4ALLPORTS News Update March 2020 UNCTAD warns of $2 trillion shortfall following COVID-19 News in brief: would mark the end of countries (excluding Gothenburg continues rail investment: Gothenburg has the growth phase of China). The most badly announced plans for continued this cycle cannot be affected economies in expansion of the Gothenburg ruled out. this scenario will be oil Port Line, one of Sweden’s -exporting countries, most important railway links. The almost 10 km line is today a “Back in September we but also other com- single-track line with too low of were anxiously scan- modity exporters, a standard to meet future ning the horizon for which stand to lose traffic needs. An expansion of possible shocks given more than one per- the Port Line to double-track is required to increase both the the financial fragilities centage point of amount of rail traffic and the left unaddressed since growth, as well as total amount of freight traffic. the 2008 crisis and the those with strong Recently, construction of the persistent weakness in trade linkages to the final stage began, which is the The spread of the coro- signs of spreading con- 1.9-kilometer-long stretch demand,” said Richard initially shocked econ- navirus is a significant tagion, the analysis between Eriksberg and Pölsebo. Kozul-Wright, omies. economic threat accord- says. The new section opens for UNCTAD’s director of traffic in 2023. ing to United Nations globalization and de- According to UNCTAD, Conference on Trade However, a combina- Port of Hull deploys electric velopment strate- growth decelerations and Development tion of asset price de- forklifts: A fleet of six, electric gies. "No one saw this between 0.7% and (UNCTAD). The COVID- flation, weaker aggre- four-wheel forklift trucks have coming – but the big- 0.9% are likely to occur arrived at Associated British 19 shock will cause a gate demand, height- ger story is a decade of in countries such as Ports Port of Hull. The invest- recession in some coun- ened debt distress and ment of nearly £200,000 is part debt, delusion and poli- Canada, Mexico and tries and depress global a worsening income of an ongoing effort to reduce cy drift.” the Central American annual growth this year distribution could trig- emissions and make more use region, in the Ameri- of renewable energy generated to below 2.5%, the re- ger a more vicious In its analysis, UNCTAD cas; countries deeply at the port. The Linde forklifts cessionary threshold for downward spiral. will be based at the retail ware- presented a prelimi- inserted in the global the world economy. Widespread insolvency house on the Port of Hull. The nary downside scenario value chains of East and possibly another warehouse has the capacity to which sees a $2 trillion and South Asia, and store 4,800 pallets of cargo, Losses of consumer and “Minsky moment”, a shortfall in global in- countries in the imme- and it is this cargo the forklifts investor confidence are sudden, big collapse of will be used to manoeuvre. come with a $US220 diacy of the European the most immediate asset values which billion hit to developing Union. Port of Zeebrugge gets 5G: Nokia has announced that it UK Chamber of Shipping calls for multi-million pound relief fund has completed the first phase of Port of Zeebrugge’s 5G- The UK Chamber of call, UK Chamber of changes to infrastruc- UK shipping sector ready, industrial-grade private Shipping spoke with Shipping Chief Execu- ture, employment and moves 95% of our wireless network deployment. It aims to provide private wire- the Maritime Minister tive Bob Sanguinetti processes on ships and trade and employs less connectivity to more than Kelly Tolhurst today said: “The world is fac- in ports, but it will only over 180,000 peo- 100 endpoints. (17 March) and de- ing a monumental cri- succeed with the nec- ple. Immediate and Mack Port Terminal under manded an immediate sis. Shipping is the life- essary leadership and ongoing financial sup- offshore wind review:Maine multi-million pound blood of our nation support from govern- port from the govern- Governor Janet Mills has an- government support and we must do what ment today." ment is needed to nounced that her Administra- package to ensure the we can as an industry guarantee the importa- tion will examine the Mack Port “We recognise we are shipping industry can to keep our supply tion of essential medi- Terminal site for opportunities living in unprecedented to support offshore wind activi- continue to bring in lines open for a strong cal supplies, food, times and we strongly ty. An assessment, called the the food, goods and and healthy UK. manufacturing compo- Port Infrastructure and Market urge the government medicines the UK will nents and other goods, Potential Assessment, will be Shipowners will adapt to set up an emergency need to fight the coro- and the future pro- led by the Maine Department to meet the ongoing relief fund to help the of Transportation, the Gover- navirus. spects of our seafar- coronavirus challenges industry in the coming nor’s Energy Office, and the ers.” Department of Economic and After the conference head on. It will mean weeks and months. The Community Development as a part of a Maine Offshore Wind Initiative. www.4allports.com | +44 1502 307037 | [email protected] 1 4ALLPORTS News Update March 2020 BPA calls for more testing er testing, maritime gateways of their customers, across the NHS first and this should and those port work- particularly ferry com- foremost. However be extend- ers responsible for panies and other pas- there is now a pressing ed to key making it happen have senger focused activi- need to ensure that our workers in been identified as ‘key ties such as cruises. port gateways have the the workers’ by the Gov- There are also planned protections they need transport ernment. slow downs such as in such as sanitiser, masks and logis- automotive manufac- and testing equipment tics sector Richard Ballantyne, turing which could be so that they can contin- to ensure Chief Executive of BPA costly for the port and ue to function effectively that food, stated: "Goods includ- logistics industry. Gov- in the coming weeks and The British Ports Associ- energy and other criti- ing food, medicines ernment support pack- months. This will help ation (BPA) is calling on cal goods continue to and energy continue to ages have been wel- ensure resilience of our Government to broaden flow through ports. flow into the country. comed by ports. supply chains. the scope of testing and Port professionals, However like many ensure ports workers including marine pi- other parts of the “We appreciate the “PPE supplies – sanitiser, are protected. lots, play a critical role economy some port unprecedented effort masks etc – are begin- in facilitating 95% operators are con- of the health care sec- ning to run low in some The BPA stated that as of UK trade. Half of the cerned about cash flow tor and understand the ports and this may soon soon as capacity can be county’s food imports issues and the impact need to allocate test- start to have a knock-on made available for wid- come through our on the financial status ing and other materials effect." Bristol reports raw material import soar Bristol Port revealed million loo rolls in total. it into toilet tissue for access to vital com- these difficult times, that in response to all the leading UK modities required. we’re happy to reas- unprecedented de- brands. sure the British public The wood pulp is im- mand following COVID- “That the current ‘must we are working around ported from Brazil, James Stangroom, 19, it has been able to have’ is toilet paper is a the clock to receive and with more than Commercial Manager process 20% extra raw surprise to many, but if process these – and 100,000 tonnes arriving commented: materials to toilet roll it discourages more there are plenty more at Bristol Port in the manufacturers across “Ports are critical to panic buying, and helps to come in the days past six months. It is the UK. Lorries with 28- how this country func- to boost morale in and months ahead!” stacked in huge ware- tonne loads of wood tions - keep- houses before being pulp have been leaving ing supply loaded into lorries and the Port at a record chains mov- transported to tissue rate – the equivalent of ing so that mills. There, the pulp is one every hour, 24/7 – the public are squashed, pressed, carrying enough mate- fed, watered rolled and dried to turn and have rial to make around 4.5 Image source: Bristol Port EU approves CMA CGM and CMPorts terminal deal The European Commis- cluded that the pro- called Terminal Link deal include Odessa link (Cai Mep, Vi- sion has approved the posed acquisitions S.A.S which will be Terminal (Ukraine), etnam), Qingdao Qi- acquisition CMA CGM would not raise compe- jointly controlled by CMA CGM PSA Lion anwan United Advance Port Terminals and tition concerns. CMA CGM and Terminal (Singapore), Container Terminal Terminal Link Holding CMPorts. The terminals Mundra Terminal (China), Vietnam Inter- Pte. Ltd by CMA CGM Under the $955 million are located across Asia, (India), Kingston Free- national Container Ter- and China Merchants acquisition, a total of Europe, the Middle- port Terminal minal (Vietnam), Laem Port Holdings Company ten terminals will be East and the Caribbe- (Jamaica), Rotterdam Chabang International (CMPorts). The Europe- transferred to a pre- an. World Gateway Terminal (Thailand) an Commission con- existing joint venture The terminals in the (Netherlands), Gema- and Umm Qasr Termi- nal (Iraq).
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