What’s Inside Published by the City of Richardson www.cor.net — 972-744-4104 October 2019, Vol. 32, No. 1 “New era” budget focuses on infrastructure, public safety The 2019-20 budget approved by the City Council last month includes an overall increase of 4.1 percent in expenditures from last year, October 19-20 reflecting strong property values experienced in Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. the city associated with growth in the Richard- son Telecom Corridor© and North Texas area. The new budget directly applies the impact of this recent growth toward improvements in in- HuhinesArtTrails.com frastructure and resources for public safety. The budget maintains the tax rate of Huffhines Art Trails $0.62516 and includes an increase in the City’s and Pawtoberfest senior property tax exemption to $100,000. at Huffhines Park The City’s budget development for this up- coming fiscal year, and the years to follow, are Page 9 being heavily influenced by recently ratified state Huffhines Art Trails and legislation that constrains property tax and fran- Pawtoberfest come to chise tax revenue. While the fuller impact will Huffhines Park. be felt in the 2020-21 budget cycle, key prepa- ration steps and constraints have been made in ment markings and buttons. One mile of bike Information Technologies the 2019-20 budget. A “new era two-year view” lane will be added on Spring Valley Road from and Traffic Initiatives has been used as an informal budget theme for Grove Road to Plano Road and existing bike New this year is a dedication of an annual this year. Stronger attention to new operating lanes at Yale Road from Buckingham Road to $1.85 million to begin IT and traffic technology expenses, price and inflation escalations and re- Campbell Road will be updated. upgrades. Traffic initiatives include the upgrad- curring cost obligations will be made. These will Public Safety ing of network connectivity for traffic signals likely impact future municipal service delivery. Funding is included for the replacement of and installation of 40 video detection cameras COTTONWOOD PARK RICHARDSON, TEXAS “This budget responds to the fiscal policy vehicles for the Police Department and the re- for traffic management.See story on page 4. Saturday: 10a-7p Art Festival Sunday: 10a-5p changes made during this year’s legislative ses- placement of a rescue pumper apparatus and Other highlights include: FREE ADMISSION & FREE PARKING OCTOBER 5-6 COTTONWOODARTFESTIVAL.COM CELEBRATING THE ART OF FUN FOR 50 YEARS sion in Austin,” said Richardson City Manager an ambulance for the Fire Department. The • Certified axT Roll increase of 7.51 percent Dan Johnson. “We’re evolving our budget to ad- budget also includes money to support elec- • Maintains a tax rate of $0.62516 Cottonwood just to this ‘new era’ and balance the services we tronic citation software and 911. • Increasing the Senior Tax Exemption from Art Festival provide in order to focus on key City Council Park Maintenance $85,000 to $100,000 initiatives related to neighborhood vitality, de- The budget includes a ¼ cent of the property • A total of approximately $5.4 million in is Oct. 5-6 velopment and redevelopment of key commer- tax dedicated for parks maintenance projects as street/alley maintenance Page 9 cial corridors and keeping a priority on funding part of a multiyear maintenance strategy. This • 7.5 percent rate adjustment in water and The semiannual event fea- infrastructure improvements.” year’s funding will provide for improvements at sewer services tures work from 240 artists The following are some key highlights in- 13 neighborhoods parks and matching funds for and offers live music, food cluded in this year’s budget. five neighborhood beautification projects. and beverages and the kid’s Infrastructure Maintenance ArtStop. Infrastructure maintenance is funded at $5.4 Additional budget information at www.cor.net/budget million in this year’s budget for arterial streets, collector streets and neighborhood zones, an Video replays • Sept. 9 City Council Meeting alley repair program, and a preventative main- • July 15-16 Budget Workshops Budget and Tax Rate adopted tenance program. Included in that total are 43 • Aug. 12 Budget Presentation Documents alley repair projects and street maintenance in • Aug. 19 Tax Rate Hearing • 2019-20 Adopted Budget three residential areas. Small street signs in two • Aug. 26 Tax Rate • Agendas from all meetings zones will be replaced as will numerous pave- and Budget Hearings • Handouts from all meetings National Night Out Cotton Belt Silver Line groundbreaking is held Electronics Recycling is Tuesday, Oct. 1 The Richardson Police De- and Shredding Event partment (RPD) is celebrating Page 8 National Night Out Tuesday, Oct. The RCPAAA will sponsor 1 from 6-8 p.m. The annual event an electronics recycling and showcases the vital importance of shredding event Oct. 19. police-community partnerships and resident involvement in our fight to build a safer nation. This year the RPD is asking residents holding neighborhood block parties to promote “pre- venting burglary of motor vehi- cles” by using signage and other partment’s local Neighborhood themed materials. According Watch program and the goal of to RPD statistics, the most fre- both programs is to enhance the quently reported criminal offense quality of life for people within in Richardson is “burglary of a their own communities. motor vehicle” and the majority Food donations A ceremonial groundbreaking date back to DART’s formation of the vehicles were unlocked. for Network was held last month for DART’s in 1983 and the right-of-way was Always remember to remove your Officers will be out again this new Silver Line project. The purchased in 1990. Trains will run valuables from your vehicle and year visiting registered parties groundbreaking was held at the along the 26-mile Cotton Belt Cor- lock the doors. and collecting canned food do- University of Texas at Dallas’ ridor that extends between Plano This is the 30th year the City nations for the “Can Do” project Northside development, which will and DFW Airport, allowing it to of Richardson has participated in that helps the Network of Com- be home to one of two Richardson connect to DART’s Red, Green National Night Out (NNO), an munity Ministries food pantry. Silver Line stations, and was at- and Orange light rail lines and annual recognition of police-com- For more information, go to tended by representatives from the the Fort Worth Transportation Au- munity partnerships across the www.richardsonpolice.net or con- City of Richardson, University of thority’s TEXRail. Once complete, nation. This is the 36th year tact the Crime Prevention Unit at Texas at Dallas and DART. Richardson residents will have a of the Richardson Police De- 972-744-4955. The Silver Line is decades in direct connection to DFW Airport. the making. Plans for the service . continued on page 5 Page 2 Richardson Today, October 2019 Early voting is set for Nov. 5 State Constitutional Amendment Election Early voting for the Nov. 5 election is Oct. 21-Nov. 1 October is the beginning of the City of Richardson’s fiscal Registered voters living in Dallas County may vote early at Richardson City Hall/Civic Center or at any year, and the City Council and I of the other Dallas County early voting locations. Registered voters living in Collin County may vote early at are happy to be able to report this Methodist Richardson Medical Center or at any of the other Collin County early voting locations. year’s budget maintains a strong Below are dates and times for early voting. focus on improving infrastructure and providing resources for public DATE DALLAS COUNTY COLLIN COUNTY safety. This was possible because Oct. 21-25 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. of the strong property values we have in Richardson due to the con- Oct. 26 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 a.m.-7 p.m. tinued growth in the Telecom Cor- Oct. 27 1-6 p.m. 1-6 p.m. ridor© area, and I hope you feel, as I do, that your investment in Rich- Oct. 28-30 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 a.m.-7 p.m. ardson has been good for adding Oct. 31-Nov. 1 7 a.m.-7 p.m. 7 a.m.-7 p.m. value to your home and enjoying a good quality of life. Election Day voting will take place Tuesday, Nov. 5 from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Richardson City Hall is NOT a Our top priority continues to Mayor voting location on Election Day. be our focus on infrastructure. For more information, call the numbers or visit the websites listed below. Paul Voelker Richardson is a great community, [email protected] but we are also aging. Many of our City of Richardson Dallas County Collin County roads and water mains were built 972-744-4290 214-819-6389 972-547-1990 before many people in college www.cor.net/elections www.DallasCountyVotes.org www.collincountytx.gov/elections today were born, which is why we continue to prioritize street and some of our community’s financial RISD Board of Trustee Election early voting set alley repair in the budget for re- needs. The state legislature passed placement and maintenance. property tax reform that will begin Early voting for the Nov. 5 RISD Board of Trustee Election is Oct. 21-Nov. 1 Of course, we also continue to in 2020 and will inhibit the abil- ity for many cities across Texas to Registered voters living in the Richardson Independent School District (RISD) may vote early at Richardson meet the needs of our public safety create budgets that can meet the City Hall/Civic Center.
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