Sunday 26 January 2014 The Third Sunday of Epiphany Bible Readings at 10 am Isaiah 9.1-4 Pew Bible page 693 Matthew 4.12-23 Pew Bible page 968 Our vision at Holy Trinity is to live and share Christ’s love Services this week Sunday 26 January 8.00 am Holy Communion (Revd Nick Molony) 10.00 am Holy Communion with Baptism (Ven. Karen Gorham) 6.00 pm Evening Prayer (Geoffrey Brand) Monday 27 January 2.30 pm Prayer and Intercession Group (Vestry) Wednesday 29 January 10.00 am Holy Communion (Revd Peter Binns) Sunday 2 February 8.00 am Holy Communion (Revd. Jeremy Brooks) 10.00 am Family Service (Linda West LLM) 6.00 pm Evening Prayer (Ruth Parry-Jennings LLM) This week we pray: • for our baptismal child, as she begins her journey of faith at baptism today • for our Area Dean, Revd. Camilla Walton, and our Churchwardens as they lead us through the Interregnum, giving thanks for all our visiting clergy and LLMs • for Revd Ian Brown, rector designate of Chalfont St Giles, and for that parish as they prepare to welcome him on15 April (Tuesday of Holy Week) • for those whom God is preparing to apply to be our parish priest when the post is advertised next Friday and the following week • for all who contribute to the smooth running of our church—in particular, this week, the crèche, Fun and Faith and Junior Church, and for more leaders to come forward for Junior Church • for our preparations for the Women’s World Day of Prayer, for Lent groups and for Christian Aid Week (see notices) • for those who are ill and those who are anxious, or recently bereaved, that they may know the comfort of God’s presence • for ourselves, that we may follow Christ faithfully. Who’s Who at 10.00am Duty Warden: Katie Bentley Sidesmen: Pam Britton and Roger West Organist: Graham Nash Reader: Clare Newton Intercessions: Linda and Roger West Chalice: Muriel Ward Creche: Stacey Lambert Fun & Faith Nicola Coyne Junior Church:Emma Pegram & tba Coffee: Colin and Ali Cork WELCOME TO ALL WORSHIPPERS TODAY AT HOLY TRINITY Today We welcome Revd Nick Molony who is presiding at our 8.00 am Communion service and the Venerable Karen Gorham, Archdeacon of Buckingham, at 10.00 am, and our baptismal family. The February edition of the Diocesan newspaper The Door is now available. Please take copies for yourselves and for friends and neighbours as well. If you have not already received details of our plans for Lent groups via e-mail or a letter please take a copy of the letter from the table by the door before you leave. The Prayer and Intercession Group meet tomorrow at 2.30 pm in the Vestry. All welcome. Also tomorrow is the Men’s Pub Night in the Three Horseshoes at 8pm for a pint, chat and getting to know each other better. (Next meeting 10 Feb with speaker.) Looking ahead On Thursday 6 February at 8pm in the Parish Church Hall the Seer Green Eight o'Clock Club will be given an illustrated talk by David Tester on the work of MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) - an organisation which flies essentials of everyday living to the world's most isolated communities. All welcome. Cost £3 including tea/coffee and biscuits. On Sunday 16 February at 6pm there will be a celebration of marriage service with opportunity to renew marriage vows, followed by refreshments. Friday 7 March is the Women’s World Day of Prayer and it is our turn to host the day. Please make a note of the date now—even men are welcome! Next Easter there will be a very special BRF Quiet Day at Jordans Meeting House on Wednesday 16 April led by the well-known author Ann Persson. A meditation for Passion Week following Jesus from his entry into Jerusalem to his burial in a borrowed tomb. £30 including lunch. Book the date now! Early May is Christian Aid Week. We are still looking for someone, or possibly two people sharing, to organise the house-to-house collection, as well as the usual volunteers. If you can help in any way please contact Peter Vinall. Parish Administration We still desperately need help with parish administration. It need not be one person—there are plenty of one-off jobs which could be done by anyone with an hour or two to spare on an occasional basis. Hymns We try to start the service with a hymn the children know before they go off to their groups. It would be really helpful if you could let Linda, Melissa or the group leaders know which hymns and songs the children really love. Our Book of Remembrance contains the names of the departed who have been associated with this church, including—but not only—those whose cremated remains are interred in the Garden of Remembrance. We shall shortly be updating the Book (the last entry is June 2012) so would you please remind Linda by the end of February of anyone whose name should now be included, if possible with full name, and dates of birth and death Parochial Church Council The PCC comprises: Barbara Northcote and Andy Nicholson (churchwardens), Peter Bingle and Katie Bentley (deputy churchwardens), Chris Keane (finance), Audrey Hardy (treasurer), Sue Puttergill (secretary), Linda West (Licensed Lay Minister and Deanery Synod representative), Brendan Coyne, Lucy Gottelier and Mark Webb. We are in need of more PCC and Deanery Synod members - if you feel God is giving you a nudge in this direction, please speak to one of us. What’s on? We now place a list in the porch showing when the church is being used outside normal service times or when something special is taking place at normal service times. This is to help those who clean the church, arrange flowers, etc. to know when it is free. Anyone who wishes to use the church for other purposes is requested to inform Linda and add their name to the list. Parish Church Hall Our hall offers an attractive location at competitive rates for your meeting, celebration, social activity or other event. Please contact Hannah Vivian Orange Envelopes As a UK taxpayer you can increase the value of your offering by nearly 30% by putting it in one of the orange envelopes in the pews and completing the front. To give regularly please consider a standing order/direct debit, or the Free Will Offering Scheme blue envelopes instead—which can be ‘Gift Aided’ and are simpler to administer. For details please contact the treasurer Audrey Hardy. Pew sheet editors: Pam Britton, Catherine Worsfold and Geoffrey Brand Next week’s editor is Catherine. Websites Parish: <www.seergreenandjordanscofe.org> Deanery: <www.amersham.deanery.org> Diocese: <www.oxford.anglican.org.> Please take this pew sheet home with you for information and for your prayers. Please hand in the service sheet and leave hymn books in the pews, spine uppermost. Thank you. We welcome children throughout all our services. If they need a break at anytime please feel free to use the facilities in the vestry– toys, toilet etc—coming and going as you wish. After the children’s talk there will be Fun & Faith in the vestry for pre-school children and Junior Church for older ones in the Parish Church Hall. All welcome. Are you, your family, or a friend, in special need of prayer? If so, please see the book for your requests on the small table by the pulpit — or ring Peter Bingle. Collect at 10 am Almighty God, whose Son revealed in signs and miracles the wonder of your saving presence: renew your people with your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your mighty power; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Church Life It has always been a great strength of this church that so many of our congregation are involved in some way in the running of the services, cleaning, decorating and looking after the building and the churchyard, Junior Church, Fun and Faith, the creche, secretarial services, the Church Council (PCC), representing us on the Deanery Synod, etc is particularly necessary as we await the appointment of a new Priest-in-Charge and we are grateful that several people have already come forward. If you are new to this and could perhaps manage to help even in a small way, or if you feel there is anything you could, do please make this known to our churchwardens, Barbara Northcote or Andy Nicholson, or speak to one of the sidesmen. And please, everyone, do be ready to respond positively if you are approached to fill some particular gap. Thank you. Hymns at 10.00 am - - We are marching (separate sheet) 560 Will you come and follow me 313 Lord of all hopefulness 266 Jesus calls us o’er the tumult The next two Mens' Pub Nights at the invitation of the Clergy and PCC and elders of the village churches are scheduled for January 27th and February 10th at the Three Horseshoes at 8pm. The 27th is just for a pint, chat and getting to know each other better.The 27th returns to the previous format of a dinner, drink and speaker, Robert Willoughby lecturer in New Testament, all for £10." Living Faith Together On Saturday 20 September there will be a “Gathering” for the whole diocesan church family. Venue to be announced.
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