J) E) Soup with Grilled/Braised Rice (국& Fish (생 밥/汤泡饭) 선구이/조 E-13. Seaweed Soup (미역국_ $10.5 海带汤) 림_烤鱼/ This soup is not only healthy, N) Fried but also recoverable. Eating 炖鱼) seaweed soup on their birthday Dishes (튀 is a Korean tradition. There are two kinds of soup bases are 김/ available: beef bone broth and 油炸食 34C. Grilled Flatfish (가자미 $10 seafood broth. Includes a box 구이/烤比目魚) of rice. 这种汤不仅健康, 物) 而且还可以康复。在他 Lightly salted, lightly floured, 们的生日吃紫菜汤是韩 then fried Halibut. Served 国的传统。海藻汤有两 54. under development $0.01 with a wedge of lemon and 种汤:牛肉骨头汤和海 box of steamed rice. You may 鲜汤。包括一盒米饭。 #54 is under development. add 2nd Halibut for only Thank you. $2.99. E-14A. Radish & Beef Soup (무우 $10.5 국_萝卜汤) 58. under development. $1 J-34A. Grilled Fish-Mackerel $15.95 (고등어구이_烤青花鱼) AKA: “Moo-Kuk”. Sliced radish #58 is under development. and beef in round steak broth. Thank you. With a box of steamed rice. Simple ingredients but savory. A box of steamed is included. You can make this stew spicy by 59. 4-Piece Fried Chicken with $13.99 J-34B. Grilled Fish-Atka $16.95 adding extra jalapeno slices. 萝 French Fries Mackerel (이면수구이_烤 卜切片和牛肉在圆的牛 青花鱼) 排汤。成分简单,但美 A wing, small drumstick, thigh, 味。包括一盒蒸。您可 and a breast. Pickled radish AKA: "Yi-Myun-Soo". 以通过添加额外的墨西 included. #1 choice for the Steamed rice is included. 哥胡椒片使这种炖菜变 "Chi-Mac" lovers. FYI: Chi-Mac / 得更辣。 Chimaek is a pairing of fried chicken and beer, served in the J-35A. Braised Fish-Mackerel $16.95 evening in many South Korean 고등어조림_ E-14B. Dried Pollack Soup (콩나 $11.5 restaurants. Served 4 pieces. ( 炖青花鱼) 물북어국/明太鱼豆腐汤) Cabbage salad and Pickled Approx. 20-25 minutes to radish included. cook. It is worth of patience. A There are several Korean box of white rice and is hangover soups. This is the included. Pleasantly Spicy. most popular one. A box of N-55. 8 Pieces Fried Chicken $15.5 steamed rice is included. Wings (닭날개튀김_油炸鸡 Scrambled egg is included. 翅) J-35B. Brased Fish-Cutlassfish $17.95 *Opt out egg if you don't want (갈치조림_辣炖带鱼) it. 有几种韩国宿醉汤。这 #1 choice for the "Chi-Mac" 是最受欢迎的一种。这 lovers. FYI: Chi-Mac / Chimaek AKA: “Gal-Chi-jorim”. 20-25 包括豆芽和炒鸡蛋。 *如 is a pairing of fried chicken and minutes to cook. Steamed 果您不想要鸡蛋,请选 beer, served in the evening in rice is included. Pleasantly 择退出。包括一盒米 many South Korean spicy. 饭。 restaurants. Served 8 pieces. Served with Cabbage salad and dressing. E-15A. Bean Paste Soup with $10.5 Spinach & Clams (시금치조개 된장국/菠菜蛤大酱汤) N-56. Hot Wings (매운닭날개 $16.5 튀김_香辣油炸鸡翅) Fermented soy soup with Manila clams, bean sprouts, and 8 pieces of deep-fried chicken spinach. Another Korean soup wings coated with sweet and that focuses on health. With a spicy sauce. Served with box of steamed white rice. cabbage salad and dressing. E-15B. Stuffed Sausage Soup (사 $13.25 N-57. Orange Chicken (오렌지 $16.75 골순대국/牛骨血肠汤) 치킨/橙子炸鸡) Sliced Stuffed blood sausage Over 2 LBS of tender boneless (순대/血肠), sesame (perilla) chicken deep-fried crisp and leaves (깻잎/芝麻叶), chives stir-fried with a magical (부추/韭菜), and perilla seeds Orange Chicken Sauce and (들깨/荏) in shank bone broth. slices of real orange. Add A box of steamed rice included. Sriracha sauce (是拉差香甜 Seasoned red-pepper paste 辣椒酱) to make the famous (다대기/辣椒汁) in a Sriracha Orange Chicken, or separate container. tidbits of pineapples to enrich ' the flavor. Chef s special N-59. French Fries (프렌치후 $6.75 A) Rice 라이/炸薯條) Approx. 1 pound of french fries made from real potato, not Porridge starch. Lightly salted. A few packets of ketchup included. (죽/米粥) N-60. Fish & French Fries (생선 $13.5 A-1A. Rice Porridge w/ Abalone $10.95 &감자 튀김_炸鱼薯条) (전복죽/鲍鱼粥) 3 pieces of breaded, deep-fried Menu Item Menu Item Menu Item Do you feel like to have pollock, and French fries. #1 something easy on your choice for the fish and wine short food short food short food stomach? With assortment of lovers. description description description veggies - Diced carrots, green peas, green beans, and corn kernels with abalone. 带有蔬 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-61. Calamari Tempura (오징 $12.75 菜混合物的稀饭-胡萝卜 어튀김_油炸鱿鱼) 切丁, 豌豆, 青豆, 玉米粒 和鲍鱼切碎. 我们使用微 10 large pieces of deep-fried 波炉和冰柜安全的食物 squid. With a dipping sauce. 容器. N-62. Assorted Tempura (모듬 $17.95 A-1B. Rice Porridge w/ Oysters $11.5 튀김_油炸拼盘) (굴죽/牡蛎粥) Deep fried pumpkin (sliced), Gruel made of rice and oysters. sweet potato (sliced), onion We use microwave and freezer rings, squid, and shrimps. If safe food containers. (用米和 need rice, please mention "Add 牡蛎制成的稀饭。我们 Free Rice" on the special 使用微波炉和冰柜安全 instruction. 的食物容器。) N-63. Shrimp Tempura (새우튀 $13.5 A-2A. Rice Porridge w/ Veggies $10.5 김_炸大虾) (야채죽/鮮蔬粥) 10 pieces of deep-fried shrimp Do you feel like to have with a dipping sauce. something easy on your stomach? Are you a vegetarian or vegan? Diced carrots, green N-64. Sweet Potato Fries (고구 $11.5 peas, green beans, and corn 마튀김/油炸红薯) kernels. Sorry, the assortment of veggies may not be Sliced, coated with frying separated. We use microwave powder, then deep-fried with and freezer safe food fresh vegetable oil. containers. (您想轻松吃点 东西吗?您是素食主义 者还是素食主义者?胡 N-66. Deep-fried Kim-Mal-Yi (김 $11.5 萝卜,豌豆,青豆和玉 말이튀김_油炸紫菜卷唐 米切成丁。对不起,各 麵) 种蔬菜可能没有分开。 我们使用微波炉和冰柜 Kim-Mal-Yi: Glass Noodle Rolls 安全的食物容器。) in Seaweed. Served 10 pieces. A-2B. Rice Porridge w/ Pine Nuts $10.95 N-67. Deep Fried Dumplings (튀 $10.95 (잣죽/松子粥) 김만두_油炸饺子) Gruel made of ground pine Deep-fried dumplings with nuts and rice. We use organic pickled radish and cabbage pine nuts approved by USDA. salad. Served 12 pieces. Vegetarian food. We use microwave and freezer safe food containers. (稀饭由松 子和大米制成。我们使 用美国农业部认可的有 S) Desserts 机松子。我们使用微波 炉和冰柜安全的食物容 器。) & Snacks (디저트&스 A-2C. Rice Porridge w/ Beef (소 $10.95 고기죽/牛肉粥) 낵/甜點&饼 Gruel made of beef and rice in a microwave and freezer safe 干) food container. (将稀饭由牛 肉和米制成,放入微波 炉和冰柜安全的食物容 10 Piece Sesame Balls (참깨도 $6.95 器中。) 너츠/麻球) Deep-fried Chinese pastry made from rice flour. Coated A-2D. Rice Porridge w/ Shrimps $10.75 with sesame seeds on the (새우죽/虾仁粥) outside and is crisp and chewy. Gruel made of shrimps. We use Inside is filled with sweet black fresh shrimps to preserve the bean paste. AKA: "Jian-dui" in flavor and enhance the taste of Chinese. shrimps. Microwave and freezer safe food container is used. (稀饭由虾和米制 Cheesecake (치즈케이크/干 $2.25 成。我们使用未煮过的 酪饼) 虾来保留风味并增强虾 Baked New York style 的味道。我们使用微波 cheesecake. 炉和冰柜安全的食物容 器。) Chocolate Mousse Cake (초콜릿 $2.5 무스 케이크/巧克力慕斯蛋 A-2E. Tuna Rice Porridge (참치 $9.95 糕) 죽/金枪鱼粥) Rice Porridge with Tuna. Microwave and freezer safe Chocolate Mud Cake (쵸컬릿 머 $1.95 food container is used. 드케이크/巧克力泥蛋糕) Deliciously moist and rich... Mississippi style chocolate pie topped with gooey chocolate ) sauce. THE best ever cake for B chocolate lovers. Bibimbap: Edamame 8oz. (에다마메 8온 $1.75 Korean Poke 스-풋대두/枝豆-226g) Immature soybeans in the pod, (비빔밥/拌 found in cuisines with origins in East Asia. The pods are boiled ) in light salt water. 饭 B-3A. Bibimbap: Korean Veggie $12.5 French Macaron Collection, Set of $5.95 Poke (비빔밥_拌饭) 6 Carrots, Cucumber, Fern, Bean Milk Chocolate, Pistachio, Sprouts, Spinach, Squash, Red Cherry, Dark Chocolate, Cabbage, Beef, and topped with Orange/Chocolate, and Vanilla dried seaweed and sesame in one set. Made in France. seeds. Known as Michael Jackson's favorite Korean food. All of the veggies are steamed Holiday Fruit & Nut Cake (과일 $1.55 except Red Cabbage. Served 너트 케이크/水果和坚果蛋 with a box of rice. Vegetarian 糕) Options (채식주의 옵션_素 食主义) are available. Traditional holiday cake with Microwave and freezer safe crystallized Cherries (red and food container is used. 胡萝 green) and Pineapple, Pecans, 卜,黄瓜,蕨类,豆 and Walnuts. 주로 연말 시 芽,菠菜,南瓜,红卷 즌에 먹는 미국의 전통 케 心菜,牛肉,以及海藻 이크입니다. 설탕에 절인 和芝麻籽。被称为迈克 체리와 파인애플, 피칸과 尔·杰克逊(Michael 호두 등 넣어서 만들었습 Jackson)最喜欢的韩国食 니다. 这是传统的美国蛋 品。除红白菜外,所有 糕,主要在节日期间食 蔬菜均蒸熟。配一盒米 用。有很多浇头,例如 饭。我们使用微波炉和 腌制的樱桃和菠萝,山 冰柜安全的食物容器。 核桃和核桃。 B-3B. Hot Veggie Poke: Hot Stone $13.5 Key Lime Pie (墨西哥莱檬派) $1.3 Pot Bibimbab (돌솥비빔밥/石 Key West Lime Pie topped with 锅拌饭) whipped cream. Same ingredients as B-3A. The stone pot is not included for delivery orders but we will keep Lemon Cake (레몬케이크/柠 $1.75 it as hot as possible. Served 檬蛋糕) with a box of steamed rice, red chili paste in a separate Moist lemon cake with tangy container. Microwave and icing. Made with real lemon freezer safe food container is juice. used. 与B-3A的成分相同。 不包括石锅,但我们将 使食物保持尽可能温 Red Vines (빨간 꽈배기 젤리) $0.6 暖。红辣椒酱 (비빔고추 장) 在另一个容器中。所 有的蔬菜都煮熟了。提 Spicy Cheddar Cheese Block (체 $0.75 供素食选择。我们使用 더 치즈) from Trader's Joe 微波炉和冰柜安全的食 物容器。 A small block of savory Vermont cheddar bursting with fiery chili peppers. (from B-3C. Bean Sprout Bibimbob (콩 $10.5 Trader's Joe) 나물비빔밥/豆芽拌饭) Wok-fried rice with ground beef, soybean, and black sesame. Find out how these R) Sides, simple ingredients can create an eye-opening taste. 炒牛 Add-ons (추 肉,牛肉,大豆,紫菜 和黑芝麻炒饭。了解这 些简单的成分如何产生 가메뉴/附加 令人大开眼界的味道。 提供素食选择。 菜單) ) R-01.
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