"#$!"SS MA$S JALANDHAR Nationwide shelling EDsleuthsonSaturdayconducted raids across 16 States, hunting down shell companies, which the agency CHANDIGARH believesarethebackboneofblackmoneyinIndia. ere are some of the places that witnessed the crackdown JAIPUR Cities raided LUCKNOW HYDERABAD � SUNDAY � APRIL 2, 2017 � `5.00 � PAGES 26 � LATE CITY EDITION ED goes shell fishing NEW DELHI #ompanies investigated for money launderers !"" $ATNA for laundering 0fficers wor" under the proceeds of N7%( scam Nationwide raids involving almost all the agency’s personnel held the 5D. 'lmost all were on the Uranium ur!"# at 100 locations across 16 States; firms with links to politicians NOIDA field AHMEDABAD including Chhagan Bhujbal and Jagan Reddy at the receiving end Show cause Shell served on 9ini companies (oney searched to $r%$% a& in detect N01D' Big EXPRESS NEWS SERVI C E @ New Delhi in which he and his relati$es were alle#ed #hangers for chief engineer targets to ha$e recei$ed kick acks! 7Se$eral shell C:.+) cr illegal sale of foreign 8adav Singh’s IN a hell-for-leather assault on money- companies were used y him (5hu) al) or wealth. Amra'a( )i*"r launderers, the Enforcement Directorate his a#ents for money launderin#! 1ence it currency (ED) on Saturday sent out its entire work was necessary to find out whom else these HYDERABAD INDORE 5D said it 'n 5D team force of 800 personnel across the country a#ents helped,8 5-. ,. Dr 6irit Somai- &OLKA%A searched shell from 1ndore to suss out fishy transactions y shell ya, who played an important role in tak- Some seven r" "r!" *") n%( companies searched the companies! "he a#ency was ti#ht-lipped in# the case to the ED, told Express! locations in %owrah CHHAGAN lin"ed to '/ residential and and 4olkata were BHUJBAL a out the particulars ut sources said this *nother politically si#nificant search oppn leader business raided by 5D V N I E S H @Hyderabad is one of the i##est such operation e$er was of a shell company, 9a)eshwar E:- 8S @agan premises of ' (umbai officials on operator had undertaken, compara le to similar sweeps ports, associated with ; S -a#anmohan 100 MUMBAI 7eddy A two coal trader Saturday. +1IAE nei#h ourin# ,aharastra proudly ad- conducted durin# the Emer#ency! 9eddy, who is the leader of opposition in 7a eshwar brothers in )** shell (ore than $ertises increase in its ti#er population, "el- Details dri lin# out from ED%s "witter the *ndhra .radesh *ssem ly and the 3ocations 5!ports. Katni. companies with ;* locations an#ana%s *mra ad ti#er reser$e will soon e account said searches were ein# carried president of the ;S9 4on#ress, which has raided across %owever, BHUBANESWAR +* dummy dire- raided, part of uranium sur$ey and e:ploration! out at &00 locations in &' states. a low-hot- low-cold relationship the country 7eddy’s party 5D attached assets worth C;-.<- la"h c tors , had including "he standin# committee of the National Some (00 shell companies were with the 5-.! 1e faces se$eral cor- said he had of Shri Tara"anta /anda, retired the office of cooperative officer= <;.-> la"h of 5oard for +ildlife(N5+A) in its 3&st meeting converted su )ected to inspections! "he op- ruption cases ein# prosecuted nothing to do C C-..)cr for N#/ one @agdish with the /rasanta 4 &ari", e! chief engineer= held recently, #a$e clearance to conduct ura- erations e#an early in the y the Enforcement Directorate Prasad leader &hu bal company and C:-.?< cr of Surendra Nath (ishra nium sur$ey and e:ploration in o$er 8( sDkm mornin# and were continuin# and 45I, the hearin#s of which Purohit, in *mra ad ti#er reser$e, home to around &8 at day%s end! "he premises are comin# up later this month! 700 who is said ti#ers! "he other ti#er reser$e in the state 6a- YADAV SINGH searched included market plac- *nother person in the ED%s to have BENGALURU CHENNAI Shell helped wal ti#er reser$e has hardly any ti#er popula- Shell firms es, usiness centres, residential crosshairs is the former N<ID* Premises of seven firms 's much as C?* crore was companies #hhagan tion to oast a out! searched to premises e$en houses rented out y chief en#ineer ;ada$ Sin#h, who is raided, including one illegally siphoned off abroad run by a &hu bal *mra ad ti#er reser$e is spread o$er *mra- detect former cut-out companies! facin# cases of corruption, possession of owned by businessman from the city, say 5D sources. ad and Cdimilla in former ,ah u na#ar dis- ED personnel were armed with data on disproportionate assets and money laun- (umbai- launder ill- 7amanareddy /remises of 9alaxy 1mpe!, N01D' chief gotten 700 FIRMS, ONE ADDRESS: P9 based Snowcity , #o, &4 5lectro Tools trict (currently Na#arkurnool district) and engineer’s hi#h-$alue transactions #athered during derin#! wealth of &OCHI /roducts, 9reen 1nternational, Narayanpur in Nal#onda district! the demonetisation period y entities and operator over -..) wealth C 'bout :* shell (etal Tradus and %orizon "he N5+A has maintained that the mo$e is personalities, includin# politicians, asso- What are shell companies? from one crore important 7considerin# the strate#ic impor- ciated with some of the most prominent address companies raided Trading were raided tance of uranium for a de$elopin# country!%’ corruption and lack money cases eing Firms set up with nominal paid-up capital GOA +hen contacted, principal chief conser$a- pro ed in the country at present! to stand as a front for money laundering 'ssets worth C:.?< cr of former 9oa #(s Digamber Kamat and #hurchill tor of forests(.44E), "elan#ana forest depart- Searches at the *ndheri (+), ,um ai by over-invoicing. Typically, they have 'lemao attached in 3ouis &erger bribery case ment, .6 -ha said, 7<nly sur$ey would e car- premises of one -agdish .urohit re$ealed reserves and surpluses, report a high share ried out in the desi#nated area of *mra ad JAGANM HAN that he was runnin# as many as /00 shell premium and tend to invest in unlisted 50 What is "D? tiger reser$e! "hese tests will not harm the en- !"DDY companies out of that one address with 00 companies. They have no dividend income $ironment!8 1owe$er, minutes of N5+L dummy directors! 1e alle#edly con$erted or high cash in hand. Such firms are 4olkata firms Firms allegedly The 5nforcement meetin# mentions that clearance has een 23'!/ crore at the ehest of )ailed former characterised by having private companies had the same Directorate is a specialized related to him address - a The operations are based on investigations #i$en for Fsur$ey and e:ploration% y *tomic ,aharashtra Deputy 4hief ,inister as ma ority shareholders, low turnover and financial investigating done by us (the ED) and some others as part were searched. vacant ,inerals Directorate for E:ploration and 9e- 4hha#an 5hu) al! 5hu) al was arrested operating income, nominal e!penses, agency that reports to the of our anti-black money crackdown charter search, South 4entral 9e#ion, "elan#ana. %is office denied last year in connection with the ,ahar- nominal statutory payments and stoc" in premises Department of 7evenue, +ildlife acti$ist Diya involvement ashtra Sadan scam and 6alina land case trade and minimum fixed assets (inistry of Finance Karnal Singh, director, Enforcement Directorate 5aner)ee, who had earli- er challen#ed "elan#ana forest department%s con- Only survey would tro$ersial decision to cull be carried out in the wild oars in the state Companies in Chennai and Hyderabad feel the heat designated area of said, 7"he i##est con- Amrabad tiger cern is that if the urani- reserve These tests um sur$ey turns out to EXPRESSNEWSSERVI C E the premises of >ala:y Impe:, alone,8 a relia le source in the direc- -a#anmohan 9eddy! "he a#ency%s of- tion a#ainst media pu lications that will not harm the e successful what will @ Chennai/Hyderabad/Bengaluru Snowcity ? 4o, 56 Electro "ools torate said! 7"he searches are eing ficial "witter handle tweeted that it had taken off from the tweet to alle#e environment happen after that G +ill .roducts, >reen International, ,etal conducted at places where we man- was conductin# searches at shell his connection to the case! the area e denotified to * total 2=0 crore has een siphoned "radus and 1ori@on "radin# in a#ed to locate the companies,8 the companies linked to him, namely ,ore than 2(,B00 crore was laun- — PK Jha, Principal allow uranium minin# ? out ille#ally to South East *sia and 4hennai had een searched. source added! 9a)eshwar E:ports! dered throu#h shell companies chief conservator of forests "his Duestion needs to e 1on# 6on# throu#h ei#ht shell com- "he searches e#an around = am. ,eanwhile in 1ydera ad, the ED 1owe$er, 9eddy%s party%s media across the country durin# the No- answered y the #o$ern- panies in 4hennai, sources in the En- 7+e ha$e identified these shell com- reportedly conducted raids on shell cell later issued statements sayin# $em er-December period after 2B00 ment,8 she said! forcement Directorate (ED) told Ex- panies from where money worth 2=0 companies linked to *ndhra that he had nothin# to do with the and 2&,000 currency notes were Cranium e:ploration in the ti#er reser$e press on Saturday! "hey added that crore has #one out from 4hennai .radesh%s Aeader of <pposition ;S said company and initiated le#al ac- demonetised.
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