ATERFORD& SOUTtl- KY- OF IRELA \ ‘OL. 1. 1894=5* WATERFORI) : ARTICLES AND EDITED DOCUMENTS :-’ , . Ancient Ruined Churches of Co. Waterford. By Rev. P. Power. - - - - 133, 162; 247 Ardmore Crannoge. By R. J. Wssher. - I 98 Association for Preservation of Memorials of Dead. - - - - - 83 Birthplace of St. Deglan, By Very Rev, F. O’Brien. - - - - 39 Bishopric of Lismore. By W. H. GrattanFlood. 221 Charles Smith, County Historian. By M. J. Hurley. - - - - - 44 Danish Christchurches of Dublin and W7aterford. By Thomas Drew. - - - - I94 Dunbrody Abbey. By Rev. P. Power. - 69 Geoffrey Keating. By Rev, W. P. Burke. ’ - I73 Holy Ghost Friary. By Rev. P. Power, - 202 Inquisition of 1661 regard’ng Leper House of t -9 Waterford. - - - - - 115 Irish Music. By Rev. W\ P!,$prke. - - 101 Local Church Architecture 12th to 15th 6 I. century). By .P!eq. W, 5. I&&&. - I 2% Municipal Records of Waterford. By W. A. Sargent, B.L. *- - - - 240 Motes on History, &c., of Western end of Co. Waterford. By G. O’C. Redmond. - =I% 147, 254 Our Lady of Ynislounaght. By Rev. W. P. Burke. - - - - - 85 Wexford in ‘98. By F. J. Bigger. - - 268 iv CONTENTS. “ Geoffrey Keating.” By W. P. B. 238 Inaugural Address. By Most Rev. Dr. Sheehan. 9 Old Waterford. By Ringrose Atkins, M.D. - 94149 LIST OF MEMBERS:- NO. I, III ; No. 2, iii ; No. 3, iii ; No. 4, iii ; No. 5, iii ; No. 6, iii. NOTES AND QUERIES:- Archaeological, 8x., Miscellania. By P. - 279, 183, 22.5 Archbishop Miler McGrath’s Papers. By J. M. C. - - - - - 95 British Lake Village. By W.‘A. Sargent. ’ - 286 Bull Baiting in Ballybricken. By M. J. Hurley. 96 Burial Place of Archbishop Brenan. By P. - 230 Cantred of Danes, By Rev. P. Power. - 94 c^ Cave Hunting. P. - ’ - c- - 192 Commerce in Clonmel 200 Years Ago. By P. 95 Co. Water-ford Y7eomanry. By Major J. Grove White. - - - - - 94 Derivation of Port Lairge. By John Fleming. 146 Diocese of Waterford in 1615. By P. - 144 Discovery of Bee Hive Chambers. By P. - 230 Dr. Creagh, Bishop of Waterford., By Rev. W. Carrigan. - - ,- - ~42. Edward Mandeville. By M. P. H. -_ - 48 English Meaning of Garranitunny,‘ &c. By E. De La P. - - - - 48 Gurteenitunny and Garranitunny. By John Fleming. - - - - - 2% Inscribed Stone near Knocktbpher. By P. - 232 Ireton In Waterford ; Lady Newport, &c. By C. P. Bolton. - - - - 192 Irish Folk Music. By P. - - - 185 James White, of Dromana. By Guillim. - 97 Jane Porter, author of (‘ Scottish Chiefs,” By M. J. Hurley. 97 CONTENTS. v NOTES +YD QUERIES cuntinzced- Lady ‘Veqh. By I-‘. - - . - -’ 189 Local Collections of Historical MSS. By P. - 233 Michael Dwyer’s Grave. By P. - - 14.5 Napoleon’s Charger, “ Marengo.” By M. 1,. H. I89 New Geneva. By MI J. Hurley. - - 48 Ogham at Kilmolash. By Ed. L - 236 Place Names in Watelford. By John Fleming “33 Prehistoric Burial Chamber. By P. - - r88 Rev. Dr. Hogan, O.S.F. By P. - - 188 Rev. Francis Hearn. By P. - i I - 236 Stone Mould for Bronze Axes. By 9. - 284 SubterraneanPassages. By Rev. P. Power. - 95 Tomb of One of the Four Mast&s. By H, ‘ _ ’ Allingham. - - - ,- 97 Thomas O’Hickey, Irish Scribel By P. - 186 Waterford Book Plates. By M. J, Hurley - 48 Waterford Sonnets. By W. C. Bonaparte Wyse. l9r West Window of Old Christ Church Cathe- ’ dral - . - 287 PROCEEDINGS :- NO. I, 6 ; NO. 2, vi ; No. 3, viii ; No. 5, viii ; No. 6, viii, RULES :- NO. I, 5 ; NO. 2, v ; No. 3, vii ; No. 4, vii ; No. 5, vii ; No. 6, vi . Corrigenda. Page 48 line 2 etc., for Garranitung and Gorteenitung, read Garranituny and Gort- -eenituny. 3, 58 Peter read IIenry. ,> 31 ,> 1629 :s 1635. :: 8; 3, 24 ,, 1647 2, 1637. 9, 74 ), 16 ,, I255 93 1355e >, 77 >Y 24 >Y 1537 ,, 1.539. ,, 10 :, 9-a,io 9, Yaison. was , it was. ” z ,, 21 ,, 97 :: 86 note ,> Demensis ,f Dunensis. >9 87 line 20 >, Judiciary 19 Justiciary. .,P 25 >, Citeau ,3 Citeaux. :: 2% 9, ; ,3 ,, >B m 2, ,S >: 9s are. :: IF; note 23 Stofe’s 2, Stokes’. 3, 107 line 2 ,, as” 92 “ As, ,, 111 insert . Zaqo. 2, 112 .*, Zayqhetto. s, 113 . adante. S’) 136 line 23 Barston . read Burston. 3’) 155 note Ballandists ,I Bollandists. 3, 179 ,, Tybrad ,, Tybrud. Galfridii Galfridi. 3.9 ,Y ,, ,) 20 line “I >3 brethern JP brethren. 3, 30 !> O’Renahan 2, O’Renehan. patristic. >?,, 18; ss 4 3, patriotic !‘, Lymon Symon. ,, 3, ,, 24 3, ,, Frances. ,9 192 ,9 6 ,, Francis ,, ,, ,, ,s 15 >9 2, 2, 143X 1232. 3s 203 ,S 3 ,, ss ss 204 >s 27 ,, 1533 3, I433a 30th 36th. ,, 206 ,, 12 ss s, ,s 207 39 30’ 3, 1895 ,P 1635. 1603. 9’ ,, s, 31 12 1663 9, Foy. 2, 211 ,, I 5s FRY ,, Just&. 7, 219 ,321 _ ,> Justa YS 9) 233 ,) 12 insert “ reading” after “ latter.” ,, 266 ,, 29 for pliable read friable. ,, .268 ,, 3 ,> AY 9, BY. 19 ,, ,, 2, ,9 Biggar 1s Bigger. ,s ,9 s, I3 ,, 45 1-283 ss 451-453. ,3 287 ,, I ,, Wilts 02 Somerset. YY 3, ss I3 29 (Wiconium) ss (Uriconium). INDEX OF THE WATERFORD AND SOUTH-EAST OF IRELAND INDEX. A Be&et& Church of St, Thomas, 51, 62 ABBEYS- Holy Cross, II, 79, 86, 89 ; Lismore, 12, 223 ; St. Catherine’s, 31, 60, 207 ; Dunbrody, 67-82, 86, 137 ; Bilclewas, 68, 69, 73 ; St. Mary’s, Dublin, 68, 69, 73, 74 : TJntern, 69, 74 ; InnislounaFht, 71, S5-93 ; Bective and Granarcl, - 73 ; Citeaux, 87 ; Kilcooly, 90 ; Melhfont, 74, 86, 87, 88, 89 ; Trecton, 75 ; Boyle, 81 ; ,Cavigny, 6g ; Innisdmhl, 86 ; Fermoy, 87 ; St. Francis, Youghal, 263 ; Assaroe, g7 ; Furness, 87, 88 ; Bewley [Beaulieu], 150, 154, 155, ’ Adair, Xshop of Waterford, 192 Adamstown, 257 Adanls, Professor Leilh, 192, 193 Affane [variously written Aghinean, Arthmian, Athmedhoin], 123, 161 Affane, Battle of, 120-132 : I@-154 Aglish, Curious Inscription at, 236 Ahena, The Celtic crosses of, 284 Aherlow, The Glen of, 178 Ailbe, St., 222 . Alan, a Lay Brother of Bildewas Abbey, g4 Allen, the Chancellor, 90 “ An-Sgeuluidhe Gaedhalach,” by Douglas Hyde, 282 Alcock, Henry, 22 JJ Captain Willian~ Congreve, 94 Frances, I 92 Alli,igham, J., junr., 97 Hugh, 98, 225 ” Ailient Ireland,” by Philip F. Barron, 187 Ancient Coat of Arms of Waterford, 27, 30 “ Ancient Scottish Melodies,” by Dauney, 102 “Ancient Ruined Churches of Co. Waterford,” by Ikv. I’. Power, 133-141, 162-172, Z$j’-253 Anderson, Mr. [British Museum], 46 Annals of the Four Masters, 12, 98, 223 Anglo-Norman Walls of Waterford, 53-55 Annestown, 36 Anseltn, St., consecrates Malchus, Bishop of Waterford; 197 Anthony, Lieutenant Joseph, 94 Antiquarian Societies, 17, 18, 46, 283, 284 Antiquaries, Royal Society of, 133, 225, 228, 232, 250, 279, 283 “ Antiquary,” Scottish, 189 Antiquities, Src., of West Waterford, 119-132, 147-161, 254-264 Arm, ArchEology of, 280 Arm, Excursion to the I$and of, 283 (‘ Archm&x$cal and Literary Miscellania,” 183-185, 225-230, 27g-28+ Archeology, its nature and scope, 10-16 Cc ArchEology’, Ulster Journal of,” 183, 225, 279, 2So Cork 45, 183, 185, 225, 279 Archdilogical Association, British, 184 Archbishop Miln Magrath’s Papers,. 95 Archdall, 80, 81, 88, 93, 115, 154, 262 iv INDEX Archives, Burgundian, 13, 203, 281 ‘, of the Propaganda, 280 3, of the City of Waterford, 240 ,, at Simancas, 13 Franciscan [Dublin], 179, 180, 203 Arc&ore, City of, 41 2) Bisl,op of, 41, 43 Crannoge, 19%201 Ard&rusha, Derivation of, 234 Argyll, Ancient See of, 223 Ariminium, Council of, 222 Arles, Council of, 222 Arnold, Sir Nicholas, Lorcl Justice in 1564, 147 Armada, The Spanish, Article on, by Hugh Allingham, 225 Wreck of the Spanish, 227, 22% Arrin, Earl of, Igo Artramont, 273 Arthurstown, Mr. Gordon of, 81 Arundel Castle, 50 ?, ;ye;tesy, 59, 64 Asl:laton, :121 ’ Assize of Bread at Waterford in 1485, 243 Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, 83, 84 Assogue [Irish weasel], 227 Astor Library, New York, 65 Athen~um, The [Ogham inscription], 184 AZ%-Z-da-Zaarg, Derivation of, r46 . Athassil, Sir John of, 159, 255 Monastery of, 74 Atk&, 8, 20-38, 49-65 Atkinson, Professor, 176, 180, 234 Aughrim, Requiem Mass at, 284 Augustine Monks, 60 huguitinian Canons at Athassil, 14 Friaries-Cahir, 265 ; Waterforcl, 210 Avon,&ore, 157, 248. [Note] Axes, Stone Mould for casting Bronze, 284, 285 ,4ylward, John [Ormond’s steward], g2 ,, Mary, wife of John, g2 9, Sir Richard, 136, 139 ,’ Paul, II8 Bag and Bun, Battle of, 23 Bagge, Family of, 254 Bailey [Bailiff, Bayley, or Bagley], James, 58, 205 Bailey’s Lane, 61 Bayley, David, 206 29 Myles, 214 Bailey’s, New Street, 205 Ballemynarcle, I $3 Ballinaclough, near Tramore, 226 Ballinatray, 258 ‘Ballintaylor, 161, 167, 254, 256, 257, 258, 260 Ballybricken, 26, 33 Bull-baiting at, 96 Ballyc&elan, Co. Waterford, I 17 Ballycasheen, 2g Ballycoreen, Ballygow, and Battlestown, 77 INDEX V Ballydine, rgo ’ Ballyclrislane, r36 Ballyduff Castle, Co. Waterford, IZO Ballydoman, Ballymnder, and Ballynroy, 7g Ballygarron, 257 Ballygeillaghan, I 47 Ballygray [near Killenaule], I86 Ballygrewley, Co. Waterford, 148 Ballyguiry, 254 Ballygunner, 137, 16; .' Ballyhack, formerly belonging to Dunbrody Abbey, 79 Church of St. James at, So Ball&ale, Co. Kilkenny,, 232 Ballyhane, Electoral Dlvlsion of, 154 Ballyhennie, Gerald Fitzgerald of, 159 Ballyknock, 26 Ballylaneen; I 87, 247 Ballylegat, 164 Ballylemon [Ballylouyne], 148, 357 Ballylesson [near BelfastJ. 268, 254, 257 Ballymacdane, Battle of, 27 Ballyvadre, Ballygown, Baylestown, and BoderamsbLIsse, 78 Ballymackill [Ballinakill], 38, I 18, 137, 240 Ballymagir, Co. Wexfurd, 79, 157 “ Ballymena, Memoirs of ‘98 in,” 279 Ballymalnly [Ballymullala], Ballykennetly, Balliachin, B.tllyLlonzn, .Bp~llynoennch, Balimithyan, 157~ Ballymoris, I 17 Ballymote, Book of, 184 Ballynacourty, Co.

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