INSIDE TODAY Monticello makes soccer history 1C ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2018 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 STEPPING OUT INTO THE WORLD Former DCFB treasurer Reed arrested for theft BY ASHLEY FOREMAN amount of money that was stolen [email protected] by Reed comes to $167,000. On March 15, Reed was inter- Former Drew County Fair Board Treasurer Brenda D. Reed was ar- viewed about the theft of monies. rested Tuesday, May 8 on charges According to court documents, she of theft of property over $2,500. admitted that over the past several According to an affi davit for years as treasurer, she took money warrant of arrest, Raymond Chi- from the Fair Board accounts to som, president of the Drew County pay her personal bills as well as her Fair Board, contacted the Arkansas son, Brison Reed’s business (B&M State Police on Nov. 2, 2017 in ref- Land Management) bills. erence to the possible theft. Reed, who is also employed Reed was removed from the by Pomeroy and McGowin Land board and an investigation began Management, used their accounts into the alleged misappropriation to funnel money in the amount of of funds was started. approximately $39,843. The DCFB uses both Com- In the interview, Reed stated that mercial Bank and Union Bank in she could not remember where all Monticello. According to court the monies went or exactly how documents, bank statements ob- much she took. tained from both banks showed Reed bonded out of jail the same that checks were written for cash day she was arrested. A fi rst court and endorsed by Reed in excess appearance has not been set at this of $37,000. The estimated total time. Drew Central board hears from principals BY ASHLEY FOREMAN ACT Aspire and improve the overall [email protected] Every Student Succeeds Act score of 67.9 to 73.47 or higher. Thursday night, three members The plans of action include lin- of the Drew Central School Dis- ing literacy curriculum horizontal- trict School Board heard school ly and vertically with help from improvement plans from the ele- Thea Capps and Karen Robinson mentary, middle and high school from the Southeast Arkansas Co- principals. Board members Mike operative, and Mary Hobbs, the Pennington and Rene Knowles dyslexia specialist for the campus. UAM Media Services photos were absent. There will also be instruction- DCE Principal Trudy Jackson al teams that will monitor student POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE The University of emphasized the longtime campus learning, implement high-yield Arkansas at Monticello graduated its seniors last instructional strategies and imple- Friday. There were two ceremonies in Steelman motto of “Anchored in Education” Field House, one in the morning (above) and the but also introduced a new plan with ment test-taking strategies utiliz- other in the afternoon. Dr. Tommy G. Roebuck, the acronym S.A.I.L. ing technology tools. The literacy DDS (right) was honored by being named UAM’s “The students will Strive, facilitator will attend monthly pro- 2018 Distinguished Alumnus. UAM Chancellor Achieve, Involve and Learn,” Jack- fessional development. Karla Hughes presented Roebuck with his award. son said. The same actions will be taken Aside from his dental practice, Roebuck served She added it is the goal of DCE to improve the math and science in the Army’s Dental Corps. He has served in the to increase literacy by 10 percent on scores in addition to implementing Arkansas House of Representatives. the ACT Aspire, increase math and science growth by 10 percent on the See DCSD Page 6A Monticello School District recognizes retirees, holds board meeting BY HAROLD COGGINS business Tuesday at the Monticello High but returned to provide assistance, were and, after an executive session regarding repairs to the Monticello Track and Field [email protected] School library after honoring three educa- feted with a dinner and recognition for each student, voted unanimously to accept Complex and the renewal of health special tors retiring at the end of this school year. their service to the district. Superintendent Sandra Lanehart’s recom- risk student insurance. In discussions that In a fairly contentious meeting that Bennie Vincent, the longtime Monticello After the celebration, board members— mendation that each student be expelled occupied the majority of the almost four- saw four executive sessions and a board choir director; Shari Scriber, a sixth-grade all of whom were present—got down to for the remainder of the semester. hour meeting, board members voted unan- member walking out of the last, the Mon- teacher; and Julie Fakouri, an English the district’s business. The fi rst order of Two items receiving the most attention imously to give the go-ahead for the track ticello School board conducted its regular teacher at MHS who had previously retired the evening considered three expulsions following the expulsion discussions were See MSD Page 6A HERE WE GROW AGAIN Local graduations May 11 Steelman Field House 10 a.m., 2 p.m. Friday Drew Central Gym 7 p.m. Tuesday Hyatt Field 8 p.m. Left photo by Ashley Foreman/Advance-Monticellonian; right photo by Vicki Kelly/Advance-Monticellonian INDEX Opinion ..............4A MORE OPENINGS Ribbon-cutting ceremonies were held Tuesday to welcome two new businesses to Monticello. Glenda Nichols, the executive director of the Monticello-Drew County Chamber Calendar ............2A Religion .............3B of Commerce, joined the owners and staff members of Southark Wellness Clinic (left) and Monticello Coff ee Company for the celebrations. Southark Wellness, 750 H.L. Ross Drive inside the clinic Classifi eds ........ 5C Sports ............... 1C of Dr. Kelly Shrum, off ers help with weight loss and overall wellness. MCC, which was already in operation, held its Grand Opening at 316 U.S. Highway 425 South. Obituaries ..........8A Weddings ..........1B OUR 147TH YEAR $34.00 ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN NUMBER 20 • 36 PAGES Subscribe Today! QHZVVSRUWVFODVVLÀHGV SHU<HDU 870.367.5325 LQVLGHWKH]LSFRGHDUHD ZZZP\PRQWLFHOORQHZVQHW 2A | Wednesday, May 16, 2018 NEWS Advance-Monticellonian | mymonticellonews.net | 870-367-5325 COMMUNITY CALENDAR GOING ON NOW Market in the Park Meet our elected offi cials Market in the Park will be open each Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon at the downtown mini-park next to the Drew County Detention Center. This year, the market will also be open from 4-6 p.m. on Tuesday evenings. For more Editor’s note: The Ad- information, contact the Monticello/Drew County Chamber of Commerce at vance-Monticellonian will high- BEVERLY BURKS, CIRCUIT CLERK 870-367-6741. light one elected offi cial per week Drew County Museum in 2018 in an attempt to help The Drew County Museum will be open every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 readers and citizens of Monticel- p.m. For special events or for more information, contact Connie Mullis at lo and Drew County better get to 870-367-2431 or Tommy Gray at 870-367-2401. know who works for them. With Support for local schools this year being an election year, Show support for local schools by purchasing a school mascot yard sign we thought it might also help vot- for only $20. All three (University of Arkansas at Monticello Boll Weevils, ers decide on candidates—should Drew Central Pirates and Monticello Billies) may be purchased for $50. Call any of our elected offi cials be the Monticello-Drew County Chamber of Commerce at 870-367-6741 or running for reelection later this stop by the chamber offi ce at 335 East Gaines Street. year. We will attempt to cover ev- Yard of the Month eryone, regardless of party affi li- The Monticello/Drew County Chamber of Commerce is now taking nomi- ation, and this feature is meant in nations for Yard of the Month. Nominations for Yard of the Month may be no way to be an endorsement of made by calling 870-367-6741. any election offi cial who is also a Birth and Death Certifi cates candidate for offi ce. Birth and death certifi cates are now available for purchase at the Bradley County Health Unit, 208 Bragg Street in Warren. Birth certifi cates are $12 and death certifi cates are $10. Bradley County Health Unit is open from 8 BY ASHLEY FOREMAN a.m. to 4:30 p.m. [email protected] HOTC registration Head of the Class Childcare and Learning Center is now taking ABC Pre-K Monticello native Beverly Burks applications for 3- and 4-year-old students. Families must meet income has been serving as the Drew Coun- guidelines and the child must be 3 years old by Aug. 1. To register, bring the ty Circuit Clerk since 2015. child’s birth certifi cate, current immunization record, social security card, A graduate of Monticello High physical and proof of income. For more information, contact Sherrie or School and Rhodes College in Nikki at 870-367-1240. Memphis, Burks landed her fi rst job Ashley Foreman/Advance-Monticellonian SEARK Community Action Corporation winter assistance applications as a newspaper reporter at the Du- SERVING THE PEOPLE Beverly Burks takes her job as Circuit Clerk very seriously and enjoys serving her The Southeast Arkansas Community Action Corporation still have funding mas Clarion. hometown. and are taking applications for the Home Energy Winter Crisis Assistance “I commuted from Monticello to Program. This program is designed to assist low-income households with Dumas for a while as the reporter with the public on a daily basis and one has to serve an undue amount of member of the Monticello Women’s home energy. To apply, bring proof of total monthly household income for and then I became editor,” Burks hopes to help more people under- time.
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