Bradleya 33/2015 pages 82–83 Transfers from Polianthes into Agave (Asparagaceae/Agavaceae): new combinations Joachim Thiede Schenefelder Holt 3, 22589 Hamburg, Germany (email: [email protected]) Summary : For two recently published species of Polianthes , P. alboaustralis E.Solano & Ríos- Gómez and P. cernua Art.Castro, J.G.González & Aarón Rodr., binomials in Agave are proposed: Agave alboaustralis (E.Solano & Ríos-Gómez) Thiede comb. nov. and Agave neocernua Thiede nom. nov. Zusammenfassung : Für zwei kürzlich veröf - fentlichte Arten von Polianthes , P. alboaustralis E.Solano & Ríos-Gómez und P. cernua Art.Castro, J.G.González & Aarón Rodr., werden Binomen in Agave veröffentlicht: Agave alboaustralis (E.Solano & Ríos-Gómez) Thiede comb. nov. und Agave neocernua Thiede nom. nov. Most phylogenetic studies of Agave L. and re - lated genera (Asparagaceae/Agavaceae) thus far published, based on molecular data (Bogler & Simpson, 1996; Bogler et al ., 2006; Good-Ávila et al ., 2006) or morphological data (Hernández-San - doval, 1995; Tambutti in Eguiarte et al ., 2006), showed that the small genera Manfreda Salisb., Polianthes L. and Prochnyanthes S.Watson are nested within the large genus Agave , thus ren - dering Agave as traditionally circumscribed para - phyletic. The sole exception is the molecular AFLP study of Gil-Vega et al . (2007) which groups Manfreda , Polianthes and Prochnyanthes sepa - rate from and not nested within Agave . For a taxonomic synopsis, Thiede (2001) con - verted these phylogenetic results into classifica - tion and suggested a monophyletic re-circum- scription of Agave : Manfreda , Polianthes and Prochnyanthes were included in Agave and to - gether classified as Agave Subgenus Manfreda Figure 1 Agave coetocapnia (M. Roem.) Govaerts (Salisb.) Baker. The necessary new combinations & Thiede was formerly known as Polianthes gem - to accommodate this revised circumscription of iniflora (Lex.) Rose, the most widespread species Agave were published by Thiede & Eggli (1999, of the former genus Polianthes . This plate of Co - 2001), Etter & Kristen (2007), Thiede (2012), and etocapnia geminiflora Link & Otto (“Zetocapnia” Govaerts & Thiede (2013). [sic!]; Link & Otto, Icon. Pl. Rar .: t. 18, 1828) was For a forthcoming, updated second edition of a designated as lectotype (iconotype) for Agave co - taxonomic synopsis of Agave (Thiede, in prep.), etocapnia (≡ Coetocapnia geminiflora ) by Govaerts two recently published new species of Polianthes & Thiede (2013: 331). need to be transferred to Agave : 82 Bradleya 33/2015 Agave alboaustralis (E.Solano & Ríos-Gómez) Análisis AFLP del genero Agave refleja la Thiede, comb. nov . clasificación taxonomica basada en caracteres Basionym : Polianthes alboaustralis E.Solano & morfológicos y otros metodos moleculares. in: Ríos-Gómez, Phytotaxa 174 (2): 98(–103), 2014. COLunGA -G ARCíA MARín , P. ET AL . (eds.): En lo ancestral hay futuro: del tequila, los mezcales Agave neocernua Thiede, nom. nov . y otros agaves . CiCY, COnACYT, COnABiO, Replaced synonym: Polianthes cernua Art.Castro, SEMARnAT, inE, Mérida, Yucatán, pp. 335– J.G.González & Aarón Rodr., Phytotaxa 201 (2): 341. 143(–147), 2015. 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Aliso 22 : alboaustralis (Asparagaceae, Agavoideae), a 313–328. new species from the State of Oaxaca, Mexico. BOGLER , D.J. & S iMPSOn , B.B . (1996). Phylogeny Phytotaxa 174 : 97–104. of Agavaceae based on iTS rDnA sequence THiEDE , J. (2001). Agavaceae. in: EGGLi , u. ( ED .) : variation. Amer. J. Bot . 83 : 1225–1235. Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants, CASTRO -C ASTRO , A., G OnZÁLEZ -G ALLEGOS , J.G. & Monocotyledons . Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 5– RODRíGuEZ , A. (2015). A new species of Po - 102. lianthes subgenus Bravoa (Asparagaceae: THiEDE , J. (2012). nomenclatural transfers from Agavoideae) from Jalisco, Mexico. Phytotaxa Manfreda Salisb., Polianthes L. and Bravoa 201 : 140–148. Lex. to Agave L. (Agavaceae/Asparagaceae). EGuiARTE , L.E., T AMBuTTi , M., S iLVA -M OnTELLAnO , Haseltonia 17 : 94–95. A., G OLuBOV , J.K., R OCHA , M. & S OuZA , V. THiEDE , J. & E GGLi , u. (1999). Einbeziehung von (2006). Zur naturgeschichte der Gattung Manfreda Salisbury, Polianthes Linné und Agave (Agavaceae): Taxonomie, Ökologie und Prochnyanthes S.Watson in Agave Linné Schutz (Teil 1). Avonia 24 : 8–19. (Agavaceae). Kakt. and. Sukk . 50 : 109–113. ETTER , J. & K RiSTEn , M. (2007). A new combina - THiEDE , J. & E GGLi , u. (2001). Einbeziehung von tion in the genus Agave . Haseltonia 12 : 70. Manfreda Salisbury und Polianthes Linné in GiL -V EGA , K., D íAZ -Q uEZADA , C.E., n AVA -C EDiLLO , Agave Linné (Agavaceae): weitere umbenen - A., G ARCíA -M EnDOZA , A. & S iMPSOn , J . (2007). nungen. Kakt. and. Sukk . 52 : 166–167. Bradleya 33/2015 83 View publication stats.
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