9/11 Truth 1 9/11 Truth 9/11 Truth From Campaign Promise to a Presidential Speech on 9/11 2018? Citizen Intelligence Briefing for Donald J. Trump President United States of America Robert David Steele Editor Earth Intelligence Network 2 9/11 Truth All Memorandums Previously Published Free Online http://tinyurl.com/911‐POTUS The dates on each memorandum have been eliminated to avoid the distraction – the memorandums have been reordered to communicate a narrative: who, why, how. The original dates can be seen at the above link and within the downloadable individual memorandums themselves. 3 9/11 Truth Table of Contents Donald Trump Makes A Promise About 9/11 ............................................................................................. 5 Robert David Steele: Letter of Transmittal ................................................................................................. 6 Overview & Call for Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit ............................................................................... 11 David Ray Griffin: Proposal for a Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit ...................................................... 11 Eric Hufschmid: Please Find the Courage to Declare 9/11 a False Flag Operation .............................. 13 James Fetzer: Three Proofs We Have Not Been Told the Truth About 9/11 ........................................ 15 Sander Hicks: 9/11 Truth Can Unite the Public Against the Deep State .............................................. 17 Andrew Kreig: U.S. Attorney Has Received a Petition Demanding 9/11 Investigation ....................... 19 Robert Steele: 9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy .............................................. 21 Who? Who Planned and Executed and Covered‐Up 9/11? ...................................................................... 23 Christopher Bollyn: 9/11 ‐ Israel’s History of False Flag Operations against the U.S.A.* .................... 23 Victor Thorn: The Zionist Role in Planning, Funding, and Controlling 9/11 ......................................... 27 Steve De’ak: 9/11 Who Knew What When? The New York City Cover‐Up… ....................................... 29 Nicholas Kollerstrom: 9/11 an Inside Job, Osama Bin Laden Framed, FBI Aware ............................... 34 Why? What Exactly Motivated the 9/11 Mass Casualty Event? .............................................................. 36 Tom‐Scott Gordon: 9/11 WTC Towers Condemned Before 9/11, Known to Rudy Giuliani ................ 36 Fred Burks: Evidence 9/11 Used to Launder $240 Billion in Covert Securities* .................................. 39 How? How Could A Mass Atrocity in Three Acts Be Carried Out? ............................................................ 41 Peter Dale Scott: 9/11, Dick Cheney, & The Hijacking of the U.S. Government* ................................ 41 Susan Lindauer: CIA’s Advance Knowledge of 9/11 Date Including Nuclear Possibilities* ................. 43 Ed Jewett: 9/11 – The Zionist‐Rothschild Use of Agents –Carter and Zelikow Particularly ................ 45 Scott Bennett: Memorandum for the President: How 9/11 Was Funded* ......................................... 48 Kevin Barrett: Muslims Were Framed for 9/11 – Fake News MSM Silences Us* ................................ 50 Richard Gage, AIA: 9/11 Explosive Evidence As Identified by AE911Truth Not Addressed ................ 52 T. Mark Hightower: 9/11 Twin Towers Cannot Be Explained by Nano‐Thermite Alone ..................... 56 Barbara Honegger: 9/11 Pre‐Planted Explosions 8 Minutes Prior to Alleged Impact* ....................... 58 Gordon Duff: 9/11 NYC Was a Nuclear Event Crafted by Israel Overseen by Dick Cheney ................. 61 Joe Olson: 9/11 Twin Towers “Clean Nukes”, WTC 7 Conventional Demolitions ................................ 63 Judy Wood by Robert Steele: 9/11 Twin Towers Vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons ................ 65 John Lear: 9/11 Illusions of Airplanes from Hollywood or US Air Force Holograms? .......................... 68 John Lear: 9/11 Twin Towers Were Not Hit By Nor Destroyed By Two Airliners ................................ 70 Aeronautical Engineer: No Boeing 757 Hit the Pentagon ..................................................................... 73 Epilogue ...................................................................................................................................................... 75 A. K. Dewdney: 9/11 Gratuitously False Narrative on Use of Cell Phones ........................................... 75 Greg Felton: 9/11 Zionism’s Great Feeding Frenzy – The Parasite Eats the Host ................................ 77 References .................................................................................................................................................. 80 The Zionist Plan – The “Greater Israel” or Yinon Plan .......................................................................... 80 Remember the USS Liberty! ................................................................................................................... 81 Review: Enclosure – Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror* ................................................... 83 Zionism in America – 18 Strikes and Counting ...................................................................................... 87 CIA and the Deep State – A Threat to the President & The Republic* ................................................. 88 Index of Names…………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………99 * Published in the American Herald Tribune in addition to Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog. 4 9/11 Truth Donald Trump Makes A Promise About 9/11 Tim Haines, “Donald Trump on 9/11: ‘You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center’,” RealClear Politics, 17 February 2018. 5 9/11 Truth Robert David Steele: Letter of Transmittal Mr. President, On 15 February 2016, speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina, you promised that under your watch, We the People would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Throughout the campaign you were alone among prominent public figures to express skepticism on 9/11 by observing that the same builders who constructed the Twin Towers were now working for you and that the design of the buildings made it impossible for planes to have brought them down and that something else had to be involved, such as bombs. You were right on the mark! It is now known that the 9/11 Commission was a complete cover‐up, similar to the Warren Commission in the aftermath of the assassination of John F. Kennedy by a multiplicity of actors including Zionists, led by Lyndon Baines Johnson with the collaboration of the leaders of the CIA, FBI, and the Secret Service. As the Deep State begins to panic in the face of your successful domestic and foreign initiatives that threaten to overturn fifty years of atrocities in our name and the looting of our treasury by the 1%, there is one major step you can take to educate the 99%, earn the confidence of the 73% who did not vote for you (47% not voting at all), and smash the fake news media that continues to parrot the 1% propaganda line accusing you of treason: Deliver the truth about 9/11. The memoranda that follow could not have been collected so quickly without the original disbelief of the Families of 9/11 of the false government narrative; the persistent efforts of Richard Gage and the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth; the independent critical thinking of so many others; and the on‐ going outreach of Dr. (PhD) James Fetzer, former Marine Corps officer, who is perhaps the single most authoritative author on the topic of false flag operations (I myself have managed a false flag operation for CIA). His established access to half the contributing authors enabled this Briefing to be created in less than 30 days – an independent investigation could do much more in the 40 days remaining between now and 9/11 2018 when you plan a speech on the 17th anniversary of 9/11. Will that speech consist of platitudes? Or will that speech blow the lid off 9/11 and charter a deep long‐term investigation that sets a new standard for truth in the public interest? As Andrew Kreig points out in his memorandum, a petition for a criminal investigation was delivered on 10 April 2018 – just over three months ago – to U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman, Southern District of New York. Mr. Berman works for you. The fastest, cheapest way for you to fulfil your campaign promise to get to the bottom of 9/11 is to direct Mr. Berman to act rapidly on the petition and report his preliminary conclusions to you by 1 September 2018 – in time to impact on your planned speech for 11 September 2018 and arouse the greatest possible public outrage going toward the November elections. 9/11 was a false flag operation – an inside job planned by the Zionists and Saudis and executed with the complicity and complete protection of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, among others. Emboldened by 9/11, the Deep State and Shadow Government have since executed a number of other false flag operations across America, all with an anti‐gun agenda, while also seeking to increase funding for a militarized police state that engaged in unconstitutional mass surveillance and warrantless search. To defend the 2nd Amendment, you must disclose 9/11 Truth. 6 9/11 Truth The single most shocking memorandum in this collection, one that places Rudy Giuliani in the center of the conspiracy (along with
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