c i REGIS , 1934 ^ NUMBER 98 VOLUME 24 ^A //TE O ^ Washington, Wednesday, May 20, 1959 2. Assistant Secretaries of the Army, CONTENTS Title 3— THE PRESIDENT in the order fixed by their length of service as such. THE PRESIDENT Executive Order 10820 3. Chief of Staff, United States Army. Executive Order Pas® PRESCRIBING THE ORDER OF SUC­ 4. Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army. Prescribing the order of succes­ CESSION OF OFFICERS TO ACT AS 5. Commanding General, Continental sion of officers to act as Secre­ SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, SECRE­ Army Command. tary of Defense, Secretary of the TARY OF THE ARMY, SECRETARY Army, Secretary of the Navy, P art III—S u c c e s s io n to t h e P o s it io n o f and Secretary of the Air Force. 4045 OF THE NAVY, AND SECRETARY OF S ecr etar y o f t h e N a v y THE AIR FORCE EXECUTIVE AGENCIES In the event of the death, disability, • By virtue of the authority vested in or absence of the Secretary of the Navy, Agricultural Marketing Service me by section 179 of the Revised Statutes the following-designated officers shall Notices: of the United States (5 U.S.C. 6), and succeed to the position of, and act as, Dolber Livestock Sales Co.; as President of the United States, it is Secretary of the Navy in the order proposed posting of stock- hereby ordered as follows: indicated: yard_________________________ 4062 1. Under Secretary of the Navy. Part I— Succession to the P o sit io n of Rules and regulations: 2. Assistant Secretaries of the Navy, S ecretary of D efense Avocados grown in South Flor­ in the order prescribed by the Secretary ida; limitation of shipments. 4050 In the event of the death, disability, or of the Navy, or if no order is prescribed absence of the Secretary of Defense, the by the Secretary, then in the order in Agricultural Research Service following-designated officers, in the De­ which they have taken office as Assistant Proposed rule making: partment of Defense, shall succeed to Secretaries. ' Mineral oil-pyrethrum and the position of, and act as, Secretary of 3. Chief of Naval Operations. similar contact household fly Defense in the order indicated: 4. Vice Chief of Naval Operations. sprays; revision of interpre­ 1. Deputy Secretary of Defense. tation with respect to label­ 2. Secretary of the Army. P art IV— S u c c e s s io n t o t h e P o s it io n o f ing; additional time to submit 3. Secretary of the Navy. S ecr e ta r y o f t h e A ir F orce data, views or arguments____ 4059 4. Secretary of the Air Force. In the event of the death, disability, or Agriculture Department 5. Director of Defense Research and absence of the Secretary of the Air See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ Engineering. Force, the following-designated officers ice ; Agricultural Research 6. Assistant Secretaries of Defense and shall succeed to the position of, and act Service; Commodity Credit the General Counsel of the Department as, Secretary of the Air Force in the Corporation. of Defense, in the order fixed by their order indicated: length of service as such. 1. Under Secretary of the Air Force. Alien Property Office _7. Under Secretaries of the Army, 2. Assistant Secretaries of the Air Notices: Navy, and Air Force, in the order fixed Force, in the order fixed by their length Vested property; intention to by their length of service as such. of service as such. return: 8. Assistant Secretaries of the Army, 3. Chief of Staff, United States Air Berezina, Feiga Zipora, and Navy, and Air Force, in the order fixed Force. Rassia Cahn______________ 4093 by their length of service as such. 4. Vice Chief of Staff, United States Imahara, David Hiromu_____ 4093 Isaacsohn, Raissa R ally._____ 4092 Precedence within a particular groi Air Force. Liebeschuetz, Elisabeth between or among two or more office 5. The Senior Deputy Chief of Staff Amalie Rahel, and Hubert the same date of appointme who is not absent or disabled. Curt Plaut_______________ 4093 shall be as determined by the Secreta 6. Commander, Air University. Meyer, Ida------------------ 4093 of Defense at the time of appointment. P art V — V a r ia t io n s i n t h e . O rder of Weinberger, Maria, et al_____ 4093 Part II— Succession to the P o sit io n of S u c c e s s io n Army Department Secretary of the A r m y Without regard to any other part of Rules and regulations: , *n the event of the death, disability, or this order, except Part VI, the President, Deserters; apprehension______ 4053 th *ce °t. the Secretary of the Army, or the person acting as President under Atomic Energy Commission ine following-designated officers shall section 19 of title 3 of the United States Notices: ucceed to the position of, and act as, Code, may, in the event of the death, Walker Trucking Co.; hearing i«^-re^ary °t the Army in the order disability, or absence of the Secretary of on application for amend­ indicated: Defense, appoint any officer designated ment to Byproduct Material !• Under Secretary of the Army. (Continued on p. 4047) License______________________ 4063 4045 4046 THE PRESIDENT «te CONTENTS—-Continued CONTENTS— Continued Coast Guard Pase Health, Education, and Welfare Pase FEDERALÄREGISTER Proposed rule making: Department l»3* ¿¡P Industrial trucks; power-oper­ See Food and Drug Administra­ ated; extension of time for tion; Public Health Service. Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, submission of written com­ and days following official Federal holidays, ments_____________ 4057 Interior Department by the Office of the Federal Register, National Rules and regulations: See Land Management Bureau. Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Navigation lights for British ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Interstate Commerce Commis­ naval vessels on Great Lakes, sion thority contained in the Federal Register Act, 1959 (2 documents)_____ 4053,4057 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Notices: amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Commerce Department Commercial zone limits; peti­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ See also Federal Maritime Board. tion to redefine: mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Notices: Chicago, 111_________ 4069 the President. Distribution's made only by the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Oversea Trading Co. (H.K.), Lake Charles, La____________ 4070 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Ltd.; Appeals Board decision. 4062 Motor carrier applications_____ 4070 The Federal R egister will be furnished by Commodity Credit Corporation Organizational minutes________ 4070 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Petition for declaratory order_ 4070 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Notices: Proposed rule making: advance. The charge for individuabcopies Contracting officers; delegation Motor carriers; qualifications (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to of authority. _______________ 4062 and maximum hours of serv­ the size of the issue. Remit check or money Rules and regulations : order, made payable to the Superintendent ice of employees and safety of Cottonseed; 1959 purchase pro­ operation a n d equipment; of Documents, directly to the Government gram-------------------------- ---- 4048 Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. transportation of oil field The regulatory material appearing herein Defense Department equipment.,_____________ i____ 4060 is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, See Army Department. which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Justice Department to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Federal Aviation Agency See Alien Property Office. amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Rules and regulations: eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Minimum en route IF R alti­ Labor Department tendent of Documents. Prices of books and tudes; miscellaneous amend­ See Wage and Hour Division. pocket supplements vary. There are no restrictiens on the re­ ments_______________________ 4051 Land Management Bureau publication of material appearing in the Federal Communications Com­ Notices: F ederal R egister, or the Code of F ederal Nevada; small tract classifica- R egulations. mission Notices: tion, amended_______________ 4061 Hearings, etc. : Proposed rule making: American Telephone and Erection and maintenance of CFR SUPPLEMENTS Telegraph Co. and Western advertising displays on public (As of January 1, 1959) Union Telegraph Co_______ 4068 land.:_______________ 4058 Brown, Benjamin C______ 4065 Rules and regulations: The following supplements are now Enterprise Co. and Beaumont Public land orders : available: Broadcasting Corp________ 4064 Alaska_________ ;_____________ 4054 Four States Broadcasting Co. Arizona (2 documents)_ 4054,4055 Title 19 ($0.75) et al_____________________ 4066 Idaho___1._________ _________ 4055 Title 21 ($1.00) Hawkins, Jack W., and Uintah Montana (2 documents)_____ 4056 Title 26, Parts 20-221 ($3.00) Broadcasting and Televi­ Nevada________________ 4055 Title 32, Parts 400-699 ($1.75) sion Co., Inc. (K V E L )_____ 4064 Nevada and California______ 4053 Oregon_________2",____________ 4056 Title 49, Part 165 to end ($1.00) Imes, Birney, Jr., et al_______ 4064 Northeast Radio, Inc. Utah......... ....................... — 4054 Previously announced: Title 3, 1958 Supp. (W C À P )___________ 4068 Public Health Service ($0.35); Titles 4-5 ($0.50); Title 7, Parts Radio Americas Corp. Notices: 1-50 ($4.00); Parts 51-52 ($6.25); Parts (W ORA) ____________________4065 900-959 ($1.50); Part 960 to end National Office of Vital Statis­ WJPB-TV, Inc., and Telecast­ tics; confidentiality of iden­ ($2.25); Title 8 ($0.35); Title 9, ($4.75); ing, Inc____________ 4068 Titles 10-13 ($5.50); Title 14, Parts 1-39 tifying information_________ 4061 ($0.55); Parts 40-399 ($0.55); Part 400 Federal Maritime Board to end ($1.50); Title 16 ($1.75); Title 18 Securities and Exchange Com­ Rules and regulations : mission ($0.25); Titles 22-23 ($0.35); Title 24 American Banner Lines, Inc.; ($4.25); Title 25 ($0.35); Title 26, Parts hearing on application to Notices: 1-79 ($0.20); Parts 80-169 ($0.20); Parts expand service___________ ;__ 4062 Hearings, etc.
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