./ MARY CHENEY LIBRARY I' f 7 - •' ' >■ rSlDAT, JVLY It, 1U9^^ .1 f A M U X T E M ^nrlfpater lEomfn^ 1|rral2t ..................................................... ■ I Average Dally Net 1 TkeWpatkier : ai o . n lto a m a fW Iha Blaetli of i t Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen of 129 Lenox street left today for At­ Public Hearing 9,4B2 About Towp lantic City where they will spend aa laaS aIgMj V the week-end. AU M d VWtowi a n tnyltod to This Evening attoadlfeo iqpPtaUaUofi o f the now Rev. James R. Ben, minlaUr of For Summer Fun ' Manchester— '4 City of Village Charm the Church of the Nasarene, who «01oan thW ^Orenln* h» F*** Iowa hall, And participate In the has been attending the District As­ Taxpayers to Have Op­ AdvertWag,oa Paga IS) sembly at North Reading, Maas., VOL. LXVII., NO. 245 ‘ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1948 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE ^ U R CENTS hodal time to follow. will occupy the pulpit Sunday. portunity to lilscuss Dr. Irwin Reenlck o f 985 Main Details’ o f Budget Be Outfitted For It street haa been appointed a mem­ Mrs. Francis T SuUlvan and ber of the delegate form of gov­ small daughter, Kathleen have re­ ^....... Locomothre Crashes Into Trailer-Truck ernment committee of the Oon- turned to their home on Pine Public hearing, at which any nectlcut SUte Dental Aeaodatlon. street after a month’s visit with voter or taxpayer may express Arabs and Jews Russians Fly Great Mrs. Sullivan’s parents In Savan­ his vlewA will be held tonight at The Alpine Society will meet nah, Ga. 8 on the budget of the Town of New White ' ♦hi« evening at 7:30 at the QuUrti Manchester for the fiscal year Funacal honie. to pay final re- Adjutant and Mrs. Norman No­ starting August 15. The hearing Observing Truce apecta to Condldo Martina', whoee ble of Hazelton. Pa., will Uke part is to be held In ths Municipal wife la a member of the society. building. Number of Planes In the services Sunday at the local Salvation Army citadel. Adjutant In his budget message, with ac­ ►ers • -J-.. Somanhla, the year book of Richard Atwell is an Instructor at companying figures published In Inside Holy City Manchester High school, will be the Salvation Army Fellowship The Herald for Saturday, July 3, feady for-distribution,on Wedne^ camp at Notihfjeld, Mass.- “ Generpl Manager George H. Wad­ day, July 21, beginning at seven dell recommended to the »>ard of .o’clock that evening at the High Directors that a total of 32,128,- 100% all wool diafi^nal weave, A ir Lanes Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. F. .War Goes on Elsewhere school. In connection with this a 050.23 be authorized for expendi- W., has set the date of Tuesday, rayon lined in the smart 30 dance will be held the same night ttiK for the year, noting also News Tidbits July 27, at 6:30, for Its annual .. In Paleetiue Despite Ih High school hall, admission to that such a sum would require inch len^h. Just the thing to Announce Some Will dog roast at the home of Mrs from taxation the amount o f 31,- take with you on your vaca­ Hopes for -Armistice; Culled From (/P) Wires which will be a receipt for Soman- Florence Streeter, 56, Starkweath Huge Bombers Air Strength hls. 172,500 which, on the basis o f the tion. Be on Blind Flying er street. Members who plan to grand list estimated for this year, Holdout Arabs Con­ Ford contract negotiattoiu ataU- attend should make reservations would require a 25 mill tax rate. ed and poasibllity of strike looms Practice in Heavily- with any of the following commit­ Taxpayers’ Opportunity Reg. $16.98 , tinue Fighting Today . , Jersey City police Cancel Reach Britain Seen Needed tee: Mrs. Eleanor Maloney, chair­ The various Item ^f the budget Inside of Nazareth alarm for missing cose of maca­ Clouded Skies; Soviet man; Mrs. Gertrude Buchanan, have been examined by the Board roons after cookies which bad been To Win War Press,. Tells German Atlantic Mrs. Anna Irish. of Dtrectors, and tonight's public Specially Priced treated wrlth rat poison an found Vanguard o f 6 0 Super* j bearing Is to afford the voters the Cairo, July 17.—<A*)— In store basement . Southwest Fortresses Lands To* People United States Patsy Ledue, daughter of Mr. right, provided In the town’s char­ Sportswear Arabs and Jews ceased firing Museum expedition unearths evi­ Range and Fuel and Mrs. Arthur Leduc o f Ed­ ter, to speak on any part o f the in Jerusalem today after a dence of what may be the oldest day; Crews Veterans Symington Asserts Air Will Not Dare Risk mond street, entertained ten of her proposals of the generM manager. wild night of lighting, but human habitation in North Amer­ friends at a lawn party yesterday After any necessary corrections ica at desert campsite 180 miles Power Best Possible War to Lift Blockade Bcampton, Ehig., July 17—(,»>)- afternoon In celebration of her have been made, and the budget the war went on elsewhere northeast of Los Angeles . Rep- Defense Against At­ OIL eighth blrth'day. Games were play­ haa been perfected, the directors despite hopes a new truce reaentatlvw Mondt says he yvlll The vanguard of 60 Super-Fortress Berlin. July 17.— (TP)—Tha ed and prizes awarded the win­ will pass on its adoption. was near for all Palestine^ make effort to pass revised version bombers carrying more than 1,200 tack by Any Power Russians sent up their ffreat* ners. Refreshments were served by In his message. General Mana­ o f his antl-Communist bill iii spe­ men landed in Britain today in Mrs. Leduc. Patsy received many Arab Legion officers in Jeru­ cial session . Boston’s Beacon est number of planes in re­ L. T. WOOD CO. ger Waddell suggests that this Jersey T Shirts This was the result when a hnge oil traUer-troek rrashed with a Boston and Maine loeomotlve and ea- the greatest show of American air lovely gifts.. year 3132,000 be added to the re­ salem said Jews died by the Hin Boclety protests establishment ' Los Angelos, July 17— —‘■•You cent days into the American hundreda In the Holy City fight­ boose at a grade crossing In Londondeny. N. H. The driver of the trailer truck, Ralph Gll.'hreast, 32. might in Europe since the end‘of serve fund for purposes such as o f mtuic school In Its quiet midst. waa killed. Four trainmen were Injured and taken to a hospital. Tbe locomoUve (right) turned over cannot win \ war without air su­ and British air corridors be* 51 Bbstn SL T d . 1495 ing during the night. The battle Britain repeats demand that Rev. Carl E. Olson of Emanuel schools or other public works that Wide and narrow stripes. In a ditch. (A P wirephoto). the war. periority and you cannot lose one tween Berlin and western shortly will require expenditures came to a halt a aecond before the Russia compensate her for loss of Lutheran church will participate Plain colors, Une quality. Me­ Shop in Comfort On Manned almost wholly by crews with it,” iwys Air Secretary J. Germany. The Soviets Aaid In the Senior Luther League pro­ in the million dollar brackets In dium and small. United Natlona deadline at 4 a. airliner, its 15 occudants and toughened in the battle over Japan gram, Tuesday at Camp Luther- this town. Our Air Conditioned m. (S p. m., Friday, e.a.t.). freight, destroyed over Berlin and Germany, the B-29s settled Stuart Symington. some of their aircraft would wood, Lake Webster, Mass. In the north holdout Arab April 5 In collision with Soviet down at three fields on the edge “The American taxpayer has be on blind flying practice in fighter . British Spitfires de­ Steel Prices Second Floor ^ forces continued fighting Inblde Southern Democrats o f East AngUa, where the Eighth placed his money on air power," the hearily-clouded akle*. stroy Communist camp in North Nazareth. The Israella announced Air Force organized its smashing Would Not D an Blak War Patricia Orr and Charles Smith, I to Malaya writh rockets and cannon he declared last night at a banquet the new president of Center KEYSTONE $ 2 - 9 8 its capture yesterday. To Be Raised blows against the Nazis. At Um same time tbo official fire . , U. S. cruiser Juneau ar­ The planes arrived in Britain of the Institute of Aeronautical Soviet preaa told the German peo* church CYP Club, will leave to­ A Syrian communique said two rives In Trieste harbor for two Open Session Today morrow for Pine Mountain W ork | Jewish planes raided Damascua as the British and Americana Sciences. "It is the best possible pie the United States would not Movie Camera week stay . First day Issue dare to risk war to break the Candp, Randolph, N. H. without causing material damage. were continuing their all-out ef­ defense against possible attack by Monday of commemorative three- Wage Increases Granted fort to feed 2,500,000 people In So­ any power.” blockade of Berlin becauee the Hopeful of Epdlng War cent stamp will open two-day eeu' By U. S. Steel to Be viet-blockaded Berlin by airborne Seofts at iMlatlonlsm U. S. feare Russia and her -alllea Nazarene church school pupils I ' Count Folke Bernadotte, the U. tennnial observance of first Wom­ Federal Jobs'' supplies The Russians were Symingten scoffed at any con­ ere too powerful. will leave by bus tomorrow morn­ N.
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