ISSN 1025-7497 Secretariat of the Pacific Community TRADITIONAL Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Number 12 — December 2000 INFORMATION BULLETIN Group Coordinator and Bulletin Editor: Kenneth Ruddle, Katsuragi 2-24-20, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken 651-1223, Japan; E-mail: [email protected]]. Production: Information Section, Marine Resources Division, SPC, B.P. D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. [Fax: +687 263818; E-mail: [email protected]]. The bulletin is also available at: <http://www.spc.int/coastfish> . Produced with financial assistance from France and Australia. Note from the editor I apologise for the delay in getting this issue to you. We had Inside several contributions lined-up from Fiji, but then none materi- alised, owing to political turmoil there. Instead, we are going this issue to press with another issue focussing on Solomon Islands, a reflection of the great interest that nation has for this “Special Hunting method and Interest Group”. the ecological knowledge of dolphins among The first of the three articles is by Daisuke Takekawa of the the Fanalei villagers of Malaita, Kitakyushu University, Japan. His paper, “Hunting method Solomon Islands and the ecological knowledge of dolphins among the Fanalei by D. Takekawa p. 3 villagers of Malaita, Solomon Islands” is based on nine months field research in Fanalei village, during the early 1990s. In the Women, rural development Solomon Islands, men of particular villages hunt dolphins to and community-based resource obtain the teeth, which are used as the traditional currency, for management in the Roviana bride price and for personal adornment. Dolphin teeth are one Lagoon, Solomon Islands: of the items used to form a network among the people of the establishing marine area. The Fanalei villagers produce some 100,000 dolphin invertebrate refugia teeth, almost all of which are sent to other parts of Malaita and by S. Aswani p. 11 neighbouring islands. Fanalei village is intimately concerned with the circulation of dolphin teeth. To hunt dolphins, groups Traditional knowledge of men go by dugout canoe to the open sea early in the morn- possessed by the fishers of ing, and drive individual schools of dolphins to the beach by Marovo Lagoon, Solomon hitting two stones together below the water surface. Islands, concerning fish aggregating behaviour In the second article, “Women, rural development and com- by R.E. Johannes & E. Hviding p. 22 munity-based resource management in the Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands: establishing marine invertebrate refugia”, New publications p. 29 Shankar Aswani notes that in some places, historical use, cul- tural affiliation and societal attitudes can provide a basis for New projects p. 32 modern management of marine areas. This idea has been widely promoted. But, in practice, different systems of marine Conferences & workshops p. 34 resources governance and management can co-exist in a single MARINE RESOURCES DIVISION – INFORMATION SECTION 2 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #12 – December 2000 region. This then raises the fundamental question fishermen concerning their marine resources. His of which institutional arrangements are best able fieldwork was done with the assistance of Edvard to produce precautionary management programs, Hviding. Hviding, then a graduate student at the such as marine reserves and spatio-temporal refu- University of Bergen, Norway, who had been liv- gia? Aswani, who is from the University of ing in Marovo for a year and was studying other California, Santa Barbara, attempts to answer that aspects of traditional fishing and marine resource question by summarising a case study from management, including customary marine tenure Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands. The case eluci- and its associated knowledge. Marovo people dates variables between different sea tenure insti- have a very impressive knowledge of sea animals. tutions and core historical and social tenets that Some of their most important practical informa- distinguish adaptable and successful regimes from tion concerns where fish and other marine organ- those that are not. Dr Aswani also examines a isms are found in large numbers; when they are small-scale women’s rural development project found there (that is, season, lunar period, tidal that is involved in the establishment of spatio-tem- stage, time of day); and their behaviour and move- poral refugia and a marine reserve in a mangrove ments. Many reef and lagoon fishes come together habitat. The project’s initial success indicates sea in large numbers during particular months, dur- tenure governance arrangements that may favour ing particular moon phases and at special places. the establishment of successful management Some of these aggregations are described in regimes. Further, the case shows how anthropolo- Marovo by such names as bobili, baini, rovana, and gists can integrate their empirical research results sakoto. Knowing this makes it easier for the fisher- with the objectives of local people for the purpose men to be at the right place at the right time for of participatory environmental management. good fishing. Sometimes these aggregations form for the purpose of spawning, as when groupers Robert E. Johannes and Edvard Hviding complete mass in certain reef passes, or mullet school and the contributions to this issue with their article swim in tight circles. In other cases, fish aggregate “Traditional knowledge possessed by the fishers for the purpose of feeding, or for protection. In of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, concerning other cases, neither Marovo fishermen nor biolo- fish aggregating behaviour”. In May 1987, gists know why the fish come together. Johannes was asked by the Marovo Area Council to record important aspects of the exceptionally Kenneth Ruddle rich traditional knowledge of Marovo Lagoon SPCTraditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge InformationON-LINE Bulletin Past issues of this bulletin, as well as many other publications from the SPC Coastal Fisheries Programme, are now available on SPC’s website at: http://www.spc.int/coastfish/ or http://www.sidsnet.org/pacific/spc/coastfish/ Go to “Newsletters” to find the Traditional and other information bulletins, or to “Reports” to find other recent SPC Marine Resources Division publications SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #12 – December 2000 3 Hunting method and the ecological knowledge of dolphins among the Fanalei villagers of Malaita, Solomon Islands Daisuke Takekawa1 Introduction team work and heavy labour than other kinds of fishing. If a Fanalei villager goes fishing instead of In the Solomon Islands, men of particular villages dolphin hunting, he can easily get enough fish for hunt dolphins to obtain the teeth, which are then his family. On the other hand, the probability of used as the traditional currency, for bride price success in dolphin hunting is low, and is risky for and for personal adornment. Young girls are those who subsist mostly on local foods. Although decked out with beautiful shell beads and dolphin about 100 dolphins can be taken at one time, fre- teeth, and young boys and their parents collect quent failure results in a total absence of meat. many teeth to take these girls for wives. Dolphin teeth are one of the items used to form a network Nevertheless, Fanalei villagers still go hunting among the people of the area. There is an exquisite when the season begins. Prior to the introduction sense for the shape of dolphin teeth. of Christianity, only Fanalei and Bita’ama were the places for dolphin hunting on Malaita. Even today There are five specialised dolphin-hunting villages Fanalei is the only village that constantly catches on Malaita Island, all occupied by Lau-speakers dolphins. The villagers are proud of their tradi- (Figure 1). The Lau are renowned fishers. Fanalei is one of these villages. The Fanalei villagers are “saltwater people” (wane i asi). To hunt dolphins, groups of men go by dugout canoe to the open sea early in the morning, and drive individual schools of dolphins to the beach by hitting two stones together below the surface of the water. They usu- ally live by the beach and possess a profound knowledge about the sea. Such knowledge, specif- ically concerning dolphin hunting and the dol- phin itself, demonstrates how the Fanalei villagers perceive their biological and physical environ- ment, and especially the dolphin. Dolphins are called kirio in the Lau language and fish are called ia. The terms ia or ika are widely used in Malay-Austronesian languages. People in Malaita categorise dolphins as a kind of fish, and the word ia sometimes denotes only the dolphin. Dolphin hunting villages (For example nifo ia is literally “the teeth of fish” Area where dolphin teeth are but to Lau people it means “dolphin teeth”.) Thus, used as bride price the dolphin is thought to be “the fish of fishes” by Malaita people. I observed 38 different fishing methods at Fanalei. As always, a particular fishing method is selected according to time, place and target species (Takekawa 1992). Dolphin hunting is but one of Figure 1. Location of study area. these methods, although it requires more skilled 1. Faculty of Humanities, Kitakyushu University, 4-2-1 Kitagata, Kokura-minami, Kitakyushu 802-8577, Japan. 4 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #12 – December 2000 tional status and their annual collection of some The oral history does not tell exactly why hunt- 100,000 dolphin teeth, almost all of which are sent ing stopped. But Christianity had been intro- to other parts of Malaita and neighbouring duced during this period, and as a consequence islands. So Fanalei is a special village intimately many traditional customs were prohibited. It is concerned with the circulation of dolphin teeth, possible that dolphin hunting was also prohibit- and equivalent to a few Langalanga villages for ed at the same time. In addition, however, the red shell money (Cooper 1971).
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