Table of Contents 3 Trade Show Information Page 4 Map of Sheridan 5 Week at a Glance 6 Sheridan Honors Night 8-9 17th World Leather Debut 2018 10-11 List of Workshops by Instructor 11 Sheridan Silver Exhibition 12-13 List of Workshops by Subject 13 King Reception 14-15 List of Workshops by Title 15 Workshop Policies 16-17 Workshop Timetable 18-38 Workshop Descriptions (alpha by Title) 39 Holiday Inn Floor Plan 40-41 Whitney Building Floor Plan, Sheridan College 42-46 Instructor Profiles and Pictures 47-48 Registration Form and Payment Trade Show & Leather Week hosted by: & SADDLERS JOURNAL For information, call: 888•289•6409 2 www.leathercraftersjournal.com th Friday, May 18 • 9am - 6pm th Saturday, May 19 • 9am - 5pm th Sunday, May 20 • 9am - 2pm FREE ADMISSION TO THE SHOW SHERIDAN HOLIDAY INN & CONVENTION CENTER 1809 SUGARLAND DRIVE SHERIDAN, WYOMING ROOM RESERVATIONS: 307-672-8931 MENTION LEATHER TRADE SHOW INFORMATION: PATTERNS, DVDS, BOOKS, CATALOGS LACE: MANY COLORS & VARIOUS WIDTHS SKIRTING, TOOLING, GARMENT, LEATHERS: BOOT/SHOE, UPHOLSTERY, RAWHIDE MACHINERY: SEWING MACHINES, SKIVERS, STRAP CUTTERS SADDLERY: SADDLE TREES, HARDWARE, TACK SILVER: CONCHOS, JEWELRY NEW & VINTAGE, SPECIALTY LEATHER TOOLS, TOOLS: SWIVEL KNIVES, STAMPING, SKIVING, MALLETS PAINTS, DYES, FINISHES TOPICALS: LEATHER CARE/CONDITIONERS AND MORE! 3 E. 5th St. KING'S SADDLERY ... King Ropes Cl) .... >, 184 N. Main St. Cl) ca C: 3: 0 ca 'C CJ) ca Q) :E 0 Qi .... ... > ....ca HOLIDAY INN CD <t ...UI * C: Q) Convention Center ca .... 'C C: W. Brundage St. ·;: 1809 Sugarland Dr. Q) � Cl) z SHERIDAN COLLEGE Edward E Whitney Academic Center 1 Whitney Way 0 Qi CJ) � ....Q) C: ..: ca ... C 0 iii... 'C Q) I: C: .... C) C: CD ca �C) * :::I Cl) M>it, fiold E. Brundage Ln. () 0 1W#-���f- A��R�D SUMMER1014 ::,I .)) KEY Educational ■ Buildings -� New ■ Construction ■ Housing Athletics ■ Outdoor • ■ Parking 4 Leather Week Schedule Tuesday, May 15th WORKSHOPS Wednesday, May 16th WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS Thursday, May 17th TRADE SHOW SET UP KING RECEPTION WORKSHOPS TRADE SHOW Friday, May 18th WORLD LEATHER DEBUT SHERIDAN SILVER EXHIBITION WORKSHOPS TRADE SHOW Saturday, May 19th WORLD LEATHER DEBUT SHERIDAN SILVER EXHIBITION SHERIDAN HONORS NIGHT WORKSHOPS Sunday, May 20th TRADE SHOW WORLD LEATHER DEBUT 5 7 8 9 Instructor List of Workshops: by INSTRUCTOR Pg Day Time Price Andre De-Mystifying the Stitcher 24 SA 9 am - 12 pm $65 Andre Precision Bar Grounding & Backgrounding 32 SA 1 pm - 4 pm $75 Andre Rose Notebook Cover 34 F 9 am - 5 pm $135 Andre Sheath Design & Construction 36 W-TH 9 am - 5 pm $250 Andrus Adapting Floral Patterns for Your Projects 18 TU 8 am - 12 pm $75 Andrus Advanced Hand Stitching: The Box Stitch 18 TH 1 pm - 5 pm $75 Andrus Basic Hand Stitching 19 TH 8 am - 12 pm $85 Andrus Smooth Control & Refinement with the Swivel Knife 36 TU 1 pm - 5 pm $80 Andrus Tooling Along with Gordon 38 W 8 am - 5 pm $135 Aquino Finishing a Luxury Watch Strap 26 W 9 am - 5 pm $245 Beard Desert Tortoise 24 TH 9 am - 5 pm $135 Bernier Fundamentals of 3-Dimensional Tooling 28 F 9 am - 5 pm $110 Bernier Making a Flat Cap 31 SA 9 am - 5 pm $110 Boyles Leather Flowers & Vases 30 SA 9 am - 4 pm $110 Boyles/Carter Braiding a Scarf Slide Button 19 F 8 am - 5 pm $135 Boyles/Carter Lace Cutting & Beveling 29 TH 8 am - 5 pm $150 Brenner Pricing Your Leatherwork Profitably 32 SA 8 am - 12 pm $80 Brenner The Elements of Western Saddle Fit 38 SA 1 pm - 5 pm $80 Cai The Dream: Embossing & Dyeing 37 F-SA 8 am - 5 pm $500 Dorsett Decorative Sleigh Bells 24 F 9 am - 12 pm $75 Flanagan King of the Jungle 29 F-SA See p. 29 $150 Flanagan/Banyai Extreme Embossed Bighorn Ram 25 W-TH 9 am - 5 pm $270 Gould Belts & Other Leather Stamping 19 SA 8 am - 5 pm $150 Gould Floral Pattern Layout 26 F 8 am - 12 pm $75 Gould Personal Training 32 SU See p. 32 $100 Gould Saddle Cantle Binding 35 TH 1 pm - 5 pm $125 Gould Saddle Fit-Up 35 W 1 pm - 5 pm $125 Gould Saddle Front 35 TH 8 am - 12 pm $125 Gould Saddle Ground Seat 35 W 8 am - 12 pm $125 Gould Saddle Solutions: All 4 Saddle Workshops 35 W-TH 8 am - 5 pm $400 Gould Swivel Knife Finesse 37 F 1 pm - 5 pm $75 Heizer/Adair Wrist Cuff with Stone Inlay 38 TH 8 am - 5 pm $150 Jackson Around the Bench with Jim Jackson 19 W 9 am - 5 pm $195 Johns Take Home a Finished Bag! 37 F-SA See p. 37 $200 Katzke Wristband with Appliqué Braid 38 W 8 am - 5 pm $150 Klenda Chap & Chink Making 22 F 1 pm - 5 pm $80 Klenda Cowboy Cuffs 22 TU 8 am - 5 pm $155 Klenda Saddle Bags: Make Your Own 34 W-TH 8 am - 5 pm $345 LaBarre Nature Colors Demonstration 31 W 6 pm - 9 pm $65 LaBarre Nature Flow Infinity Twin Panel 31 F-SA 9 am - 5 pm $175 LaBarre Realistic Leaves Oak Tree w/ Appliqué Butterfly 34 W-TH 9 am - 5 pm $175 10 Day Key: TU=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, TH=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, SU=Sunday Instructor List of Workshops: by INSTRUCTOR Pg Day Time Price Levitz Filigree Punch Tooling 26 TH 9 am - 12 pm $85 Linnell Fearless Swivel Knife Use 25 F 1 pm - 5 pm $75 Linnell, et al. FREE Leathercraft Workshop for Kids 28 SA 9 am - 12:30 pm Free Linnell Front Pocket Money Clip Wallet 28 TH 9 am - 5 pm $135 Main Dyes, Skiving & Other Tricks 25 F 9 am - 5 pm $185 Park Antiquing, Dyeing & Finishing Demonstration 18 TH 9 am - 12 pm $75 Park Burnishing Edges Demonstration 21 TH 2 pm - 5 pm $75 Park Creating Western Floral Designs 22 TU 9 am - 5 pm $135 Park Finger Carving Demonstration 26 W 7 pm - 10 pm $75 Park Intermediate Tooling Techniques 29 W 9 am - 5 pm $135 Park Leather Bindings Demonstration 30 TU 7 pm - 10 pm $75 Pierce Cozy, Hand-Stitched Deerskin Pillow 22 SA 8 am - 12 pm $175 Pierce Leather Cuff with Flowers 30 F 1 pm - 5 pm $125 Scalese Engravers’ Bench: Deep Relief & Sculpting in Metal 25 TH 1 pm - 4 pm $105 Seidel Broaden Your Knowledge: Ground Seats 20 TU 8 am - 5 pm $180 Seidel Broaden Your Knowledge: Pricing Strategies 20 F 6 pm - 9 pm $65 Seidel Broaden Your Knowledge: Saddle Assembly 20 TH 8 am - 5 pm $180 Seidel Broaden Your Knowledge: Saddle Horns & Swell Covers 21 W 8 am - 5 pm $180 Seidel Broaden Your Knowledge: Tooling Basic Floral Elements 21 SA 8 am - 5 pm $180 Smith Saddle Trees: Top to Bottom 36 TH 8 am - 5 pm $150 Yezek Drawing & Tooling for Greater Depth 24 TU-W 9 am - 5 pm $175 Zalesak On the Edge: The Necessary Fundamentals 31 TH 8 am - 5 pm $125 Subject List of Workshops: by SUBJECT Instructor Pg Day Price 3-D Tooling Fundamentals of 3-Dimensional Tooling Bernier 28 F $110 Beginner FREE Leathercraft Workshop for Kids Linnell, et al. 28 SA Free Braiding Braiding a Scarf Slide Button Boyles/Carter 19 F $135 Braiding Lace Cutting & Beveling Boyles/Carter 29 TH $150 Braiding Wristband with Appliqué Braid Katzke 38 W $150 Business Broaden Your Knowledge: Pricing Strategies Seidel 20 F $65 Business Pricing Your Leatherwork Profitably Brenner 32 SA $80 Chaps/Chinks Chap & Chink Making Klenda 22 F $80 Coloring Nature Colors Demonstration LaBarre 31 W $65 Construction Cowboy Cuffs Klenda 22 TU $155 Construction Cozy, Hand-Stitched Deerskin Pillow Pierce 22 SA $175 Construction Decorative Sleigh Bells Dorsett 24 F $75 Construction Front Pocket Money Clip Wallet Linnell 28 TH $135 Construction Leather Bindings Demonstration Park 30 TU $75 Construction Leather Cuff with Flowers Pierce 30 F $125 Construction Leather Flowers & Vases Boyles 30 SA $110 Construction Making a Flat Cap Bernier 31 SA $110 Construction Saddle Bags: Make Your Own Klenda 34 W-TH $345 Construction/Color Take Home a Finished Bag! Johns 37 F-SA $200 Embossing Extreme Embossed Bighorn Ram Flanagan/Banyai 25 W-TH $270 Embossing Realistic Leaves Oak Tree w/ Appliqué Butterfly LaBarre 34 W-TH $175 Embossing The Dream: Embossing & Dyeing Cai 37 F-SA $500 Engraving Engravers’ Bench: Deep Relief & Sculpting in Metal Scalese 25 TH $105 Figure Carving Desert Tortoise Beard 24 TH $135 Filigree Filigree Punch Tooling Levitz 26 TH $85 Finishing Antiquing, Dyeing & Finishing Demonstration Park 18 TH $75 Finishing Burnishing Edges Demonstration Park 21 TH $75 Finishing Finishing a Luxury Watch Strap Aquino 26 W $245 Floral Adapting Floral Patterns for Your Projects Andrus 18 TU $75 Floral Broaden Your Knowledge: Tooling Basic Floral Elements Seidel 21 SA $180 Floral Creating Western Floral Designs Park 22 TU $135 Floral Floral Pattern Layout Gould 26 F $75 Inlay Wrist Cuff with Stone Inlay Heizer/Adair 38 TH $150 Knife Sheaths Sheath Design & Construction Andre 36 W-TH $250 Personal Training Personal Training Gould 32 SU $100 Saddle Broaden Your Knowledge: Ground Seats Seidel 20 TU $180 Saddle Broaden Your Knowledge: Saddle Assembly Seidel 20 TH $180 Saddle Broaden Your Knowledge: Saddle Horns & Swell Covers Seidel 21 W $180 Saddle Saddle Cantle Binding Gould 35 TH $125 Saddle Saddle Fit-Up Gould 35 W $125 Saddle Saddle Front Gould 35 TH $125 12 Day Key: TU=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, TH=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, SU=Sunday Subject List of Workshops: by SUBJECT Instructor Pg Day Price Saddle Saddle Ground Seat Gould 35 W $125 Saddle Saddle Solutions: All 4 Saddle Workshops Gould 35 W-TH $400 Saddle The Elements of Western Saddle Fit Brenner 38 SA $80 Saddle Trees Saddle Trees: Top to Bottom Smith 36 TH $150 Sewing Advanced Hand Stitching: The Box Stitch Andrus 18 TH $75 Sewing Basic Hand Stitching Andrus 19 TH $85 Sewing De-Mystifying the Stitcher Andre 24 SA $65 Sharpening On the Edge: The Necessary Fundamentals Zalesak 31 TH $125 Swivel Knife Fearless Swivel Knife Use Linnell 25 F $75 Swivel Knife Finger Carving Demonstration Park 26 W $75 Swivel Knife Swivel Knife Finesse Gould 37 F $75 Swivel Knife Smooth
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