Take a look at WGBH digs ~P&3 ~Lf.lY! Contest""'stohl Page 2 , I Community News paper Company • allstonbrightonlab.com Vol. 11, No . 36 • 40 Pages • 3 Sections 75¢ Sex crime suspect arrested Allston incidents may be connected to Brookline attacts By Karen Elowltt Wednesday in STAFF WRITER co nnection n Brighton man arrest­ with two other ed last Friday on inde­ incidents bn A cent exposure charges January 20 ahd may be connected to a series of April 10. recent assaults on women in The victiol Brookline, according to police. of the April JO COIJRT[SY POOTO • • d Jonathan Prera, 20, of 14 Jonathan Prera mCI ent re- Brackett St., Brighton, was ar­ ported the rested April 13 and charged criole after she saw a TV news with felony open and gross broadcast on April II about the BC student Katie Freund, center, holds a poster saytn, "K_Ya Go Faate(,'" up to passing runners during the 111th lewdness in relation to an inci­ Winchester Street attacks in dent in Allston on April 4. A Brookline. Believing the inci- second warrant was issued Rain, wind couldn't stop Marathon runners, PRERA, page 24 1954 eOMM. AVE By Karen Elowltt dreary Cleveland Circle. "I was prepared for STAFF WRITER Though Ihe crowd was this," said The damp, windy weather did not pre­ prior yenrs, several hundre people from vent Marathon-watchers from turning near and far packed into a s'nall corner of fuIutes that before the r~~:the lI~::~i~~~rrr:ead Back on the market out in force on Monday, adding energy Brighton to cheer friends d family in Hill Avenue. Vance and excitement to an otherwise drab and the 1I1t11 Boston Maratho WateIWorks developer '- may be. interested QUAL 'F'? DOES 'e' By Karen Elowttt chitectumUy distinct Craftsman­ STAff WRITER style house, set amid apartment The owner of a historically n0- blocks ncar the Chestnut Hill Intersection revamp Jprompts dis table house in the middle of a neigh­ Reservoir, was the subject of a borhood dispute has apparently de­ tug-of-war between owner Dan By Karen Elowttt Force, representatives from Vanasse David Black of VHB cided to sell up and move on. Yu, concerned neighbors and the STAFF WRITER Hangen Brustlin Inc., and Sasaki Associ­ mont of Sasaki descri bed 1954 Commonwealth Ave. Landmarks Commission. Residents and Boston College officials ates, two ftrms helping BC W ith its Master section, which joins C~:r~::'~d~ was recently li sted with Coldwell Yu wanted to tear down the cannot agree on whether a proposal to re­ Plan, pre IIted tentative plans to change enue, Lake Street and Banker, though the price tag and house and build a condo con\­ vamp the intersection of Lake Street and the inlerseclJori both to impro.e traffic flow Dri ve, as an ''P' on an the Realtor's marketing tactics plex. Many neighbors and abut­ Commonwealth Avenue will help or hurt and to acc(}Jrunodate a new elltrance to the scale is commonly used hlA 'TOft,C e"gi,)eelrS have left some in the neighbor­ ters wanted the house to stay, at­ the neighborhood. recently acquired property formerly owned to rate road flow hood scratching their heads. guing that it is deed-restricted, At Wednesday's meeting of the BC Task by the Arch<liocese of Boston. an1d,rr~~~r~~~~, For the last two years, the ar- COMM. AVE, page 24 'Palace' adcis spice to urantscene By Katie McDonough Have a CORRESPONOEHf For those who like Indian food, taste of there's no shortage of options in the area. Brighton Avenue alone boasts a handful of Indian restau­ Allston rants in just a few block.~ , making By Karen Elowttt it tough to choose if yOUdo n't al­ STAFF WRITER ready have a favorite. As of De­ Start with some Eats and cember, Indian-food fons have Treats, add a dash of Grain Shes living a yet another option. and Sal~ and a big helping Punjab Palace, 109 Brighton of Grasshopper, and you Charms life Ave. in Allston, is the latest husi­ have the recipe for the 10th ness venture QY Parmjit Singh, a annual Taste of Allston. seasqned restaurateur in the These three restaurants Bostbn area. Singh opened his first are among 21 participants restaurant, India Quality, lfl Ken­ in Allston's upcoming gas­ more Square back in 1983, and tro-fesl, one of Boston's over the years, it has recei\'ed rave most popular food fairs . reviews from major publications Tbe event, which is the in the city. Zagat Survey has aJso major fundraiser of the named India Quality the nurnber­ year for Allston Village one Indian restaurant in Boston for Main Streets, is scheduled the past five years in a row. to take place on Wednes­ With that kind of succe behind day,Apri125. him, Singh was excited 10 take on "It's gonna be fabulous," a new project. While be could .,... Palace chef Bhlm Basel cook. up a chlick •• p said AVMS board member have just opened up a second India Jimmy Gentile, who hopes this taste at any other restaurant." stock up. '''There never any Quality location, he instead took are attendance at the event will the opportunity to try sornething Sin!:/! said that both of his chemicals in my food," he said. meet lust year's total of restau;:ants differ from the different. He described India "And I don 't use anything frozen 300, if not surpass it. Quality as a fairly traditional indi­ compcltition in various ways. - it's all fresh." ''Every year it gelS a little an restaurant, while t Punjab For a t e thing, he said other In­ The homemade yogurt goes bigger and little better." dian restaurants serve both into a few different drinks, in­ Palace, he likes to experil!¥lI1t with In addition to repeat fa­ CaI ....ltay 10 cluding the extremely popular different ingredients D more northern and southern Indian vorites such as Aneka Rasa, modem flavor combinations. food, '~ hile he serves predomi­ Mango Lassi (essentially a "I make all my dishes III my own nantly northern Indian cuisine mango smoothie). And for the TASTE, page 24 style," be said. "You won't find from tds native Punjab. PUNJAB, page 7 06ll'IIIt,,,,, 21 \1 \EL Call For a Free Something For Market Analysisl UbnIry Notes 23 CIIIIWI'B \CIIC Mortgage Loans Everyone Local knowledge. 13 1 .01.. 1, Ontu~ IE Sports Expmenced answers. ·,... .. H.lth ,___ -~-"i"' 21.. 27 \~ Auto . • Spans Shawmut Properties 134 Tr.mont Street· Brighton 1 Work Injuries l'eoples Oak Square YMCA f.!der.J SavIngs Bank 615 Washington St Your NrlglJborhood Realtor® S1M 229 t>:onh Street Brig/o.on. MA02135 20 Franklin 51., Brighton H.m..ro 535 Wa!~lnl~on street Brighton 435 \Iarka Street ...,. 617-782-3535 Tel. 617-787-2121 f ~. www.ymcoboston.org r... (6 .7) Z5-HJ707' www.pfsb.com 8 (617) 787-8700 ww .... C 2 1.\-IIaw/I,ul. com JJ • ,u.."mFDfC TAB 2007 Then Now By Bill Marchione BRIGH'TOtMllSTON HISTORICAl SOCIETY Here's the answer to this week's Linden and Reedsdale streets, off The building to the left 51',,,,on of Linden Street (to the singe-family structures, and was al- contest (we gave you the hint last Commonwealtll Avenue in South NJ- along with two other structures neigbboring Reedsdale most totally built up by 1890, but the week): 'The Undale" Building, 100 ston. This hall(lsome and unusually rear, as the offices of the EdiSon qetwetm Brigbton and Com- lots facing Commonwealth Avenue Linden St., South Allston. shaped structur was designed by the tric illuminating Company, and mo'nweiIJlth avenues were put through remained undeveloped until after The four-story Renaissance Re­ well-known architectural fIrm of Gay from the sarne period as 'The of Commonwealth Av- streetcar service was introduced on vival style masonry building to the & Proctor, whose other local bujld- dale." These Edison structures in 1886. This the avenue in 1909. The recently in- rigbt in this 1920 postcard view. ings include 41-47 Utchfield SI., 5 been replaced by the p=nt Sp'>qilfh neighlxJ,rh,ood experienced rapid resi- stalled tracks can be Seen in the fore- known as 'The Lindale." dating from 1912, still stands at the intersection of BrightonLeamington Av e. Road and 5 j--~5r:9~Mi~ .S~si~0£n~sty~le~an~d~~~ortres~~s~-~lik;e~:kJ~~g~~~~i~n~plant structure. andth~e~ ~~Orm~~mostlyO~f~gr~O~ 782-8483.U~n~d~O~f~ ~th~e=~hi~st~O~ri~c~in>;a;g;e. Winners Next week's contest Ellie Hollum Bill Nixon Hint: Here we see a Phyllis Harrington Leonard Meek circa 1915 postcard view of a street off Har­ Steve Hawco Linda Pappas vard Avenue, Allston. Jon Plovanich Bill Donovan originally called Holmes Avenue. All of Mark Williams Tommy Woods the buildings pictured Bobby "Fitz" Fitzy Anthony Home bere still stand. Har­ vard Avenue lies in the Judy Nichols Theresa Curran di stance. Can you iden­ Kate Brasco, Tom McCarthy tify the street by its cur­ rent name? Christina Greene Lidia V. Palacio Please e-mail your answer to allston­ Help the historical society brigbto n@c,\c.com. i If you have photos of old Allston Heritage Muarwn ;nIIor fax it to 781-433-8202 Brigbton-Allston in your family in this coluooo. If you bave ~ or call it in to 781-433- photo albums, please consider al- you would like to dofl.1Ie, or would 8365. If you leave a L--'-"''----t--------------====~'::::::~~===~ message, please spell PttOTOCOlIR'T!SYOf'THE IlRIGIffOfMUSTON ttlSTORICALSOOETY lowing the Brigbton-Allston His- be willing to bave the HisIOricaI torical Society to copy them for Sbciety copy, please contact Bill your name slowly and clearly and your fIrst last name.
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