creativity to the $300+ spon- sors. In previous years Whitten created and produced promotional videos with Premeer’s Thunder rocks mascot, Murray the Meerkat, for each of the sponsors. This year, he took his creative skills on a different journey and created a Hollywood Blockbuster movie poster for each the Valley of the sponsors. The posters had a different twist to them, playing on the type of business Erica Chick photos BY ERICA CHICK Douglas. Chet passed away Please Read CELEBRATION, page A6 TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT A little dancing before the fireworks show. while coaching his son’s The VFW Post 1385 in Little League game at the age Uxbridge proudly hosted the of 35. 15th annual Thunder in the A memorial scholarship Valley on Saturday, July 14. was established in 2003 to Several parents brought their honor Officer Dzivasen. Due GLIDING children to be mesmerized by to the overwhelming success the sight and sounds of all the of this event, the scholarship motorcycles driving off. has been funded for many Hunter Wilson, age 4, don- years to come. In 2007, it was ning his reflective sunglasses, decided that a local charity stared in awe at these power- should be helped. After much ful and loud machines as they consideration, the Adam drove past. He pointed and Bullen Memorial Foundation jumped up and down, calling was chosen. ecstatically, “Look! Look! All The Adam Bullen Memorial the motorcycles!” Foundation is based in It surely was a sight to Oxford and is dedicated to admire. helping patients and their Thunder in the Valley is families dealing with can- a memorial motorcycle ride cer. They provide both emo- and chicken barbeque that tional and financial support honors the life of Officer Chet to local children and adults John Kloczkowski photo Dzivasen. Officer Dzivasen through the many stages of A great blue heron glides just above the surface of the water along the Blackstone River in Northbridge. was a dedicated officer on the this life threatening disease. Reflected in the water, this great hunter is keeping his eye out for his next meal. Uxbridge Police Department Residents throughout the and a resident of the town of Please Read THUNDER, page A3 Work is valued and then some It’s a national program $123,353. that involves students from The volunteers worked across the country, and here throughout the six com- in the Blackstone Valley, munities of the Heritage the students work with the Corridor. Blackstone Valley Heritage Thank you to all who vol- Corridor in a myriad of unteered and made a differ- ways. ence throughout the com- Church groups from munities of the Blackstone Prince Edward Island, Heritage Corridor. We imag- Michigan, New Jersey as ined YOUR possibilities and well as Whitinsville take you all delivered beyond our part in the project. A total wildest expectations!! of 95 Youth Serve volunteers 18 sites where Youth Serve worked this summer, with volunteered: Northbridge the current value of a volun- Police Department; Courtesy photos teer’s time placed at $24.69 Northbridge Fire Suzanne Buchanan, volunteer coordinator at Blackstone Heritage Corridor, Inc. (BHC) (far left holding the per hour. Department; Northbridge sign), stands with the 95 teen volunteers from Whitinsville Serve, a week-long mission trip with Youth After totaling the time Department of Public Works; Unlimited. Pleasant Street Church of Whitinsville hosted the volunteers for the third year in a row and part- of adult and student vol- Massachusetts Departments nered with BHC to enroll the teens with the National Park Service’s Volunteers-In-Parks program which BHC unteers, it was determined of Conservation & manages. After the week of service, Buchanan tallied the numbers and at the closing ceremonies on July 12 the value in Whitinsville is revealed that Whitinsville Serve 2018 contributed 4,996 volunteer hours which resulted in an-kind donation of Please Read BHC, page A2 $123,353 to the Volunteers-In-Parks program. An enchanted afternoon to meet an author KIMBERLY MASCHI their process, characters, plots, On the panel discussion was STONEBRIDGE PRESS CORRESPONDENT and future projects. author Ammi-Joan Paquette, What is better than finishing Tui T. Sutherland, author of author of The Train of Lost your favorite book? Getting to over 30 books for kids and teens Things and Bunny Bus. ask the author any questions answered questions about her Paquette says her process is you like! Enchanted Passage Wings of Fire series. One young much different, “I tend to be a LLC in Sutton made it possi- girl asked Sutherland, “how do planner. I write in little chunks Kim Maschi and ble for authors and patrons to you finish a book?” and knowing where I am going courtesy photos come together in a fair filled Sutherland responded, “I fig- means a lot to me.” Enchanted pas- with games, plays, prizes, and ure it out as I go. I really like Anna Staniszewski, author sage LLC with discussions. Fair goers had the to know everything about a of Dogosaurus Rex and The a young visitor opportunity to ask their favor- character’s backstory and I let attacking a drag- ite authors questions about it all come naturally.” Please Read ENCHANTED, page A5 on. 2 • Friday, July 20, 2018 BLACKSTONE VALLEY TRIBUNE BOOK SALE student Jiacomo Beckman, College of On Saturday July 21, 9am-noon at the BLACKSTONE BRIEFS Engineering. Students who achieve at a Simon Fairfield Public Library, 290 Main high level academically are recognized St, Douglas, Come shop for gently used by the dean at the close of each semester. books and media. Whatever price you refreshments, inspired by the title being inent Stratford doctor Jonathan Hall, To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students decide is the right price for any and all discussed, will be served. sues her accuser, Jack Lane, for slan- must complete a minimum of 12 graded books and media we are offering. All SUTTON HISTORICAL der in the court of Worcester Cathedral. degree credits in that semester. Each uni- proceeds will benefit the Friends of the The Sutton Historical Society will host Shakespeare’s presence looms ethereally versity school or college sets its own GPA Library. its annual Potluck Supper on Friday, over this emotional take of forbidden love requirements for students to be eligible to REUNION PLANNING August 10, at 6:30 pm, at the Eight Lots and private intrigue. receive the distinction. Northbridge High School Class of 1968 School House located on the corner of Tickets and full perfor- HAMDEN CT — The following area stu- is planning its 50th year Class Reunion. Eight Lots Road and West Sutton Road. mance calendar online at: dents earned degrees on May 19-20 from It will be held at the historic Oakhurst The general public is invited. The School WorcesterShakespeareCompany.org or Quinnipiac University. Kevin McKernan Lasell Manor, 120 Hill St., Whitinsville, House will be open for viewing. Bring at the door. Adults $20, Seniors/Student of Millbury, Bachelor of Science in mar- on Sept. 29. The committee is in the pro- your favorite appetizer, main course or $15, Children under 12 free. Produced by keting; Monica Hall of Sutton, Bachelor of cess of sending out invitations for this dessert and join the Historical Society for special arrangement with Dramatist Play Science in health science studies. event. We are looking forward to seeing an evening of fun and history sharing. Service, Inc. HAMDEN, CT — The following area everyone. If you are a classmate and have Visit the Society webpage at www.sutton- MILLVILLE PROJECT FUNDING students were named to the dean’s not been notified, Please contact the com- historicalsocietyinc.org or our Facebook BOSTON — State Senator Ryan list for the Spring 2018 semester at mittee with any questions, call Pauline page Sutton Historical Society, Inc.
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