PA K T 6. PAGE 5 Hunday, October 12, 1941 DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES (PHONE CHERRY SHOO) Long Life, Economy Condition-Air' Clipper Streamlining Used in Packard Line Ventilates Olds Introduced last April as the particularly noticeable wl*en drlw Built Into Chrysler first car to adopt functional ing in gusty side winds. ~ Condition-Air, Oldsmobile’t au- streamlining, revolutionary! Pedometer* record a reducUdß tha r - • I i * tomatic. fresh air, car heating and of as much as 29 r** cent in road ' overnight Packard Clipper waa an shocks with a correspondingly a ventilating system, outstanding Claim Advances ¦j success. With thousands of the smoother ride; safety and comfort ~*f and nationally acclaimed during rolling pn by the in- Chrysler ~ new Clippers America’s have been enhanced Design *• | * -mi MU n* c. y V* ' past in Beauty and mi 11 vu? 1 tha year, has been further highways, Packard engineers have] creased dimensions and greater • improved for even finer perform- had an opportunity to study the glass area of the windshield . 1* 1 ¦ i A -*w visibility • ance for 1942. It will be avail- practical values of working a 26 i>er cent gain in Performance streamlines. •alone; acceleration has been Duration,' able, as an accessory, at extra For Packard engineers have made stcj»pod up 14 per through cost. styling and With full cognizance of the exhaustive streamline tests on streamlined Increased Condition-Air offers many exclu- dozens of stork Clipper models engine power. extraordinary now conditions sive advantages in car heating and tested for thousands of grueling Of greatest importance to pas- into existing, Chrysler haa built Says Wallace ventilation. Operating on the hours on the Packard Proving senger comfort is the fact that Its new car added qualities that proved "air-pressure" principle. Grounds near Detroit. The result practical streamlining has en- Condition-Air fills the 1942 Olds- findings was will make for long life and econ- By DAVID A. WALLACE of these instrumental abled interior width to be built Tlie 1942 Chrysler Windsor, built on a wheelbasa of 121Vt inchea. mobile with filtered fresh air, in the adoption of Clipper styling out to the fenders for the first omy of operation. At the same l*Jruldrnt, ( *lf)*l**» »al«* OlTlllW, heated when needed to a de- throughout is the new Packard line time. These new. roomy dimen- time, It has created a car that ( hry»l,r WriKirUtM. sired temperature. comfort, and Added ifor 1942. -ions afford a new concept fre# advanced in beauty, the very first, Chrysler New Lock Kase of control Is plus Here are some of the outstand- fatigue. performance. These Improvements From In addition to tha usual outside Trumpet Horns provided, from _ sought to design a Concealed Safefy Dual heat distribution and heating and ing results of impartial tests made have been effected without in- engineers have lock on the right front door, the! and materia! would the owner a defrosting efficiency, ppw to motor over a period of months at the Smartly Tailored creasing the labor car that £ive 1942 Chrysler* art provided with car heating systems. In tha cold- Packard Proving Grounds: Interior* manufacturer, who opera- Luxuriously tailored interior* demands of the ;longer life of trouble-free Steps Sheltered On 1942 Pontiacs est weather passenger* enjoy By the application of "practical" to put the demands an outslda lock on the left front smart Fleetline seria* will continue They have New dual trumpet type horn* draft-free, warmed, air. drag typify the program before Again in 1942, Chevrolet engl- door as well. This permits the fresh streamlining, wind has been by Chevrolet for 1942, Up- of the defense supersede the aeashell type used Windows are free of fog and froet reduced 19 per cent at speeds offered anything else. was en- noei s provide conceaJed .safety] convenience of locking or unlock- holstery i* in a rich brown broad- Chrysler public steps, w hich offer the conveniences on 1941 Pontiac cars. It is said with Condition-Air. Smoka and ranging from everyday driving to The influence of the to a ve- ing car either aid*. air are cloth. in the distinctive Fleetweave strongly seen in titled of the r»trt-fa shinned running boards the from quality warn- stale also eliminated. [superhighway speeds; fuel econ- design. ‘Thunderbolt" is f d hide that not that both tone and lomy has been increased under design of the new line. The without their disadvantages. In- In Summer, too, Oldsmobile pas- the mpur l only would per- ing ability have been improved. clean, varying conditions from 12 per •Thunderbolt" was shown to over !1. stead of a running board, there is Third Year on Defense sengers receive fresh air ] K form brilliantly Trumpet shaped projector* hot, dusty cent to 18 per cent; noise meters Lock Safety Feature six half million persons in m a safety step within each door The Cadillac Motor Car Division even on roads when and a 1 1 - would year * * improvement A safety of Buick'* 1942 general public ap- J/fgSk w* but that opening, its heavily-ribbed rubber is entering its third of de- measuring 17 13 inches windows are closed. Automatic recorded an of 21 feature 1941 and won of high units in at higher is use of free reeling probation as indicative of the ! Hcrl keep out the trend sheltered from dirt, snow fense production. Contract for for the low and note and manual controls permit new per cent wind noises sedans the B t repair garage. engine parts was respectively compare with last passenger comfort during all car speeds; handling and steer- door locks, w’hich prevent unlock- trends of the "car of the future." and ire. Dry and clean at all times, Allison aircraft k In the saiety -»tep furnishes sure foot- awarded the company in Septem- year * projectors of ies* than three .weather conditions and at all ing ease and steadiness have ing the door by pressing oq the - 6 Models, 31 Styles ing. ber, 1939. inches m length. |speeds : provenj 24 per cent better. This is inside door handle. these engineer- The 1942 line comprises six body -£ j wi'iv ev en more models and a total of 31 conscious than styles. While the wheelbases of u-ual that they the various models have not been (he are wider and nr!nn\t> a In Teased tn car that would There is more elbow room lower WAiJjsra last a long time and the riding qualities have been n a. the and one that would operate with considerably Improved by con- of a softer seat cushion. -uch efficiency that it would adoption been apparent Bodies have been improved in sev- serve fuel It had respects. ifor some time that under the eral important emergency were goipg A choice of 12 plain colors and existing we seven two-tone combinations is to have regulated production of offered as standard, many of these motor cars and that the supply of 8 colors being entirely new this year ;luel might in* limited. I built In lieu of white sidewall tires, all All Chrysler* have been the line except the Royal is to last, but this one for 1942 even equipped with special white tire more so. It is highly possible that ngs that produce a similar dec- the man who i>uy* one of these new models will have to driva it the smart apjiearance of •much longer than he is accus- tha wheels. | turned to driving a car—maybe lie will use it "for the duration." We : Fenders Redesigned sure if this Is to 7>¦ I BBRI jhave made that mm grille is streamlined, [ye the case, he is going to continue The ultra :;s v% IJb extending around the front fender to get superb performance and 1 to give an entirely new note in also to keep his fuel and repair modem design. It has five chrome bills down. bars that add to the modernistic effect and the*e are related on the rear fender, giving an overall Comforts line that enhances the swanky competent ap[x>arance of the cat Headlight* are an integral part ar ir of the fender while parking lights Map Light, R€ Seat foim a part of the grille treat- Cigar Light on Buick mint. They are mounted on the outside edge of the grille so av lb** '¦* ¦- to outline the full width of the car. Each of tha naw Buicks for 1942 j -vy. wsijMifoijtfjr¦ I ont fenders have been re- « abundantly aquippad tha dmigned to give cleaner flowing with surfaces between them and the latest conveniences. In front, there hood, another “Thunderbolt" touch. are newly designed arm rests in An important contribution to all series attractively covered with i liilm - - "fc> both beauty and utility is the new leather and decorated with a running boards which are l,l,"; 1111 ¦w built :n and located as Wm *u f liHHBW KS&MPKr covered" with heavily-trended rub- horizontal molding ¦ ! to give comfort. ¦¦[*, w th fitted joints to produce maximum I *»' \ f fg _ ’ "-W f 4^^sßßHßßflpPPß|j^p smoother r< .rnet's at the pillars. Rear scats in all super, century, T! ••*•> running boards also hold the roadmaster and limited sedans " carpet place minimize the in and have center arm rests in addition danger of stumbling or tripping. either r Sit Warn to arm rests on end of Scoop the Air Slot the rear seat. T .» lower portion of the body As In previous years, a cigar I. is been flared out to meet the lighter is furnished in the front edge of running board outside the compartment of all models to- This design creates a smooth side surface and conceals the running gether with convenient ashtray*, board from the outside when door* glove compartment in tha instru- are rlo«ed.
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