VITA Richard M. Perloff BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Birth date July 28, 1951 Family: Married (two children) Address School of Communication, Music Communication Building, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Phone 216‐687‐4632 Email [email protected] EDUCATION Postdoctoral Social Psychology, Journalism, and Communication, Ohio State University, Fellowship 1979 Ph.D. Mass Communications, University of Wisconsin‐Madison, 1978 M.S. Communication, University of Pittsburgh, 1975 A.B. Philosophy, University of Michigan, 1972 (Cum Laude) ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 2015‐Present Joint appointment, Professor of Psychology, Cleveland State University 2014‐Present Joint appointment, Professor of Political Science, Cleveland State University 1994‐Present Professor of Communication, Cleveland State University 2004‐2011 Director, School of Communication, Cleveland State University 2003‐2004 Chair, Department of Communication, Cleveland State University 1985‐1994 Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Cleveland State University 1980‐1985 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Cleveland State University 1979‐1980 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Cleveland State University 1 SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS Books Perloff, R.M. (in press). The dynamics of persuasion: Communication and attitudes in the 21s t century (6th ed.). New York: Routledge. Perloff, R.M. (2018, under contract). The dynamics of political communication: Media and politics in a digital age (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. Perloff, R.M. (2014). The dynamics of political communication: Media and politics in a digital age. New York: Routledge. Perloff, R.M. (2014, 2010, 2008, 2003). The dynamics of persuasion: Communication and attitudes in the 21st century (5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd eds.). New York: Routledge. Perloff, R.M. (2001). Persuading people to have safer sex: Applications of social science to the AIDS crisis. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Perloff, R.M. (1998). Political communication: Politics, press, and public in America. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Perloff, R.M. (1993). The dynamics of persuasion. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Kraus, S., & Perloff, R.M. (Eds.) (1985). Mass media and political thought: An information‐ processing approach. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Journal Articles Perloff, R.M. (2016). An integrative terror management theory perspective on media effects: A model and 12 hypotheses for research. Studies in Media and Communication, 4, 49‐62. Perloff, R.M. (2015). A three‐decade retrospective on the hostile media effect. Mass Communication and Society, 18, 701‐729. Perloff, R.M. (2015). Mass communication research at the crossroads: Definitional issues and theoretical directions for mass and political communication scholarship in an age of online media. Mass Communication and Society, 18, 531‐556. Perloff, R.M. (2014). Act 2: Extending theory on social media and body image concerns. (Response to commentators in Feminist Forum). Sex Roles, 71, 414‐418. Perloff, R.M. (2014). Social media effects on young women’s body image concerns: 2 Theoretical perspectives and an agenda for research. Sex Roles, 71, 363‐377. Lipsitt, L, & Perloff, R.M. (2013). Obituaries: Robert Perloff (1921‐2013). American Psychologist, 68, 881‐882. Perloff, R.M. (2013). Progress, paradigms, and a discipline engaged: A response to Lang and reflections on media effects research. Communication Theory, 23, 317‐333. Perloff, R.M. (2006). Guest Editor, Special issue, Communication and racial disparities in health care. American Behavioral Scientist, 49, 6. Perloff, R.M. (2006). Introduction: Communication and health care disparities. American Behavioral Scientist, 49, 6, 755‐759. Perloff, R.M., Bonder, B., Ray, G.B., Berlin Ray, E.B., & Siminoff, L.A. (2006). Doctor‐patient communication, cultural competence, and minority health: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. American Behavioral Scientist, 49, 6, 835‐852. Perloff, R.M. (2003). Negative messengers (A review essay). Journal of Communication, 53, 729‐ 733. Perloff, R.M. (2000). The press and lynchings of African Americans. Journal of Black Studies, 30, 315‐330. Perloff, R.M. (1999). The third‐person effect: A critical review and synthesis. (Theoretical integration essay). Media Psychology, 1, 353‐378. Perloff, R.M. (1993). Third‐person effect research 1983‐1992: A review and synthesis. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 5, 167‐184. Perloff, R.M., Neuendorf, K.A., Giles, D., Chang, T.K., & Jeffres, L.W. (1992). Perceptions of “Amerika.” Mass Communication Review, 19, 42‐48. Perloff, R.M., & Kinsey, D. (1992). Political advertising as seen by consultants and journalists. Journal of Advertising Research, 32, 53‐60. Perloff, R.M., & Ray, G.B. (1991). An analysis of AIDS brochures directed at intravenous drug users. Health Communication, 3, 113‐125. Perloff, R.M., & Pettey, G. (1991). Designing an AIDS information campaign to reach intravenous drug users and sex partners. Public Health Reports, 106, 460‐463. 3 Perloff, R.M. (1991). Effects of an AIDS communication campaign. Journalism Quarterly, 68, 638‐643. Perloff, R.M. (1991). Psychological dynamics of political advertising effects. Political Communication and Persuasion, 8, 213‐219. Rouner, D.L., & Perloff, R.M. (1991). A reexamination of issues and images in the 1984 Ohio primary. Mass Comm Review, 18, 60‐64. Perloff, R.M. (1989). Ego‐involvement and the third person‐effect of televised news coverage. Communication Research, 16, 232‐262. Rouner, D.L., & Perloff, R.M. (1988). Selective perception of first 1984 presidential debate. Journalism Quarterly, 65, 141‐145. Pettey, G., Perloff, R.M., & Neuendorf, K. (1986). Feeling and learning about a critical event: The shuttle explodes. Central States Speech Journal, 37, 166‐179. Perloff, R.M. (1984). Political involvement: A critique and a process‐oriented reformulation. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 1, 146‐160. Perloff, R.M., Quarles, R.C., & Drutz, M. (1983). Loneliness, depression and the uses of television. Journalism Quarterly, 60, 352‐355. Perloff, R.M., Wartella, E.A., & Becker, L.B. (1982). Increasing learning from TV news. Journalism Quarterly, 56, 83‐86. Perloff, R.M., & Krevans, J. (1982). Tracking the psychosocial predictors of older individuals’ television uses. Journal of Psychology, 121, 365‐372. Perloff, R.M. (1982). Gender constancy and same‐sex imitation: A developmental study. Journal of Psychology, 111, 81‐86. Perloff, R.M. (1982). A cognitive response interpretation of political persuasion. Proceedings of the Consumer Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, 23‐27. Perloff, R.M., Brown, J.D., & Miller, M.M. (1982). Mass media and sex‐typing: Research perspectives and policy implications. International Journal of Women’s Studies 5, 274‐ 281. Perloff, R.M., Jeffres, L., Kopec, P.B., & Ulaszewski, M. (1982). Exploring urban university students’ mass communication habits. College Student Journal, 16, 231‐232. 4 Perloff, R.M., & Perloff, R. (1982). Enhancing research on and policies for peer review practices. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3, 232‐233. Faber, R.F., Perloff, R.M., & Hawkins, R.P. (1982). Antecedents of children’s comprehension of television advertising. Journal of Broadcasting, 26, 575‐584. Kvasnicka, B., Beymer, B., & Perloff, R.M. (1982). A comparative study of portrayals of the elderly in magazine advertisements. Journalism Quarterly, 59, 656‐658. Weary, G., Harvey, J., Schweiger, P., Olson, C., Perloff, R., & Pritchard, S. (1982). Self‐ presentation and the moderation of self‐serving attributional biases. Social Cognition, 1, 140‐159. Knill, B.J., Pesch, M., Pursey, G., Gilpin, P., & Perloff, R.M. (1981). Still typecast after all these years: Sex role portrayals in television advertising. International Journal of Women’s Studies, 4, 497‐506. Perloff, R.M., & Lamb, M.E. (1981). The development of gender roles: An integrative life‐span perspective. Journal Supplement Abstract Service: Catalogue of Selected Documents, 11. Perloff, R.M., & Brock, T.C. (1980). The role of own cognitive responses in persuasion: A conceptual overview. Advances in Consumer Research, 5, 741‐744. Perloff, R.M. (1977). Some antecedents of children’s sex‐role stereotypes. Psychological Reports, 40, 463‐466. Perloff, R.M. (1976). Journalism research: A 20‐year perspective. Journalism Quarterly, 53, 123‐ 126. Book Chapters Perloff, R.M. (2013). Political persuasion. In J P. Dillard & L. Shen (Eds), The Sage handbook of persuasion: Developments in theory and practice (2nd ed., pp. 258‐277). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Perloff, R.M. (2009). Mass media, social perception, and the third‐person effect. In J. Bryant & M.B. Oliver (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (3rd ed., pp. 252‐268). New York: Taylor & Francis. Pettey, G., & Perloff, R.M. (2008). Creating a climate of safer sex: Making efficacious action plausible. In P. Swanepoel & H. Hoeken (Eds.), Adapting health communication to cultural needs: Optimizing documents in South‐African health communication on HIV and AIDS 5 prevention (pp. 31‐47). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Gunther, A.C., Perloff, R.M., & Tsfati, Y. (2008). Public opinion and the third‐person effect. In W. Donsbach & M. Traugott (Eds.), Handbook of public opinion research (pp. 184‐191). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Newman, B.I., & Perloff, R.M. (2003). Political marketing: Theory, research, and applications. In L. Kaid (Ed.), Handbook of political marketing
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