I: i I I From San Franclae f Ventura, Sept. 24. For San Franctscs Sonoma, today, 4 pjn. From Canadian Peru Next mail, Oct. 10. For Canadian Port Next mail,' Oct. 31. Evening Bulletin, Est. 1S82, No. 6897 10 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1917. 10 PAGES PtflCE Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXV No. 7338 FIVE CENTS otnnnnn nrvn 11 l " c'Mfo)!? TO i El uuuvl Uuv I? warn GERMAN-ATTEMPT- S T0BRIBEU.S. EXPOSE0mcwM ox COMPLETE VONB.EMST0RFF IMPLICATED IN NEW BUPMClTYl SAYSHAIG All German Counter Attacks TRIED TO Dissension In HARBOR BOARD IX 5. Engineers RODIM MIXED UP Meet With Failure While tho British Artillery Aided By Death Battalion Receive Baptism Good Visibility Anticipates. INFLUENCE ACTS TO HALT WITH MAVERICK IS Enemy Movements and Splits Amazons Of German Fire Checks Charges at Terrible 8-HO- Cost to Teutons UR EXCESS FEDERAL CHARGE CONGRESS AMERICAN TRAINING CAMP (Associated Press by V. 8. Hsval Wireless.) IN FRANCE, Sept. 21. Ameri- - Eng., 21. can engineers have got their LONDON, Sept. iJVS. State Department Reveals Harbor Board to Turn Over baptism of ffre. and are show- - Alleged Conspiracy Activities of Then Acting German Consul of Ger- Lord-You- ng ing heroic bravery in face of counter-at- how von Bernstortt sougnt Complaints Against heavy bombardment of the Hun Date Back to 1915 When "Mystery" Ship That Was to Carry man infantry units which $50,000 to Expend Through Company to Federal artillery. Munitions to India Put Into Hilo tacked after the British District Attorney Day and night the engineer successes yesterday, and the regiment which has taken over 4-- Pro-Germ- an Georg Rodiek complete victory gained by Sir conduct propa violations by the an important strategio French pHAT the alleged connection of and Heinrich ALLEGEDEngineering company of railway line are engaged in haul- - 1 Augustus with the plot to foment rebellion Douglas Haig east of Ypres is ganda to Stave Off War ing vast stores for the fighting Sckroeder a :he eight-hou- r day in their work up - in back as 1915, when steamer Maverick shown in despatches from the - (Associated Wireless.) upon 8, 9 poilus close to the front India dates as far the Freti by V. 8. Kaval for the territory Piers and - trenches, and are constantly sub- an D. Sept. 20. 10, will be referred to District Attor- visited Hilo in the pursuit of its purported pro-Germ- activi- battlefront today. WASHINGTON, C jected to shell fire from the Ala- ney S. C. by V. R. Hobby, Star-Bulleti- n British commander reports ra Representative Heflln of liuber heavy. artillery of Germans. ties, is the information which has reached the The bama said on the floor of the chairman of the harbor board. the gardlng the drive in Flanders against house today that If permitted he Chairman Hobby was given author- from authoritative sources. the pivot point of Roulers that in would name fourteen member of ity to place the matter in the district The information received by this every detail It was a complete sue the two branchea of Congreaa ; Mm m V&k ' I r?- - -- A A attorney's hands at a meeting of the paper throws further light on the re- cess, and later accounts from the bat- 6 who acted auspicious and ought to board this morning. The decision fol- cent arrest of Rodiek and Schroeder tlefield show the Teutons suffered ter- be Investigated In connection lowed a number of letters to the con- Words and clears up several points which Single Check rible punishment when they endeavor- with - the charge of von Bern tractors in regard to the hours they Kitchener's have been neld In doubt since the ed to counter attack. stroffs attempts to influence 'J A were working some of their men on two Honolulu Germans left the terri- Good light enabled the scouting air, Congressional action through ' the territorial piers, and which the tory to face trial in San Francisco. Brings $5000 planes to keep tab on all enemy move-- move was money considerations. contractors have not answered. At Gallipoli Are The warrant of arrest was served ments, and every counter Finally yesterday Chairman Hobby anticipated by the British artillery. on Rodiek after his arrival in San To Cross completely (Associated Press by 17. S. Kits! Wireless.) served final notice that unless some Francisco, and that he knew he would Red T7hich is reported to have .nforniation was received from the wiped out several Teuton regiments. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. be arrested when lie reached that city : I contractors that they would work Recalled By Anzac now was trans- The rifle fire of the Tommies also VY is not doubted. Rodiek des- 21. That Count von vneir men not more than eight hours a to San Francisco for trial be- is praised in the commander's ferred patches. ambassa- day, he would turn the affair over cause a majority of the defendants in- of- - Uernstorff, German Sergeant-Majo- r Doh Urquhart of the A visitor walked into the tj the federal authorities. The letter volved in the Hindu conspiracy were "fice of Red Cross morn-- dor to the United States pre- contractors, was be- Third Light Hor6e regi- the this BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN to the which read Australian residents of California, and it seemed 4- - do-- ing and said he . wanted to FRANCE, Sept. 21. A new attack wa4 vious to the declaration of war, fore the board and filed today, fol- ment and one of the Anzacs, a name expedient to the government to try good nate a small . sum to the today launched southwest of Ghelu-vel- t, lows: given to the first battalion to leave all defendants in San Francisco rather work. The young lady in charge was endeavoring through brib- "Referring to previous ad-c.ess- which was taken yesterday in the letters Australia, passed through Honolulu on than split the alleged conspiracy up 4- requested be seated, to you under dates of August the caller to drive against Roulers, the Germans j ery to influence United States the Canadian-Australia- n liner Niagara into parts and carry on a number of 4- and she got out a book to r.ter 10th, 23d and 31st, respectively, on the 4 still retaining several strong posi- pro-Germ- an on his way to Canada. trials. a record of donation. congressmen in a above subject, we have not up to the 4 the 4 tions which are necessary to complete Sergeant-Majo- r Urquhart listened to The government's full case against 4 "How much do you want to 4 new line. movement was learned here present writing" received acknowledg- un- the British one of the last addresses of Lord Rodiek and Schroeder is withheld 4 donate?" she inquired. 4 Consolidation of the ground gained ment to the same. Star-Bulleti-n -- today..,. ' Kitchener, made to the regiment at til their trial, but the 4 "Here's a check," replied the 4 yesterday is going --rapidly, forward, "We now beg to advise you un- I al- that Gallipoli, prior to his return to Eng- la authorized to state hat their 4 caller. 4 and the attack newly launched against you comply with request con- in,- - less land and the embarkation on the fatal leged activities are concerned with 4 The young lady - charge ac- 4 positions to the southwest message sent by the German above-mentione- d isolated 7jpublic a tained in the letters tha visit of the Maverlcx o Il'lo in 4 cepted the slip, looked at the fig- - envoy as late as January, 1917, to the journey to Russia. 4 should before night be accomplished. by the lour of 1:30 o'clock p.m., 1915. At time Mr. Rodiek was ures gasped. which re ' "I distinctly his words to that 4 and 4 Berlin foreign office. In he ill N . 1 Thursday, September 20, 1917, this remember German consul in Hawaii and Mr. The check was. for $5000 and pay sum of 1 us," said Sergeant-Majo- r Urquhart, 4 4 quested authority to the matter will be placed in the hands "as Schroeder was his secretary. 4 was from Charles M. Ccoke, Ltd. $50,000 purpose of Influencing he stood before the regiment speaking 4 GERMANS AT LENS for the of the United States District Attor- "Mystery Ship" at Hilo 4 Yesterday the Red Cross re-- 4 . organiza- in a slow voice while his eyes search- Congress through a. certain ney." Two years ago this month the Ma- ceived a check for $3400 from BECOME WOBBLY of Germany. ed us from one end to other. He 4 4 tion in behalf :. In stating stand of contrac- the verick was an unexpected arrival in Castle & Cooke, and six checks the the said : 4 4 The communication indicated that case, E. Cykier, engi Hilo harbor. Due to the secrecy for $100 each. The Green Stock-- (Associated Press by XT. 8. Natal Wlreless.1 tors in the F. " 4 4 paid this or- Star-Bulleti- n 'No troops in world money had already been HHV4toa4Blkaaeea1s4s)'VMft9e9A4 neer, told the today that the would have about her movements, where she was 4 ing league brought in $23 this 4H CANADIAN HEADQUARTERS IN ganization on former occasions to per- he believes recent presidential proc- done what you did. You are the going and where she came from, the 4 morning. FRANCE, Sept 21. The position of form similar work for the German A Russian woman member of the lamations fully cover the matter.
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