TRIBrNE. SUNDAY. APRIL 26, 1908- VEW-TORK DAILY tweep«r that makes almost aa mrtch of her bu«l««t sea-cm* ilne. I — ' notoa aa) s> f that this hu be«n on« lawn mower." Washington Star. the establishment of her vocal school. CALENDAR. to THE WEEKLY MUSICAL of ha." FOR APPEARANCE' SAKE. Comment. Th« Board Re.ents tinted Ar- Timely ' (founded•^charterby cay your Musical ' \u25a0 the Conservatory of Musical Art "What would you If party leaden w«r* WEtINESPAT. Wlnkler. directors). Nek 6ay your SVXDAV recital for thur Claasen and Leopold to come to you and country cal'.ed your" Plaia Hotel afternoon. Paderewski the trustee* are - House. B P. m.. entertain- 907 Broadway. Brooklyn. Amon« "If Iwere cure they spok«» with sincerity," r%- Programmes Padercwski-A Bach »tropr.!ltan Or«?ra Chari- of the Announcements and ment for the b»n*9t of the United Hebrew Professor Franklin W. Hooper, director plied Senator Borgrhura, "Ishould exhibit sreat r»- Na^ ties; CarneKle Hall. 3 p. m.. joint concert of Josei Hooper Broadway Theatre. Brooklyn Institute of Art. and Science-: Festival. Hofmann an-1 Fritz Kr-iMer: of luctance." roncprt Herbert and his ex-presldent Llederkrani. besought you?** • 8-15 p ir. of Victor or- CUlls. of the German "Even thoufh they \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0• • • Wldor ,'•*•K»rrlgan»" .ulte \u25a0 . chestra: <;r«>at Hall of the College of the City of York; Froeb. Theobald Enrlehardt. "Certainly. only they ar« in the rematnUer of Toylar.d time r>l\-in-. Haydn's "Creation." N>w Charles It's when The chief musical incident from "Bar's in <flr»t New York. 3:30 p. m.. free organ recital l>y Samuel Arlon; PMllp Jun* TmiiniiTirin ap- Pretai* cencrts) THIRSDAT. ex-president of the Brooklyn you that ItIs safe to show reluctance." "WjuMa^. the randlj waning eeason will be the Joint at tt\r*? . A Baldwin "* ex-president of the Brook- and A Ijc\*Sorn*t • •v.-v.-. 8:15 p. *--*M a and B. Scharmann. Sembrlch. Mr. Paderewekl . Herbm MOMIAY. Hall. 21 H. ' ton Star. pearance of Mmc Saturday Ta* Fairies" Bsvel (new-first time. ., U..T Mar oH«: Baptist T«.mpl-.Br«oWyß.22* next Fcr.gr: hv Manuel K lyn Arlon Society. :. T Adamowski ir. a concert Brooklyn. p m. concert concert of Hofmann ana M- Society 'me FIlfTl! Ro*» A»siclati«n Hall. X.15 B:J1 p m. Joint Joß^f Legal Aid (Samuel Lover) J S p. m Italian Fr,,, •fternoon for the benefit of the T>Th« Irish Harp of the Clef Club Wfst End Theatre. Kreisler. Is exponent of the be \u25a0 . in., who an artists Poles, and po there is to Clifford Wilpy. oppra. -II Trovatore": Waldorf- As'orin. S:3O p. rRIDAV. Mmc Trotln. Trie three are I'ls the programme. Grand galcp. pianoforte recital by Miys Isabol Hauser. Hall of the College of the City of HM method of sight reading, u*«d In conservatories Musical. music on the "CBresaadans** Great A. her studio considerable Polish not in p. m.. free organ recital by Samuel Brussels, recently gave In of Mr. Paderewski. Mme. The pre'.ude from "Babes in Tcylan'l" was Torlc 2:30 Of Paris and marly all of It that TlFSDAY. BBIJWIn- at her \u25a0even- air opera original American production, but was written Tnlversity. 4:1.1 in Carnegie Hall, a musical which gembrich -R-11l eing an from Moniusrko's the Et' Paul's Chapel. Columbia SATURDAY. performer. Mme. songs in which by specially for the presfntation of p. m.. free organ recital by Frederick W. Riesberg; by Mme. year-old daughter was the only Louis I "Halka," and a croup or German Mr Herbert Hall. Ip. m.. joint concert miccci join Germany. will be Kendall Chapel. Sailor's Snug Harbor. Staten <arn<?«fle for to assertion that sight admired, and will then Mr. the musical spectacle in This J. Winter- Mr. Paderewski and Mr. Adamowskl Trotin wanted Illustrate her eh* is preatly 151an.1. 8 p. m.. organ recital by R Sembr'ch Society. discovering talent of th«* French ar.d performance of the prelude in this coun- th» bencflt of the Legal Aid reading Is the means of musical ARTHUR nllddCLL Paderewski in a performance thr firFt bottom when IV THE The latter is another new- com- in young children, and that It develop* talent NORMAL INSTRITTIOX RCSSEIX tmo Polish songs of his composition. try. "The Fa'.ricp- Re\cl" arpeggios PROCESSES OF HISIC forms as "Ach. die ; Herbert, on the order of the de- The child sang all the scales and ere familiar in tselr German pcr-.tion by%Mr. found the '< has work known as the B every and different rhythms-solfeggio les- "Meln eusser Lie&ling." but tached pieces Car concert prodnettan which he by Plectrum So- result hPinp the master !n key VOICE, AHD THEORY. Quaien" and day evening in Carnegie Hall the pf>rform*d in English French songs, by PIANOFORTE»r1 Teachers. They from a set of been riti.'.jr. It n-vrr its en- fifteen and For Professional Students Fun.iinientai songs are new. are recently \u25a0 ciety: minor mass. was sons-and Summer Oiurs- now fcoo'itnc. French Indeed, it was not Sydney Edward Mario, et?. Tralninit provUed. 9«a4 r.y Mendes about three ti-ety (luring Bach's lifetime. Plranl. Homer. for literature. Secy. ALEX. WILLIAMSON. wt to words Wall \u25a0 twelve Orctostra, "Rlgoletto" '.v century, or Normal Institute. HALL. X. T. published in this will give its twelfth Pantatate </ "1 until the sixth decade of the nineteenth CARNEGIE years ago and have r.ot r*^n The Clef Clan, of Brooklyn, Vocal.' A Blnhcav (orcbestral ac-coinpanimcni) .... o»cn given by Agnes Sumner familiar, fccmiecKtr years after his death, that a the concert to be country Mr.Paderewski's solo Btsoea are annual concert in Association Hall to-mcrrcw even- Harr. Mazurka iorche«ra: accompaniment) more than a hundred At the is planned in •Cello EvenliiK .<tar (orchestral a-'conu-anlmenu. •«*«n of this mass was given. monologlst and child Impersonator, at but the ci:maj£ or the afternoon ing. The proceeds are to so to the director of the •(-,-.. Musical (orchestral complete performance Geex. SCHOOL OF MANUEL GARCIA. Moment accomi>'in*t>..fc this be- Wednesday evening. April 23. and from Mozart's "IIRe Pas- iestra ("Contca <ri!..ffman" I O..enbacti It Is needless to say thnt a work like Waldorf-Astoria on From Production to Ir.t-rpreiat: R«p»rt9tr* \u25a0Jaassrra "L'Amero" club, August C. Metz. Barcarolle Uan.- a Ladies' ' the co-operation of the Orchesra. Fifth Air Voice longs in the Church rather than in the concert hall. she will be assisted by the Celeste Quartet. which will call for Or Mr. kss* in full. Piano. To Spring •• 't,B written, like most of Bach's Kldder-Plerce, Hortense Marie Sheldon. Following is the programme give \u25a0 Plaza Hotel \u25a0• \u25a0?;'; For the Church It fraa May three hIbW Paderewski will rc.ital at the Mandolin. Fantasia (-.roliestral ...as* Maertng. original. Bimnber Sons accompaniment). works, and it I? best appreciated In an Abercromble and Miss Etta Le Marie KLEIN, th*me. next the benefit Vocal. Var.arlocß «-t rr ue cur ua on \Yedr.«"?c"r>y rftcrsoon for of Haytlme (orchestral acci>mpani:n»'nt) ADt choral HERMANN £P-^ wskJ Vocal. environment and where there Is a 154 WEST 77TH ST. Faderewyki. the Music S'-:i.>..l Settlemsnt. at No?. 53 and 55 ecclesiastical studio 1* at No. 137 Mr. organ add to the grandeur and variety of Mrs. S. Groskopf. whose opera "'Halka" Monluszko Cast 3d street. Koxcs and seats may be obtained in grand to the Royal . CHAIJAPINE. THE DISTIN«iI"IJ»KED B.\S9 fcese and BST from HayJn's '"Creation" willbe performed Synod is too long for perform- street, was graduated from Mme. Sembnch. Florence Dcane. No. IS West 34th hits music. As the mass West 8M OF THE METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE. frrni Miss V. Hall by the festival of the Cathedral of St. the "Gloria." Conservatory at Copenhagen. Sbe has studied in : padere wgki of Miss choir ance at one service, the "Kyrle" and jolos street. The comirsitte* in charge consists Wednesday evening. The Friday the interpre- Wfs John the Divine nest comprising eleven numbe is. willbe sung on Paris with Mme. Artot and learned RECOMMENDS A^r^aiiet:::::::::::::::::.- Christine v. Baker, Mlaa Dorothea Draper. Mr?. number hundred and* twenty voices. Credo, songs with Nina Grieg, the com- L. SAMOILOFF Mr. AdatnoTvski. rlT»>ir will one evening, while the thirteen numbers of the tations of Grieg's frcm "11 n* Pa»to-». with rt°E_- Charles Hcaly Ditson. Mrs. Kichard Watson Gilder. Henry be the conductor and the teacher of CORRrCT AKT OF SIXG- Air. 1"llll Wall Hall will Benrdlctus, Agnus Del and aa excellent th» Post. Mrs. the Sanctii*. Osanna. poser's wife. Mrs. Howard Ifansfleld. Miss Laura .1. solos be sung by Miss I>aurn Combs, soprano, I>*G. Graduate of Vienna an«l Milan Conserratorlea. tg^SSUmiiiii Mr Mr-fBaS will Dona Xobis will be hf-ard on Saturday evening;. and Mrs. Howard Van Sinderen. Johnson, Witherspoon, Col- 249 E. S7TH ST. Telephone 43T0— Plan, SriSWnx: Qesrce M. Tuttle Edward tenor, and Herbert the mass, Frank Taft, the conductor, has A musical by the pupils of the Manhattan STCDIO. \u25a0^g i:elo<!!en richt « mlr ... The organist will be Lamond. Besides genius Kramer, director, at th« hark, th« Hubert " basso. Felix other reveal Bach's lege of Leon M.
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