US 2014O186491A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0186491 A1 Firrell et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 3, 2014 (54) BITTERNESS MASKING Publication Classification (75) Inventors: Michelle Firrell, Lower Earley (GB); (51) Int. Cl. Sarah Marshall, Newbury (GB); Steffi A2.3L. I./22 (2006.01) Lundy, Belfast (GB); Clive RT Norton, (52) U.S. Cl. Bedminster, NJ (US) CPC .................................. A2.3L I/22083 (2013.01) (73) Assignee: KRAFT FOODS R & D, INC., USPC 426/3; 426/575; 426/576; 426/578; 426/631; Deerfield, IL (US) 426/632: 426/650 (21) Appl. No.: 14/130,770 (22) PCT Filed: Jun. 26, 2012 (57) ABSTRACT (86) PCT NO.: PCT/US2O12/0441.51 A method for masking the unpleasant taste of a bitter tasting S371 (c)(1), Substance includes administration of the bitter tasting Sub (2), (4) Date: Mar. 14, 2014 stance with a vitamin E compound in the presence of at least one fat. The bitter taste of a bitter tasting substance is reduced Related U.S. Application Data in confectionery compositions when combined with at least (60) Provisional application No. 61/504,476, filed on Jul. 5, one fat and a taste masking effective amount of one or more 2011. forms of a vitamin E compound. US 2014/0186491 A1 Jul. 3, 2014 BITTERNESS MASKING comprising a bitter tasting Substance, at least one fat and a taste-masking effective amount of a tocopherol. 0001. The present application is a U.S. national stage of 0008. In yet another embodiment, a confectionery compo application No. PCT/US2012/044151, filed on Jun. 26, 2012, sition comprises a bitter tasting Substance, a fat, and a toco which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application 61/504, pherol, wherein the unpleasant taste of the bitter tasting sub 476 which was filed Jul. 5, 2011, the contents of which in their stance is masked. entirety are herein incorporated by reference. 0009. In one embodiment, the use oftocopherol to modify, mask or reduce the unpleasant taste impression of a bitter FIELD tasting Substance in a fat-containing confectionery composi 0002 This disclosure generally relates to methods for tion is provided. masking the unpleasant taste of a bitter tasting Substance 0010. The above described and other features are exem particularly in confectionery compositions containing the bit plified by the following detailed description. ter tasting Substance. In particular, this disclosure relates to masking the unpleasant taste of a bitter tasting Substance in DETAILED DESCRIPTION confectionery compositions that include the bitter tasting 0011. It has been found that the administration of small Substance and a fat using a vitamin E compound. amounts of a vitamin E compound with a bitter tasting Sub stance effectively masks or reduces the unpleasant and/or BACKGROUND bitter taste of the bitter tasting substance. The effect of the vitamin E compound on the overall taste profile of the bitter 0003 Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin naturally found in tasting Substance is particularly effective when administered many types of foods, fats and oils. There are eight known in the presence of at least one fat. chemical forms of Vitamin E. These chemical forms include 0012 Disclosed herein are methods of masking the four tocopherols (alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-toco unpleasant taste of a bitter tasting Substance. The method pherol) and four tocotrienols (alpha-, beta-, gamma- and includes administering the bitter tasting Substance with a delta-tocotrienol). Tocopherols are naturally found in Veg Vitamin E compound in the presence of at least one fat. etable oils, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Tocotrienols are 0013 Also disclosed herein is a method for masking a naturally found in very low levels in select vegetable oils, bitter taste in a confectionery composition containing a bitter plam oil, wheat germ, barley, saw palmetto, and certain types tasting Substance. The method includes providing a confec of nuts and grains. tionery composition comprising a bitter tasting Substance, at 0004 Vitamin E is a known antioxidant that stops the least one fat and a taste-masking effective amount of a vita production of reactive oxygen species formed when fat min E compound. undergoes oxidation. Vitamin E is often incorporated as an 0014 Disclosed herein also are confectionery composi antioxidant into oil or fat-containing food products to mini tions including a bitter tasting Substance, at least one fat, and mize deterioration that may occur through oxidation during a taste-masking effective amount of a vitamin E compound. storage. Confectionery compositions, such as chewing gum, The vitamin E compound is used to modify, mask, reduce, have also been described containing a mixture oftocopherols cover or eliminate the unpleasant taste impression of a bitter to stabilize the mint oils included in the chewing gum (U.S. tasting Substance in a fat-containing confectionery composi Pat. No. 5,200,214). tion. 0005 Menthol is known for its physiological cooling 0015. As used herein, a “taste-masking effective amount effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and is the amount of vitamin E compound that is Sufficient to has been extensively used as a flavoring agent in a wide alleviate or reduce the unpleasant taste of the bitter tasting variety of products, particularly foodstuffs, beverages, den Substance as compared to compositions that are prepared trifrices, mouthwashes, etc. Many confectionery products are without the vitamin E compound. The taste masking effective mint-flavored products that contain moderate to high levels of amount may vary with the degree of the bitter taste being menthol. The disadvantages of using menthol, however, are masked, the particular confectionery composition, additional its strong minty odor and the harsh notes it imparts to com ingredients that may be present in the confectionery compo positions in which it is found. Confectionery products con sition, the natural genetic variability and individual prefer taining menthol can have a bitter or unpleasant off-note taste ences of various human beings tasting the compositions, and that adversely affects the overall flavor of the product. In the subjective effect of the vitamin Ecompound on the taste of many instances, the flavor of confectionery products contain the bitter-tasting Substance. ing menthol would be improved by diminishing or removing 0016. In some embodiments, the vitamin E compound is the bitter or unpleasant off-note tastes while simultaneously selected from a tocopherol, a tocotrienol, or a combination preserving or enhancing the contribution made to the overall thereof. flavor by the menthol component. 0017. In some embodiments, the vitamin E compound is a tocopherol. Tocopherols are naturally found in vegetable oils, SUMMARY nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Naturally produced forms of the tocopherol as well as synthetic forms can be used. The 0006. In one embodiment, a method is provided for mask tocopherols occur in alpha, beta, gamma and delta forms. ing the unpleasant taste of a bitter tasting Substance, the 0018. In some embodiments, the tocopherol is selected method comprising administering the bitter tasting Substance from the group consisting of alpha-tocopherol, beta-toco with a tocopherol in the presence of at least one fat. pherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, and combina 0007. In another embodiment, a method is provided for tions comprising at least one of the foregoing tocopherols. masking a bitter taste in a confectionery composition, the 0019. In one embodiment, the tocopherol is alpha-toco method comprising providing a confectionery composition pherol. Naturally occurring alpha-tocopherol exists in one US 2014/0186491 A1 Jul. 3, 2014 Stereoisomeric form. In contrast, synthetically produced least partially Surrounding a center-fill, or innermost, region. alpha-tocopherol contains equal amounts of its eight possible In some embodiments, the confectionery region is an inter Stereoisomers. mediate region. 0020. In other embodiments, vitamin E compounds such 0029. As used herein, the term “center-fill refers to the as tocotrienols can also be used to modify, mask or reduce the innermost region of a center-fill confectionery product. In unpleasant taste impression of a bitter-tasting Substance when Some embodiments, the center-fill region is at least partially administered in the presence of at least one fat. Tocotrienols surrounded by the confectionery base region. The term “cen are naturally found in very low levels in select vegetable oils, ter-fill does not necessarily imply symmetry of a confection palm fruit oil, wheat germ, barley, saw palmetto, and certain ery product, only that the “center-fill” is within another region types of nuts and grains. Naturally produced forms of the of the product. In some embodiments, the center-fill may be tocotrienol as well as synthetic forms can be used. Substantially symmetric and in others, the center-fill may not 0021 Tocotrienols, like tocopherols, are members of the be symmetric of the confectionery piece. In some embodi vitamin E family and are structurally similar to tocopherol. ments, more than one center-fill may be present. A center-fill The tocotrienols, like the tocopherols, occur in alpha, beta, may include Solid, liquid, gas and mixtures thereof. The term gamma and delta forms. The tocotrienols also have the same “liquid” in the context of a center-fill includes fluid materials methyl structure at the ring, but differ from tocopherols by the as well as semi-solid or gel materials. The center-fill can be presence of three double bonds in the hydrophobic side chain. aqueous, non-aqueous, or an emulsion. The unsaturation in the hydrophobic side chain gives tocot 0030 The confectionery composition can be coated or rienols only a single stereoisomeric carbon, whereas toco uncoated. As used herein, the term “coating” is used to refer to a region of a material that at least partially Surrounds the pherols have 3 chiral centers.
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