Leslie Andrews Weigand '77 &Craig Weigand Microsoft Corporation Margaret & Daniel Weill Oregon Club of Salem Terry West & Frederick Viscardi Rennie's Landing Continued from previous page Sarah &James Weston Rick Campbell, Creative Ann and Donald White Roberts Supply Company, ~nc. Amy Spencer '48 Lewis and Carol '83 White Suntrust Bank, Mid-Atlantic Foundation Douglas Spencer Gwendolyn & Douglas Whitmore The Oregon Community Foundation Sonja Spitmagel '58 Doris Williams Tiger Mart and Deli Molly & Jonathan Stafford '69 Marian ~ilsdn United Way of Lane County Teri &Tom Stevens Mary '59 &Ramon Wilson, Jr. '59 UO Alumni Association Dorothy '54 &Richard Stewart '54 Evelleen &Marshall Wingard Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Susan &Thomas Stewart '72 June Winter '52 Wilsonville Chevrolet Sheila & Richard Stokes Jr. '63 Patricia & Rodney Wong '62 The Woodard Family Foundation Deborah Duce Straughan &James Straughan Sharon Anderson Wooden '53 & Judith Beard-Strubing & Bob Strubing James Wooden '53 Roberta '64 &Douglas Sweetland '68 Scott Wright '80 Curt Taylor Debra & Michael Yantis '74 Gloria & Thomas Thetford '80 June & Frederic Young '50 For more information about Mary & Harold Thorin Jason Young UO School of Music programs, Steve Thornton Glenn Zander events, and faculty, Patricia '61 &Warren Tibbles '60 Beth &Steve Zerkel Larry Tice '68 Ann & Farahmand Ziari check our web site: SCHOOL of MUSIC 6. DEPARTMENT of DANCE Jeffrey Turay '63 A & G Washburn, Inc. music.uoregon.edu Julianne Stone Underwood & Rex Underwood Astoria Chiropractic Margaret Fast & Bertil Van Boer Jr. '78 Boeing Company Mary '56 &Pierre Van Rysselberghe '56 Chehalis Grocery Outlet Margaret '64 & Lyle Velure '63 ChevronTexaco Cleo & Trygve Vik Delta Fire, Inc. The University of Oregon is an equal Josephine &Peter von Hippel First Church of Christ, Scientist opportunity, affirmative action Brew Voss Galifco Oregon institution committed to cultural Marilyn &Russell Waddle '52 Household Int'l Marjorie Waller '65 Int'l Business Machines Corporation diversity and compliance with the Carol Wannier l Enterprises Americans with Disabilities Act. This Gary Washburn incoln Financial Group Foundation publication will be made available in Betty &Thomas Waud '58 Uercedes-Benz of Eugene accessibleformats upon request. NONPROFIT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ORGANIZATION School of Music US. POSTAGE 0 PAID 1225 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1225 EUGENEOR ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NEWSLETTER for ALUMNI 6. FRIENDS February, 2004 Vol. XVI, No. 1 grams would not be available. Additionally, the ability to revi- 6 talize and expand our current facili- Music Dance ties would not be feasible without Brad Foley, Dean the support of private donors. In this or more than a century the issue of Ledger Lines, we recognize at the University of Oregon FUniversity of Oregon School of those who have made financial and Music has made significant contribu- in-kind contributions during the A beautiful campus environment, a wealth of performance opportunities, tions to the community of Eugene, 2003 calendar year. We thank each the state of Oregon, and our nation one of you for believing in what we and a superb faculty to prepare you for a successful career in teaching, through the efforts of our outstand- do. Thank you for your investment peqforming, conducting, or composing. ing faculty and talented students. in music and dance education at the I'm proud of the many creative and University of Oregon. scholarly efforts by our more than Momentum is building for our 100 faculty and staff in music and capital project. When I arrived in fall dance as well as the talents demon- 2002, $1 million of the $7.6 million strated by our 500-plus majors. needed from private sources had Annually, we serve more than been raised for the $15.2 million 3,000 students from across the cam- building project. I am pleased to an- pus through various course opportu- nounce that thanks to a lot of people, nities. In just the past academic year we have now surpassed the $2.3 mil- alone, music and dance faculty per- lion mark toward our goal. formed and presented in more than I share this information with you 1,000 creative activities all across the to let you know that we are moving Hurwitz, J. Robert Moore, Randy state of Oregon, in 32 states through- forward with this new building cam- Moore, George Recker, Victor Stein- out our nation, and around the world paign, and with private support it is hardt, and Richard Trombley. Their in nearly a dozen international ven- becoming a reality. It has been combined record of service exceeds ues. named by President Frohnmayer as 190 years, during which they have Many of the wonderful things one of the three capital priorities on influenced thousands of lives. They that we are able to do in the School campus in the university-wide will be remembered for their in- of Music are possible only through fundraising campaign. Our Director volvement in untold numbers of the support of alumni and friends. of Development, DeNel Stoltz, has performances, presentations, work- Without these generous people, the more details on our fundraising in shops, clinics, and master classes MUSIC & DANCE DEGREES Scholarships and graduate scholarships to recruit and support her article on page 2. [see story, page 3).To fill the vacated OFFERED AT OREGON: teaching fellowships are talented students, and the funds to A notable transition is taking positions, national searches for their available, based on assist in bringing outstanding guest place within our school following successors are being conducted in B.A., B.S. in Music or Dance application and audition. performers, scholars, and teachers to the retirements last summer of six music education, flute, saxophone B.Mus. in Performance the UO campus to enrich our pro- long-time faculty members: Robert and jazz studies, as well as in col- B.Mus. in Composition laborative pianolchamber music, and B.Mus. in Music Education voicelopera workshop. B.Mus. in Jazz Studies DEAN: Brad Foley B.A., option in Music Theory LEDGERLINES Many other items of interest can be found throughout this issue of B.S., option in Music Technology is the official newsletter of the ASSOCIATE DEANS: Ledger Lines, including the plans for University of Oregon School of Ann Tedards-Graduate Studies M.A., M.S., M.F.A. inDance Robert Hurwitz-Undergraduate Studies the 35" annual Oregon Bach Festival Music and Department of Dance, and M.A. in Music History which are shaping up exceedingly is published twice a year for alumni, DEVELOPMENT STAFF: M.A. in Music Theory well. It promises to be a festival not M.Mus. in Composition faculty, and friends of the school. DeNel Stoltz-School of Music to be missed, and we invite you to M.Mus. in Music Education Your letters, photos, and contribu- Peggy Renkert-Oregon Bach Festival make plans now to attend this M.Mus. in Performance For information, contact: tions are always welcome. Jane Scheidecker-Oregon Bach Festival M.Mus. in Conducting School of Music Admissions summer's festivities. EDITOR: Scott Barkhnrst Please join us on campus for M.Mus. in Intermedia Technology 1225 University of Oregon Address all correspondence to: M.Mus. in Piano Pedagogy some of the many excellent concerts Eugene OR 97403-1225 LEDGER LINES ASSISTANTS: Sugie Hong, Robert M.Mus. in Jazz Studies or programs we sponsor, and best or call: (541) 346-1164 (Music) School of Music Hurwitz, Laura Littlejohn, Carol Rotb 346-3386 (Dance] wishes for 2004! D.M.A., Ph.D. in Music Ed 1225 University of Oregon D.M.A., Ph.D. in Composition Eugene OR 97403-1225 CONTRIBUTORS: George Evano, D.M.A. in Performance or call (541) 346-3761 Robert Kyr, Gregory Mason. Ph.D. in Music History e-mail: [email protected] COVER PHOTO by Cliff Coles. Ph.D. in Music Theory The Oregon Jazz Ensemble enjoy playing piano for many de- Even the title character of Amahl cades after graduating. had a UO connection: Sam Rowan, a Upon graduation, they moved local seventh-grader who sang the back to Portland, where Gilbert even- role beautifully and with great confi- Music Building Campaign tually became president of Industrial dence, is the son of Tama Cuddeback Air Products, Inc. In 1969, it was Rowan [M.Mus. 1990). Reaches $2.3 Million Mark sold to a French company and Gil- The performance, which drew a bert started Schnitzer Investments, a The UO School of Music and the large and appreciative crowd, was by DeNel Stoltz, Director of Development substantial real estate and holding Eugene Symphony have always had led by guest conductor Scott Terrell. company based in Portland. He re- a good working relationship over the The production was staged with the hrough the generous help of student classroom. tired in 1973, and they now split years-indeed, many of the current orchestra on stage [rather than in the T alumni and friends, the lives of "Music and education have al- their time each year between Port- and past performers in the acclaimed pit), the vocal soloists and chamber : the students and faculty of the ways been important to our family. land and Rancho Mirage, California. orchestra have come from the faculty choir in front of the musicians and School of Music are being trans- We are both grateful for the educa- Dean Brad Foley proclaimed, "It and student ranks of the music split to either side, with dancers oc- formed today, and a legacy is being tion that we received at the Univer- is exciting to be moving forward school. cupying the downstage center area. left that will benefit scores of future sity of Oregon, and this gift is a won- with this new building campaign. But the level of collaboration hit Eugene Symphony Music Direc- generations of students, performers derful way to share our love of music With private support from generous a new high in producing a perfor- tor Giancarlo Guerrero said "We and music educators.
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