Unit 12 Paper Mill End, Great Barr, Birmingham. B44 8NH. UK Aquascape Tel: 0121 331 1212 Fax: 0121 331 1414 www.fishlabels.co.uk [email protected] PersonalisedFISH IMPORTS LTD. fish labels H Laminated and therefore resistant to water H Clear easy labelling system for your aquariums FREE H Unique professional designs. Exclusive to Aquascape Samples on request H Available for Tropical, Coldwater & Marine Fish H Personalised with your company name & logo *Ais ctual size 86mm x 54mm H **NEW**Two designs to now choose from **NEW** ** Actual size is 94mm x 37mm LABELS SHOWN LARGER THAN ACTUAL SIZE Design A Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi AND FAHRENHEIT Compatibility Temp Max Size pH Water Req name here Community 21-26C 4cm 6-7.5 Not critical Your company Created by Aquascape, UK 0121 331 1212 www.fishlabels.co.uk ** WITH INCHES Design B Your own logo or Your company name here company name goes here Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi English and Latin names clearly visible Compatibility Temp Max Size pH Water Req Space for Community 21-26C 4cm 6-7.5 N/A pricing the Created by Aquascape, UK 0121 331 1212 EXCLUSIVE TO AQUASCAPE www.fishlabels.co.uk fish * 2 DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM ALSO AVAILABLE FOR US MARKET Information to help Clear accurate photographs RANGE AVAILABLE your customers when helping customers to LABEL001 Starter Pack (100 Tickets) £39.99 purchasing fish identify fish species LABEL002 Tropical 1 (100 Tickets) £39.99 LABEL003 Tropical 2 (100 Tickets) £39.99 It is recommended to start with the STARTER PACK LABEL004 Corydoras Pack (50 Tickets) £19.99 which contains the top one hundred most popular LABEL005 Plec L No Pack (50 Tickets) £19.99 LABEL006 Coldwater Pack (50 Tickets) £19.99 fish and then purchase additional sets as required. LABEL007 Marine 1 (50 Tickets) £19.99 No tickets are duplicated in any of the packs. LABEL008 Marine 2 (50 Tickets) £19.99 LABEL009 Cichlids 1 (50 Tickets) £19.99 FULL LISTS OF SPECIES CAN BE VIEWED ON OUR WEBSITES AT LABELSET All 9 Sets of labels above £199.99 www.aquascape.co.uk/labelsor www.fishlabels.co.uk ADDITIONAL SETS NOW AVAILABLE LABEL010 Plants 1 (100 Tickets) £39.99 SPECIAL OFFER LABEL011 Plants 2 (100 Tickets) £39.99 LABEL012 Corals & Sessile Inverts (50) £19.99 Starter Pack LABEL013 Tropical Unusuals (50)* £19.99 NEW (CONTAINING 100 TICKETS) * Includes tropical crabs,shrimps,turtles,rays etc. (Tropical, Coldwater, Plants & Blank Tickets) LABEL014 Marine 3 (50 Tickets) £19.99 NEW LABEL015 Marine Inverts (50 Tickets) £19.99 NEW Only £39.99 +VAT LABELALL All 15 label sets £349.99 PLEASE STATE DESIGN A OR B WHEN ORDERING * Shown actual size of 86mm x 54mm ** Shown actual size of 99mm x 39mm CARD A5 A4 Current range available A = £39.99 A = £59.99 A = £79.99 B = £19.99 B = £29.99 B = £39.99 Also now available Marine 3, Tropical Unusuals, Plants1&2 C = £1.00 C = £2.00 C = £3.00 Starter Pack (A) Tropical 1 (A) Tropical 2 (A) Corydoras 1 (B) Marine 1 (B) Plecs 1(B) Assorted Angelfish Marble Angel Assorted Veiltail Angel Corydoras arcuatus Bicolour Angel Bristlenose Plec Black Ruby Barb Gold Angel Black Angel Corydoras adolfoi Flame Angel Zebra Plec Cherry Barb Silver Angel Ghost Angel Corydoras agasizzi Emperor Angel White Spot Ancistrus Golden Barb Checker Barb Leopard Angel Corydoras araguaiaensis Koran Angel White Seam Ancistrus Rosy Barb Rosy Barb - HiFin Clown Barb Corydoras armatus Wimple Fish Gold Nugget Plec Tinfoil Barb T-Barb Melon Barb Corydoras atropersonatus Copperband Butterfly Magnum Plec Tiger Barb Tiger Botia Metallic Golden Barb Corydoras axelrodi Threadfin Butterfly Ancistrus temminki Tiger Barb - Green Red Tail Botia Neon Rosy Barb Corydoras barbatus Percula Clown Goldy Plec Tiger Barb - Albino Skunk Botia Striped Barb Corydoras boehlkei Maroon Clown King Tiger Plec Albino Corydoras Zebra Botia Filament Barb Corydoras bondi bondi Fire Clown Tiger Plec Bronze Corydoras Yellow Tail Botia Pentazona Barb Corydoras blochi blochi Skunk Clown Clown Plec Peppered Corydoras Figure of Eight Puffer Queen Botia Corydoras blochi vittatus Yellow Box Fish Pintado Plec Borneo Sucker Mono Pakistani Loach Corydoras burgessi Blue Damsel Peppermint Plec Plecostomus Mudskipper Archer Fish Corydoras caudimaculatus Domino Damsel Vampire Plec Gibbiceps Plecostomus Red Scat Mono Sebae Corydoras cervinus Green Chromis Red Tail Sternella Upside Down Catfish Green Scat Silver Scat Corydoras concolor Four Stripe Damsel Scafir Plec L151 Pangasius Glass Angel Clarias Cat Corydoras condiscripulus Yellow Tail Blue Damsel Snowking Plec Glass Catfish Spotted Puffer Pyjama Catfish Corydoras copei Lionfish Butterfly Plec Assorted Malawi Cichlids Golden Pangasius Albino Plecostomus Corydoras cripticus Regal Tang Stripey Plec Blue Acara Cichlid Flying Fox Two Spot Catfish Corydoras delphax Powder Blue Surgeon Royal Panaque Firemouth Cichlid Pimelodella Pictus Pearl Catfish Corydoras elegans Yellow Tang Blue Eye Panaque Kribensis Cichlid Otocinclus Asian Redtail Catfish Corydoras ellisae Black Trigger Spotted Chaetostoma L146 Jewel Cichlid Red Chromide HiFin Pangasius Corydoras evelynae Picasso Trigger Alterima Plec L155 Gold Severum Cichlid Gold Ram Cichlid Clown Synodontis Corydoras filamentosus Batfish Wavy Line Plec Oscar Cichlid Keyhole Cichlid Farlowella Twig Catfish Corydoras fowleri Anthias fish Papa Panaque L90 Albino Oscar Cichlid Green Severum Cichlid Longnose Elephant Corydoras gomezi Panther Grouper Orange Spot Plec L35 Blue Ram Cichlid Convict Cichlid Transparent Knifefish Corydoras gossei Fire Fish Violet Plec L77 Pearl Danio Red Oscar Freshwater Sole Corydoras gracilis Mandarin Prince Peckoltia L72 Zebra Danio Tiger Oscar American Flag Cichlid Corydoras guapore Snowflake Eel Pario Ancistrus L48 Leopard Danio Golden Danio Blood Red Parrot Cichlid Corydoras habrosus Pyjama Wrasse Scarlet Plec L25 Bumble Bee Goby Longfin Zebra Danio Green Chromide Cichlid Corydoras haraldshultzi Cleaner Wrasse Queen Gibbiceps Plec L83a Assorted Gourami Giant Danio Lemon Cichlid Corydoras incolicana Yellow Wrasse Flat Head Plec L17 Indian Gourami Spiny Eel Jack Dempsey Corydoras julii Assorted Caulerpa Tooth Nosed Plec L7 Dwarf Gourami Tyre Track Eel Albino Kribensis Corydoras leucomelas Carpet Anemone Gold/Orange Fin Panaque LDA22 Three Spot Gourami Fire Eel Blue Ram Cichlid - Longfin Corydoras loxonus Malu Anemone Mega Clown Plec LDA19 Silver Gourami Blue Gourami Gold Ram Cichlid - Longfin Corydoras melinistius brevirostros Assorted Mushrooms Marble Spot Plec LDA17 Gold Gourami Rainbow Dwarf Gourami Leopard Danio - Longfin Corydoras melini Anemone Crab Gold Marble Ancistrus L150 Opaline Gourami Honey Gourami Red Turquoise Discus Corydoras metae Hermit Crab Longtail Sturisoma Paradise Fish Giant Gourami Cobalt Blue Discus Corydoras natereri Sea Apple Honeycomb Plec L51 Kissing Gourami Marigold Gourami Swamp Eel Corydoras panda Boxing Shrimp Blue Seam Ancistrus L183 Pearl Gourami Snakeskin Gourami Red Coral Dwarf Gourami Corydoras polystictus Cleaner Shrimp Galaxy Plec Assorted Male Guppy Sparkling Gourami Blue Coral Dwarf Gourami Corydoras punctatus Fire Shrimp Gold Heterodon Plec L172A Assorted Female Guppy Balloon Pink Kissing Gourami Turquoise Dwarf Gourami Corydoras rabauti Blue Starfish Big Spot Peckoltia L163 Tropical Red Crab Green Kissing Gourami Albino Giant Gourami Corydoras reticulatus Red Starfish Chocolate Peckoltia L162 Golden Apple Snail Black Tail Guppy Red Honey Gourami Corydoras schwartzi Sea Urchin Yellow Ancistrus L144 Clown Loach Metallic Blue Guppy Marble Kissing Gourami Corydoras simulatus Seahorse Brevis Peckoltia L140 Coolie Loach Red Cobra Guppy Croaking Gourami Corydoras sodalis Tube Worm Red Whiptail L10a Sucking Loach Green Cobra Guppy Bronze Red Guppy Corydoras sterbai Blank Ticket (Marine) Whitetail Segel Wels Plec L196a Golden Sucking Loach Green Lyretail Guppy Goldtail King Cobra Guppy Corydoras virginiae Blank Ticket (Marine) Royal Whiptail Weather Loach Glass Shrimp Red Lyretail Guppy Corydoras xinguensis Blank Ticket (Marine) Black Ghost Whiptail Black Molly Clown Knifefish Red Neon Guppy Silver Molly Black Ghost Knifefish Yellow Tail Guppy Cichlids 1 (B) Marine 2 (B) Coldwater 1 (B) Assorted Sailfin Molly Black Kuhli Loach Black Knifefish Marble Molly Longnose Loach Coffee Molly Assorted Malawi Cichlids Blue Face Angel Red Comet Goldfish Assorted Platy Celebes Halfbeak Black Balloon Molly Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Blue Ring Angel Red & Black Goldfish Red Wag Platy Black Apple Snail Goldspot Balloon Molly Blue Lumphead Cichlid Majestic Angel Sarassa Comet Sunset Platy Silver Dollar Green Sailfin Molly Callipterus Cichlid Regal Angel Calico Shubunkin Australian Rainbow Golden Molly Gold Sailfin Molly Deepwater Cichlid Coral Beauty Assorted Fantail Harlequin Rasbora Assorted Balloon Molly Silver Sailfin Molly Dogtooth Cichlid Potters Angel Red Fantail Black Scissortail Rasbora Marble Sailfin Molly Assorted Variegated Platy Duboisi Cichlid Red Fin Batfish Red & White Fantail Red Tail Black Shark Assorted Lyretail Molly Tuxedo Sunset Platy Eartheater Scooter Blenny Red & Black Fantail Red Finned Shark Blue Neon Platy Assorted Calico Platy Eartheater - Red Midas Blenny Calico Fantail Silver Shark Red Platy White Tuxedo Platy Electric Blue Haplochromis Chelmons Butterfly Black Moor Albino Red Finned Shark Black Platy Mickey Mouse Platy Exasperatus Cichlid Saddleback Butterfly Assorted Pearlscale Male Siamese Fighter Tuxedo Platy Red Spotted Platy Fenestratus Cichlid Lunula Butterfly Assorted Lionhead Ranchu Female Siamese Fighter Assorted HiFin Platy Yellow Platy Frontosa
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