AProceedingsttrAction of of L theAcewings hawaiian to eMntomologicalethyL eugeno sLociety in Asi (2015)A 47:67–70 67 SCIENTIFIC NOTE Attraction of Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to Methyl Eugenol in Asia Luc Leblanc1,2, Michael San Jose1, Bishnu P. Bhandari1, Catherine A. Tauber3, and Daniel Rubinoff1 1Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaii, 3050 Maile Way, Room 310, Honolulu, HI 96822-2271 2Current address: Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2339, Moscow, ID 83844-2339, USA 3Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 and Department of Ento- mology, University of California Davis, CA 95616 Abstract. The attraction of Ankylopteryx anomala (Brauer) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to the fruit fly male lure methyl eugenol was observed during fly surveys in Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Taiwan, and Thailand. All of the 622 adults attracted to the lure were male. Green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysop- Hirao 1975), and Ankylopteryx anomala idae) are known to be attracted to food (Brauer), referred to until very recently as lures and male kairomone lures used A. exquisita (Nakahara) (Breitkreuz et al. to monitor and control pest fruit flies 2015), in Japan (large numbers, all male, (Diptera: Tephritidae) (Szentkirályi at night from July to October, and most 2001). During studies on nontarget spe- abundantly in July) (Tsukaguchi 1995), cies attraction to food lures in Greece, and Taiwan (as many as 52.9 per trap per Mexico, Guatemala, Texas, and Hawaii, day, sexes not reported) (Pai et al. 2004). nectar and pollen-feeding adult lacewings The closely related compound eugenol were drawn to traps baited with protein was also found to attract Glenochrysa hydrolysate, torula yeast, and BioLure sp. (up to 4.8 per trap per day, sexes not (Neuenschwander et al. 1981, Thomas reported) in Malaysia (Sajap et al. 1997). 2003, Martinez et al. 2007, Conway and In a comprehensive survey of nontarget Forrester 2007, Leblanc et al. 2010), but attraction to methyl eugenol in Hawaii, no carnivorous species were attracted Leblanc et al. (2009, 2013) determined that to these food lures. Methyl eugenol, a the lure attracted six species in four orders powerful kairomone lure for males of across broad range of unrelated families: many species of Bactrocera (Tephritidae: Apidae, Crambidae, Nitidulidae, Scara- Dacinae), also attracts several species of baeidae, and Syrphidae. All these species lacewings: Mallada basalis (Walker) in had the common habit of visiting flowers Hawaii (1.6 per trap per day, males and and feeding on pollen and/or nectar. On females) (Suda and Cunningham 1970), that basis, Leblanc et al. (2009) suggested Cunctochrysa probably albolineata (Kil- that methyl eugenol possibly emulates a lington) in the Philippines (2.7 per trap floral chemical component. Methyl euge- per day, sexes not reported) (Umeya and nol is actually commonly found in flower 68 Leblanc et al. blossoms of numerous species of plants were identified asAnkylopteryx anomala (Tan and Nishida 2012). Additionally, (Figure 1). As in Tsukaguchi’s (1995) females of one species of endemic Hawai- study, all our specimens were males. The ian Sciaridae (Diptera) were attracted to differences in mean numbers of insects methyl eugenol, even though conspecific attracted to the lure, and large numbers males and females and males of several reported in Taiwan and Japan, are prob- other sciarid species were common at ably reflective of local lacewing density, the trapping sites (Leblanc et al. 2009). rather than differential attractiveness of The specific nature of this attraction, the lures. floral kairomone or possible emulation Ankylopteryx anomala has been re- of pheromone, is not known. Because ported from Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand the lacewing species attracted to methyl (Oswald 2013). Our record from Nepal eugenol cited above are all known to be therefore represents a significant range palyno-glycophagous, feeding on flower extension for the species, also very re- pollen, nectar and honeydew (Tjeder cently reported by Breitkreuz et al. (2015). 1966, Brooks & Barnard 1990, Tsukagu- Moreover, our samples show that the chi 1995, Canard 2005, Chang and Hsieh male-biased attraction to methyl eugenol 2005), Leblanc et al. (2009) suggested an is a consistent characteristic of that species attraction to methyl eugenol as a floral throughout its known range of distribu- compound for the lacewings. However, tion. Interestingly, in Taiwan A. anomala this conclusion overlooked Tsukaguchi’s occurs in sympatry with a closely related, (1995) earlier findings of attraction to sympatric species, Ankylopteryx gracilis methyl eugenol by male A. anomala from (Nakahara), and this latter species is not the Yayema Islands of Japan. attracted to methyl eugenol (Tsukaguchi Here, we confirm Tsukaguchi’s report 1995). These sex-related, interspecific dif- on A. anomala, and we extend the obser- ferences in attraction are consistent with vation to a broad range of A. anomala pop- methyl eugenol possibly acting as a phero- ulations in Asia. We collected lacewings in mone analogue or used as a precursor to bucket traps baited with 2-gram plugs of pheromone synthesis, as hypothesized in methyl eugenol (Leblanc et al. 2015) main- fruit flies (Tan et al. 2014). tained for a few days in February 2011 in Voucher specimens of the A. anomala Laos (Luang Nam Tha Province), Cam- collected in our Asian surveys are depos- bodia (Koh Kong Province), and Thailand ited in insect collections at the University (Chiang Mai Province), during July 2014 of Hawaii Insect Museum, in Honolulu in Taiwan (Chaiyi, Nantu, Pingtung, and and the Essig Entomological Museum, Taitung Counties), and May 2015 in Nepal University of California, Berkeley. (Nawalparasi District). Total numbers of lacewings collected were 143 specimens Acknowledgments among 18 of the 24 trapping sites in Laos We greatly appreciate the help of (3.0 ± 4.6 SD per trap per day), 12 speci- Chi-Yeh Chien (Thai Royal Project mens among 7 of the 22 sites in Cambodia Foundation), Johannes Ketellar (Chief (0.4 ± 0.7 per trap per day), 1 at each of Technical Advisor, FAO Inter-Country 2 sites out of 14 sites in Thailand (0.07 ± Programme for IPM, Thailand), Thong- 0.18 per trap per day), 444 among 45 of savanh Taipangnavong and Vornthalom 113 sites in Taiwan (2.0 ± 4.2 per trap per Chanthavong (FAO-IPM, Laos), Lira day), and 19 among 2 of 5 sites in Nepal Chea and Ajay Markanday (FAO-IPM (0.6 ± 0.8 per trap per day). All specimens Cambodia), Prabhat Kumar (Asian Insti- AttrAction of LAcewings to MethyL eugenoL in AsiA 69 Figure 1. Ankylopteryx anomala (Brauer) male. Photo by Shu-Pei Chen. tute of Technology, Thailand), Po-Yung cundity of Mallada basalis (Walker) adults Lai (CTAHR, University of Hawaii at (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Formosan Manoa), Yu-Feng Hsu and Chia-Lung Entomol. 25: 59–66 Conway, H.E., and O.T. Forrester. 2007. Huang (National Taiwan Normal Univer- Comparison of Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: sity) for permits and logistics in our field Tephritidae) capture between McPhail traps work. Photography (Fig. 1) is a courtesy with torula and Multilure traps with Biolures of Shu-Pei Chen (Taiwan Agricultural in Southern Texas. Florida Entomol. 90: Research Institute). This work was funded 579–580. through USDA-ARS Specific Cooperative Leblanc, L., D. Rubinoff, and R.I. Vargas. Agreements 58-5320-9-382 and 58-5320- 2009. Attraction of nontarget species to 4-018, Farm Bill funding (project 3.0251), fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) male lures and USDA-National Institute of Food and and decaying fruit flies in Hawaii. Environ. Entomol. 38: 1446–1461. Agriculture Hatch projects HAW00942-H Leblanc, L., R.I. Vargas, and D. Rubinoff. and HAW00956-H, all administered by 2010. Attraction of Ceratitis capitata the College of Tropical Agriculture and (Diptera: Tephritidae) and endemic and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, introduced nontarget insects to BioLure bait Manoa. and its individual components in Hawaii. Environ. Entomol. 39: 989–998. Literature Cited Leblanc, L., M. San Jose, M.G. Wright, Breitkreuz, L.C.V., S.L. Winterton, and and D. Rubinoff. 2015. Declines in biodi- M.S. Engel. 2015. Revision of the green versity and the abundance of pest species lacewing subgenus Ankylopteryx (Sencera) across land use gradients in Southeast Asia. (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). ZooKeys 543: Landscape Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s10980- 111–127. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.543.6476. 015-0276-3. Brooks, S.J., and P.C. Barnard. 1990. The Leblanc, L., S. Graham, K. Pohlman, and green lacewings of the world: a generic B. Fujita. 2013. 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