Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 17, Number 33, August 17, 1990 Hollinger Corp.: Dope, Inc.'s global press empire by Sandro Mitromaco When the British monarchydecided in July to publicly launch past year, Hollinger has moved into the British, Canadian, a psychotic slander campaign against German reunifica­ American, and Israeli media, grabbing up such plums as the tion-even at the expense of severely destabilizing the London Daily Telegraph, England's largest-circulationnews Thatcher government-it was the Spectator, a well-known daily, and the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger already had bought but limited-circulationmagazine that published the now infa­ up the Spectator. mous interview with Trade Minister Nicholas Ridley, in A team of EIR investigators has spent several months which the cabinet official and close ally of Prime Minister conducting a thoroughprobe of the personalitiesand financial Margaret Thatcher compared West German Chancellor Hel­ interests behind Hollinger. That investigation revealed a mut Kohl to Hitler. Within hours of its release, the Ridley number of startling facts about the Toronto, Canada-head­ Spectator interview had grabbed headlines worldwide, trig­ quartered firm, not the least of which was the strong indica­ gering a spate of propaganda pieces purporting to "debate" tion that the funds behind Hollinger's global media grab whether or not Germans were inherently "authoritarian." appear at least in part to be laundered proceeds from the Far The wing of the Anglo-American Establishment most East opium trade. strongly committed to a British-Soviet axis against unified The idea that Golden Triangle opium proceeds finance Germany-and, not surprisingly, also committed to steering secret Anglo-American intelligence operations, including Israel into a new Mideast war-had scoreda propagandashot large-scale psychological warfare capabilities, is nothing across the bow with Ridley's interview, and had further set new. As a team of EIR editors documented in the 1979 book­ in motion the option of dumping Prime Minister Thatcher-if length study of the world drug trad¢,Dope, Inc., Great Brit­ circumstances demanded her replacement by someone more ain has traditionally trafficked in opium and other illegal able to wage a sophisticated "balance of power" war against drugs, and has traditionally laundered the profits through a the emerging prospect of a Berlin-centered, new continental Hong Kong-to-Canada route. European order. Similarly, when the same Anglo-American crowd decid­ The Hollinger profile ed to install a war cabinet in Israel that could be called upon The Toronto-based Hollinger Corporation brings togeth­ to unleash a Middle East Armageddon-even at the expense er on its board of directors a collection of British Foreign of the survival of the Jewish state-one of the first steps was Office assets, long associated with what has been alternately the takeover of the most powerful newspaper in Israel, the referred to as the "Anglo-Zionist," "Cosmopolitan," or Jerusalem Post. Once respected as Israel's "newspaper of "Trust" faction of the English-speaking Establishment. record," the Post was transformed overnight into a shrill Hollinger chairman Conrad Black is a second-generation propaganda organ for Israel's would-be dictator, Gen. Ariel British Intelligence financial warfare specialist who was Sharon. In keeping with the prejudices of the Anglo crowd sponsored by one of Her Majesty's leading wartime spymas­ that bought it, the Post began agitating for a new secret ters, Edward Plunket Taylor. alliance between the Israeli Mossad and the Soviet KGB­ Other current board members include: not only for thepurpose of jointly spying on the Arab nations, • Peter Lord Carrington, former British Tory Defense but to conduct joint operations in Central Europe to under­ Minister, former NATO Secretary General, and a current mine "anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism"-British Foreign Of­ partner in Kissinger Associates; fice buzzwords for German economic influence. • Henry A. Kissinger; In both instances, the vehicle used to carry out these • Peter Bronfman, the cousin of Edgar Bronfman of the government-shattering propaganda forays was a little-known Seagram's-Du Pont empire; media conglomerate called the Hollinger Corporation. In the • Paul Reichmann, the Hungarian-born Canadian Jew- EIR August 17, 1990 International 51 © 1990 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. ish real estate mogul whose Olympia and York firmemerged ny that has historically been at the hub of British opium from nowhere (reportedly with Bronfman family patronage) traffickingout of Hong Kong; Lord King, chairman of British to grab a lion's share of high ticket real estate all over the Airways; and Sir James Goldsmith. world during the 1980s; Goldsmith's rags-to-riches emergence as one of Britain's • Robert Campeau, the chairman of the now-bankrupt leading raiders of American industry and finance was facili­ Campeau Corp. department store conglomerate. tated beginning in the mid-1970s by one of Conrad Black's The modus operandi of Hollinger is simple: Buy up print closest allies, ArthurRoss of New York. media all over the world and transform them into vehicles Black and Hollinger ran a similar housecleaning over the for the brand of pseudo-conservatism known to EIR readers 12 months since buying out the Jerusalem Post, a change as "Project Democracy"-the secret government apparatus noted in the 1990 Hollinger Corp. annual report, issued in manipulating U . S. policy, increasingly, since the time of the April: "We reasoned that, as the Post had formerly been Iran-Contra fiasco. The accumulation of political power and owned by a Labour confederacy and was clearly greatly influence through this method is incalculable. The ability to overstaffed, there was substantial potential for drastically create, destroy, blackmail, and control political leaders and improved operating efficiency. To date the personnel have processes is enormous. been reduced. The changes . have not been introduced as Hollinger's media empire now includes 80 daily news­ quietly as we would have hoped. The editor resigned after papers and 151 weekly papers throughout Canada, the his sole ability to commit the newspaper irrevocably on mat­ United States, England, Israel, and the Caribbean. The ters of the utmost national importance to Israel has been total daily paid circulation is 1.9 million. The total circula­ slightly curtailed . the managing editor resigned taking tion of the weeklies is an estimated 2.9 million. In the about 25 other editorial people with him. This was not an United States, Hollinger is aggressively pursuing a strategy altogether unwelcome development." of buying and expanding local newspapers. It is already The buyout of the Jerusalem Post was carried out by present in 20 states from Arkansas to Pennsylvania, from Hollinger via a multimillion-dollar loan from a mysterious illinois to Hawaii, and from Connecticut to Colorado. Vancouver, British Columbia-based privately owned hold­ Hollinger is also relentlessly buying up modem printing ing company called Gee Corporation. After much probing, facilities· and paper mills so that its increasing control over EIR learned that Gee was a personal financial vehicle for one the supply of printers' paper will be secured by a vertically of Hong Kong's most powerful financiers, Li Ka-shing, the integrated industry structure. man known as the "Red Baron" because of his deep ties to The main arms of Hollinger in the media wars are: The the communist regime in Beijing. Li Ka-shing is the vice Daily Telegraph PLC (Hollinger and the Telegraph Group chairman of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpora­ bought the Spectator); the American Publishing Company; tion, another British Empire creation of the 19th century that UniMedia, Inc.; SterlingNewspapers, Ltd.; SaturdayNight for decades boasted of its pivotal role in the world opium Magazine, Inc.; the Financial Post Co., Ltd.; and Valley trade.No evidence has ever been surfaced suggesting that Cable TV, Inc. In addition, Hollinger chairman Conrad HongShang left the dope trade. Black is trying to take over United Newspaper PLC, the Gee's readinessto fundHollinger in acquiring the preem­ group that controls some of the most important media in inent Israeli newspaper underscores the emerging picture of England, including the Daily Express. Hollinger already con­ Israel being taken over by City of London-centered interests trols 9% of the group, and Black, at this moment, is trying to traditionally linked to opium. gain more control through his friend, the Project Democracy­ linked millionaire Sir James Goldsmith. Shaping of Hollinger by war The two "crown jewels" of Hollinger are the Telegraph, Hollinger, Inc. in its present form is just the last metamor­ purchased in 1985 at the strong urging of the British branch phosis of a power group created during World War II in of the Rothschild family, and theJerusalem Post, purchased Canada under the supervision of Winston Churchill. The in 1989 in a massive overbid. In its annual reports, Hollinger group, led by Edward Plunket Taylor, was the key secret chairman Black underlines that the Telegraph is "the largest­ connection between the highest British elites andtheir Amer­ circulation general interest broadsheet newspaper in the ican counterpartsconcerning questions such as the movement Western world." The Telegraph was immediately trans­ of funds from the U.S. for the war, at a time when the U.S. formed into the house organ of the Thatcher govemment­ was still officially neutral. The war over, Taylor did not or at least the Carrington-associated policies imposed dissolve the gang. It became a private corporation: Argus, through the Thatcher government. later named Hollinger. In July 1990, Black made additions to the Telegraph's "In 1945, along with several dollar-a-year men he met board of directors including: Peter Carrington; Evelyn de while serving in wartime Ottawa, Canada, Taylor formed a Rothschild, chairman ofN.M.
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