Index to Volume XXIII Author Index ABBOTT, AGATIN T., and STEVEN W. POTTRATZ: GUPTA, SAMTA, and G. W. GILLETT: Marine pothole erosion, Oahu, Hawaii, 276-290 Observations on Hawaiian species of WikJtl'oemia (Angiospermae: Thymelaeaceae), 83-88 BIGELOW, GORDON E.: Distribution and characteristics of dikes in the HAAS, GLENN E.: southeast part of the Koolau Range, Oahu, Quantitative relationships between fleas and rodents 496-506 in a Hawaiian cane field, 70-82 CHEN, LO-CHAI: HADERLIE, EUGENE c.: Jee Taylor and Chen Jee Smith and Haderlie COHEN, DANIEL M., and WILLIAM P. DAVIS: HARDY, JOHN T., and SHEILA A. HARDY: Vertical orientation in a new gobioid fish from Ecology of Tl'idacna in Palau, 467-472 New Britain, 317-324 HARDY, SHEILA A.: DAVIS, WILLIAM P.: Jee Hardy and Hardy Jee Cohen and Davis HOBSON, EDMUND S.: DAWSON, ]. W., and B. V. SNEDDON: Comments on certain recent generalizations re­ The New Zealand rain forest: a comparison with garding cleaning symbiosis in fishes, 35-39 tropical rain forest, 131-147 HOLTON, ARTHUR ALLEN: DEAN, ].: Feeding behavior of a vertically migrating lantern­ Jee Lewis, Dean, and Gilfillan fish, 325-331 DI SALVO, LOUIS H.: HOPKINS, THOMAS S.: On the existence of a coral reef regenerative sedi­ Jee Scanland and Hopkins ment, 129 HUNTER, CHARLES ].: DIX, TREVOR G.: Confirmation of symbiotic relationship between Aggregating in the echinoid EvechinuJ chlofoticUJ, liparid fishes (CareproctuJ spp.) and male king 123-124 crab (ParalithodeJ camtJehatica) , 546-547 Association between the echinoid EvechinuJ chlo­ l'oticUJ (Val.) and the clingfish Dellichthys IKAWA, HARUYOSHI: mOl'elandi Briggs, 332-336 Jee Sherman, Ikawa, and Matsusaka JACKSON, WILLIAM B.: DUCE, ROBERT A., YUK-BoN SETO, and JARVIS 1. Survival of rats at Eniwetok Atoll, 265-275 MOYERS: Variation of sodium and chloride concentrations JOHNSON, VICTOR R., JR.: with rainfall intensity in Hawaiian trade wind Behavior associated with pair formation in the showers, 483-495 banded shrimp StenopuJ hiJPiduJ (Olivier), 40-50 GILFILLAN, E.: Jee Lewis, Dean, and Gilfillan KAMEMOTO, FRED I.: Jee Kamemoto and Kato GILLETT, GEORGE W.: Jee also Ono and Kamemoto The nomenclatural and taxonomic status of the Hawaiian shrub Scaevola gaudichaudii H. & A., KAMEMOTO, FRED 1., and KENNETH N. KATO: 125-128 The osmotic and chloride regulative capacities of Jee also Gupta and Gillett five Hawaiian decapod crustaceans, 232-237 GRAY, JOHN S.: KATO, KENNETH N.: A new species of SaCCOci''1'UJ (Archiannelida) from Jee Kamemoto and Kato the west coast of North America, 238-251 KATSURA, TAKASHI: Jee Walker, Sherman, and Katsura GROSS, M. GRANT, JOHN D. MILLIMAN, JOSHUA 1. TRACEY, JR., and HARRY S. LADD: KAY, E. ALISON, and DAVID K. YOUNG: Marine geology of Kure and Midway atolls, Ha­ The Doridacea (Opisthobranchia; Mollusca) of the waii: a preliminary report, 17-25 Hawaiian Islands, 172-231 549 550 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XXIII, October 1969 KENDALL, JAMES I.: POTTRATZ, STEVEN W.: see Tester and Kendall see Abbott and Pottratz KENNY, RON: Ross, ARNOLD, and WILLIAM A. NEWMAN: Growth and asexual reproduction of the starfish A coral-eating barnacle, 252-256 Nepmlthia belcheri (Perrier), 51-55 RUCKER, JAMES B.: LADD, HARRY S.: see Long and Rucker see Gross et al. ST. JOHN, HAROLD: LEWIS, A. G., J. DEAN, and E. GILFILLAN III: Hawaiian plant studies Taxonomy and host associations of some parasitic 30. Hawaiian novelties in the genus Solanum copepods (Crustacea) from pelagic teleost fishes, (Solanaceae), 350-354 414-437 34. Monograph of the Hawaiian species of Gouania (Rhamnaceae), 507-543 LING, JOHN K.: Revision of the genus Pandanus Stickman A review of ecological factors affecting the annual Part 33. Further accounts of Australian species, cycle in island populations of seals, 399-413 and a key to the section Micmstigma, 89-114 LOGANATHAN, P., and 1. D. SWINDALE: Part 34. Four species from the Philippines, 355­ The properties and genesis of four middle altitude 366 Dystrandept volcanic ash soils from Mauna Kea, SAITO, YUZURU: Hawaii, 161-171 The algal genus Laurencia from the Hawaiian LONG, EDWARD R., and JAMES B. RUCKER: Islands, the Philippine Islands and adjacent A comparative study of cheilostome Bryozoa at areas, 148-160 Yokosuka, Maizuru, and Sasebo, Japan, 56-69 SCANLAND, THOMAS B., and THOMAS S. HOPKINS: MCGINTY, MAXINE: A new species of hermit crab, Pylopagu1"Us diegen­ Batillipes gilmartini, a new marine tardigrade from sis (Decapoda: Anomura), with a key for the a California beach, 394-396 genus in the eastern Pacific, 257-260 MAKINEN, YR]O: SETO, YUK-BoN: Ustilaginales of Hawaii, 344-349 see Duce, Seto, and Moyers MALONE, THOMAS c.: SHAPEERO, WILLIAM: Primary productivity in a Hawaiian fishpond and A positive chitosan test for spicules in the an­ its relationship to selected environmental factors, thozoan order, Pennatulacea, 261-263 26-34 SHERMAN, G. DONALD: MATSUSAKA, YOSHITO: see Sherman, Ikawa, and Matsusaka see Sherman, Ikawa, and Matsusaka see a/so Walker, Sherman, and Katsura SHERMAN, G. DONALD, HARUYOSHI IKAWA, and MILLIMAN, JOHN D.: YOSHITO MATSUSAKA: see Gross et al. Aluminous-ferruginous oxide mineral nodules in MOYERS, JARVIS 1.: tropical soils, 115-122 see Duce, Seto, and Moyers SMITH, ALBERT c.: Studies of Pacific island plants MULLIN, MICHAEL M.: XX. Notes on some Fijian species of Readea Distribution, morphometry, and seasonal biology and Psychotria (Rubiaceae), 367-382 of the planktonic copepods, Calanus tenuicomis XXI. New and noteworthy flowering plants and C. lighti, in the Pacific Ocean, 438-446 from Fiji, 383-393 NEWMAN, WILLIAM A.: SMITH, STEPHEN Y., and EUGENE C. HADER LIE : see Ross and Newman Growth and longevity of some calcareous fouling NISHIMOTO, JIRo: organisms, Monterey Bay, California, 447-451 Two sea urchins found inside the air bladder of SNEDDON, B. Y.: the bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana), 397-398 see Dawson and Sneddon ONO, JOYCE K., and FRED I. KAMEMOTO: SWINDALE, 1. D.: Annual and proecdysial variations in urine produc­ see Loganathan and Swindale tion in crayfish, 305-310 TAYLOR, PETER B., and LO-CHAI CHEN: PAINE, ROBERT T.: The predator-prey relationship between the oc­ Growth and size distribution of the brachiopod topus (Octopus bimaculatus) and the Cali­ T e"eb"atalia t"anStlersa Sowerby, 337-343 fornia scorpionfish (Sco"paena guttata), 311-'>16 Index 551 TESTER, ALBERT L., and JAMES I. KENDALL: The iron and titanium minerals in the titaniferous Morphology of the lateralis canal system in the ferruginous latosols of Hawaii, 291-304 shark genus Carcharhinus, 1-16 WEBER, JON N.: THOMAS, CHARLES W.: Origin of concentric banding in the spines of the Paleontological analyses of North Pacific ocean­ tropical echinoid Heteroce1ltrotus, 452-466 bottom cores, 473-482 WHEELER, MARSHALL R.: TRACEY, JOSHUA I., JR.: A note on the genus Dwsophilella Duda (Dip­ see Gross et al. tera; Drosophilidae), 544-545 WALKER, JAMES L., G. DONALD SHERMAN, and YOUNG, DAVID K.: TAKASHI KATSURA: see Kay and Young Subject Index aggregating in an echinoid, 123-124 environmental factors affecting productivity in a annual cycle of seals, 399-413 fishpond, 26-34 Anthozoa, chitin in, 261-263 erosion of marine potholes, 276-290 Evechinus chloroticus, aggregating in, 123-124 banding in spines of Hetel'ocenl1'otus, 452-466 association with clingfish, 332-336 barnacle, coral-eating, 252-256 Batillipes gilmartini, a new tardigrade, 394-396 feeding behavior of a vertically migrating lantern­ behavior associated with pair formation in banded fish, 325-331 shrimp, 40-50 Fiji, new flowering plants from, 383-393 Bryozoa, cheilostome, in Japan, 56-69 some species of Readea and Psychotria (Rubiaceae) from, 367-382 fishpond, Hawaiian, productivity in, 26-34 Calanus lighti, distribution, morphometry, and bi­ fleas and rodents, quantitative relationships between, ology of, 438-446 70-82 Calanus tenuicomis, distribution, morphometry, and flowering plants from Fiji, 383-393 biology of, 438-446 fouling organisms, calcareous, growth and longevity calcareous fouling organisms, growth and longevity of, 447-451 of, 447-451 geology, marine, of Kure and Midway atolls, 17-25 Cal'charhinus, morphology of lateralis canal system in, 1-16 Gouania (Rhamnaceae), Hawaiian species of, 507­ chitin in an anthozoan order, 261-263 543 chitosan test, 261-263 growth of Terebmtalia l1'ansversa, 337-343 chloride regulative capacities of decapod crustaceans, 232-237 Hawaiian Islands, algal genus Laurencia from, 148­ cleaning symbiosis in fishes, 35-39 160 clingfish, association with an echinoid, 332-336 Hawaiian Islands, Doridacea of, 172-231 copepods, parasitic, from teleost fishes, 414-437 Hawaiian species of Gouania, 507-543 planktonic, study of two species of, 438-446 of TVikstroemia, 83-88 coral-eating barnacle, 252-256 Hawaiian trade wind showers, sodium and chloride coral reef, regenerative sediment in, 129 concentrations in, 483-495 crayfish, variations in urine production in, 305-310 Hawaii, new species of Solanum in, 350-354 crustaceans, decapod, osmotic and chloride regulative smut flora of, 344-349 capacities of, 232-237 hermit crab, new species of, 257-260 H ete"ocentrotus, origin of concentric banding in Dellichthys mOl"elandi, association with Evechilzus spines of, 452-466 chlMoticus, 332-336 dikes in the Koolau Range, 496-506 Japan, cheilostome Bryozoa of, 56-69 Doridacea (Opisthobranchia) of Hawaii, 172-231 kelp, sea urchins in air bladder of, 397-398 D1"Osophilella, 544-545 king crab, symbiotic with liparid fishes, 546-547 Dystrandepts from Hawaii, 161-171 Koolau Range,
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