New Zealand's Veteran and Vintage Motoring Magazine 0 Price 30cents STEEL TUBE U·BENDS A practical way to fabricate CARAVANS, TRAILERS, CANOPY FRAM ES, GATES, GARDEN FURNITURE, EXHAUST PIPES, RACING MANIFOLDS and many other items. 1 Determine tube outside d iameter (0,0.) of article to be made. ~ 2 Ascertain centre line rad ius of bend req uired . This can be done by placing a circular object over the old bend, (if any), and measuring slime as in Illustrat ion A. U Bends are supplied in centre A line diameter measurements as in illustration B. _ . i.e, 8" C/l Diameter U Bend. .: .... , , 8" : ~: elL ~.m :' 3 Cut U Bend to requ ired 'a ngle using straight end where possible, but always cutting to radius centre line point. as l<:._!_') in illustration C . \, - • ~,J) \' -; -- A cardboard Disc cut to inside d iameter with angles and \~" , " " , centre ma rked is very useful to determine position to cut ...p' U Bend. See Illustration D. C Due to slight deformation caused by bending, it may be U!I1 necessary to match ends before welding. ,o· "s. Compound bends may be made by using different dia­ 0 1 laD - meter U Bends, but always cut to Radius centre line. @ D U Bend. in Pads of Five. Ava ilable as follows: Tube Size U BendC/l Diameter Tube Size U Bend C/l Diameter I" 0 .0. 6" 9" 12" 11" 0 .0. 8" - 12"- H" 0.0. 6" 9" 12" It" 0 .0. 8" - 12"- Stocked by I:!" 0 .0. 4"'6" 9" 12" 11" 0 .0. 8" - 12"- • 2" 0 .0 . 10" - 16" 11" 0 .0. 4" 6" 9" 12" 2t" 0.0. 10" - 16" GARAGES It" 0.0. 6" 9" 12" 2t" 0 .0 . - -- 16" and I" Square tube in 90° bends only. AUTOMOTIVE 4" Rad ius 6" Radius 9" Radius WHOLESALERS CO PY RIGHT • "Bead ed Wheels" is published bi-monthly for the Vint age Car Club of N.Z., lnc.. from its edito rial office at p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch, New Zealan d, by Purse, W illis & Aiken , Ltd ., Chris tchurch. Annual Subscripti on $1.50. Indiv idu al Cop ies and Bac k Numbers, 30c , Post Free . Editor: Mr B. M. Idour. Adv ertis ing Rat es ava ilable on request to Adver­ Vo!. XV. N o. 64 June-Jul y, 1970 tising Man ager, p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch . Editorial Vint age Car Club of N.Z. Inc. D ay-t o-day events see m to be going pas t a t a n ever-increasing rat e. T his is true as well in the life of the V.e.e. W e find ourselves with one fu ll year of "Beaded Wheels" in its present form and under its new, sha ll we say. "set up "? Ou r member s say they a re pleased with the inc reased informat ion a nd read ing appearing with our six issues a year, which in mo st pa rt NATIONAL EXECUTIVE is du e to th e effo rts of jus t us, the member s of the V.e.e. of New President: J. M . Sulliva n (So uth Zeala nd, our "Bead ed Wheels" co m mi ttee a nd last but not lea st our Ca nterbury) . E di to r a nd Publisher s. Club Captain: H. D. Kidd (Auck­ Our a im is still fo r improvemen t. One of the m aj or pr oblems is land ) . a dve rtis ing, or the lack of it. Please see wha t you ca n do. lf un able to Cl ub Vice-Captain: A. K . Wr ight help directl y see if yo u ca n p er suade so meone in yo u r town to tak e ( Wa nga n ui ) . so me space in our publica tion . T he o nly o ther answers a re an incr ease in su bsc rip tions or an increase in ci rculat io n. H OIl. Secretary: J. S. P. Palmer (Christchurch) . Copy has been co mi ng to han d very we ll but th ere is not a great surplus . If yo ur co py has been "cut" so mewhat don 't feel too bad as Club Registrar: E.R . L. Ga it, 63 th is has only been don e becau se of space in that issue and is no Hoon Hay Rd. ,Christchurc h, 2. reflection on your wri tings and effo rts . Executive: F . E. G ill (Auckland ) , As th is issue de als with th e ma jor yea rly even t of th e Vint age N. e. Skcvington (Christchurch ) , m ovem ent, the International R all y in Austral ia, a few lines her e wo uld L. B. Southwa rd (W ellington ), R. J. Has ell (Christchu rch ) . be prop er. To us wh o wer e lucky enoug h to be entran ts, it was a glo rious motoring holida y, so me thing which we will a lways rem ember. T he hand of fri endship was ex tende d to us whe re ver we wen t. CLUB OFFICE We were well din ed, shown th e sigh ts of th e country and towns. Phoenix House, the utmost was d on e fo r us a nd the way in whic h our car s we re 82 Hereford Street. Christchurch. co llected before the start a nd sto red was in itse lf quite a feat. Tel ephone 74-003. M a ke no erro r. A s Mr George G ree n stated a t th e final dinner Hours: 12 to 4 p.m. (fourteen hundred peopl e d ining un der one roof, the lar gest suc h fun cti on eve r to be held in Vict oria) th ere we re troubles, but if th ese All clu b co rrespondence, including ca use d us co nce rn then th ey wo uld ha ve bee n of much m or e co nce rn memb ers' changes of address , must be sent to to our hosts. H owever , as in life thes e th ings a re soon forgotten a nd the overa ll result was one whic h we will remember with joy and T HE VI NTAGE CA R CLUB gratitude so lon g as we live. OF NE W ZE ALAND[Ne. Ther efore in 1972 whe n we have our Int ernat ion al R all y we mu st BOX 2546,CH R ISTC HURCH. r.o. return this fri endship, no t only to our Au stralian ne igh bou rs bu t to a ll en tr a nts. This we a ll wil l not only tr y to do but do ex tra we l!. J. M. Sulliva u, Pr esid ent, V.e.C. of N .Z . IN THIS ISSUE Editorial 1 As Others See Us 7 The Racing Rileys Beach Racing's Grand Old Man 29 2 13th Annual Burma Rally ... 8 Time Marches On Letters to the Editor 32 4 Will the "Eights" Come Back? 9 Report from Nationa! Executive 33 Glancing Back in " Bea ded Special Australian Rally Feature 11 Wheels" Branch Notes 33 6 1970 Easter National Rally .......... 27 Classified Advertisements 39 The Racing Rileys By Doug Wood ported by Harry Butcher, and of several owners it was bought driven in competition for him by by Maurice Procter after the war, Some 'interest was displayed in the late George Smith at Hen­ who at that time had the other the two Rileys shown in company nings speedway in March 1931, car in our photograph. Gavin with the Thomas Special in the when George collected the 100 Bain has the chassis of this old photograph which was featured mile Flying Start 1100 c.c. record dirt track special, while the en­ in our last issue. The following at 70.74 m.p.h. It was bought by gine and other Riley parts are notes have been compiled mainly the Dexters, the then Riley deal­ owned by Don Ransley of Christ­ as a result of talks with Ron Roy­ ers in Auckland, and used with church. croft and Arthur Dexter. Before considerable success by Arthur for several years. Meanwhile, the original Brook­ we trace the rather complicated lands chassis and body, less an history of the cars in this country, In an endeavour to get more engine and radiator, were sold to a few notes on the development speed a most attractive offset a Mr Charteris, who fitted a twin ­ of the model will be in order. single-seater body was built. De­ carboengine from a Riley Biarritz Parry Thomas was so impressed velopment over the years enabled Nine and made up a smaller by the possibilities of the 1098 Arthur to collect the 1100 c.c. radiator from the same vehicle . c.c. Riley Nine, that he decided Flying mile record at 92.79 m.p.h. It passed through several hands to produce for himself a racing in 1938 at Muriwai. When dirt to Graham Wells, thence to Gor­ version of it in 1927, shortly after track racing became not only all don Murray in about 1946. He its introduction, and the car was the rage, but practically the only moved to Ruawai, where the car nearly finished when he died . form of motor racing in the has been until Dale Court bought Reid Railton of Thomson and country, Arthur Dexter and Roy­ it recently, bringing it back to Taylors at Brooklands carried on, croft senior built a midget using Auckland for restoration.
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