PRELIMH1ARY CIIECKLIST nF TilE GPSTROPnDS nF r,UP,M Capt. Plexander Roth, .Jr. Sea Grant Publication IJGSG-76-03 UNIVERSITY OF r,UAM MP.RINE LPBnRAT~py Technical Report No. 27 flay 1976 This publication was printed under the auspices of the University of Guam Sea Grant Program (Grant No. 04-5-158-45) through an award fr~ the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Sea Grant Programs, Department of Commerce. INTRODUCTION This report is a listing of the gastropods found around the island of Guam. Many of these may be found in other islands of the Marianas, but it is not the intent of the author to identify this listing with any area other than Guam. The names are listed in alphabetical order by species, since their generic names are often disputed by v ~ rious authors . Whenever possible the latest official name~ author, and date has been used. Synonyms are shown for many of them. However. the list of synonyms should not be considered as c~plete. Parenthesis for authors names has been omitted for the synonyms. The listing was compiled from three basic sources--published text material, as per the bibliography; from lists of shells in private collections; and from conversations with knowledgeable canchologists in the area. Particular mention should be made of the assistance given by the late Mr. B. Compton and Mr. H. Ward, and by Hr. T. Montgomery, all of whom resided on Guam. The author of this project is an amateur cochologist who undertook it purely for his own satisfaction and to increase his knowledge re­ garding the gastropods of Guam. It is also 1 ikely that errors may be found in those listed. The nearly 950 species listed should be a starting point from which our entire knowledge of the gastropods of Guam can advance. Finally, special thanks are extended to the Marine Laboratory of the University of Guam for their assistance in preparing this listing and to the Sea Grant Project which helped it through its publication. Tamuning , Guam Caot. Alexander Roth, Jr. AlPHABETICAllNOEX TO FJlMIUES nF rJlSTROPODS FOUND OIl GUAM Achatinidae • 67 ""laniidae 49 Acmeidae 1 "eriidae 14 Acteonidae 60 Mitrid"e 42 Ag1ajidae 61 ~odu1idae 8 Angariidae 4 f1uri cidae 20 Ap1ysiidae 63 Nassari i dae 37 Aracunidae 65 ~aticidae 24 Architectonicidae 59 Neritidae 4 Atyidae 62 Neritopsidae 4 Bornellidae 65 01eacinidae 67 Bucclnidae 36 fllividae 39 Bull idae 62 Ovu1idae 23 Bursldae 28 (lx.vnoidae 62 Cali phy 11 i dae 63 Partu1idae 67 Ca1yptraeidae 14 Patell idae 1 Cassldae 25 Phen"co1epatidae 5 Cerlthidae 8 Phy11 idi idae 65 Colubraridae 29 Planaxidae 8 Co 1umbe 11 i dae 35 P1anorbidae 67 Conldae 51 P1euro~ranchidae 63 Cora11lophl1idae 34 Po1yceridae 65 Cuthonidae 66 Potamididae 8 Cyc10strematidae 4 Pyramidellidae 60 Cymatiidae 27 Pvrenidae 35 Cypraeidae 15 ~apidae 34 Dendrodoridae 65 Runcinida. 61 Ocrididae 64 ~cap~andridae 61 Ellobiidae 65 Siohonariidae 66 Epi toni idae 59 Smaragdine11idae 62 Eratoidae 24 ~tiliQeridae 63 Eu1 imidae 1~ 5tomatellidae 3 Fascio1ariidae 39 Streptaxidae 68 Favorinidae 65 Strombidae 10 Fissure 11 idae 1 Subu1inidae 67 Gastropteridae 61 Terebridae 57 G1aucidae 66 Terqipedidae 66 Goniodoridae 65 Thi aridae 7 Ha1iotidae 1 Tonnidae 27 Harpldae 41 Tri9horidae 59 Hexabranchldae 64 Tritoniidae 65 Hipponicidae 14 Triviidae 24 Hydatinidae 61 Trochi dae 2 Janthinidae 59 Truncatellidae 7 Ju1ildae 63 Turl:dnidae 3 liotiidae 4 Turritjae 49 li ttori ni dae 5 Vanikoridae 14 lymnaeidae 67 Vasidae 40 Magilidae 34 Vavssiereidae 65 Marglnellidae 49 Verrnetidae 7 XenoT)horidae 64 Names valid locally are shown on the left in the hodv of t~ls naner: synonyms are indented. In the index the locallv valid naf'le is sh.,.-," with an asterisk. TAXONOMIC INDEX OF FAMILIES FOUND ON f,UAM 1 Phylum Mollusca Class ." Gastropoda Subc1 ass Prosobranchia - Streotoneura Order Archeogastropoda Superfamily Pleurotomariacea Fami 1y Hal iotidae Superfamily F1ssurellacea Family Fissurellidae Superfamily Pate1lacea Fami 1y Aaneadae Pate11i dae Superfamily Trochacea Family Trochidae Stomate11idae Turbinidae Angariidae Cyclostrematidae (liotiidae) Superfami 1y Neritacea Family Neri tops idae NerHidae Phenaco1epadidae Order Mesogastropoda Suborder Taeniog10ssa Superf amily L1ttoriniacea Family Lacuni dae li ttori ni dae Superfamily Ri ssoacea Fami 1y Truncate11 i dae Superfamily Cerithiacea Family Vermetidae Thiaridae P1 anaxidae '!odu1idae Potamididae Cerithiidae Suborder Ag10ssa (Eu1imacea only) Superfamily Eulimacea Far.lily Culimidae Superfami 1y Stroorbacea Family Strombidae Superfamily Hipponicacea Family Vanikoridae (Meriidae) Hipponicidae Superfami 1y Ca1yptraeacea Family Ca1yptraeidae Xenophoridae iii Superfamily Cypraeacea Family Cypraeidae Ovul idae Tr1viidae Superfami ly Nat; cacea Family .. Naticidae Superfamily Tonnacea Family Cass idae Tonnidae Cymati idae Bursidae Colubraridae Order Neogastropoda Suborder Rachiglossa Superfami ly ~r; cacea Fami ly '1uricidae Magilidae (Rapidae, Corallioohilidae) Superfami ly Buccinacea Fami ly Columbellidae (Pyrenidae) 8uccinidae Nassariidae Fasciolariidae Superfami ly Volutacea Family 01 hid,e Vasidae lI,rpidae Hitridae Harqinellidae Suborder Toxoglossa Suoerfamily Conacea Family Turridae Conidae Terebridae Order Heterogastro?oda Suborder Ptenoglossa Superfamily Architectonicacea Family Architectonicidae Superfamily Erd tonaceA Family El"Jitoniidae Janthinidae Superfamily Tri phoracea Triphoridae Subclass Opisthobranchia - Euthyneura Order Entomotaeniata Superfami ly Pyramidellacea Fami ly Pyramidell idae Order Cephalaspidea Superfamily Acteonacea F"'1l ily Acteonidae Hydatinidae iv Superfamily Philinacea Fami ly Scaphandridae Aglajidae ,p Gastropteridae Runcinidae Superfami ly Bull acea Bullidae Atyidae Smaragdinellidae Order Sacoglossa Superfami ly Oxynoacea Family Oxynoidae Superfami ly Elysiacea Family Elysiidae Caliphyllidae Stiligeridae Superfami ly Juliacea Fami ly Juliidae Order Anaspidea Superfami ly Aplysiacea Fami ly Aplysiidae Order Notasoidea Superfamily Umbraculacea Fami ly Pleurobranchid~e Order Nudibranchia Superfamily Doridacea Fami ly Dorididae Hexabranchidae Dendrodorididae Po lyceri dae Goniodorididae Vayssiereidae Phyllidi idae Superfami ly Aeolidiacea (Dendronoticea) Family Aracunidae Bornellidae Tritoniidae Superfami ly Eolidicea Fami ly Favorinidae Glaucidae Tergipedidae Cuthonidae Subcl ass Pulmonata (Euthyneura) Order Basanmatophora Superfamily Si phonari acea Fami ly Siphonari idae Superfamily Ell obi acea Fami ly Ellobiidae v Superfamily lymnaecea Family Lymnaeidae Superfamily Ancy1acea " P1anorbidae Order Sty10111l1atophora Superfamily Achatine11acea Family Partu1idae Superfami 1y Achatinacea Achatinidae Subu1inidae Superfamily 01 ead nacea Fami 1y Oleacinidae Superfamily Streptaxacea Family Streptaxidae AGBREVIATInNS A. & L. Adams & Le10up Hum. HumDhrev Ad. & Rve. Adams & Reeve Ire. Ireda1e Al. & Han. Alder & Hancock Kel. Ke1aart Auch. Auchinc10ss L. Linnaeus Bart. Bartsch Lam. Lamarck B1 ai n. B1ainvil1e LeG. Le Guillou Brod. Broderip Less. Lesson Bros. & Sow. Broderip & Sowerbv LiQht. LiQhtfoot Brug. Bruguiere Mart. ~1artvn Car. &Hoff Carlson & Hoff Met. ~etca1 fe Carp. Carpenter Meusch. Meuschen Chern. Chemnitz Phi l. PhiliDni Col. Co 11 i ngwood Pi 1. & Van. Pi1sbrv &Vanetta Cuv. CUvier O. & G. I)uoy &Gaimard Dautz. Dautzenberg R. & A. Rehder ~ Abbott Dill. Dillwyn Rod. ~oed;ng D'Orb. D'Orbigny Rve. ~eeve Duc1. Duclos Rec. Rec1uz Esch. Eschscholtz RUD. & Leuc. ~uDDe11 &Leuckart Gar. Garrett Sch. & Sch. Schilder ~ Schilder Gmel. Gme1in Soul. Sou1e.vet Grif. & Pidg. Griffith & Pidgeon Swain. Swai nson He1b. Helbling Tok. Tokioka H. & J. Hombron &Jaquinot vi HAlIOTlDAE - The onners or abalones are found In warm and tropical waters, with most of the species preferring the temperate waters. They are flat, with a fully depressed spire, margin.l respiratory holes, and the columella flattened to form'p thickened rim. There Is no operculum. They are her­ bivorous and attach themselves to the underside of coral rocks In the in­ tertidal reef zone "Ith their very powerful foot. Haliotis asinina Linnaeus t 1758 Haliotis jacnensis (Reeve, 1844) Hal10tis ovina Gme 1 f n t 1791 H. latilabris Phil .• 1848 Haliotis pulqherrima Gmelin. 1791 FISSURElllOAE - Although superficially resembling the Acmaeldae and Patel­ lldae, the key-hole limpets are members of a different superfamily, the Flssurellacea. They are characterized by a slit or opening on the front "argln of the shell, or a round, ovate, or key-hole shaped opening of the apex. Oiodora mus Rve. has an opening on the apex. The interior be.rs a horseshoe shaped muscle scar. They are herbivorous and inhabit the under­ side of cor.l rocks In the intertidal zone. Diodoca mus (Reeve, 1850) ACMAEIDAE - These limpets are very similar to the Patellidae. One author dTiCffn~shes the shell of Acmaeidae by saying they h.ve a distinct, dark colored peripheral zone around the outer margin of the inner surface and are never iridescent inside. They live at the shore, often on limestone, but never on live coral. Collisella heroldi Dunker, 1861 Acmea saccharina. Linnaeus, 1758 A. stellaris Q. & G., 1834 A. paopsis Ire., 1929 A. saccharinoides Habe & Kosuge, 1966 P~TEllIDAE - These limeets are spread worldwide from the Arctic to the ~arctlc Circles and around the world. However, strangely no patel lids are found on the East or Hest Coasts of North America, the Caribbean, or most of South r~erica. They are normally found on rocks and .long rocky r co.sts. The inside of the shell is often coated with. silver-white layer, "hereas the
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